
Power BI Quotes

There are 159 quotes

"The future of Excel is Power BI. Let's get started."
"We figured out how to actually get this information to display all on the exact same visual area using Power BI."
"We have now successfully loaded all three sheets into Power BI."
"Power BI has grown over these last three years immensely."
"It's really exciting to see where Power BI is going right now."
"DAX stands for Data Analysis Expressions and is the formula language used in Power BI."
"All of these tools taught in one video: sort, filter, flash fill, power query, pivot table, charts, power pivot, and even Power BI."
"Power BI allows anyone to access visually immersive and interactive insights from business data."
"Power BI offers several ways to filter and highlight reports, knowing how to filter data is the key to finding the right information."
"Using buttons in Power BI lets you create reports that behave like apps and thereby create an engaging environment."
"Power Query Editor is a data transformation and preparation tool that allows users to connect to and transform data from a variety of sources."
"Power BI Administration is the management of a Power BI tenant, including the configuration of governance policies, usage monitoring, and provisioning of licenses."
"Now you're seeing a Power BI Report with nice visuals and a breakdown of the revenue opportunities report."
"So all in all, you can customize and design the report however you want using all the tools, effects, colors, visuals available in Power BI until you are satisfied with your design."
"Data set comes with its own storage option which is an in-memory storage, making Power BI so fast."
"Data flow is not just for Power BI, you may not really build a BI application, you may have a data integration solution."
"There's an entire community online of people that are excited about Power BI and learning about Power BI just like you."
"If you're interested in Power BI, be prepared to be wowed."
"My goal is to teach Power BI for someone totally brand new to it."
"Data modeling is the heart of our Power BI dashboards and reports. If your data modeling is not correct, you will get entirely wrong results."
"If you are a Dynamics user and would like to fast track your power bi usage, please visit our website."
"It is always recommended to use the latest version of Power BI."
"Power BI is specifically a tool where if you work-hard and even if you spend around 3-6 months dedicatedly you will be on par with them, you will be updated.. True.."
"Consider subscribing to our YouTube channel for great Excel, Power BI, and finance content."
"Microsoft Call Quality Power BI Connector enables you to build custom reports for call quality."
"We're gonna look at a lot of different examples of different ways that you can set up security in Power BI, and we're looking specifically at more data-level security."
"The Power BI service is about sharing solutions."
"Power BI is expanding its bandwidth to democratize data analytics."
"Power BI is evolving into a unified BI platform."
"Power BI aims to provide self-service, data lake, and AI integration."
"Power BI Service allows sharing and collaboration."
"Understand the history to grasp the evolution of Power BI."
"Democratize data analytics with Power BI."
"Power BI allows you to gather, transform, and visualize your data from various sources, like Excel workbooks or SharePoint."
"So, Power BI is something - honestly, I haven't worked on Power BI on real time basis but then the projects that I made didn't include much data but then YES, SQL queries is easier than Python."
"The Power BI dashboard is easy to use and provides all the information you need in one place."
"Row level security approach gets rid of all of those excel files, replacing it with a single power bi file."
"But the fact that it has Power BI datasets basically opens you up to everything you can connect to in Power BI. It's a beautiful thing."
"You don't even have to have a Power BI account or anything. It's kind of like Power BI. Technically speaking, you can use this tool to create reports freely, no problems, issues whatsoever."
"We're going to start with a super blank Power BI report here which literally has nothing."
"I always like to check the second box which is update or delete relationships when we refresh the data in Power BI."
"For the people who actually take the time to look at power bi, power query ends up being the part that they like the most."
"Azure Synapse and Power BI making data lake house more viable."
"Power BI is a powerful business intelligence and data visualization tool that helps you perform data analysis and draw business insights."
"People analytics powered through Power BI."
"Power BI reports are embedded directly within Business Central and can be context-sensitive as well."
"In Power BI, you get different packages for sales, for CRM, for financials, and they will be available for you out of the box."
"We've partnered with Microsoft to create a free map visual called our GIS maps for Power BI."
"Power BI essentially can do most of the things that I could have in mind related to technical challenges."
"Power BI is particularly developed to work with the cloud instance."
"It's just important to understand that Power BI has come in a lot later, but it's one of the most modern tools at the moment."
"Power BI actually accounts for more than half of all the searches for all the other BI tools."
"Power BI is most likely the right choice for you to start."
"I'll make a blanket statement is if you're trying to claim that you are a Power BI content builder professional, you can't say you don't know how to build Paginated reports."
"What's great about Power BI reports especially when you compare them to Paginated reports, is they give us much better interactive behavior."
"Enter Paginated reports and if you haven't gone down the road of starting to build these especially when we get to the topic of exporting, it's going to be important."
"I've told you to go and learn Paginated reports if you don't know them. How mean can I be?"
"Once again I don't want to dwell on this topic but to really get exporting down you're going to often have to build Paginated reports to meet the requirements that you want."
"Once again obviously if you like this and you don't know paginated reports, time to start learning paginated reports."
"Paginated reports actually have better throughput than Power BI reports."
"What's neat about that is that if your paginated reports are parameterized, we can add slicers on the Power BI report that pass filtering information via parameters to the paginated report."
"If you think this video was useful, please share it in your social media so more people can watch it and use it in their Power BI projects."
"In order to obtain this goal, what we will need to do is, write some DAX code that gets rid of the default behavior of Power BI and replaces it with our own logic."
"The developer that created this was a genius, that just makes it a snap to pop it back into Power BI."
"If you want to have this in Power BI, it's actually quite easy to connect those two worlds."
"Let's take a look at how we can use Python to interact with either Power BI or SQL Server Analysis Services."
"This is what's known as the report view and this is where you would have any kind of a dashboard or a visual."
"One final feature that's worth mentioning is the built-in AI tool within Power BI."
"Currently, 97% of Fortune 500 companies use Power BI."
"Power BI is a data analytics tool with the help of which we analyze our data and create different interactive and attractive visualizations."
"Power BI report is fully interactive for users and can be filtered based on some criteria."
"The main benefit is the integration that it brings to the table between SharePoint, Power Automate, and even Power BI."
"Power BI is the world's leading business intelligence platform."
"Anyone can do this inside of Power BI."
"Power BI datamarts is really about self-service data analytics."
"Use Power BI; it's amazing, it's the best thing ever."
"If you're like most Power BI users, you want to know how to make your reports look better."
"This is a great tool especially for anyone who's new to Power BI."
"What we're going to cover today is how to build new bespoke visualizations in Power BI."
"One of the really great features of Power BI is the ability for when Power BI doesn't already have the type of visual that you want to use, you can go ahead and build your own visual."
"These Power BI visuals are written in a language called TypeScript."
"We don't necessarily have to start from scratch each time when we want to build a visual."
"We are going to build rockets in Power BI."
"We're ready to build our first custom visual."
"We're going to see some amazing visualizations in Power BI."
"Power BI Desktop is a free download and it does too many cool things that Excel can't do not to download and try it."
"What you can do with Power BI is you can click on this kind of table, you can choose 'Export Data', and then you can choose 'Summarize Data' for a live connection."
"If you choose 'Summarize Data', then you have the option for that live connection."
"Once you start programming with the Power BI .NET SDK, you can't get started with anything else until you tackle the problem of how to get access tokens."
"Power BI works very well as a software-as-a-service style application."
"As developers, we really care about the platform as a service or the PaaS capabilities of Power BI."
"You're writing a browser-based application, a user starts using your application, and so you need to talk to the Power BI service API."
"Once we get the access token, we can call into the Power BI service."
"You can create an application and you can start servicing Power BI reports and dashboards to users that have no Microsoft accounts, no Power BI licensing."
"We can embed reports, dashboards, dashboard tiles, new reports, and the Q&A experience."
"It's so tightly integrated that you can actually get started with Power BI directly here in Synapse Studio."
"Let's start. Today, we're going to talk about Power BI for Developers."
"We focused on producing content for data modeling and DAX for Power BI."
"I would really encourage you to have a look at Power BI data flows."
"Power BI is moving to Delta Lake and Parquet as its native storage format."
"Users can create beautiful Power BI reports in seconds without any data duplication."
"The new Power BI project save option, together with the Git integration, will unblock collaboration, source control, and automatic deployment into your Power BI projects."
"Hi, my name is Fernan, and welcome to the Solutions Abroad YouTube channel where we cover tips, tricks, and best practices when working with Power BI."
"The Visio visual is really a cool visual because it allows you to take Visio diagrams that you've designed and embed them into Power BI reports."
"Hello and welcome to the new Power BI dashboard tutorial."
"Power BI is a great data analysis and visualization tool."
"DAX is a query expression language which in Power BI."
"Power Query is a feature within Power BI that helps you collect and transform data."
"Visual Capabilities is the file where we define three important things, data roles and data roles define what fields the users can add into your visual."
"You can embed Visio diagrams in Power BI dashboards, and bring them to life."
"Our goal from this course is to create the first dashboard and not be afraid of the new software."
"My goal in this course is to let you create your first dashboard."
"The first step for you is to think what you want to see from your data."
"We can create visualizations using our data."
"We will learn after importing our data from Excel to Power BI how to create our visuals and how to create our dashboard."
"Now you only have to learn how to create this slicer to choose a specific date for criteria."
"If we clicked here, we can see the data of the electrical works. Electrical works is 5.543 million dollars."
"This is basically how to add filters to your dashboard."
"You will learn how to change the colors, the font, the size, the alignments of the table."
"We will learn a lot of things in the next session, so wait for us."
"We will learn to create a simple, effective, and professional report in Power BI using the charts that we learned to add and using these filters too."
"First of all, you will learn how to get familiar with Power BI."
"Power BI is a visualization tool; it has to have some data at first to create the visuals with it."
"You will create your first dashboard using Power BI to understand the data of your projects."
"Embedding the app within their Power BI report made sense so that they can actually act on data right away."
"If you do change data or persist new data, you have the ability to refresh the actual Power BI visuals as well."
"Did you know that the ALL function is extremely useful whenever we need to compute percentages or ratios in Power BI?"
"Welcome to this wise hour Power BI tutorial."
"Transform your data and clean it up before it's imported."
"Create a data model and relationships between various different tables."
"Work with basic visualizations such as tables, charts, and gauges."
"Edit interactions between visuals and filter reports using slicers."
"Upload a report to the Power BI service and publish that report so that it can be accessed by anyone in the world."
"Things move quite quickly in the world of Power BI."
"Use the Power Query Editor to transform your data."
"The language used to create calculated columns in Power BI is referred to as DAX, or Data Analysis Expressions."
"Power BI does a reasonably good job of detecting which columns should be joined together."
"You can create relationships manually just by clicking and dragging between two columns."
"Now we're on to the exciting part of Power BI, adding all the fancy visuals that display your data in interesting and exciting ways."
"So now guys, this is the time we need to use the created measures and also let's use the right visuals to create an awesome Power BI report."
"Power BI lets you do more than just analyze your data. It actually plays a really important role in the data consolidation process."
"Keep watching Microsoft Mechanics for all the updates across Power BI and more."
"I've been using Power BI pretty much since it came out five years ago."
"You can build your own little cube inside of Power BI. It's pretty awesome."
"If you download Power BI Desktop from the Microsoft Store, it automatically updates for you."
"Any reporting that you do that utilizes dates, you always want to use your day table because it's more dynamic."
"We will focus on Power BI mastery because in Power BI we have a number of challenges that we have to solve."
"You can get very creative and create some sophisticated visualizations in R that would be much easier to do than using one of the native features of Power BI."
"If you want to productionize your data science algorithms and use those algorithms to score data that you've brought into the Power BI data model, you can use SQL Server Machine Learning Services."
"We're gonna be covering an interesting topic today: the specific topic of Power BI."
"Parameters really the design behind them... is the idea of creating a variable that you can pass values into and make things dynamic inside of your solution."
"The idea of templates is that it's going to really compartmentalize everything that's part of your Power BI solution inside the Power BI Desktop at least, except for the data."
"It allows you to connect to all kinds of really interesting data sources, traditional data sources, non-traditional data sources."
"Great success! Our Power BI desktop report is now deployed."