
Autocracy Quotes

There are 109 quotes

"The choice isn't between Democrats and Republicans; it's between democracy and autocracy."
"Morality, decency, human rights - they're irrelevant to autocracy Inc. They're in it for the power and the profits and the unfettered success."
"Governments that use the enormous power of law enforcement to punish their enemies and reward their allies are not constitutional republics. They are autocracies."
"The appetites of an autocrat cannot be appeased; they must be opposed."
"We're in a genuine struggle between autocracies and democracies."
"I think that people should have the freedom to work in workplaces that aren't autocratic too."
"The defining struggle of our time is democracy versus autocracy at home and abroad."
"In the past two years, democracies have become stronger, not weaker; autocracy has grown weaker, not stronger."
"But the reality is more complicated. Elections sometimes represent the greatest threat to an autocrat’s tenure."
"Tyrannies are arbitrary, they are violent, tyrants are arrogant, they do not permit free speech."
"We should have a bright line dividing our political process from those who would overthrow it and install autocracy."
"Nationalism and autocracy, these are losers' philosophies."
"Branding peaceful protesters as terrorists is a tactic commonly used in autocratic societies, not in democracies."
"This is what autocrats do. This is what happens in countries before a collapse. It unnerves me."
"Democracy might be overthrown by autocrats... been part of the nature of democracy."
"The push and pull of autocracy and mob rule."
"An autocratic America is the end of the world."
"Autocrats can take long-term decisions, those of us who live under democracy have generally shorter term thinking."
"Autocracies are far more fragile than they appear and when the tide turns it always turns very quickly."
"We will not let autocrats and would-be emperors dictate the direction of the world."
"What we share right now is a blossoming autocratic threat on the North American continent."
"If you give people freedom to innovate, they will come and challenge all the other components of the autocratic House of Cards."
"Our democracy is going to prevail or autocracy is going to prevail."
"When a regime is autocratic and it gets corrupt, it corrupts everything."
"It's a battle between the utility of democracies in the 21st century and autocracies."
"They do not stand for American value, they do not stand for the Constitution, they stand for autocracy."
"Democracies can and will push back against autocracy."
"Revolutions are for people under actual autocracies. We're not there yet."
"The darkness of autocracy is no match for the flame of liberty."
"Democracies can compete in the 21st century. Autocracies will not succeed if we do what we can do as a democracy."
"The ultimate check on autocracy is in enlightened people."
"There's no Freedom if you're banning books, if you're trying to stop trans people from living, it's like none of this is freedom, this is all autocracy."
"To reinforce the history of lynch mobs, of slides into autocracy, of mob justice, of pogroms..."
"Rise up and stand for what's right, defend our human rights to live as Christians."
"The Republican party is now a pro-autocracy party. They want fascism."
"I never want to see another person becoming president of the United States whose sole goal is to destroy democracy so that they themselves can become the autocrat, the monarch, the dictator, the supreme leader."
"We saved democracy from the jaws of autocracy."
"This 2024 is at the top of the ticket a choice about are we going to continue to have a democracy is your voice is your vote going to continue to matter or are we going to have an autocracy right the it's that's it."
"It's time to choose: democracy or autocracy."
"The defining struggle of our time is autocracy versus democracy. We need to be on the side of democracy."
"This story is just more... the principles of autocracy is a frame for what's going on today."
"One of the Achilles' heels of autocracies is that you don't have people in those systems who speak truth to power or who have the ability to speak truth to power, and I think that is something that we're seeing in Russia."
"What turned Joseph Stalin from an idealistic youth wanting to make his country a better place for the working poor into a murderous autocrat?"
"Charles would now look to govern without Parliament for 11 years, known as the Personal Rule."
"That's not democracy folks, that's the opposite. That's monarchy at work."
"The world has become going to become much darker, not just for the people who are likely to face much more egregious human rights violations from autocrats empowered."
"Democracy will always prevail over autocracy. Freedom will always prevail over oppression."
"If both sides act like autocrats, we guarantee ourselves an autocracy."
"Can't be friends with a guy who wants to be an autocrat."
"The United States is being driven to autocracy or worse."
"Ivan may have been the first crazed autocrat to terrorize Russia. But, he wouldn’t be the last."
"Being an autocracy is not good or bad necessarily, but the institutions surrounding the leadership structure make the difference between success or failure."
"Essential to be a multiparty democracy. Autocrats are told what they want to hear," he explains.
"Another problem is turnover, which is very expensive, followers are more likely to exit a group or an organization when they are working under an autocratic leader."
"He wants to show that autocracy can defeat democracy."
"...the one act that was supposed to precipitate the end of autocracy or to avert autocracy and to turn back the clock to the Republican tradition... has hastened it and destroyed the Republic."
"Populism makes promises that can never be kept. It creates division, scapegoats minorities, and controls or undermines the law itself. That is often the route towards autocracy."
"We were absolutely sure that we would be the spark that would light the fires of rebellion all across the world and see the autocrat tumbled from a self-imposed rule."
"The opacity of autocratic government is a standing invitation to corruption."
"What makes a brutal autocracy is its lack of both moralities."
"The most likely outcome today is slipping into a world autocracy."
"Augustus was the founding father of Roman autocracy."
"In a modern autocracy, its whole self-preservation depends on Civic passivity."
"Democracy and the Free World are on the line against autocracy and tyranny."
"Democracy relies on this system of shared facts or truths, and autocracy or dictatorships rely on this system of shared lies."
"Democracies have become stronger, not weaker; autocracy has grown weaker, not stronger."
"We should not be doing any more shake deals with autocrats."
"How will the map of the world change if they don't beat and push back against these autocratic land grabs?"
"She reigned as an enlightened autocrat; her power was unchecked, but she pursued ideals of reason, tolerance, and progress."
"This need for autocracy led the Terran government to partake in social engineering political projects the scale of which have never been seen before in human history."
"The rise of autocratic systems has made countries that support freedom and democracy alert."
"There is autocracy but no autocrat; it was intolerable for a true monarchist."
"We imagine autocracy as a catastrophe, an end of the world as we know it, but in fact, the world has never ended."
"Standing up for democracy and against autocracy."
"If Charles wanted to rule without parliament, that was fine, but he was going to have to figure out a way to fund his administration without levying any taxes."
"The voice of God orders us to undertake courageously the task of ruling with faith in the strength and rightness of autocratic power."
"The lesson from Libya is absolute autocrats don't end up very well."
"The problem with being an autocrat is that when everyone's unhappy, there's only one person to blame: you."
"The mere will of an agency official or agency itself is permitted to exceed the authority granted by law, the government becomes an autocracy."
"Prince Andrey considered himself to be not just a ruler but an autocrat, an absolute ruler."
"Leaders in autocratic countries don't take notice of the fact that ordinary people do have an opinion in a free world."