
Spirits Quotes

There are 469 quotes

"He thinks he's funny. I think that he's a happy spirit."
"All of these reasons lead this place to have up to 90 spirits in the hotel."
"I love playing with the different spirits and it is fantastic. I really, really like this game."
"Tequila is a type of mezcal but is mezcal that is specifically produced in the state of Jalisco."
"Most spirits don't really have a 'terroir', but mezcal, like a rum agricole, is considered to be very 'terroir-y'."
"Rum is a many-splendored thing; spiced rum is a whole other category of thing altogether."
"Cute, quiet, and it's got wine pairings as well as other spirits."
"The English believed in conscious spirits that inhabit trees."
"The place is teeming with the ghosts of its former residents, with no fewer than 15 spirits lurking in its rooms and hallways."
"We are standing here in the Bobby Macky's. If there are any Spirits or entities that can hear my voice we are calling upon you. We would like to have a conversation and find out why you are still here."
"Locals and tourists alike agree that there is often a bad energy in the air which is often attributed to the angry Spirits seeking revenge for their remains being disturbed many years ago."
"This Sky High Tower is said to be haunted by The Souls of those who fell..."
"Empty except for the spirits of dead family members who some say still walk its Halls."
"It may be that the filmmaker's attempt to bring the dead to light attracted their spirits' attention."
"When one dies, one does not pass into a world of shadows and ghosts who drift aimlessly."
"The people of Gettysburg still feel the spirits of lives lost."
"We welcome any spirits to talk to us, we're not here to harm anybody."
"Bourbon: not just apple, cherry, and honey." - Unique Bourbon Flavors
"This game's cool, dude. I got like a spirit there too. I can't get those spirits, no, not that, not that, I'm being... stop it, stop chopping, let me get this farming bundle."
"Most spirits are full of artificial flavors and sweeteners, but house is only the good stuff."
"Many believe countless Spirits haunt the grounds in the buildings."
"A heavily complex story where a group of friends encountered more spirits and shadow figures than we have seen in ever, a combined decade doing this."
"If you've ever enjoyed a spirit like brandy or whiskey, you need to thank an alchemist."
"Restless spirits tied to relics of the past still roam."
"In the tradition of the day, they believed that at night all the spirits will come back to earth."
"There is such thing as ghosts and spirits that can make you feel things without even realizing what it is causing it."
"Had this lady Winchester actually been building a house to keep evil spirits at bay?"
"Banshees are a type of spirit. The name means something to the tune of 'women from the fairy mound,' though they can hardly be called fairies. They're more like something in between."
"If these spirits have offended, think but this and all is mended."
"These were the (ëalar) spirits who first adhered to him in the days of his splendour, and became most like him in his corruption: their hearts were of fire, but they were cloaked in darkness, and terror went before them; they had whips of flame."
"It is also rumored to be one of the world's most active properties with spirits."
"I'm okay with respecting the spirits and honoring the dead."
"Wormwood is used in spirits like absinthe and vermouth and has sort of psychoactive, poisonous medicinal properties."
"During the ritual, individuals would be possessed with the spirits of the Gods."
"We tend to bracket ghost spirits and poltergeists into one phenomena as if it's part of one thing... my instinctive view is that they're not the same thing at all."
"All these spirits that you have built relationships with really want to help you as you help them."
"Should we be afraid are the spirits that are here?"
"Just recharging the car while we recharge our spirits, can I get an amen?"
"Your spirits are like our own personal song."
"I love the music, man. It's such a lift of spirits."
"Local Legends often describe them as Divine footprints for the work of spirits."
"Another haunting tale is that of the Native American Spirits believed to inhabit Mammoth Cave."
"This room is associated with the spirit of a little girl named Eleanor, who likes to interact with visitors."
"Fear is installed into us tonight. Spirits feed off fear, feed off fear, yeah, bad ones. They feed off of it, and there's definitely some bad spirits in here."
"Hard to beat a bottled in bond whiskey."
"Thank you guys so much for being on this journey with me and keeping me in high spirits even through everything that I had going on."
"Good spirits are always a good thing, you know."
"Gift of discerning of spirits is the ability to see what spirit is operating behind the man in that moment."
"These spirits are dangerous only when they parasitize someone."
"Spirits don't always have your best intentions at heart."
"Now moving over to working with local spirits... start to take a mental note of where those spots are and what they feel like."
"...the brother's Spirits are lifted with the opportunity to cook some red meat on the fire."
"Familiars are non-human spirits and usually, the pact is mutually beneficial."
"Our day starting up pretty great. I got to sleep in three days in a row. That just makes my spirits completely different."
"She seemed in good spirits. She was really excited about it and couldn't wait to go."
"While he may be silly, he’s a character who’s probably used to playing children’s games and thus would catch on quickly - all while keeping good spirits."
"The thought of often malevolent spirits living alongside us that could harm us at any moment, it can be terrifying."
"I will live in the past, the present, and the future. The spirits of all three shall strive within me."
"It seems unnecessarily cruel to me. If it's true, Bit Beasts are sacred spirits, then they deserve to be treated with respect."
"Really any object can be haunted by a strong enough spirit or entity, so leaving Barbie out is just wrong."
"While the school is now gone, it is unknown if the spirits remain."
"Be careful and be safe out here, there's a lot of spirits out here seducing y'all."
"It's getting dark... We're all very cognizant of keeping each other in good spirits and finding the levity and joy any chance we can."
"Some people have heightened gifts of discernment of spirits. They see Angels and Demons with their eyes open."
"Definitive proof of the existence of spirits Among Us may be closer than we think."
"Korra's spirit banished Unalaq and Vaatu, vanquishing them both."
"If you could just let us know through the Spirit Box, is there a bad spirit here?"
"Many visitors and locals believe that the abandoned prison is haunted by the spirits of former inmates who suffered and died there."
"The walls of this historic building are said to house the tortured spirits that were once inmates of the prison where countless hangings took place."
"The site is thought to be haunted by restless spirits tied to both the prison and mine's brutal and often tragic past."
"Ghosts or spirits would tell her built this build this to fighting for my survival on deserted island."
"The spirits of these lost souls haunt the tunnel after dark."
"Dagon, even while being the weakest of the group, is still a special grade curse Spirit."
"Tonight on Unsolved Mysteries: Can the spirits of the Dead return to communicate with the living? Those who've experienced Rosemary Altea's power are convinced they have indeed received messages of love from beyond the grave."
"Now that things were beyond his control, Papa wanted to resolve these spirits as soon as possible."
"The spirits who were trapped in the lands are finally free to go and rest in peace."
"The water Spirits were known under such names as oriad nades liones nads, water Sprites, sea Maids, mermaids, and potamites."
"Whilst airports are places that we associate with transit, it seems some spirits are tethered to these bustling transportation hubs."
"There's also been sightings of a little girl spirit and a beast on the Hyde Park trails."
"Even his own incarnation Avatar Korra, despite her initial intent on closing the portals, decided to keep them open to usher in a new era where humans and spirits could live in harmony."
"Spirits lighting the path for you, trust it."
"Some of the stories that you're going to hear are going to be concerning real ghosts Spirits souls and entities others I believe are no more exciting than pressing the replay button on a video player they're nothing more than a recording."
"Familiars... spirits that help us in our magical practice."
"The old house was full of restless spirits, silent and unseen for many years. Tonight, they intended to be heard."
"...I fully believe in the Paranormal and I've had my fair share of encounters with spirits but there's a specific well entity I guess you would call it that I've seen throughout the past 3 years."
"...but what the heck right I asked my mom if she's ever seen that kind of thing and she said no not at all and so if anyone knows even a little bit about what we keep seeing please do tell me because I'd really like to try and figure out exactly what this thing is."
"Jerome Clark, his nickname was Tom Monday. He doesn't particularly like that name here in the house, so we try to always call him Jerome Clark."
"I see Spirit in everything. That's animism. Animism in general is part of folklore, of traditional witchcraft. It's a working with Spirits."
"Local Ghost Hunter says he was tracking Spirit energy when he found her."
"Dr vegapunk will be the perfect person to explain the nature of these Spirits along with teaching Zorro and the straw hats how to understand and control them."
"It wasn't so far-fetched that a reckless, thrill-seeking adventurer like Kuruk would turn his eye toward spirits."
"Not all spirits know we're here. Some of them are intelligent, some of them are just residual."
"Could there be entities linked to these Gods could there actually be the um spirits that um actually have returned now to America that are affecting us right now?"
"Spirits do hold grudges, there are accounts and reports worldwide of vengeful Spirits."
"Orbs are generally the first manifestations of a spirit entity."
"It's almost like the spirits, you know they're there but they're not really gonna acknowledge your existence. They're just gonna kind of do what they keep doing, you know? And it's, to me, that makes it more eerie."
"Why does it not say that they will receive doctrines of devils from Satan? Why seducing spirits? Seducing spirits bait you."
"...and they wore scary costumes to scare away bad spirits this was the idea..."
"No one has ever really supplied a satisfactory answer to this, but almost all spiritualists and believers in the spirit world agree that most of the Earthbound Spirits have some sort of feeling of unfinished business or a wrong to be righted."
"Jesus taught that demons are disembodied spirits."
"Nevertheless that Lord of Spirits will so press them That they shall hastily go forth from His presence,"
"It's rumored that throughout the parade grounds Confederate Spirits roam still trying to escape from the fort."
"If there is one place that you can certainly guarantee will be haunted by Spirits, it's a battlefield."
"One drink doesn't call in bad spirits, it depends on the intentions."
"There are so many dark stories surrounding this place that many believe it to be haunted by countless spirits of those who met their end within its walls."
"Thank you so much, spirits, for everything you've done. Maybe you're listening to me now and you can hear my voice, and thank you for all that's happened. Take care and hopefully our paths cross."
"Hello, are there any spirits in here?"
"By following America's thirst for fine spirits we'll find an intriguing tale as big and bold as America itself."
"The Bourbon Real Talk philosophy is about bringing people together through brown spirits."
"Indeed, something lurks inside this home. It's not something we would say negative, but a restless spirit who seeks to be heard."
"Calling out to any spirits who might be here or upstairs or downstairs, please make a noise now so we know where you are."
"Why such a diverse group of spirits have chosen to share this home remains a mystery."
"It uplifts your spirits, it makes you feel good, you are not irrelevant just because you're aging."
"This story weaves the haunting concept that the dead could linger, transforming into spirits with the power to harm the living."
"Familiar spirits are always attractive. They never look scary."
"The Edimu, restless spirits denied a proper resting place, embodiments of neglect, capable of bringing affliction and inspiring criminal behavior."
"I love the fall, that turning of the weather and there's sunshine, it lifts my spirits."
"The abilities of plant spirit beasts are so powerful."
"The spirit of our loved ones may linger on, offering guidance and solace."
"RumHaven is here to meet all your spirit needs."
"In my opinion, the construction worker disturbed a burial ground, bringing forth the spirits of different time periods."
"I want to see spirits no matter how scary or cute."
"Clothes should work for you but they should also lift your spirits."
"I've noticed the trend here with a lot of these movies, a lot of these movies have to do with spirits, why is that?"
"It's not the people, it's the spirits operating."
"The spirits had been waiting and they call this place The Possession jail for a reason."
"If your takeaway from this video is that spirits are trick of the mind and therefore cannot have any agency over the real world, I will one last time urge you to check out that video I mentioned."
"There's almost no doubt that these disembodied spirits, or some of them, tend to hang out in places where they were familiar with in early years, or to which they may be attracted by the magnetism of emotional attractions."
"The voidbringers are gone. They had told them the spirits of the stones themselves promised it."
"I think I figured out why New Orleans is filled with spirits. In my interpretation, I think the true spirit of New Orleans really is the music and its people."
"I don't feel like it's a haunted house Vic but I feel like it's definitely a place where spirits sometimes show up."
"The spirits of Bathsheba Ruggles Spooner and her unborn child arise from the grave on the hillside to make pitiful appeal and never without avail."
"Any man may be of good spirits and good temper when he is well dressed."
"Spirits are high at this stage, but that's likely to change."
"Spirits also seem like they're kind of like calming down whatever is attached to these dolls."
"Others have seen full body apparitions of spirits of miners still clutching their lanterns as they make their way through the mine."
"During one paranormal investigation in the mind investigators encountered a small but evil spirit that they named the Tommyknocker it's also said that this mine contains the spirit of a witch that was buried there."
"They also have quite a wide range of spirits lots of them are included and then more premium ones you can pay an additional price for."
"The Necroquake: it saw the spirits of the dead rise in their billions to fall screaming with jealous hatred upon the lands of the living."
"The spirits of these men are said to be the most active spirits on the property later owners saw multiple family members take their own lives on the property and some developed rare diseases the spirits here are quite restless."
"Your loved ones in spirit want you to be at peace."
"...spirits cannot just take over people but also ideas."
"This is my most recent book... about overcoming familiar spirits."
"They're usually considered to be spirits of the forest."
"Certainly, there can be impersonations, but we don't actually find any impersonating spirits in the Bible except one sent by God to King Ahab's prophets to lie and cause King Ahab to go to battle and end up dying as a result."
"Their sweet little love story, they're kind of kindred spirits in a way."
"Wisdom is an understanding of spirits."
"The legends of countless stories and the keepers of the river's spirit."
"Barry Gibb appears to be in remarkably good spirits for someone who recently marked his 74th birthday and celebrated his golden wedding anniversary on the very same day."
"Your bellies they might be full but your spirits and your souls will be completely dry and empty."
"Consulting the dead is mediumship."
"I found in all of the investigations that I've done, or in most of them, that even the most aggressive spirits that are the worst spirits that are harming people, they still want their story to be told."
"Whatever stops we make, so far the weather's beautiful, we're in great spirits, and we're just so happy to be out on the road."
"I'm just nervous that a spirit's going to come to me in the middle of the night."
"Many believe that the spirits of the patients who died in the hospital linger and seek closure for the pain and suffering that they endured."
"Suguru Geto's cursed spirit manipulation."
"Superior Spirits bend the rules. They see us, but we're not there."
"Extreme circumstances can also lead to the formation of spirits, such as tales of unquiet battlefields, ghostly ships, and haunted cities."
"Whites are corpses that have been given life by a dark spirit driven by a craving for the souls of the living. They might appear similar to zombies or skeletons but are distinguishable by the glowing lights in their empty eyes."
"I'm not gonna lie, I kind of get the same way when I start mixing things, like mixing spirits."
"It's said that all the dolls that remain are alive, likely haunted by the spirits of the ones who lost their lives here."
"Many visitors to the property have the sense that the spirits of those killed here still linger."
"Is there a spirit here with me right now that wants to communicate? Can you spike that EMF meter, here, this little meter right there? Can you, can you make that move or can you walk in front of that box and make the music go off?"
"The hair has fallen but the spirits are up."
"But will the restless spirit of David Chase manifest again someday? Until he and his wife find justice."
"I lived here for just about 30 years, never knew that I shared the house with so many spirits until the manor was changed."
"Spirits are never interested in casual relationships with human beings, what they seek is covenants."
"Do you think that Spirits are more willing to make themselves known when they think they aren't being recorded?"
"Do spirits pick up on people's feelings? Was it someone watching over me and giving me a smiley face back?"
"I've always had an open mind when it comes to spirits, ghosts, specters, whatever you want to call them. I'd never personally experienced anything until the night that I'm about to describe."
"Fujimia uplifts her spirits by offering sincere compliments."
"It's just so, so dark...any spirits in here want to make their presence known now would be a good time. Come on, do something, I'm not afraid of you."
"I believe that spirits and ghosts are just a form of energy that we don't yet understand."
"...spirits have no perception of time so they know everything true."
"Would our investigation bring the spirits and phantoms that are said to surround them to life over the coming hours?"
"How can you say spirits don't exist? It makes no sense to me."
"The existence of the spirits is not contingent on your belief in them."
"I always get carried away at playing with gins."
"The whispers in the hallways, the guiding spirit in the library, the haunting pattern of missing teachers—it was as if the school itself was trying to communicate with me."
"The spirits whispered to me, their voices a mixture of sorrow and rage."
"The spirits paused, their forms flickering as if in doubt."
"Spirits don't always appear as they actually are, they're going to show you what they want you to see and tell you what they want you to hear, and the truth is often far more complicated."
"I think this was exactly what I needed to kind of lift my spirits."
"There's a handful of spirits that we know their stories, we have a whole ton that we don't know their stories."
"That's what drinking is all about, well, that's what sharing and bourbon and whiskey and Scotch, no matter what you do, it's all about the sharing and caring and, yeah, you know honestly."
"Most spirits are very benign. They're neutral."
"To any spirits that are here in Back Bay with us, you might recognize us. We've been here before."
"A lot of people say that dogs can see spirits and dogs can see ghosts that us humans can't see."
"Schwan Yu rushed towards all by himself and used The Clash of his two spirits."
"We only want to speak to positive spirits."
"If all the spirits have died out, then maybe that light, like their essence, is still there, scattered throughout the land."
"Spirits can come back to the land of the living."
"The difference between a filtered spirit and an unfiltered spirit... you're not going to be convinced until you put them side by side."
"We don't like to have constraints when it comes to our creativity and our ability to produce beautiful Spirits."
"For then the spirits of the dead that stood in life before thee are again in death around thee."
"The spirits are now okay watching television dramas instead of being attracted to art and stacks of stones."
"I've made the bed all pretty and fancy, and I just feel in really good spirits today."
"But the spirits are gonna try to come up; I'm gonna try to be in a good mood."
"The cemetery is said to be haunted by the spirits of family members and workers who lived and died on plantation grounds."
"The spirits of this place, those who were tortured here, they remained locked up here."