
Consumer Demand Quotes

There are 160 quotes

"Out on the road, the Corolla is exactly what Toyota Hybrid shoppers have been asking for: a no-nonsense hybrid sedan that gets over 50 mpg."
"You weren't only making a bet on consumers wanting games with 3D graphics; you were also making a bet on gaming becoming a lucrative industry."
"The demand for Starbucks coffee by our customers domestically and around the world has never been greater."
"Electric luxury goods can't come soon enough, I think."
"Gender inclusive Barbies because that's what the kids are demanding, of course."
"Millennials are much more savvy about making the most of what they have and demanding that their financial services companies work for them."
"We're seeing tremendous pent up demand and it's a beautiful thing to see."
"I'm glad they finally gave us 128 gigabytes of storage."
"Our food supply chain may be left with too few supplies to attend to consumer demand."
"We're getting to the point where I think the we as the people are starting to demand that these companies take like environmental issues."
"The purpose of a job is to create a product or service someone else wants to buy."
"These releases that are G1s like the Hope cut the Haunt Couture ones and all that gone like minute two minutes boom gone because people want the G1 dolls most people do not like the new ones they think they're ugly."
"I want the cream lipsticks back, I want them back without the fuzzies, without the metal, without the plastic."
"For those companies today who are not producing high volumes of compelling, profitable electric vehicles that consumers are willing to wait three, six, nine plus months to take delivery of, doesn't end well."
"Give me something I can't play anywhere else that I want to play, that's my request Nintendo."
"People are ready for something new, they're ready for next gen."
"Fuel economy is the number one unmet need, no matter how much better we make it, there's a sensational demand for even more fuel economy."
"They want to enable creativity in the industry because it's clear that's what both consumers and developers want."
"This is exactly what people were asking for."
"Final Fantasy 6 released with a huge retail price and still sold bucketloads."
"The grand triumph of persistence in engineering, in marketing, in meeting a demand."
"Cariuma's original sneaker has won celebrity fans racked up wait lists over sixty one thousand people."
"If people like what you make, they will want more."
"The formula that has been going on for the last 10 years is no longer working and people want to see something different."
"If they can't sell the cards at the higher prices they're going to have to lower those prices and that's what we want lower graphics card prices now."
"People want graphics cards, they have never been in more demand than now."
"The Model 3 invasion is happening and the demand is real."
"Ready-to-eat foods are still in high demand."
"Tesla's growth is really just from people wanting more of the stuff that Tesla had last year. That's a very healthy sign for the business."
"I don't want to see them go out of business, but I want to see them change their practices."
"You have to have something that people actually want to pay for."
"Nissan Safety Shield 360 features a lot of standard safety features that people want."
"Ford says that pre-orders for its F1 Lightning electric pickup have exceeded 120,000."
"Give the people what they want. And that is what is happening to Ford's popular F-150 Raptor in 2023."
"Automakers racing to turn out electric vehicles have generated long wait lists."
"Eventually everybody who wants to get Yeezys will get Yeezys."
"Brands are really thinking about what people want in terms of sustainable products."
"The world of standalone is becoming something that people want more and more."
"I want more. I'm unsatisfied and I don't want to just put Disney plus I want it for Disney just the whole thing give me a new story as well stop remaking [ __ ]."
"You're happy cause you're happy. It's lovely."
"Consumers are demanding more performance from their electric vehicles."
"Give the public what they want and they'll come out for it."
"Give me a reason to use these added features."
"People have been really waiting for an ice cream like this."
"People want the premium content...they have Game of Thrones."
"Just release Mario Kart Double Dash from the Gamecube on the eShop for switch."
"Cutting the cable or as we call it, severing the tether, is something everybody's been complaining about, everybody wants to do."
"Make what the fans want and they'll pay for it."
"You want to design the t-shirts or whatever it is that you're selling you want to create designs that you know people are actually going to buy."
"Overall this is an absolute fantastic package, Xiaomi's really done it all we need now is what you're all probably saying in the comments global release Xiaomi we need to petition them almost where is it."
"A healthy crop of new IP topping the bestsellers proves gamers actually want new, unique, inventive experiences."
"His hums, his verses, his vibe just his aura, his aura just kills it"
"I want quality AAA games again... and that's where they need to go if we want quality representation in games."
"Why aren't they coming out with a moderately priced or low-end pickup truck?"
"If these graphics cards get stupidly cheap, people are going to come out from the woodworks and buy them up."
"It should just have a low volume of sales if it's what people didn't want."
"Why can't EA do stuff like this themselves, man?"
"Y'all gotta create the products, man. Give it to them. They're gonna buy it."
"That slaps, why is this not in every McDonald's?"
"If the majority of your audience wants something, give it to them."
"This shoe will absolutely sell out." - Seth Fowler
"Precisely because it doesn't look like you wanna see it is why they want it."
"We need more games like Baldur's Gate not less."
"You guys have not stopped bothering me about this palette seeing of it you guys have not stopped bothering me about seeing a video on this palette."
"The sad part is that we can't build enough for those guys. They want so many of our boats that we have to cap it each year."
"If you build crap that nobody asked for as an automobile manufacturer, well perhaps they won't come."
"They have to get back to creating things that people actually want to see."
"People will get what they want, one way or another."
"They're sold out... turns out people want GameCube on their switch."
"Clothing with pockets it's essential the category needs to exist on every website."
"If you just kept on making Skyrim DLCs, we'd all buy them."
"Lego designers are more motivated to make battle packs now."
"More gamers than ever want Triple-A titles enough that they'll justify buying a new console."
"Why do we not have an HD copy or a re-release of Jet Set Radio HD?"
"You could charge whatever these people are so thirsty for."
"It's almost like our need for pretty things almost created a perfect demand."
"People demanded skill-based matchmaking because they couldn't see much further than 'I want what I want when I want it now.'"
"We're getting back-to-back newer agitator let's get five newer agitators back to back because that's apparently what we're going for here."
"This shoe will be incredibly difficult to get."
"There's a demand for understanding, not just entertainment."
"These off white sneakers are all gonna sell out very quickly."
"There is always a demand for new absurdly priced works of art."
"I think it's cool they got a lot of pre-orders."
"Last November, Tesla unveiled its long-awaited pickup truck... an estimated 550,000 cyber truck reservations now exist."
"I like going fast, I could potentially play the bonus levels, I could play, you know, there's a little post game content, you know, a little two speed post game content potentially if the demand is there, there is a supply that's how FalCorp works."
"If Microsoft wants me on their side they have to promise that the first thing they're gonna do when they get Activision is release the Wolfenstein Activision game on Steam because they took it off steam and it's really good."
"Major automakers are finally getting wise to the fact that people want electric vehicles."
"Having items people want is far more important than having activity on your store every day."
"This is the iPhone we have all been asking Apple to make and we've been waiting years for."
"The modern car buyer just wants more than seats and a steering wheel."
"I love the fact that Thor went out on a limb to create this floor plan because again it's not about what Thor wants or what I want it's about what are the consumers asking for and they've been asking for this and they delivered."
"It just comes with everything and I feel like that's what a lot of people want in their electric bike."
"It's got to be iconic because that's what you and I as customers demand."
"There's been a real appetite for what Bentley are producing."
"There's a desire on the part of the public to have grass-fed meats. We know that they're a lot healthier and they don't have all the antibiotics and toxins in them."
"The people want EDC stuff Phil, you on that?"
"...it has to be something that is profitable and something that consumers actually want to purchase."
"Our goal is to produce that great beef that's super high in premium quality that the consumers are demanding."
"If sephora is gonna carry a brand which they've been carrying rms the whole time, they need to be putting pressure on brands like this to release more than 16 shades and more deep shades than that."
"The more we put our money into these farmers, into these companies that are actually doing right by our health, the more there's going to be a demand for it."
"There's this demand now from a new generation of consumers that businesses need to be a force for good."
"A better way for creating a sustainable agricultural system is starting to come not from the regulatory agencies, not from the top down, but from the bottom up. From the consumers demanding organic food."
"Tech and premium upgrades that buyers want."
"People say, 'How do you get farmers to do this?' You get people to demand it."
"Nike needs to bring the packs back"
"You want it to make sure that it's good that it tastes actually good and it's something that people really want."
"The fitness industry is an industry. It is a market, and it changes often like all markets do because consumers' demands change and consumers become more informed over time."
"With more and more celebrities showing their sparkling rows of pearly whites, it's no surprise that demand for teeth whitening products and services is shooting up."
"The reality is this is what people want, and it's okay, and that's what people have the money to buy, and that's what manufacturers are going to make."
"I think Harley have to keep trying to produce a product that the people with the money want to buy."
"People are really hungry for good product strategy."
"If the fan base is strong enough, it can pull any company together to make a product that people actually want to consume."
"Allocative efficiency is whether what's being produced is satisfying consumer demand."
"The growth in the third quarter was solid and importantly driven by the consumer and private final demand."
"There was so much consumer demand in 2021 that you could literally raise your price much faster than your actual cost for rising and just make out with a ton of extra profit margin."
"These are the cars that people want."
"Healthy options are increasingly in demand."
"Make a game that people really want."
"We're growing way more weed than people need to smoke, so all it takes is the consumer demanding a little bit higher quality product."
"People are clear about what they want and what they want is the Model 3."
"Dairy is experiencing a pronounced economic crisis as a result of overproduction and decreasing consumer demand."
"We want it fast, we want it cheap, we want it good."
"Industry growth is driven in part by new, more strict EPA regulations on certain ions in water as well as consumer demands for more environmentally friendly companies."
"We have a surge of new beekeepers who don't really know what to do, we have imported honey that gets bad media, we have consumer demand for local good."
"Maybe you aren't delivering the product that people want."
"We learn that there are new markets for whatever we do well; there are people out there waiting to buy whatever we can do better."
"We want to make sure we are looking at the data because if people are searching for it, then that means there's demand."
"You demanded it and we are delivering it."
"For once, the phrase 'by public demand' really has some meaning."
"Pen manufacturers are going to make whatever it is that people want and whatever people are willing to buy."
"It's going to resist scratches way better, and that's something a lot of people ask for."
"North American buyers have been asking for this vehicle for some time now."
"In the future, it is expected that Chinese consumers' demand for beef and cow's milk will increase."
"They fly off the shelves when they're available at vendors."
"An increase in income for normal goods leads to an increase in demand."
"Fashion and trends... can change, and demand is hugely going to be affected by fashion and trends."
"If American companies do not satisfy the American consumers' demand for eco-certified products, foreign companies will do so."
"There was a lot more rapid change in what people grew because of what people demanded."
"Our iconic spice mixes and the great demand for convenience have led us to also have simmer sauces."
"It is basically what we were all asking for."
"It's really driven by what people are buying and what people are asking for, and that's really what drives the industry as a whole."
"I think people loved it because it's sold out."
"I feel like brands are cranking out palettes like never before because I think they know that's what people want."
"If we demand better products, then companies rise to the occasion and make better products."