
Prehistoric Life Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"Millions of years ago, Earth looked very different, all the continents were fused into one, teeming with life, both beautiful and terrifying."
"Once upon a time, this vast, silent landmass was covered in forests, and dinosaurs roamed freely."
"Here at the very edge of the earth then existed a prehistoric lost world of flightless Giants and winged predators left alone to grow to immense sizes in perfect equilibrium with each other for millions of years."
"The mega fish has remained largely unchanged since the Jurassic Period some 200 million years ago. Wow!"
"It gives amazing insight into what life was like for humans and mammoths."
"The giant guinea pig wandered the earth 8 million years ago through what is today Venezuela."
"Humans and dinosaurs are not going to be forced to coexist. These creatures were here before us, and if we're not careful, they're gonna be here after."
"The Megalodon was a fearsome hunter that had rows upon rows of razor-sharp teeth, each measuring several inches in length."
"The prehistoric megalodon was the massive great great great grandfather of the sharks that lurk among beaches today."
"Brachiosaurus, the majestic giant of prehistoric times, captured our awe once again."
"Perseverance Rover is searching for signs of prehistoric life."
"The life of a Neanderthal was not an easy one."
"I mean before there was civilization and we were just cavemen right."
"Machimosaurus Rex: the largest ocean-dwelling crocodile ever known to have existed."
"This ancient crocodile possessed a massive head astonishing bite strength and short brutal teeth."
"Dinosaurs were some of the most powerful builds to ever be introduced to the game."
"Ancient cave drawings: A glimpse into prehistoric life."
"Imagine a world with a single vast landmass enveloped in a climate that was uniformly warm, stable, and possibly teeming with vegetation and life."
"Stomatosuchus lived 95 million years ago and it was so powerful and dangerous the dinosaurs were wary of coming anywhere near the water."
"The stethocanthus wasn't at the top of the food chain but certainly wasn't at the bottom."
"The Mesozoic era produced some of the weirdest and most fascinating animals of all time, including the dinosaurs."
"Stumbling upon this giant sloth as it reached for food would’ve undoubtedly been a terrifying sight for the early humans with whom it shared its habitat."
"Mammoths were a species created by and perfectly adapted to the most extraordinary period in Earth's history."
"It's nice to know that even prehistoric animals thought Hawaii was a beautiful place to visit."
"There was a whole world of creatures exploring the planet before dinosaurs."
"According to Discover magazine, this creature lived during the same time as the megalodon and it actually ate other whales that were 20 to 40 feet big."
"A truly gigantic Leviathan that lived 205 million years ago was discovered by scientists in the Swiss Alps."
"Fossil preserves teenage T-Rex's last meal, a juvenile Gorgosaurus revealed it had feasted on small bird species 75 million years ago."
"Everything we've discovered at gold cliff shows that Stone Age life wasn't a cliche of savages living on the verge of starvation."
"More than 83 million years ago, epic amazing creatures roamed the Earth, including the titanosaur."
"The Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Life."
"Researchers believe Neanderthals had lived inside the cave over 40,000 years ago; they wandered out in the daytime to collect snails, then retreated into the safety and cozy darkness of the secret cavern, like the womb of the Earth."
"Tyrannosaurus Rex is easily one of the biggest, beefiest bipedal animals to ever live."
"The mysteries of their lives have been largely undiscovered, until now."
"Megalodon, the most famous prehistoric shark, as well as the most dangerous and aggressive shark of all time."
"Paleophis was a formidable predator that feasted on a variety of ocean prey, including fish, turtles, and surprisingly, even whales."
"Just imagine if we lived in the time of dinosaurs, seeing animals that big roaming around."
"Animals that seem so utterly beyond our comprehension, yet walked the very same Earth that we now stand upon."
"Prehistoric Planet showcases not just the most iconic dinosaurs but the weird and wonderful creatures that lived alongside them."
"...prehistoric planet has done a consistently commendable job at presenting a more balanced perspective of ancient life that closer parallels the animals we see today..."
"...prehistoric planet is easily capable of instilling enough curiosity in a viewer for them to start doing their own research on any species or behaviors that interest them."
"Dunkleosteus was really one of the first examples of a big ocean-going predatory animal, occupying a role sort of similar to what we think of as a great white shark today."
"In the 1800s they realized that hey there was really big animals walking around the planet at one time."
"These were massive animals that ranged all over Europe and Asia."
"I feel like cave people are just like exactly the same as us, just working with less tools."
"Prehistoric Britain was alive, really alive, beautifully alive."
"The mammoth was a remarkable animal, closely resembling today's elephants."
"Anomalocaris fossils have been found in both Canada and the United States and represent the world's first apex predator."
"Tyrannosaurus was a huge apex predator of Cretaceous America."
"Some of these were very famous indeed, a species of Smilodon, the most well-known of saber-toothed cats, inhabited America throughout the Pleistocene."
"The fossil is the first evidence of a terrifying pterosaur that ruled the skies of Antarctica."
"The extinction of woolly mammoths was caused by a massive piece of debris from a supernova crashing into the planet about 13,000 years ago."
"Once in a while, a fossil will be discovered that allows us to view a snapshot into the behavior of a prehistoric animal."
"Let's talk about our fellow human species from the well-known to the obscure and explore the prehistoric life they may have lived."
"There's a book that delves into an alternate future in which technology has advanced to such a degree that the genes of the ancient archosaurs are reawakened in the genome of the living dinosaurs, giving humanity a look into the past."
"It was probably the most dangerous place in the history of planet Earth."
"The strength of life which had survived two snowball Earth periods had changed the planet."
"I sure do love dinosaurs, what magnificent creatures they were."
"The Undisputed apex predator of the early Jurassic North America."
"It is known as the Tyrannosaurus Rex of the deep, a monster that terrorized the ocean for 25 million years."
"The radiodons will always be able to claim the title of the first super predator."
"Everything we know about prehistoric creatures is because of fossils."
"115 million years ago, there was a creature feared above all others, the raptor Dinonicus."
"Carnosaur sinks teeth into brontosaurus left rump, attempts to drag down victim, foot of the carnosaur penetrates deeply into the mud."
"Gigantopithecus ruled the roost in a subtropical forest plentiful in greenery."
"Can you believe there was a point when massive medieval monsters dominated the earth?"
"These publications introduced the world to some of the most bizarre creatures that have ever existed on our planet."
"Have you ever imagined what life was like on Earth millions of years ago?"
"The world was populated by those most remarkable of creatures, the dinosaurs."
"The real most boring day in human history was probably some day sixty thousand years ago when the most exciting thing that could happen was finding a berry on the ground."
"Her story has captivated the world."
"Our arasur form thus opened the door to future arasar and later dinosaurs, crocodiles, and birds."
"The Megalosaurus lived a life of luxury on prehistoric beaches."
"Dinosaurs were around for 200 million years before the asteroid struck."
"The most important thing to know about prehistoric humans is that they were insignificant animals with no more impact on their environment than gorillas, fireflies, or jellyfish."
"It was more bird than dinosaur, covered in feathers and absolutely vicious."
"At one point in time, there were dinosaurs, swampy amphibians like prehistoric frogs, and all kinds of beasts roaming throughout Antarctica."
"This is the awe-inspiring story of the lords of the mammoth steppe."
"The Jurassic Coast of Britain offers an astonishing insight into life on Earth around 200 million years ago."
"What these rocks tell us is that where we're standing now was once a prehistoric tropical lagoon that was teeming with life."
"Birds weren't the only flyers in the Cretaceous; there were also the pterosaurs."
"The idea of prehistoric life was inconceivable; the word dinosaur did not yet exist."
"For the better part of a million years, the mammoths of Arvel enjoyed an easy life without predators."