
Spiritual Acceptance Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"What God has cleansed, you must not call common."
"Thanks for making me brand new. I receive your love, I receive you Holy Spirit. I'm gonna live in you all the days of my life."
"God's salvation, if you want to call it, or light or love, is constantly kind of knocking at the door in our mind, and we can choose to open that and accept that good path of that loving choice."
"The Lord Jesus Christ can be received. Your sins forgiven."
"Just surrender to really be accepting of all of these energies and miracles or um blessings that Divine is giving you or that the universe is giving you."
"Despite my continued failures, God sees me as perfect and spotless because of Jesus."
"I finally said yes to God, I know that this is you."
"Let's stop trying to make everything make sense to the unbeliever. It's a miracle; receive it or you don't."
"You need to reach out and accept it from God."
"Accepting the Holy Spirit is the ultimate upgrade."
"You're not rejected; you just need to know God as your father and know that you're fully accepted."
"All you have to do is say, 'Lord Jesus, forgive me of my sins, I want to receive you as Savior and Lord of my life.'"
"God forgave me because he saw the blood of his son and now he's accepted me not just as a son but as an heir."
"Trusting God means accepting that His ways are higher, His plans more intricate."
"If it's meant for us to be together or if it's meant for he and Angela to be together, I'll be satisfied with that if it's in your will, Lord."
"We must come to Jesus Christ just as we are, sinful, poor, weak, unworthy, faulty sinners."
"May we be amongst those whose Ramadan is accepted."
"Just receive the salvation of the Lord, just receive deliverance."
"As long as Allah accepts my intention, I'm successful."
"Let's not let what we don't understand keep us from believing and receiving."
"Even if the people of this Earth shall reject you, the people of the Jinn shall accept you. You will have an audience that will believe in you. Don't give up hope."
"I receive Jesus into my heart... my savior, my Lord, and my king."
"You can plan, but Allah is the best of planners. It's all in God's hands. We're cool either way."
"He sees you, he knows you, he's coming to you. Open your hearts, receive the promise."
"Know that the subjective or deeper self within you will accept your request and bring it to pass."
"Christianity says your identity is received, not achieved."
"How do you become sons of God? 'But as many as received him...'"
"Salvation comes by looking up in the face of Jesus and saying, 'I accept you.'"
"You don't clean up your life first; you just come to Him as you are."
"I had to continuously learn to accept God's will not as I wish it to be, but as it actually was at the moment."
"His ways are not our ways, we'll never understand it."
"God told me to tell every person watching today is the day that you accept your kingdom calling."
"After you've investigated, after you've tested the claim of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, after you do that and you conclude that he must be telling the truth and is indeed a messenger of God, would you then accept it?"
"Jesus never stops insisting that God really, really loves us exactly as we are."
"Everything is happening according to God's will."
"God's mercy is extended to those who want it, regardless of their past."
"What if rejection is completely cut off when you find out that you've been accepted in the beloved?"
"Everything is happening for your highest good, and you've done nothing wrong."
"Healing does not come from anyone else. You must accept guidance from within."
"The will of God is good... it is acceptable... it is perfect."
"God is love, and it's not unloving for him to just give you what you wanted all along."
"You did not receive the spirit of religious duty, leading you back into the fear of never being good enough, but you have received the spirit of full acceptance."
"Behold, today is the accepted time; behold, today is the time for salvation."
"God just loves you so much that you can come as you are, but He loves you too much to leave you that way."
"Her lord accepted her with a beautiful acceptance."
"Jesus sees me as I am, Jesus loves me as I am, Jesus calls me as I am."
"I believe you rose from the dead."
"It is by God's merciful grace that we are able to accept Almighty God and be lifted up before the throne."