
Conductivity Quotes

There are 146 quotes

"Ionic compounds, they're good conductors in molten or aqueous state."
"Silver has the highest conductivity and lowest resistivity, making it indispensable in anything related to mobility, from electric vehicles to smartphones."
"So a greater charge separation isn't allowed, but in this case, what happens if you take these two different metal wires, and join the two ends together?"
"The mix of gallium and indium makes for a thermal conductivity of 73 watts per meter Kelvin, outclassing traditional pastes significantly."
"So charges inside the conductor always move automatically in such a way that they kill the electric field inside."
"Not only is graphene insanely good at conducting both heat and electricity, it’s also insanely strong — with a tensile strength four times that of steel!"
"It's actually the most conductive material currently in existence."
"This is now an extremely strong connection with excellent conductivity and this will last for ages."
"The whole point of these methods is to get the best conductivity."
"A Tesla coil is generally a pretty bad transformer and its badness that makes it great."
"If you put water on your skin it will change how well your skin conducts electricity so a function but we would never classify water as a drug."
"He'd found an organic crystal: pentacene, with a conductivity that rivaled silicon."
"The exponential temperature dependence of conductivity is at the heart of what makes semiconductor devices function."
"Semiconductors can transition between conducting and not conducting."
"Semiconductors have a special property: their conductivity can change."
"Printed circuit boards are made of copper, an excellent conductor of heat and also cold."
"Water is the essence of wetness, thus it does conduct electricity."
"So I know people will and have already left comments about replacing your copper bus bars with aluminium bus bars because in general aluminium has about a 39 percent lower conductivity than copper, so it's actually bad to replace copper with aluminium."
"A semiconductor can act as both an insulator and a conductor."
"...giant covalent structures...solid...don't conduct electricity when they're solid or liquid...very strong covalent bonds...high melting points..."
"It's all about neutrality. It's all about keeping these things neutral because if I just build this charge up here, I can't have another zinc atom go in. So the charge has to go somewhere, but that's what that wire is for."
"Superconductors don't have any electrical resistance."
"That's dirt conductive dirt because the humidity is like over a hundred percent out here and there's nothing there."
"Metals are good conductors of electricity."
"Metals are good conductors so they have a high melting point, high boiling point, and they can conduct electricity."
"Wood, rubber, and plastic resist electricity and are bad conductors. Copper, metal, are good conductors of electricity."
"Copper is a really good conductor of not just electricity but heat."
"...Copper being the best conductor of the naturally occurring metals, it's a very good conductor of electricity and heat."
"Soap is extremely conductive. I would not have guessed that in a million years."
"If you really need something that is flexible and electrically conductive, here's your winner."
"You want a material that's highly conductive, has as high a surface area as physically possible, and controlled porosity to allow the ions to move around just the right rate."
"The circuit board has just become conductive. Isn't that cool?"
"Superconducting materials are able to conduct electricity with zero resistance."
"Gold is a fascinating element; it doesn't corrode, it's malleable, and it conducts electricity."
"Aluminium is used for overhead cables because it has low density and it's a good conductor of electricity."
"Copper is an incredibly important metal; it's in all of our electrical wires because it has such good electrical conductivity."
"In electrolysis, it's essential to have ions free to move so they can carry current."
"Why don't they conduct when solid? That's because the ions aren't free to move."
"Metals are good conductors due to their delocalized electrons."
"Metals have high melting and boiling points, they're good conductors of heat and electricity."
"Electricity likes to go through water."
"Charged particles have to be free to move; ionic solids don't conduct electricity because the particles, although they have charges, they're locked in place in a rigid crystal lattice."
"It transports electricity, water, and heat; our bodies can't survive without it."
"Only silver conducts electricity better than copper, but copper is much less costly."
"Silver conducts electricity more effectively, more efficiently than any other metal out there."
"Diamond is an interesting material. It has very high thermal conductivity despite not being metallic."
"Dividing thermal conductivity by the volumetric heat capacity gives us a useful parameter that describes the ability of a material to conduct heat, versus its ability to store it."
"Gold is still important in our day-to-day lives; it's an excellent electrical conductor, it never tarnishes."
"In these edge states, electric currents can flow without any dissipation."
"The charge in a conductor always rearranges itself so that the electric field becomes zero."
"More copper is better for current flow."
"Silver is the best conductor of any metal; it conducts 276% more electricity and 177% more heat than iridium."
"An improved silkworm silk that was 50% stronger than regular silk and when exposed to extreme heat it could conduct electricity."
"Materials with low resistivity means that they're good electrical conductors."
"Silver is a better conductor than copper."
"Metals conduct electricity better at low temperatures rather than at high temperatures."
"Semiconductors are more conductive at high temperatures."
"Metals are shiny, lustrous, conduct heat and electricity, and are malleable and ductile."
"A superconductor is something that is super at conducting."
"Copper is an excellent electrical conductor."
"Metals are equipotentials; they have the same potential everywhere."
"A material that is optically transparent—that means it must have a very large band gap to let the light through, does interact with it, but is electrically conductive."
"The electrolyte is a molten or aqueous solution that conducts electricity."
"Metals are good conductors of heat and electricity... they tend to be hard, they tend to have high melting points."
"Graphite conducts electricity because each carbon atom is only bonded to three others, meaning that there's a free electron to carry the current."
"Graphite is one of those rare nonmetals that actually do conduct electricity."
"The Earth happens to be more magnetically conductive than empty space."
"The cylinder head of an air-cooled engine is generally made of aluminum alloy because aluminum alloy is a good conductor of heat and its lightweight reduces the overall engine weight."
"Pure gold never corrodes but it does make for a pretty good conductor."
"Water won't conduct electricity unless it's got minerals in it."
"The Hall conductivity is also serving as a topological invariant."
"Conductivity is the ability to pass energy along from one particle to another."
"In molten form, the electrostatic force between the ions is overcome, and they can move freely."
"Molten lead to bromide is able to conduct electricity; therefore, the bulb lights up."
"The conductance depends on density of states, density of states around the Fermi energy."
"If you can control the charge density, you can control the conductivity."
"Electrolytes are minerals like sodium and potassium which can conduct electrical impulses in the body."
"If you increase the salinity, your RW will decrease because the water would be more conductive."
"The low resistivity when you have clay is not because of the water; it's because of the conductivity of the clay."
"Metals are shiny, malleable, and ductile solids; they are good conductors of heat and electricity."
"Metals are generally good conductors of electricity because they have many free electrons."
"If I increase the temperature of an insulator, I make it more conducting."
"Magnesium oxide will conduct electricity when molten."
"You know what metal's really good at doing? Conducting electricity."
"In MHD, I have a near perfect conductor, so the electric field just satisfies some sort of Ohm's law."
"Silver is very conductive, in fact the most conductive of metals out there."
"Pure distilled water is a poor conductor, but the ions usually found in ordinary water make it a good conductor."
"We've probably used a copper wire which has a very very low resistance."
"Carbon nanotubes have excellent electrical conductivity, the ability to withstand high operating temperatures, and the highest strength to weight ratio of any known material."
"Thermal conductivity is one of the major properties of our heat conduction."
"Oil is not a good conductor of heat, but heat transfer oil conducts heat a lot better."
"The loss in conductors is so high that the waves reflect instead of going into the metal."
"The type of ion in the solution is important because not all charged molecules conduct electricity equally well."
"Metals are good conductors of heat and electricity because they have delocalized electrons which are free and mobile."
"We will use the material copper, set the thermal conductivity to 401 watts per meter per degree Celsius."
"Silver is actually the most conductive metal, but silver cable would be ridiculously expensive and would never offset the losses."
"Blue diamonds, because of the Boron present in them, are in fact semiconductors of electricity."
"Water has a higher conductivity, meaning that if you have wet clothes on, you are going to increase the heat loss."
"Holes are capable of conducting current just the way electrons are."
"Let's dive into thermoelectric theory by talking about the first transport coefficient: the electrical conductivity."
"This spare electron floats around in between the layers, which means it can conduct electricity."
"Metals can conduct electricity because in a pure metal we have positive atoms in a sea of free delocalized electrons."
"Ohm's law states that current through a conductor is directly proportional to the voltage provided, provided all conditions remain constant."
"Wood is a good thermal insulator and copper is a good thermal conductor."
"Metals are good conductors of heat and electricity; they're also malleable, ductile, lustrous, and tend to lose electrons and become positively charged cations."
"Copper wire conducts electricity in your home because of metallic bonding."
"Oxygen free copper is the best conductor; it's better than the alternative."
"That copper is a better conductor of electricity than gold."
"Ohm's law does not work in a superconductor because Sigma is infinite and Rho is zero."
"Copper has several desirable properties; it has good electrical conductivity and is very ductile."
"Materials that readily accept the flow of electrons or electricity, if you will, are called conductors."
"Silver is the most conductive; it's five percent more conductive than copper."
"Graphite conducts electricity because it has free moving delocalized electrons."
"In solids, the cause of thermal conductivity is attributed to the flow of free electrons and the propagation of lattice vibrational waves."
"Diamonds, graphite, silicon, quartz... exhibit more thermal conductivity than metals but are poor electrical conductors."
"Metals have a sea of delocalized electrons and regular arrangement of positive metal ions."
"Metal can conduct heat and electricity very well."
"Superconductors are materials that conduct electricity perfectly without the usual loss of energy that regular conductors have."
"These are the characteristics of metallic solids: They have high electrical conductivity, they have high thermal conductivity, they shine, and they have ductility."
"Metals are good conductors of electricity because they've got delocalized electrons."
"Graphite conducts electric current."
"What you ought to get is the hydraulic conductivity of 3.8 times 10 to the minus 3 meters per second."
"The ability to support current flow increases with the temperature of the material because as the temperature rises, the resistance drops."
"Pure water does not conduct electricity; it's the minerals or the things that are in water that allow the electricity to flow."
"Metal is a good conductor; it can conduct heat and also electricity very well."
"The electrons inside of a metal are liquid; they really do flow around much like water flowing through pipes."
"You have this sea of mobile electrons that are able to migrate throughout the entire substance."
"For the top and bottom we imagine that is made of a metal which is fully conductive like an electrode."
"This bronze-like solution is highly conductive and weakly paramagnetic, meaning that it's attracted to a magnetic field."
"As temperature increases, the conductivity of a semiconductor increases almost exponentially."
"If we had an infinite amount of gold, we'd have gold wires because gold conducts even better."
"Pure aluminium has very good electrical conductivity; in fact, if you take account of the density of aluminium, then the electrical conductivity is actually twice that of copper."
"Silver is an exceptional conductor, one of the most conductive metals out there in the world."