
Consistent Effort Quotes

There are 127 quotes

"Success is like a quiet daily set of tasks... it's like that quiet walk to the library that empty 24/7 library late at night over and over and over."
"We can all agree if you love someone, you show it all year round, right? Not just on one day a year."
"It's the sustained effort over a long time that counts, not bursts of sustained efforts or all-nighters."
"God really prefers you to do consistent good deeds even if they're small."
"Putting out content consistently puts you in people's eyes and ears."
"Blowing up is like a balloon, it's the thousand breaths that got it to that point."
"Fitness changes when you're trying to accomplish your fitness goals here to make all these little promises to yourself everything you have to eat right sleep right train right you had to do it consistently to make progress."
"Discipline is a muscle, and just like every other muscle in your body, the way you strengthen it is by regularly stressing it."
"I want you to have one game a week just doing a build over and over and over again over and over and over again."
"Success is often about doing the right thing but also doing that thing for a long period of time."
"It's more important to be 70% all year... than 100% for one moment and the rest of the year 20% and destroyed."
"Warnock has been a champion for voting rights, he has been consistently."
"There is something to be said about doing the right thing on a day in, day out basis. All the players are engaged, everyone's bought in, everyone plays their role."
"Regardless if you have a dot or not, you still have to press the trigger properly."
"He's knocking on the door year after year after year."
"Consistency and effort over time overrides optimality."
"Doing a little often is the key to reaping the benefits of movement."
"I don't think there's ever been a moment where they... have allowed even Woody to coast on some version of his personality."
"You don't get in amazing shape in a short amount of time, but you get in amazing shape day after day after day."
"Discipline: Success is the sum of small actions repeated over extended periods of time. People are not consistent, they get distracted by shiny objects, but even small steps, repeated daily, lead to significant progress."
"Success can't escape you when you do the right things every single day."
"Every rep, every set adds up to progress. I'm wired for the gym, an unstoppable force."
"Winning is not a sometime thing, it's an all-time thing. You don't do things right once in a while, you do them right all the time. Winning is a habit, unfortunately, so is losing." - Vince Lombardi
"Consistency is the key. You don't need a thousand motivational videos, what you need is action and self-discipline."
"List every single day, slow and steady. It's not about hitting your goals in a one-week period, you just want to put in a good amount of work each and every day."
"Everything great is never achieved in one moment, it's achieved through the small consistent efforts."
"Don't expect to make thousands of dollars overnight with just one pin. The results take weeks and months of consistent posting."
"Do a little bit of work every day... Goes a very very long way."
"She played the best game at every turn, day after day."
"Consistent effort will lead to results." - Chloe Taylor
"There is no shortcut to a good body, to being athletic, to getting a D1 scholarship. There is no shortcut to any of it, it is hard work."
"It's a card of patience, it's a card of doing consistent work."
"That would be the equivalent of saying, you know what, I feel pretty fit right now, I've been working out three, four days a week so because I'm fit now, I don't need to work out anymore."
"Every man needs reps just like building your body in the gym right it takes reps it takes consistency it takes a decade of training to make yourself a man especially in the eyes of a woman."
"Keep delivering material and consistently improving."
"It takes 66 days to create a positive habit in your life."
"It's about achieving those little things over time and time again."
"Most plans succeed if executed with vigor consistently over time."
"Stick to something... think of it as you're like this little seed this little flower seed and every day you're watering it to grow a little bit more and more."
"Greatness has a lot of small things done well: day after day, workout after workout, obedience day after day."
"Sexy and exciting results come from doing all the boring things."
"A good relationship is just consistently doing the small things over a long period of time."
"All she does is carry on about this or that. That's gonna be my new response to people. It feels like a more intense burn."
"Success is thousands of thousands of good little decisions."
"Every time you put in work you get the same consequences. You get paid, you get rewarded."
"Excellence is not an act, it is a habit. Period."
"It's getting up every day to do it that's the hard part."
"Effort is going to get you there, especially if you work on it every single day."
"80% of success is just showing up. Just being the guy who's there on time does the work."
"Let's just slow and steady wins the race right?"
"You have a plan and you're sticking to it. Action and consistency bring real change."
"Know yourself, know your power, know your understanding... prosperity is yours because now it's also about consistently working towards it."
"Small steps consistently done accomplish huge results."
"Consistent hard work is one of the biggest factors in your language learning success."
"I am so happy you've been so consistent and feeling good."
"Just start with where you are at, even 5-10 minutes. Perfection will come with repeated consistency."
"His physique is very attainable guys if you just stay consistent and stay with these tips."
"Trust that you're being supported on your path; keep showing up and keep trusting."
"If you are working on something patiently and steadily, you're going to see wonderful results in the long run."
"It's all about repetition, making sure you're doing the right things continuously."
"It's good to just like pick one thing and just [ __ ] just [ __ ] everyday, bro."
"To make something real happen, laying a brick every day instead of trying to build a brick wall, just lay a brick every day."
"Winning looks like small and consistent progress."
"Smart work, a little bit every day, makes the difference in the end."
"Trading is all about grinding out profits over a period of time."
"If you write a short story every week, you are bound to have at least a couple good ones."
"21 days builds a habit when you do something every day for 21 days."
"If you stay consistent, you never know which one of these things will go viral."
"Thanks, I've been doing this for six years pretty constantly, at least once a week."
"If you have a certain approach, just consistently execute it, and that'll take care of the numbers at the end of the day."
"Greatness is doing the little things consistently."
"A daily decision to spend a few minutes riding, exercising, or practicing music makes a tremendous difference in a person's life over a period of weeks, months, and years."
"The key with airdrop farming is to be consistent."
"Health is always one of them. I'm always trying to be my healthiest, so that's not really a New Year's resolution for me."
"Once you get to that point, then you're set, then the discipline is already in your brain."
"Small disciplined incremental growth every single day leads to Ultimate Freedom."
"It's all about what you're doing on a regular basis to slowly add pennies to the penny jar."
"Stay consistent sis, results will follow without a shadow of a doubt."
"If we did the things that we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves."
"With effort and consistency, you are without excuse."
"It does take hard work, consistency, planning, and just doing it, not stopping for any reason."
"Love what you do, be consistent, and just keep going."
"I need the effort that he brought in games one and three. I need that on a nightly basis."
"Persist. Success depends on consistency of effort."
"It's easy to get one video to pop off, but do that for the next 10 years."
"Discipline is about taking action every day whether you feel like it or not."
"Expect good news and good results, especially for those who've been consistent."
"And then Diesel brings passion to every single project."
"There's no denying that if you do this method consistently you're going to make some decent money."
"Do it every day... it would suck way more if I stopped."
"Inspiration never promised anything but consistent intentional action often does."
"When you become consistent, you will begin to see consistent results."
"Greatness is about the day in and day out, the punchline when nobody's looking."
"Success is walking from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm."
"You take one day off and what happens? Of course, being from South Dakota, you know you need... you need... you need the attention around this."
"It may look like a small movement, but I promise you, when done consistently and done well, they deliver big results."
"If you do that and you do it consistently, then 30 days from now, 60 days from now, the physical opportunity that you have to do more and harder things is going to expand exponentially."
"I'm going to take it very slow, very steadily, but I'm going to stick to it. That is the most important thing."
"Your best effort is going to look different every day but your best effort is showing up consistently and persevering through any workout through anything life throws at you and you can do it."
"...your best effort is showing up consistently and persevering through any workout through anything life throws at you and you can do it i promise i'm here with you always will be."
"It's awesome to see her out here week in and week out."
"This is the epitome of hard work, like Sim doesn't take weeks off, months off, years off, this is 20 years of consistent training."
"With consistent work, you can make huge changes in a short period of time."
"If you do anything for three to five years and you consistently do it, you're gonna get better."
"You can achieve sustainable success only when you have the discipline to consistently make efforts over a long period of time."
"Doing something small or small consistent effort is astronomically different than no effort at all."
"But if we make a concerted effort to build one day upon another, even if it's just a very small thing... something truly remarkable can happen."
"Over the course of the next two years, I lost a hundred pounds, about a pound a week."
"Studying a little bit every day helps."
"It is consistent effort over time that's the winner, not isolated sessions and how you respond to them."
"Genuine political will and innovative thinking are required to not only identify the solutions but to pursue them diligently and consistently until the desired results are achieved."
"Your sales start to grow as a reflect of your consistent similar input."
"Stride generates a power number in watts that you aim to try and keep roughly constant so you don't go too hard uphill or too easy downhill."
"I don't feel like I ever hit a hockey stick, it's just been a slow daily grind since day one."
"You should be playing every single day from day one through 39."
"Hockey changes as you grow, so you're gonna kind of adjust your game, but the main part stays the same, you have to work hard and try your best."
"You put in daily deposits, man. For real. That's where you want to see the success."
"If you do this consistently for a month, there is no way you're not going to make results, there's no way you're not going to make sales."