
Sanctity Of Life Quotes

There are 142 quotes

"All life is sacred, and we must all protect and love one another."
"The life of every child is sacred and must be protected."
"The human person can't be disposed of for any reason."
"Saving one innocent life is like saving the life of all of humanity, and taking one life is like taking the life of all of humanity."
"All human life is sacred, and we should protect one another."
"We don't have any authority to take others' life due to whatever reasons."
"Each life is sacred, but we also need to fight the vultures preying on the innocent and unsuspecting."
"If you believe life is sacred, then we must live as if all life is sacred."
"My faith commands me to treat Mr. Minton as holy because he is sacred because his life is sacred because you are not to be denied anything that I am entitled to."
"You can't murder someone because that person's made in the image and likeness of God."
"Human life is sacred; you should do everything in your power never to take it."
"You have a life that's a gift ultimately from God and that is why I am strongly opposed to anybody ending your life at any point."
"I stand behind life because I know that every life is a gift from God, life is sacred, life is beautiful." - Pro-life advocate in Poland
"Every child born and unborn is made in the holy image of God."
"We have to reaffirm the innate sacred value of every individual human life."
"The direct attack on innocent life is intrinsically evil and can never be justified."
"Life is sacred, and it's to be treated with dignity and respect."
"Republicans believe that every life is a sacred gift of God."
"We believe in the dignity of work and the sanctity of life. We believe that faith and family, not government bureaucracy, are the true American way."
"Human life is sacred because of its natural investment and its creative investment."
"This issue is dividing America in a way that none other really has, and it's about life, it's about people created in the image of God."
"Life has inherent value regardless of the circumstances of conception, regardless of the location of a particular life, regardless of the gestational age of a particular child."
"One candidate believes that unborn life is sacred."
"Every life is equal, every soul is equal, every blood is sacred."
"Islam condemns the killing of innocent men, women, and children."
"Morality alone will not save this society unless we develop an accountability to our Creator, not merely for moral reasoning, but for the recognition that life at its core is sacred."
"All life is sacred, even the contrast in comparison to something that's even worse than death."
"Every life is precious we are made in the eyes of the Lord we are all equal."
"Life is a precious gift from God and if we don't respect that what do we respect."
"In Islam, if you kill one man, it's like you killed humanity."
"The sanctity of human life is bound up in the fact that man was made in the image of God."
"The monks always taught me that all life is sacred, even the life of the tiniest spider fly caught in its own web."
"Every person is worth protecting, every human life born and unborn is made in the holy image of Almighty God."
"God tells us to defend yourself as well because your family and your life and the life of the innocent people is sacred as well."
"Every human life is a gift to the world, whether born or unborn, young or old, healthy or sick. Every person is made in the holy image of God."
"I will fight to protect the sanctity of every human life."
"If we don't believe that we're made in the image of God then it's going to affect our views, and people won't have problems with assisted suicide or abortion if human life is not sacred."
"I think human lives are precious and they have rights."
"God hates the shedding of innocent blood."
"It's never okay to kill a human. It's never okay to kill a baby. No, it's not."
"All life is sacred, even the life of the tiniest spiderfly caught in its own web."
"It's wrong because these babies are made in the image of God and it's murder that's why it's wrong."
"Every Christian believes and even people who are not Christian who've been brought up in Christian societies that human life is sacred."
"The aim of Islam is to protect the sanctity of life."
"Only 29% of Americans believe human life is sacred."
"...an unborn children are children without exception based on developmental stage physical location or any other ancillary characteristics."
"...theologically based view of the sanctity of Life adopted by the people of Al Alabama encompasses the following: God made every person in His image."
"If you kill one soul, it says if you kill the whole of humanity."
"America does a really good job of appreciating the sanctity of innocent lives."
"Pro-life should be all lives. The life of the unborn child in the womb, the life of the refugee or migrant at the border, the life of the inmate on death row, they're all sacred, they're all inviolable."
"It's always wrong to intentionally take an innocent human life."
"You have to look at human life as sacred, because if you don't, then you will find ways to fudge that data and get rid of these people over here, because they're in the way."
"Nobody has the right to take anyone's life."
"Human life is sacred and should not be taken."
"The most sacred life is that of a child."
"Every life conceived is a life created by God, a life to be protected and raised to His glory."
"All human beings are created in God's image and therefore life is sacred."
"All life is sacred, even Danny DeVito's."
"Nobody has the right to take anybody else's life."
"Whoever destroys a single life is as guilty as though he had destroyed the entire world, and whoever rescues a single life earns as much merit as though he had rescued the entire world."
"Human life and human life alone is sacred."
"Taking a human life is wrong regardless of the circumstances."
"Life of a human being was so sacrosanct that I could never on my own lift up a finger against any human being for ideological reasons."
"Now in the core of my being, I know how sacred life is, and not just human life, all life."
"All life is Holy... you cannot enslave or segregate or diminish someone who Bears the Divine image."
"Whoso shedeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man."
"It is wrong to kill a human not because the human feels pain at the time of killing, not because the human is aware at the time of killing, but because the individual being killed is a human."
"Life is God's most precious gift; no principle, however glorious, may justify the taking of it."
"All human life is precious and deserves protection."
"No one should die for another to live."
"Life is sacred, is valued, it's treasured, and it's protected."
"God has given us life; He's the only one who should take it, not human beings."
"If life isn't sacred, we're in trouble."
"A human being is sacred, the dwelling place for God."
"If anyone killed a man, it's as if he's killed all mankind. No compulsion in religion. That's what Islam teaches."
"The innocent blood is protected, understand this. Even if somebody is under a protection, the blood cannot be spilled without reason."
"We value personal liberty, and one part of personal liberty is that you can't take the life of another person."
"You have to be present to this moment, to wake up into this moment, to realize that life is sacred."
"All human lives matter because all life is sacred."
"Life is the highest value; no sacred book calls for the destruction of people."
"All life is sacred to me. I would pray for anyone who had passed, that they would find peace in the next world."
"Life has sanctity, and we should preserve it, care for it, and accept this lived human experience."
"If you kill one man, it is as if you kill the whole of mankind; and if you save one man, it is as if you saved the whole of mankind."
"Whoever saves one life, it's as if they save the life of whole of humanity."
"Life is precious, so taking away that murderer's life we also believe is a kind of wrong in some way."
"Human life begins at conception and is sacred right to the last moments of natural life."
"None of us has the right to take another person's life."
"Not to murder, that's already in the Ten Commandments."
"You shall not murder, so here God is showing the sanctity of life."
"If you kill an innocent human being, it is as if you killed all of humanity."
"Do not kill the soul which God has forbidden."
"All life is sacred and belongs to God."
"...to kill one is as if you killed all of mankind."
"He expected us to treat life as sacred."
"It calls into conflict two fundamental values: the right to individual autonomy and the sanctity of life."
"If you kill one person, it's as if you've killed all humanity; and if you save a life, it's as if you've saved all humanity."
"By man shall his blood be shed, for in the image of God made He man."
"Whoever kills a single soul... it's as if he's killed all of humanity."
"The Noahide covenant put a priority on people not killing one another... any form of murder was in fact fratricide."
"All life is sacred to me," she said. "I would pray for anyone who had passed, that they would find peace in the next world."
"All life is sacred to me; I use my remedies to help whoever is in need."
"Every life matters, no matter how it was conceived or what genetics it inherits. Life is sacred, and everyone is created equal."
"Human life is sacred because from its beginning it involves the creative action of God."
"Every life is worthy of life, and you have been purchased at a price by our Lord Jesus Christ by His life and His death and His resurrection."
"Life is the most precious thing on this planet, and everything has the right to be alive."
"Thou shalt not kill; death is a prerogative of the Almighty, it's not for us to dispense."
"Life is God's to give, not man's to take."
"This issue isn't just about abortion; this issue is about reviving conviction in the sanctity and inherent worthiness of each individual life."
"All life remains valuable because it has been given by God and everybody has been made in the image of God."
"Every life on this planet matters and is sacred."
"Killing of any sort is wrong because at the end of the day, God created life."
"If you kill one human being... it is as if you kill the whole of mankind."
"Every life is precious, and every animal deserves to live."
"The judgment reveals to the whole universe the importance of every life, the value of every life, the sanctity of every life."
"Do not kill innocent people; do not even kill one person. Killing one innocent human being is like killing the entirety of humanity."
"Whether we're Republican, Democrat, or independent, surely we must all agree that every human life is a sacred gift from God."
"Killing a human being who is innocent once is wrong."
"To kill one person is as if you have killed the whole of mankind."
"Human beings are intrinsically valuable, which is why taking one life is like you taking all of mankind."
"Batman values the sanctity of lives."
"If you take the life of one innocent soul, it's as if you've taken the life of all of humanity."
"Human beings should not take the lives of other human beings."