
Value Of Time Quotes

There are 148 quotes

"Honestly, the most valuable thing we have in life is time, and they take it from us by making us believe that some inanimate objects have value."
"Time is a fleeting, non-renewable resource that you cannot buy more of, no matter how much money you're willing to pay."
"There is one thing that cannot be bought or bought back, and that is time."
"In the world of highly organized individuals, time is treated as a valuable commodity."
"You don't buy things in life with money. Money you buy things in life with the time that it takes you to make that money."
"Bruce Lee said, 'If you value your life, you will value your time,' because time is what makes up your life."
"Talk is cheap but Paul's time is very expensive. It's very cheap even more so."
"It's not about one thing like classic... it was a confluence of motivators that all came together to make somebody feel like they were actually spending their time and not wasting it."
"Truth is truth. If truth is not going to be taught then there's no need to waste of time."
"The beauty that we all have in some capacity is time."
"Time is something that I've been thinking more about as a currency and trying to allocate different times to different things or different amount of times, different amount of time to different things."
"It's up to each of us to make every day count."
"The commodity that I'm worried about wasting now is time, not money."
"The most valuable thing you guys have is your time, and we appreciate that."
"Time is precious and it's something you can't get back."
"Life is a beautiful thing, your time is priceless."
"Your time is an asset that you can't buy. You can't get your time back."
"There's nothing more precious that we have to give to one another than time."
"Time is the most precious of commodities. You ask any billionaire on their deathbed, they're not wishing for more wealth or acquisition."
"Time is our most precious resource. Once it's spent, you can never ever get it back."
"Don't waste another minute of your precious time."
"If you're a mother, you know that your time is limited. Time is a currency."
"The most important thing a person can give you is their time."
"Your time and energy is so precious, it's so important to us."
"Time is probably more valuable than the money aspect."
"Girl game is being able to keep the guy. Your job is to keep the guy."
"The most valuable thing you guys can give me is your time."
"Your time is worth far more than what your bank account states."
"The most expensive thing on this earth is time."
"Time is the most valuable asset you have; once it's gone, it's gone."
"Know your personal hourly rate... and you would ideally charge a little more than that because you want your time to be worth more."
"Your time is valuable, my times, everybody's time is valuable."
"This experience taught me just how valuable your time as a student is."
"Time is your most valuable resource. You can literally never get your time back."
"The gift of time is so much more precious than a $5 coffee gift card."
"The real wealth comes from one of the most valuable assets you'll ever own, and it's an asset called time."
"Life takes a different kind of currency as well, and that is time."
"Earned roughly a quarter an hour of my time for the first eight months of Practical Psychology."
"Let's keep something in mind: this time we have together is important."
"We fight for every second we get to spend with each other, whether it's two minutes or two days." - Riley
"Time is way more valuable than money will ever be to me. Way more."
"Time is the most valuable [expletive] thing."
"Time is way more valuable than money in my opinion. You only have so much of it."
"Time is your greatest asset, so every single second counts, every single minute counts."
"Time is like the most valuable possession, you know? It's like a full-time job, more than a full-time job."
"We don't have anything as valuable as time. Utilize it wisely, especially in Ramadan."
"The most valuable thing you can spend on somebody is time."
"Time is money for me too and it is for everybody out there watching this as people have already said time is time is important your time is part of the investment you put into anything you do."
"Time, time, time is so valuable. Thank you so much."
"Time is an infinitely more valuable currency than money."
"Money was the cheapest commodity I had. It was time that was so critical. Money you can replace, money you can make. It's time that's really precious."
"When you take my money, you've taken my time... if you don't believe that people have free will, then there's not much point in talking about what people do anyway."
"Every single minute I spend here is valuable and precious."
"The biggest issue...is a commodity...and people mine it...the most valuable commodity is time."
"Family time is so much more important to me than money."
"Money can be acquired, time can never be bought back."
"Your time, you can't get that time back. It's gone. You cannot get that time back where a lot of people really undervalue, undermine the importance of time. That is the one thing that you can't get back in this life, bro. Stop wasting that."
"If I've learned anything from the terrible things that have happened the last few years, it's the value of time."
"Every person matters, every day matters, every second matters."
"Time is infinitely more valuable than money."
"Time is not money, time is infinitely more valuable than money."
"Make sure people earn and appreciate your time."
"Telling a story is never a waste of time, is it?"
"Time is money. It's the only thing you can't get back."
"Time is your greatest asset because with time you can make money, gain knowledge, hang out with people you love."
"Anything worth having does not happen fast. Everything good takes time."
"Time is literally the most precious thing on this earth and when somebody wastes your time like that that's when you know I feel disrespected."
"The most valuable gift we have to give someone is our time."
"Time spent with friends is never time wasted."
"The best gifts don't cost money and aren't things but they're just spending quality time with our loved ones."
"One of the best gifts you can give somebody's time. It's time valuable."
"Time is precious, time is a gift from God, and we don't want to waste your time."
"Anything lost could be found again except for time wasted. We are not our past, we are not anything fast don't last. What slow be for show. The slower you go the further you get."
"20 minutes of doing something is worth infinitely more than 20 hours of thinking about something."
"You have a limited amount of time, spend it like it matters."
"Time is the most impressive thing you have."
"What makes life valuable is that it doesn't last forever. Time is luck."
"It did take a while to do, but if you do have time, it's worth it."
"Every day waited is a day wasted."
"Time once lost can never be regained."
"Time is your most precious coin that you possess."
"There's nothing better than stolen time."
"Time is so precious to us right now, it is extremely expensive to be doing or considering doing anything else."
"Every moment is precious, and every viewer is precious."
"Time's the one thing you can't buy back."
"Tomorrow is more precious than yesterday. Yesterday is stale and gone by; tomorrow is anticipatory."
"It's that friendship, really, the time, it's more than anything."
"What makes it precious is that it ends."
"Time is the most limited commodity you have."
"Time is precious, you don't get it back, you could die tomorrow."
"Time was everything. Every second counted just like the person waiting for the bus; each minute mattered."
"All you have is this moment... if you are not present in that moment enjoying that moment, you don't have anything."
"People pay accountants hundreds of thousands of dollars to figure out exactly where their money goes... time is so much more important than money."
"Time is money, and therefore, brother, ain't counting dollars, I'd be homeless in a mountain hollers."
"Time is money, they don't have time to be sitting there playing."
"What you choose does matter; what size matters because time is money."
"Make the most of your time together."
"Imagine yourself at 90 years old... how much would you give to be able to rewind and gain back even one more year of your life in your 50s or 60s?"
"Time is money, but time is also fish."
"Time is money, and some things should go faster than they possibly ever could."
"You are my favorite viewer, and I know the time is very, very valuable."
"Time is pretty stinking valuable."
"Having financial freedom when you're 35... is a lot different than financial freedom at 65 or 70 because time depreciates; your youth depreciates."
"We make every day count because you just don't know what tomorrow will bring."
"Time is never wasted on the back of a horse."
"Time is precious; you never have enough."
"Time is precious, right? We just don't have a lot of it during the day."
"Time is precious, time is fleeting."
"All the time we wait is another life lost, so let's begin."
"I just love children, I have four kids of my own and I feel that their time is so valuable."
"Time is money and these guys should be rewarded for the hard work."
"Money, I can replenish that. Time, I can't get my time back."
"Time is one commodity that you just can't get back."
"It's hard to put a monetary value on time you spend in nature, time you spend on your hobbies, time you spend with your family."
"Every moment is worth crores of rupees, and the time that is spent in Krishna consciousness is profit."
"Make every damn millisecond count."
"Time is money, so they're sharing their life with you."
"I'm absolutely determined to make every moment of every day count."
"A short time in the presence of the friends, the Sufis, is better than a hundred years sincere obedient dedication."
"You never know when it's your last time, so make each day count."
"It's worth it just to take your time."
"It's always worth putting in the effort and sacrificing a bit of time."
"The clock is ticking, don't [__] off your time, you can't replace it."
"Life is finite, not infinite, and time is so precious."
"Your time, it's all your time... that time is worth something."