
Attitude Importance Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"The struggle... it's very simple. The attitude you have when facing struggles and obstacles is what determines whether you will be successful."
"The problem is not your vocabulary, the problem is your attitude, your idea of what good vocabulary looks like."
"If we bring better players in with better attitudes, we will climb that league table."
"Life is all about having the right attitude."
"Attitude is more important than facts, education, money, circumstances, failures, success, appearance, giftedness, or skill."
"Most of it is right here. It's all about your attitude."
"Talent is everywhere, attitude is gold. There's no excuse for a bad attitude."
"The difference between the fulfillment of a promise and only having a partial release is literally the quality of your attitude and approach to the word that God has spoken."
"Confidence is contagious. Swagger is important. Playing with a chip on your shoulder is important."
"Hire for attitude, especially in the beginning, because you're going to go on this kind of really large journey of learning and people are just going to need to adapt constantly."
"Your attitude is more important than your past, education, or financial situation."
"The doughnut's boundaries unleash the potential for humanity to thrive with boundless creativity, participation, belonging and meaning."
"Life is 10 percent what happens to you and 90 percent of how you react to it."
"Life is ten percent of what happens to you and ninety percent of how you react to it."
"Life is like a rigged game, but our attitude determines our experience."
"I've as we said before we missed the old Kanye it's true."
"Attitude has everything to do with outcomes."
"Attitude is everything, guys. It's 100 percent everything."
"It's not what happens, but what you do that changes everything."
"It's the same energy: needing to have a light-hearted energy that's really important."
"Can't control much in life, but your attitude does control your latitude."
"Your attitude towards life is reflected back to you."
"It's just one of those things, I mean you have to have a good attitude about it."
"It's the confidence attitude that makes the difference."
"Life is all about having a good altitude and a good attitude."
"Attitude's everything, literally with everything you do in life, it all just comes down to your attitude."
"I would take somebody with a fantastic attitude with a lesser skill set than somebody with a perfect skill set and a bad attitude."
"Your attitude, that's what they care about... it's not necessarily your technical skills."
"Patience is not the ability to wait, patience is the ability to wait with the right attitude."
"I operate out of attitude of gratitude. That's me."
"The basic stuff has to be good and it starts with the right attitude."
"One of the great crosses that the banking industry has to bear is their own historic greed."
"Are you doing those things with the right attitude?"
"Okay, let's Foster that kind of attitude towards this as opposed to just chiming in with opinions that might feel good to release in that moment but don't really move us forward."
"It's not the adversity, it's how you respond to it."
"The lion is the king of the jungle because of one word: attitude."
"The attitude you have is more important than any problem you're going to face."
"It's the attitude that's the important thing."
"You cannot have a positive life with a negative mindset."
"Attitude is everything at army basic training."
"We hire for attitude, we train for aptitude."
"Ninety-seven and a half percent of the success we achieve in life is a result of attitude."
"Attitude determines practice, practice determines performance, performance determines success."