
Cognitive Processing Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"The eye doesn't tell the brain what it sees, the brain tells the eyes what to look for."
"Culture completely changes the way our brains process information."
"Humans are storytelling animals; we think in stories."
"Closure is the act of 'observing the parts but perceiving the whole.'"
"Pure thought receives, organizes, judges, and applies concepts to the raw data of experience."
"The board is simply a reminder to do the selective filtering, selective attention, and value tagging to your brain."
"Our brain decides which information is new and important."
"When your life flashes in front of you your brain takes a snapshot every microsecond."
"If you centrally process a piece of propaganda meant to be peripherally processed, it doesn't work."
"On each theta wave, you live partially in your immediate past and future."
"Our brains process it, you never want to repeat actions."
"Your brain is constantly trying to make sense out of anything that it sees in front of it."
"You know you're fluent when you speak automatically without translating in your head."
"The less you think, the more effective you are."
"Intelligence is much more than that. It's actually how you're able to process information in your brain depending on the situation that you're in."
"An aware person generalizes but they generalize with the awareness that exceptions and differences exist."
"Many people with dyslexia often think in images as opposed to words, which is attributed to the unique activations in their brain."
"Your first thought is your programming, your second thought is who you are."
"Everything becomes a positive that's just the way his brain works."
"A person's perception of meaning is closely related to their interpretation of symbols and notions."
"The brain doesn't really differentiate between work and non-work."
"I think it's a reasonable thing for people to do to receive interactions with the world and then make assumptions based on them."
"Our perceptions influence how we focus on, process, remember, interpret, understand, synthesize, decide about, and act on reality."
"Did you know that if you mix up all the letters in every word except for the first and the last one, the text would still be very readable?"
"I ask like I already know that there's a solution now allow my consciousness to be able to formulate that solution based on all of the integers that I know so far."
"The language that we use matters a lot because how we say things is how we think things."
"The benefit of having so many thoughts going on in my head at once is that a lot of them will be useful and a lot of them will be good and a lot of them will sound cool."
"Our primary sense of reality is based on light energy; it's all happening up here folks, and here right."
"Changing your mindset and how you process information is one of the most powerful things you can have."
"I just don’t have the speed to process everything deeply."
"For me personally, I can really relate to the depth of processing, although I wouldn't say that my insight is the best when it comes to the long term consequences of things, just probably better than some."
"There's reality and then there's our perceived reality."
"Your reality is based on the information you receive from your five senses."
"Introverted intuition is all about kind of decoding information... it's really good at looking for paths through and finding goals."
"Stimming for autistic adults can help with cognitive processing and integration by organizing thoughts, making connections, and enhancing memory."
"Music training influences speech processing." - Dr. Ani Patel
"Actual output of trying to grab every word and spell it correctly interferes with deep processing or deep thinking."
"Note-taking is a very selective system. You choose what you write and omit a lot of things because your brain will fill in those gaps."
"The brain is phenomenal at the ability to put the puzzle together over a period of time as long as you observe something in your eyes resolve the questions."
"Data visualization is a powerful visual exercise because it takes advantage of our pre-attentive processing."
"When it comes to the morality of everyday life... think fast mostly, but when it comes to the problems of the modern world, you're going to have to think slow."
"Visual spatial thinkers think in images. They learn all at once. They make up their own ways of solving problems, and they have a better relationship to space."
"There are certain points in music and reaction times where it takes your brain a second to process what you're actually hearing and seeing."
"The fusiform face area processes objects as a whole by analyzing spatial relationships as well as the objects themselves."
"It's not trouble paying attention, it's paying attention to too many things at once."
"Our brain computers can process silhouette information extremely quickly."
"We just take tiny little bits of data and update the model we keep in our head."
"The deep processing is going to be the meaningful; this is where we understand and we engage with the material."
"Pre-attentive processing occurs extraordinarily fast in the human brain."
"The brain assesses a piece of new evidence in light of the knowledge that it already stores because on average that is in fact the correct approach."
"Bottom-up processing is focusing on the small stuff, it's building meaning from the small units of sound."
"Top down processing is looking at the bigger picture."
"One of the advantages is that you can create questions which tap into different levels of cognitive processing."
"Our eyes do not come alone; they come with an incredible brain that uses the eyes, interprets what the eyes see."
"There's a symbiotic relationship between perception not being just a blank slate receiving thing on our end."
"Making it easy, I'm not having to translate anything; I'm just showing her things and letting her mind do the work automatically."