
Proactive Mindset Quotes

There are 196 quotes

"If you want it, then go and get it. Don't wait till everything is perfect because it's never gonna be perfect."
"We don't allow anxiety and stress to overpower and incapacitate us; we stand up, collect our wits, tighten our belts, and march forward."
"Circumstances are created, they don't just occur."
"Your genes are not a death sentence; they should be a wake-up call."
"Creativity begins where victimization ends. There is no creativity in victimization; there is only reaction, there is not creation."
"Passion is not a person, place, or thing. Passion is the energy that you feel when you're excited, when you're expanded, when you're learning new things."
"Get your [stuff] together because this is the new reality, and you can make today a better day by focusing on what you can control."
"If you got time to complain about it, you got time to pray about it."
"If you want the future to be good, you must make it so."
"Every minute we waste is one minute too late."
"If we failed to prepare, we should prepare to fail."
"Just start, you don't have to have it all figured out, you don't have to do it perfectly."
"Think about what this means, this mindset, this spirit, this approach, and it moves mountains, it creates miracles."
"You guys aren't focusing on that, you're pouring your energy into okay what do I got to do what do I got to do to be able to show up for me and pull this off on my own."
"You don't need to know everything before you start, you take action."
"Don't just think about what you've lost, but now think about what can you do for someone else."
"Proactivity is the space that we want to operate from, reactivity is opportunity that is being presented in the outer world to change the programming within our subconscious mind."
"Now, you've gotta roll your sleeves up and you've got to say, right, because in every business where this happens comes opportunity."
"Don’t waste time hoping for something to happen. Do your work and then put it out in the world and let the world take care of it."
"If you're off of work now is your opportunity to get ready to take advantage of the opportunities that come next."
"The only thing that you need to take away from this video is what you're either growing, you're either on the attack, or you're on the defense."
"The minute you were born it got risky. If you think trying is risky wait till they hand you the bill for not trying."
"Opportunities are sort of like this silent predator that stalks the prepared..."
"Stop guessing, stop assuming, stop fantasizing, stop future projecting and give yourself a new motto: go find out."
"Spread your wings, don't wait until the tower crumbles."
"The future belongs to those who prepare today."
"Let's make change work for us. Let's plan for the future."
"Every day I feel more and more motivated to just jump back into the swing of things."
"The best time to change was yesterday, but the second best time is now."
"You may wake up in the dawn of January 1st with some new sense of power or new sense of clarity around your values."
"If you're prepared then you don't have to fear anything."
"You can't wait till you get there to get there. Start getting ready before it happens."
"People, life gives you lemons, you make lemonade."
"Rather light a candle than curse the darkness."
"Bosses don't wait for mountains to move before they do."
"Responsibility is about interpreting situations to propel forward."
"Anticipate the evil and prepare accordingly."
"The best time to start thinking about this and the best time to jump in is right now."
"Constantly learning and educating themselves is essential to stay ahead of the curve."
"Stop waiting for tomorrow on what can be done today."
"Sometimes the better way to do it is to make it and put it out there."
"It's not about what happened, it's what you're going to do about it that matters the most."
"I am a Princessa, all eyes around me, and I feel like this mindset is going to avoid a lot of weirdness down the line."
"Your future kind of doesn't exist yet, you're creating it right now."
"This next chapter is about you and it's about moving forward and no longer staying in this hangman stage where we are debating things or we're letting fears overtake us."
"You miss a hundred percent of the shots you don't take."
"People who create opportunities are able to see opportunities everywhere, not see problems or criticism."
"Just start. Don't psych yourself out." - "If you want to do something, do it."
"Don't wait for those people to be creative. Create yourself everywhere you go."
"Your default mode has to be aggressive. So, if you're not sure, if you should stay, or if you should go, go to the default which is going to be aggressive."
"I'll never miss another recession I would never miss another opportunity."
"There's opportunity all around you that you're missing because you're only looking for one thing."
"Every year there's a new opportunity out there."
"Our future depends entirely upon the way we think and act... in this life."
"Waiting is a trap. If we wait for the economy to get better or for a person to change, there will always be a reason to wait. Waiting is a trap."
"You will not recover from CPTSD in a passive state of mind."
"The key here is really not to wait... Instead of saying I'll start tomorrow, just say I'm going to start today."
"How you plan your day is what makes it or breaks it... be a doer."
"Start it from now, don't wait till the year begins."
"I decree and declare with you all things are possible. I shall not procrastinate. I act now."
"Write it into your life instead of waiting for it to be written in for you."
"You're someone who's bold and daring, you're not afraid to actually go out there and make change."
"It's time to stop waiting... and start to focus."
"There's always something you can do... it's on you to prepare and get ready."
"Instead of looking for an exit strategy, start looking for the things that you have to do."
"Set your intentions to move more quickly on opportunities."
"I would rather be safe than sorry. I want people to be alert, on guard, and proactive as opposed to being reactive five years later."
"The first step starts now, it doesn't start tomorrow."
"Be prepared, there's no substitute for being prepared."
"Find your opportunity in this weird time right now because it's there."
"Always looking for those gaps because you've got to take advantage of them."
"You don't want to wait till the [__] hits the fan to start hustling like the dumb ass dead uh grasshopper, yeah nah, that's true man."
"The future is yours. It's in your hands. It's based on what you do today."
"The future's not set, the future is not certain, the future is for us to create."
"That's not quite a dream killer but it's a nightmare killer. I'm big on killing nightmares."
"You miss a hundred percent of the shots that you never take."
"Focus on what you can do and what you can control."
"If 2020 has taught us anything, it's to make a plan today."
"You're a planner, you're planning for the future, you're planning ahead, you are focused on your goals."
"Act like what you do might make a difference... the same existential choice."
"Just do it, book the flights and go, otherwise you're gonna put it off and off and off."
"It's not about blame, it's about working together and overcoming flaws."
"Praying for Health Building Wealth and, like I've been saying too, we prepare for the worst and we pray for something better."
"There's no better time than now to put into action."
"You've got to play offense, invest in yourself, identify new opportunities."
"The three of wands represents someone who is waiting for an opportunity... rushing to seize an opportunity that they have been waiting for."
"The time for nihilism, self-pity, and excuses is over."
"We should always be vigilant against the root cause of biases wherever we see them."
"Any chance you get to invest in the future is a good one."
"Let 2020 not go to waste. Your purpose is sitting waiting to be released."
"Your job is not to predict, your job is to prepare."
"This is a time to embrace change, to get ahead of change."
"Taking risks is not about being reckless and impulsive; it's about being thoughtful and calculated."
"You have an opportunity now. You don't have time to wait."
"Transforming anger into action, frustration into focus. It's like alchemy of the soul."
"I suppose you do miss 100% of the shots you don't take." - Ronald O'Brien
"It's all about putting your thought into action."
"I am hopeful, I want to try to maximize the probability that the future will be better."
"The best time to do something would have been 10 years ago. The second best time is today."
"We might want to kind of start preparing for just in case."
"Actions because I always say, getting things done."
"Put yourself first, make calls that matter to you. Life's too short for putting things off."
"Get in the water. You cannot benefit from things you can't benefit from the wave or even from the ripple if you're not in the water. Get in the water."
"Imagine that they're looking for you, not the other way around, and that you're ready for them."
"Preparing for worst-case scenarios is a healthy habit."
"Remember, when you start seeing smoke, run. Hope is not a strategy."
"When a man has a plan, it kind of changes everything."
"What you think in here grows, and it grows in a way that if you do something every day to determine your tomorrow, it'll come true."
"You want to be like an active warrior moving uphill with your sword in hand."
"Claim what you want into existence, do not ask."
"Stop waiting for the storm to pass and ask yourself what can I accomplish in the rain."
"Do not allow obstacles to overcome you, make sure that you will continue to overcome obstacles."
"Being proactive, determined, and focused on your goals, not willing to entertain distractions."
"Stop talking about your storm and start talking to your storm."
"Seize the opportunities for growth and manifestation, planting seeds for the future."
"The only thing we have to fear is being unprepared."
"Her mindset is if we fall complacent or if we just kind of fall back on what's worked yesterday, well then we're going to fall behind."
"Hmmmm..... what if I was actually PROACTIVE about this situation? That's SO crazy, it might just WORK!!"
"Your situations in your life may affect you, but you're in the driver's seat the whole time."
"Rich people have an action mentality, we believe if it's going to be, it is up to me."
"We've got to take this opportunity. We've got to grab it and go for it."
"Start practicing the entrepreneurial mindset now, no matter where you're at in life."
"Start before you're ready. If you wait until you feel ready to do anything meaningful, you're gonna be waiting for the rest of your life."
"Take action on your dreams; it'll lead to success."
"I will make things happen rather than thinking of making things happen, I will make them happen."
"There isn't much you can do about that, but you can make a difference and create more stability in your own life in small ways."
"I would far rather be wrong and ready, than right and unprepared."
"You just don't want to get caught sitting around in this bear market."
"Cancer season is all about planting the seeds of intention that set the tone for the next six months."
"I will not let opportunities slip through my fingertips."
"Always be thinking about how I can do something rather than why I can't do something."
"Hope is a verb, so it's what we can fuel now, absolutely."
"So, we want to prevent ourselves from going backwards."
"You become the change agent that you need in your own life."
"We have to understand, look, we've got advantages, let's draw on them now."
"Believe something's going to happen, then make it happen."
"The only way to make change is to get back up tomorrow and get back in the fight."
"There's an opportunity behind every corner, all you gotta do is look for them."
"Start now, don't procrastinate, the power that you have, all the manifestation that you can be starts now."
"Don't wait for your feelings to change to take the action, take the action, your feelings will change."
"Take action now, prepare for something magnificent."
"Take action, don't hesitate, your desires are manifesting."
"Remember, one of the mindsets we teach is bias toward action."
"You need to analyze your choices in 2023 and be very critical of your choices in 2023. Be very, like, 'I'm gonna be a freaking detective.'"
"Stop waiting for the right time to get started and start planning and working towards the goals and dreams God has put on your heart."
"The law of attraction dictates that whatever can be imagined in your mind is achievable if you take action."
"You can either sit there and hope you get lucky or you can make your own luck."
"If you're not doing something, you're disadvantaged."
"Once you make that first step, life will start responding to you."
"The universe is empowering you to make fresh starts, to be on top of your game, to take action when the right moment comes. Use it and go after what you want."
"Some of you guys are waiting for the divine. They're waiting for you."
"There's nothing to it but to do it." - Cam Newton
"The minute that there's a desire and there's something that is unwanted, there's an immediate movement towards what is desired."
"Start now, not tomorrow, not next week, start now."
"Remember, your thoughts are becoming things."
"Deep down, you do know that you will see your person again."
"You're taking hold of your life. You're not letting life do you. You're gonna do life."
"He couldn't accept just sitting there and only protecting himself."
"I rather be optimistic about it and actively trying."
"Trust your gut and make the appointment. Worst case scenario, it's nothing. And that's what you would hope for."
"The deal of a lifetime comes around once a week if you're playing, if you're active in the game."
"Don't be complacent. The opposite of this is proactivity. Sometimes it's better just to deal with things head-on."
"I want to start living life on offense."
"Always good to be prepared. You never know what's going to happen."
"It's better to be proactive and be prepared."
"Shift from reaction to being proactive."
"If you don't have control of your life, then you know what that looks like? You're just in reaction mode."
"I shall take action instead of waiting."
"I'm gonna call my wife and be like, 'Let's focus on what we should do rather than what we shouldn't do.'"
"I'm a firm believer and I can't sit and dwell, I have to make something work, I got to figure out what my next steps are, I have to get something in motion."
"Faith prepares, it doesn't wait till something happens."
"Level three is the proactive mind, where you're pushing things forward."
"I'm trying to make a change this year, my whole life I've just been winging it."
"You can't change the past, but you can shape the future."
"Success comes from within, if you want it, you go and get it."
"This is the first year where I felt so called and so strongly to make sure this year is off to a really good start."
"It's a new year; it's not time to make resolutions, it's time to just do, time to take action."
"Don't wait until six months from now to start what you could start today."
"You got to let things like this not paralyze you into not getting stuff done."
"As you sow, therefore sow the seeds of 'I am, I ought, I can, I will'."
"Make sure you're setting yourself up for success."
"Preparation always outperforms procrastination."
"You don't wait for the perfect environment externally, you make it happen today."
"Stay ready, you won't have to get ready."
"Don't let what someone might do or might think prevent you from doing what you know is right and really getting involved and improving your health and fitness."
"Don't think to yourself, 'I don't know all the answers ahead of time so I'm not even going to try.'"
"The best thing you can do, as far as I can see, is to get the hell out of every single day and be ready to pick up your marbles when they call you."
"Getting started as quickly as possible is always going to be the best option, period."
"You just feel so much more engaged to the day and just feel like you've got a head start."
"No phone for the first hour of the day... it primes your brain to be proactive throughout the day instead of reactive."
"I'm ready to take action, I'm ready to start afresh."
"Be an entrepreneur, be a capitalist, don't just get angry."
"A year from now you wish you had started today."
"The moment you start doing that, the moment you could start being better."