
Global Challenge Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"I believe climate change is an existential challenge for all of humanity."
"A declarative challenge that still has yet to be answered by the rest of the world today."
"It's very much been a Mercedes circuit this weekend."
"Mortals... The time has come to fight for the fate of your world."
"I think climate represents a really dramatic threat... it's the number one challenge of our time."
"Climate change is the greatest challenge facing our planet and we need more talented engineers and scientists working to solve this problem."
"Almost will define this age, the period we're living through, and to be a part of trying to solve this terrible challenge that we have at the moment, it is very, it's profoundly satisfying."
"Solving the global mental health crisis is one of the most important challenges in the world."
"The whole world has this big demographic time bomb facing him."
"Climate change is the most important and difficult issue humanity faces."
"The pandemic has been a huge challenge for all of us."
"Climate change is an existential threat we must confront globally."
"The virus is a demon and the demon cannot be allowed to hide."
"This is the moment we must come together to save this planet."
"Rolling out a vaccine at a global scale like this is a massive undertaking."
"Humanity is at the point where they have to face either unyielding growth or self-destruction."
"This is a problem for all 7 billion people on the planet and we all need to be driving... for a change in the way we run our society to become very low carbon and very quickly indeed."
"Can we save the world? Take control and stop a deadly global pandemic by any means necessary."
"The effort will take all of us. We're playing the grandest game of chess. We must all learn to play effectively and efficiently."
"When Russia invaded, it wasn't just Ukraine being tested, the whole world faced the test for the ages."
"T-Monitor aims to change the quality of life at work by addressing the global challenge of pollution."
"Climate change is a completely different kind of risk."
"The fight against climate change is the greatest challenge of our time."
"Vaccinations are a vital tool in preventing illness and saving lives. However, access to vaccines remains a challenge in many parts of the world."
"The battle against climate change is surely the most defining and pivotal challenge of our times."
"Sustainability is actually a decentralized global challenge which will definitely requires a decentralized solution."
"Ladies and gentlemen, the battle against climate change is surely the most defining and pivotal challenge of our times."
"The challenge of our time: we are seeing not just climate change in the geographical and environmental sense but in the spiritual sense."
"Access to clean energy is becoming difficult across parts of the world."
"We're replacing steel, cement, transport, electricity, and we have to do that worldwide."
"Being able to transition our electricity system away from significant use of fossil fuels and carbon emissions is one of the defining challenges of our time."
"The state of the world is such that, our civilization has never had to face up to a challenge of this kind before."
"The impacts of climate change are going to derail economies."
"We've never faced an issue of this scale, of this complexity before."
"We won't deal with coronavirus properly until we can vaccinate the planet."
"The only way to contain it is through global cooperation."
"These innovations are vital in combating the existential challenge of climate change and global warming which confronts us all."
"We are in a major battle to save our planet from the lasting and terrible effects of climate change."
"The danger in the world at present time is not that we've got too much capacity in producing renewable energy, the problem is have we got enough capacity to produce renewable energy in the time frame which we need in order to save the planet from climate destruction."
"There's a billion people globally living without access to clean water."
"The scale and scope of the threat we face call for a global-level solution."
"The world in a sense was united by a global enemy."
"Robust global cooperation is essential; we must work together. There should be only one fight in the world today."
"The number one task for the world is to figure out how to control, how to contain this pandemic."
"Climate change is the most dire and immediate calamity facing the world today."
"In 23 years, they are ready to challenge the superpowers of the world and they've completely revolutionized how they live."
"Climate change is a really big challenge that we face as a country and a challenge that we all of us face internationally."
"Achieving carbon-free heating and cooling won't be the only challenge; it'll also be critical to make it available to everyone on the planet."
"Global eradicating poverty remains our priority and a daunting challenge."
"Finding potable water in places around the world can be a little bit challenging."
"Food is a basic human need and producing enough of it is the single greatest challenge facing the modern world."
"It's a big ask to ask us to step up to the plate in reinventing the global energy grid."