
Emotional Significance Quotes

There are 140 quotes

"It was that event that you impressed me most, and you made me feel so special."
"You are the piece of the Mind Stone that lives in me... but mostly, you're my love."
"Understanding when you're seeing history written in real time is emotionally significant."
"Divide your life up into epochs, then write about the emotionally significant events in each of those epochs."
"There's a feeling when you have a family... it's a really big emotional drive."
"Blessed are the peacemakers for they should be called the children of God."
"Good anxiety is just when something means something to you, you're gonna feel something."
"This bag signifies a huge achievement for me and it's not about money or finding a job or anything like that; it's more about surviving the struggle and the sacrifices."
"It really means a lot to be in something that means a lot to a certain community."
"Depictions of wedding dress shopping from 'Sex in the City' to 'Say Yes to the Dress' portray a grand and emotional moment of certainty when a bride first dons the dress."
"It was the best experience of my entire life."
"Anger is one of the most important emotions... it's often your instinct screaming to you that something is wrong."
"It's meaningful, it's personal, it can be cherished forever, it's beautiful."
"I'm gonna put that in the pocket closest to my heart."
"Hope, my friends, it's not just a nice happy feeling but it's a fact."
"If they matter to you, they will matter to somebody else."
"The spark is still there, they still miss you."
"You have a very significant place in their heart."
"I think they're actually letting me know that I have a purpose. They're trying to let me know that I play a role in their happiness or in their life, right?"
"2020 has been a pretty awful year... but there's one thing that has made it very special, at least in my heart, and that, ladies and gentlemen, is Lily's garden."
"Naturally, it holds a lot of sentimental value for them."
"Physical touch, man. It's so simple but means a lot."
"We're burying 2020 right now. This is not as much a celebration as it is a burial."
"Next to me giving birth to my own kids, this is the best thing that's ever happened to me."
"Each one of them was a little piece of Cody."
"It's truly amazing to me that these little moments early on in the series... come back around to not just be significant to the story but to actually pack such an emotional punch."
"It's all about what they mean to you at the time."
"Love is the only thing that matters, love is eternal, love makes us immortal."
"You came into my life and you changed everything."
"Your soul is like rare and precious to them."
"It's only worth living if you're being loved by a kid."
"Not all love stories end in a fairy tale, but that does not make the love any less important or any less real."
"Nothing compares to the true meaning of family."
"I feel like today has made everything a lot more real."
"Love is everything and it just gives me chills to think about that."
"The day that I got a respawn anchor in Minecraft survival, the first day I went into the nether, this is the best day of my life."
"It's special enough that I've continued to carry it throughout the year."
"They want you more than anything and anyone they've ever known."
"You are reuniting with something that is near and dear to your heart."
"We weren't taking anyone's spot, oh man, it's the dream."
"Emotions mean something worth talking about."
"I almost forgot about it. You have no idea how much this means to me."
"It really feels like you are sort of like a gift in their life."
"I hope that their memories will always be a blessing."
"As much fun as it is to look back at emo and kind of laugh at the goofy haircuts, I think we should also acknowledge that it made a real difference in the lives of a lot of people."
"All my love paid tribute to the joy that Karac gave us as a family."
"This does feel like everything really, you know, the 150th."
"There's only one love that matters, and it's unconditional love."
"Love is all that matters, all that we take with us."
"And the fact that it's here with me is all thanks to you and it means the most."
"It's probably the most important gift you could possibly give."
"Ultimately what we feel in relationships is that we matter."
"When I saw the dedication to Michael, it's what it's all about."
"He held a memorial service for a lock of hair yanked from his head."
"I have a tattoo of a past loved one and if it didn't look like that person I'd be bummed out about it."
"This special moment will stay with her forever."
"That's just love, can't do anything about that."
"Expensive gifts or sentimental gifts? I like me something expensive but I also don't mind the sentimental ones."
"Sometimes it's the smallest moments that can leave the biggest impact."
"This is like actually a really big moment for me."
"How you made them feel is really, really important."
"Spirit is recognizing how unique you are and how your heart is so special."
"He's the only person that's been there for me. He cares enough to stay."
"How dare you compare it with something as grave as the murder of three thousand Americans on 9 11. Pearl Harbor."
"That experience means more to me than any of these chains on right now."
"To finally put our names on a trophy together, it means a real lot to me."
"This will be my last Christmas Vlog so it feels really special and bittersweet."
"She's the first girlfriend where if I had thought that, it's the same as I would as my brother."
"This always holds a special place in my heart."
"What does your dog mean to you? That is my child."
"Our emotional nature is what makes us who we are."
"This pan pizza, it had a special place in our hearts."
"Your feelings are important because when we remember things that are profound in our memories, the ones that are accompanied by powerful feelings are the ones that are locked in our subconscious."
"What I want to gain is trust from her again, and she means so much to me."
"This game is and always will be special to me."
"This is the first hope I had in a long time."
"To finish off with the win in the season I can't tell you how much it means to me."
"This is just such an important and soulfully enriching development from the industry."
"I think I'll call you Storm, a new bond it is."
"It's all about family, beginning, middle, and end."
"Never ever forget what really matters in this world: family, friendship, love."
"Sometimes it takes the real possibility of losing someone you love forever to realize what's important."
"Without feelings you're nothing, you just second-rate mimics of a higher organism."
"They feel their life started when they met you."
"Our emotions are there to draw our attention to what matters most to us in life."
"This means the world to me. I can't thank you all enough for embracing me."
"They're gonna be like the star of your heart."
"This moment is what you have waited for to belong to each other."
"It was probably still one of the happiest moments I've ever had in my life."
"This is a very near and dear soul mate that you were dealing with. Very near and dear."
"Emotions are about motivation. They ask us a question and they ask us, what are you going to do about things?"
"You are a gift to them, their heart's treasure."
"It literally saved my life 'cause I don't think I'd be here right now."
"If it's big enough to cry about, it's big enough to pray about."
"It's part of your legacy, it means more than how you feel about something, it means more than your anger, it means more than your emotions, it's part of the truth that's more important than anything else."
"Ever since the first moment I spoke your name, from then on I knew that by you being in my life, things were destined to change."
"Words can't describe what this milestone means to me and what a journey it has been to get here..."
"Love is David's the bangles. This is important."
"Is that really so much to ask when what we're talking about here is like the most sacred thing imaginable, which is having a baby, I think? Or deciding that baby's fate."
"My mom mattered. She mattered to me the most."
"but for me it will always be a place of heartbreak and tragedy"
"Emotions are important. Experiences serve the evolution of souls."
"This is something that means a lot to me. It means so much. I've never had this type of conversation with anyone before."
"The feelings are what matter and the feelings are the things that last forever."
"I felt it was so meaningful to me."
"This is like sending your child off for its first day at school."
"Love is the most important thing in the universe."
"Running in front of my family would mean the absolute world to me."
"I cannot tell you how much this means to me."
"She was more important than he could ever know."
"Ideal affect plays an important role in our emotional lives."
"Nothing more special than being back here."
"That right there is everything to me."
"You do not know how much holding your hand meant to me. Thank you."
"A really big source of pride for me."
"It's something that means so much to me, so valuable and so dear to my heart."
"Our feelings are not up for debate. If it feels like a big deal, then it is."
"There's an emotional significance given to the story."
"When a couple plan to conceive, it's a really important time in their lives, and they find it both rewarding emotionally and it can be very meaningful."
"So that you remember this day as the best day of your life."
"Love is very important, the more love that we have, the more we will behave lovingly."
"Sir, you have something I want. You have something I want means more to me than you will ever know."
"As time went on, I realized she meant a lot to me, more than any other girl in that school."
"Without emotions, nothing has any meaning."
"It was really, really meaningful."
"Human connections are what keep us human."
"Extremely moving to us, and it means the world."
"It hits so much different when we knew like from the pregnancy test, like okay, we have a baby coming along, but seeing the actual ultrasound and seeing the actual little baby... it's just so mind-blowing."
"If I have no love, I've got nothing."
"Discovering a real piece of golden treasure marks an emotional moment in Oak Island's 223-year history."
"Sentimental gifts mean a lot to me."
"There's no purple, but there's purple in our hearts."
"My mind always wanders back to you, and I'm realizing love is the only thing that truly matters."
"It's special, it has the memories."
"I've needed this moment for a really long time."
"A fantastic victory on a day of poignancy."
"The time that we spent in this house living together, it was everything to me."
"A heart is just really, really nice; it could be really meaningful."