
Unexpected Joy Quotes

There are 174 quotes

"We are so delighted to have you with us; it's a pleasant surprise, it's like a blessing in disguise."
"The best things in life come when you least expect them."
"We didn't think we'd be able to have a family, and to be holding our son now... sometimes you can't see the future."
"I love this way more than I ever thought I would."
"I have a mediocre book. Didn't expect to get excited about that today, but this is really good."
"One of the most pleasant surprises that I have ever had in the theater."
"So something's coming in to tower you, and it's a ton of cups, something very happy, an unexpected something to put a smile on your face."
"It is good news, but it's also some type of excitement that comes out of nowhere."
"The dream SMP was such an unexpected source of joy and entertainment to come from a time when the world was just in a really dark place."
"What an unlikely situation you never know. I was happy, it was the happiest time in my life."
"Sweetness is found everywhere, even in the most unexpected places."
"Persona 5 was everything I ever wanted and I never saw it coming."
"That was unexpected and a delightful surprise at the end."
"It makes it that much more a profound experience... I just remember in the middle of metropolis like the, like all of a sudden I felt like I was in the Caribbean right?"
"Do not think you have to control everything in your life or you will miss the magic coming your way. It is the events that we do not expect that create the greatest joy and progress and outcomes in life."
"With years having passed since Alexandra first learned that she was expecting quintuplets, she never expected her children to fill her life with so much joy."
"Nobody is so good it caught me so by surprise I thought it was just going to be a very very simple hopefully fun just a little action here but it was so much fun."
"This is a great weekend for you guys... unexpected magic showing up."
"What a day what a day I'm glad I missed my flight this is the best day ever."
"This book was everything that I did not know that I needed."
"It's the moment where you find something that you never knew you always wanted."
"Something beautiful and positive shows up unexpectedly, changing everything."
"My dream come true, I'm shocked at your existence."
"You know, sometimes life surprises you. You think you've seen it all, you think there's no more joy to be squeezed out of dingy 80s slasher movies, you've seen teenagers chopped up in every kind of way, and the magic is just gone."
"Joy and gratitude are fantastic ways to bring an opportunity."
"Some days can be magical, just not in the ways you would have hoped."
"Fantastic surprises can come in any shape or form from anywhere."
"There's beauty in unexpected gifts, even if they seem beat-up."
"What once I considered a disaster actually ended up being one of the most exhilarating gaming experiences I've had in years."
"That was such a little wholesome moment that I didn't know I needed them to put in."
"Proving that a smile can be found where you least expect it."
"It's a pleasant surprise waiting in the darkness for you."
"Yo, Denny's is absolutely the domain of a god of chaos and revelry. It's true."
"You're gonna be shocked, it's like a huge big surprise for you."
"Just when you least expect it, there's a surprise gift to make you feel emotionally more fulfilled."
"This might be my most pleasant surprise of the week."
"It was the most magical experience. I had no idea it was going to be like that."
"That's the beauty of it, you can see the genuine surprise on people's faces."
"Having a gay son is like getting a french fry in your onion rings. I didn't ask for it but hey, I like those too."
"This is better than I ever thought it could be."
"My heart sings; I had no idea that someone I was casually meeting for coffee would show up super early to my house and wait for me to wake up."
"It's just a dream come true. Like, I never would have thought this day would come."
"Sometimes in the most unlikely places, you know, have a good day."
"As great as I knew my upcoming summer would be, who could have thought it would be even better."
"It's just butterflies who would have thought butterflies could make you this happy."
"You truly are the Santa Claus in July."
"I'm having fun and I've really enjoyed being in the booth and I never thought that we would have as much fun as we're having but awesome we have fun."
"I was happy it happened because I didn't think it was going to happen."
"Touched by an elephant: The love story we never knew we needed."
"The true gift is often found when you least expect it."
"Fun isn't something you consider when balancing the universe, but this does put a smile on my face."
"Honestly, I never thought I’d be so happy to see someone FINALLY bludgeon someone to death with a hammer."
"I really wasn't expecting to have so much fun today."
"I had the distinct feeling that I had been unexpectedly blessed."
"This book is to me the equivalent of finding surprise cash in your pockets when you really, really needed it."
"I enjoyed because the humor transcends the film itself. The makers of the film and the actors stuck in it become players in a bizarre comedy beyond their reckoning."
"Expect compliments from unexpected sources."
"Enjoy the process and see where it takes you and prepare to be surprised, prepare to be overwhelmed by the grace of life."
"I feel like very fortunate to have this in my life which I did not expect."
"I didn't expect to love this as much as I do."
"I never expected to have such a beautiful dress."
"Love you both Rhys has been such a gift, thank God you slipped up."
"Sometimes the things you least expect or do not plan for are the best."
"Love or other happiness lurks just around the corner, it will be something much better than in your wildest dreams."
"Sometimes you just get struck by lightning, you know, in the best way."
"Sometimes, the best presents don't come wrapped in bows."
"Happiness and satisfaction had snuck up behind me and bit me on the ass while I was helping someone else."
"I thank you that you get ready to throw my neighbor a surprise party and give them what eyes have not seen and what ears have not heard."
"The air fryer is one of those things in the kitchen that I love way more than I thought I would."
"I hope that you take care and that something wonderful, amazing, and unexpected happens for you. Something magical."
"There's so much more ahead of you, and it's going to be so much better than you would have expected."
"I tell you, I never would have dreamed I would love dogs the way I do."
"The sunshine was a very nice surprise."
"I never would have imagined that I'd really like my career as much as I do."
"I wasn't even supposed to be here, so this is even more exciting."
"We were surprised to find out that this is actually the best part of our whole ride."
"What a weekend, and it was only Tuesday."
"Enthusiasm blossoms in the most unlikely places."
"I'm so grateful for I never ever ever ever thought something like this would happen."
"It changed my life because I never thought I was going to have children and now I have two."
"I didn't know that petting a pig was gonna be in the cards for today, but that was so fun."
"Overall, it is a better day than expected."
"Absolutely amazing, absolutely amazing. I was not expecting this; I came to do it just for the fun, really, you know, but this is fantastic."
"It's like a joy I didn't ever think was possible."
"It's a surprise, but a pleasant one to be sure."
"Sometimes the best things happen without one."
"Having children is a net positive and it provides a value that you didn't realize until you had kids."
"The best things come in disguise."
"It was a very good experience. I was literally not expecting this."
"Seeing the Northern Lights wasn't even on our radar for the Great Loop, but we were thrilled to see them."
"It's the things that you don't think you're going to get that you enjoy the most."
"I never would have thought that I would like this, I actually didn't buy it for myself, it was a gift given to me."
"The whole day turned into a blessing in disguise."
"It's these little things that make me incredibly happy, something I never expected."
"Sometimes the best moments in life aren't planned at all."
"The best part about my sixth birthday party was when it rained. It wasn't what I'd imagined. It was better."
"Fate smiles upon me; she's pregos."
"I never in a million years thought I'd ever be a dad, and now that I have two girls, I wouldn't take it away for the world."
"Having a private life is liberating in a way I never would have imagined."
"It's just like so much more exhilarating and fun than it should be for what it is."
"The best moments of your whole festival will be the times where you least expect it."
"Magical moments are truly a gift that cast members can give to you because you're not expecting it."
"The joy of parenting unexpected plans that come when you least expect them."
"I remember when I ordered this, I wasn't really excited about this palette because it seemed so simple, perhaps so boring, but I've been surprised over the past year how much I have used this."
"Sometimes the best things happen by a happy accident."
"You have no clue how happy a random social interaction with a stranger can make you."
"Gratitude says, 'I didn't expect that, and I'm grateful for it.'"
"No one was more unexcited about a wedding than I was, and it was one of the best days of my life."
"Just to be able to see you was an unexpected dream come true."
"I was not expecting to love it, I ended up falling in love with it."
"A lot of unasked things are positive, like gifts and surprises."
"I'm so excited, I was not expecting that."
"You're going to see amazing things happen that you could not orchestrate yourself."
"He didn't know he wanted it, now he can't live without it."
"Bringing a kitten into the fold was not part of my plan, but I was upset for about 1.3 seconds."
"I thought for sure that this was going to be a chore, but after that, we quickly became inseparable."
"You came. He hadn't known such happiness could exist."
"I didn't expect to love it in the way that I am right now."
"I didn't really know what I was getting myself into, and I have to say, I'm quite pleasantly surprised."
"Rather than feeling upset or threatened, a smile crept across my face."
"I've only been out here for a couple of hours, and a miracle has come."
"Who could have guessed how much better such a thing would be?"
"It's even better than your dreams coming true; it's something you could have never anticipated coming true."
"The best compliment that I get at this when people come in and it happens a lot so I didn't expect to like this while you guys land, you know."
"I really liked my hospital's ice water from the hallway."
"Yet it has turned out to be enormous fun, immensely rewarding, and full of surprises."
"I was not expecting to love this, but I do."
"...you never expect a python to bring you anything but joy."
"It's not all doom and gloom, and you can find real happiness when you least expect to."
"It is a wonderful feeling. I mean, you see the water birds, the wake on the boat. It's more than I expected."
"You will wake up some morning and you will feel a pure happiness that you are not entitled to."
"You're living a dream and you didn't even know it."
"You're more fun than I expected, kid."
"We were happy, something neither of us expected when we were younger."
"It's like going out with your friends, and they take you to a bar you've never been to before, a really awesome club; you had no expectations when you went out, and you had the best night of your life."
"A surprise is just something wonderful when you least expect it."
"Sometimes kind words can make somebody's day, and you don't even know it."
"...it's really amazing that's something I didn't expect to see but it's actually one of my favorite things I really enjoy the scenery..."
"Good things do come in plain brown wrappers."
"Being a flight attendant has truly been the best job that I never knew that I wanted."
"You felt so lucky to get him because you never expected you would get this kind of husband who is loving you unconditionally."
"Thank you so much, this is beyond anything I was ever expecting."
"Quite frankly, I didn't expect to love it as much as I am."
"Happiness won't ask before stepping into your life."
"Great happiness to high honor is coming to you when you didn't think it was before."
"You're about to receive some sort of surprise blessing because you didn't settle."
"This is the blessing I never knew I needed."
"Just slapping some color on my eyes made me really happy in a way that I didn't expect."
"We had to abort the mission, and we ended up having a really nice day."
"It was just one of those serendipitous moments."
"Fall of Giants is a huge brick of a book that someone lent me, and I really didn't want to read it, but then I ended up reading it and it was one of those books that I just couldn't put down."
"I got locked on this balcony right here for three hours... I just watched the sunrise and it was one of the most memorable experiences I ever had at Disney World."
"It was so unexpected and it was so good."
"It's all the things you didn't know you needed."
"This was the story I never knew I wanted, told in a way I never thought I'd get."
"Actually, I absolutely love when spontaneous things happen like this."
"It's so beautiful, I really thought we weren't going to do this."
"Guys, thanks for joining us. I've had a great time today, even though it didn't turn out like my ideal day to start with, and I didn't get anything done in the house, but it actually turned out to be a really nice day."
"Serendipity, a rainbow at the end, the sun will come out, divine intervention, perfect timing, happy surprises."
"In Order to Live by Yeonmi Park... I was just so surprised by the fact that I really loved this book."
"I really didn't think this day would ever happen and I'm just so excited about it."