
Reimagination Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"We have to continually re-imagine maybe even something larger than that, something completely much more radically generous towards each other."
"Redream the situation...imagine the situation in a whole new way."
"Temple of Doom and I think with a reimagine film you want to leave some of what's there and I think you get that with Beetlejuice time all right."
"Our re-imagination of the franchise will focus on addressing important themes of identity and empowerment for kids today."
"Rebirth promises to be something much more a grander game than could have ever been imagined."
"21 means to me that we've got to reimagine what the American dream is by reimagining what America is in criminal justice in economics in every part of life driven by reimagined politics."
"It's about trying to reimagine the world, reimagine different ways of relating."
"If someone says Birdman, someone says Inception... it needs a Planet of the Apes kind of reimagining."
"There's a buoyancy and a joyful joyfulness to this reimagining that wasn't present in the first."
"What if you fully reimagine an icon, not just tinker with a few changes, but dream, develop, and debut a completely new paradigm for how a similar footwear silhouette looks and feels underfoot?"
"Reimagine the limits of human possibility."
"Leadership isn't about the components that must be in place within an individual; it's about reimagining the collective."
"It's always fun seeing something that you're so familiar with reimagined in a new way."
"Incredible disruption demands determination, re-imagining what's been done into what can become."
"We have to reimagine these communities as places where the default choice is the healthy choice."
"We think that we do urgently need to rethink the world, reimagine the world, reconceive the world from first principles."
"I think and submit to you that it's time to reimagine money."
"Can the river be reimagined as a place where people want to live, work, and spend time?"
"Because any form of reimagining it just screws us so it's going to be really really interesting to see what happens when we have these kind of like middling places."
"All right, we did it. We reimagined two fantastic games."
"It's becoming increasingly important to rethink and reimagine established homes bringing them into the now."
"There's infinite opportunities to reimagine how we live and the tools that we use to solve these basic human problems."
I loved "Shattered Memories." What a way to reimagine a game.
"Yeah, I think there'd be super fun, I would make him more of a creepy mountain man you know, not as Hulk Giant Hulk smash kind of vibe."
"I like to reimagine that forgotten canoe or old Lobster Pot into something memorable."
"Isaac Asimov took the central myth of the 1930s and 40s and reimagined it with spaceships in a galaxy far, far away."
"Reimagining a classic franchise isn't inherently bad, though with the right talent and dedication to those ideas, you can get something truly fantastic."
"'One other thing that I asked you to do was to think about re-thinking, re-envisioning the utility room.'"
"It's not about being mad at the masculine, it's about us recalling ourselves and re-imagining how we are in relationship."
"Jewelry allows us to reimagine ourselves. It's plumage."
"I'd be okay with that too. We could relive some of those moments from Bleach, like imagine Ichigo's fight with Byakuya, reanimated in like a better, you know, like, by us."
"It's been completely reimagined and it should be pretty epic."
"It's such a cool space, honestly, the reimagination of this is brilliant."
"This isn't about what we didn't do before, but this is about imagining a new way forward."
"It was really a joy... I reimagined it, took the running order, wanted to develop some of the levels and some of the perfectionism that could be brought to that."
"To me, the greatness of the Zohar is that it reimagines God."
"It's almost not so much what the Zohar says but how it says it, and that it's willing to be so radical in reimagining God."
"I actually want to see like an entire book recreated by you and just differently."
"I've never been to this stadium, so I took a shot at reimagining this same data and leveraging this concept of schemas to help me and my end users process the data more efficiently."
"It's being praised for its intense, efficient gameplay and vivid reimagining of Raccoon City."
"We're starting to genuinely reimagine what futures can look like."
"We reinterpret and we reimagine the living document that is our Constitution."
"This is the reimagining of Solomon's Temple."
"The premise gives the creators a chance to reimagine the history we know."
"Cybernetic limbs... open the door to completely reimagining the human body as a whole."
"I think Bulkhead's pretty fantastic, honestly, it's kind of a fun new reimagining of the character."
"I love the blend of old and new and really hope to see this kind of reimagining take place in a future Transformers Hasbro toy line."
"It was such a joy to see how you reimagined these pieces."
"When you rebuild things with smart contracts, you gain new capabilities and that means when you rebuild things you reimagine them."
"...it's just nice to see things that you imagined maybe a decade and a half ago being re-expressed and reimagined in exciting ways."
"The big intention of this... of House Zero is to really expand the imagination and begin to really reinvent the house."
"The story itself is definitely sort of a reimagining and a modern update to a dark fairy tale."
"We actually have a lot of reimagining to do to give justice and to really get to know and paint a better picture and a more accurate picture of our ancestors."
"We're really not remaking something, we're rebooting and reimagining this whole franchise."
"We want to help you rethink, re-examine, just reimagine simple stuff."
"This reimagined version of The Little Mermaid will present a welcome break from business as usual."
"I'm currently working on a series that reimagines the works of Jane Austen in a modern-day romance setting."
"This is how you can reimagine what AI can do for your business."
"We have the opportunity to reimagine our existing products and take them into the next chapter."
"We can do something better at this point as humanity; we can reimagine these things, we can reimagine these systems."
"This is the Waymo Driver, a driver that's re-imagining transportation for all of us."
"When you reimagine something or when you try to reboot something and you want to pay homage to the original, Battlestar Galactica did it brilliantly."
"Sometimes when they reimagine things and make things different, sometimes it is for the better, it's more powerful."
"Any thoughts, any wishes, any dreams about what this would look like in a new incarnation?"
"This is a solid re-imagination of Child's Play, in my opinion."
"It's just a nice way of reimagining the original concept."
"I would do the films over again, but I would do the prequels as if they were now."
"This project that so brilliantly reimagines our stories."
"Personally, I like when these stories go back and do like a reimagining of certain things without changing the main continuity."
"The reimagining of whatever you're doing is perfect."
"The reimagining of whatever you're doing is perfect, you're great."
"Rebel Rose is the first in a new series called the Queen's Council, which reimagines the Disney princesses as young rulers coming into their own power."
"This is a feminist reimagining of gothic fantasy in which a young socialite discovers the haunting secrets of a beautiful old mansion in 1950s Mexico."
"It's a very awesome idea to just take a set and revamp it in a really fun and unique way."
"I truly love fairy tale reimaginings."
"We have a chance to reimagine, to reinvent."
"A lush and enthralling reimagining of the classic Jane Eyre set among the stars."
"Education reform is viewed as a bad word, but I just wish we would have an educational reimagining."
"What if we were able to reimagine the world to understand that we are not masters, we are not people who can just manage the entire series of existences that surround us."
"We've got a great big beautiful tomorrow with a re-theming, a reimagination of Splash Mountain."
"Here's to the future; can't wait to see how beautiful Tiana's is going to be."