
Personal Information Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"Stockpiles of personal data serve only to enrich the companies that collect them."
"The golden rule should be that if you don't know the person in real life, you shouldn't be chatting with them or giving personal information to them on the internet."
"In a world where data is the new gold, your personal information is a treasure for data brokers."
"The internet is a vast place, and it's staggering how much of our personal information, like phone numbers and email addresses, is out there without our knowledge."
"You give me your name, I can basically pretty quickly figure out what newspapers you subscribe to, what you like on Facebook, what you comment on Twitter."
"My data is my business and your data is your business."
"Everybody wants your data. Hackers want your data, your ISPs want your data, the websites you visit — they want your data. Everybody wants your data. That's not their business. Your data is your business."
"Cell phone numbers are used to access a myriad of sensitive data, including banking and cryptocurrency."
"Be careful with your online information, media can be dangerous."
"It's actually your data and it's an asset class."
"This is definitely a secret which I don't want you to know."
"It's genuinely concerning the amount of our private information that is out there on the internet."
"Blacklist they really need to make sure all my Venus has that conceal."
"Obviously David's parents care about him. That date might be a good password."
"Data is more valuable than you. The data you produce is more valuable than you."
"Everybody's gonna have something that you can Google them for."
"On June 7th, 2021, the latest activity on the Murdoch's phone was at 6:52 PM."
"Your data is more important than you probably give it credit for."
"I want my private information to remain private and I'm sure you all do as well."
"Um, actually, this is what, but this is how many years of education I have."
"Privacy isn't about secrecy. It's not about absolute privacy because people online are like, 'It's 2022, get over it, privacy doesn't exist.' It does exist."
"That's our information, and if I can control that being put out there, that would be, that would make me feel a lot better."
"The government will know everything about me and where I am."
"Stores the information, it can take it away from you. Once you buy it, it is yours. And that information is stored only to you."
"The third phase, Morgan was able to tell the state, height, and exact date of birth."
"How important it is to protect your privacy and to protect your information as much as you possibly can."
"You're giving away your information and they're selling it to somebody else."
"In a world where so much personal information is so readily accessible online, the security and privacy of that information becomes so much more important."
"Please remember that we do not need any of your personal information."
"George Gammon is about 49 years old he is not attached he's never been married he's never been married no children."
"You gotta protect your data better than that. My privacy is so secure that I don't even know my own social security number."
"Now we can help the viewers, all they have to do is take a piece of paper and take the month and day they're born but instead of taking the year they add the year they want to know about in this case 2023."
"Having the same number since the year 2000 as I did, let's just say, there are a lot of people who have my phone number."
"Stop data Brokers from exposing and selling your personal information."
"Dear Satoshi, your docs, password, and IP addresses are being sold on the darknet."
"Max Spielberg is real and he was born in 1985."
"It just seems to me... I'm very wary about putting any personal information on any website at any time."
"Your social security number is your number in the U.S."
"Have you ever Googled yourself and were shocked to find your personal information on one of those public listing sites?"
"You have the right to request data brokers to delete whatever information they have about you."
"You're right, you're right. So, what's your name? All that other information? No, it's not like that."
"You just need to know the date that they're cruising and their name."
"You don't even know how old Brian Laundry is!"
"Nikki is my name on my birth certificate."
"Your email is like your home, the keys to the kingdom. It's really the most important place for all your personal information."
"Take control of your personal information and your privacy."
"The program began listing information about me, my name, address, telephone number, credit card information, my parents' names, their addresses."
"So much of our personal information is online."
"He goes closer to her and says that she is a junior at the college of fine arts, is 21 years old, is 165 cm tall, is 49 kg, and her favorite color is black."
"For some background, I'm a 26-year-old female."
"Digital security is a big deal. A lot of our personal information is floating out there."
"You don't need to include gender, religion, or date of birth on your CV."
"I'm 29 years old. I was born on July 19th, 1991, so my zodiac sign is Cancer."
"Privacy refers to protecting personal information from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, or misuse."
"Privacy entails safeguarding an individual's authority over the collection, usage, and disclosure of their personal information."
"Get a safe, have your personal important information locked away."
"There is a risk of losing your credit card or your personal information can be stolen."
"You came out ready. If you can have it, hold this mic and if I can have your name, how old you are, and your Instagram and what you do, okay, my name is Omega. I'm 30 years old, my Instagram is omega.vzn. I'm a fashion designer and I'm in accounting and finance."
"I'm 27 years old, I'm gonna be 28 on November 8th."
"Definitely do not share your personal information."
"Guess what? It's not the world's business what prescriptions I'm on. That is a fact."
"Every little scrap of extra information they can get about you can potentially mean a massive payday for them."
"The true boldness lies in being strategic and deliberate regarding the sharing of personal information, thus maintaining a balance that enhances your importance and attraction to others."
"Would I want someone sharing similar information about me if I were not around?"
"Joshua oats was born on April 17th of 2008 in Columbus Ohio."
"You've got to be careful 'cause, God forbid, if it does have anything in here that they could steal your information."
"Supervisors should be discreet in sharing personal information and not allow it to become the focus of supervision."
"Knowing yourself requires information, some of that information really only you have access to."
"A digital footprint is the personal information that someone leaves behind while they are using the Internet."
"Right now there is no limit on the data that is collected on us as individuals."
"Be very careful, don't give out your own personal information."
"This is a reminder that you need to be thinking about your privacy and all the personal information you have floating around online."
"Hiding information is something people do in a lot of circumstances, and it's not necessarily wrong."
"Save yourself some money while also saving your personal info."
"I realized at that point that we needed to implement something else in our lives to make it a little bit harder for people to find out all this personal information about us."
"Please do not give out your name so carelessly."
"There is a compelling argument to be made that if these companies will stop at nothing to get our personal information, that Apple should stop at nothing to protect it."
"You need to be really careful what you keep on your phone."
"Do not give personal information of any significance to anyone who contacts you."
"Phishing is designed to trick the recipient into giving their personal details."
"When I was growing up, the number one thing was never share any real information about yourself online."
"Cellphones are different from a billfold or a packet of cigarettes because of the sensitivity of the information that people store on them."
"You can put your credit card information in there, you can put your vehicle's information in there."
"I am... or I'm. So you can use it to tell people your name, your occupation, your nationality, anything."
"I'm going to show you how to avoid giving your social security number away."