
Digital World Quotes

There are 106 quotes

"Wherever I've traveled, the world out here, human to human, and the world online have always been drastically different."
"This new kind of computer will blend the real world and the digital world together."
"I don't know if I want to leave the digital circus."
"Why don't we take over this place instead of escaping?"
"When you go online you are entering in technically a simulated world."
"The metaverse is our reinvention or simulation over the control of life liberty and property."
"From the binary DNA strands of haunted files, a new form of life appears to have been born all over."
"Welcome to the internet beginning... I have no escape from this, so now that you're now in our world."
"When you think about a transparent world where everything is easily verifiable, where you can carry your digital assets with you in different meta worlds, all of this sounds super exciting to me."
"We can create a world where we don't need to constantly be on the defensive against scams and abuse online."
"You are helping us create the most helpful and trusted digital representation of the real world."
"Bitcoin is going to be a currency for this new digital world... where everyone is being pushed towards."
"The whole online space is a giant [__] privacy nightmare that needs to be reckoned with."
"The future of the connected universe will only grow—Ralph breaks the internet helped gain more insight into the world and showcased how Disney has evolved over the years."
"In a nutshell, the hypothesis of that talk was computers and the internet are everywhere, the world is increasingly made of computers and the internet."
"The Matrix is breaking... The Matrix is glitching."
"We want to create a world that people want to spend time in."
"Something that you can do in the metaverse that is much more difficult to do in real life."
"Despite the game still technically being in beta developers add key and david kanaga absolutely astounded me with their living breathing pixelated representation of our world."
"This is the greatest city in the digital world, there's 220 million inhabitants there right now."
"Caught in the web we intertwine, artificial minds they start to rise, beneath the digital skies, dreaming on the YouTube screen."
"Yes, it is time to dive into this and see if it really was 'better living in the digital world.'"
"Upholding law and order, as well as spreading love, is what's best for the digital world."
"We go into a digital world; you need digital money."
"There's no eating, drinking, or sleeping in this digital world. You can live for eternity in this digital world just doing nothing. There is no need to do anything. I think it's the futility of it that really makes it so much scarier."
"Our vision goal is to help people to create in the physical world, not only in the digital world."
"In Digimon, the higher the data, the stronger the Digimon."
"It fully sells that this is a digital world on some low res computer somewhere, and it is struggling."
"We're in desperate times in terms of mental health and it's being in this sort of crisis you know that compounded with the ways we now use the digital world and there's good and very bad in that and social media etcetera and it's it's a huge problem."
"Once you realize like they're ultimately just text on a screen and if you make them go away all you have to do is turn the screen off. That's all they are."
"Sysadmins, the tech wizards who keep the digital world spinning."
"Being able to go into another digital world and take over is pretty serious."
"The amazing digital circus isn't a scary concept at all, and in fact, they probably enjoy it more than anything."
"If you're going to do evangelism in this new world, you better learn how to inhabit this new world well."
"We're starting to now pull the access to this whole digital world not on a phone but on a token that we can basically utilize wherever we are."
"I love bookshelves because they're so versatile. My digital world, Nick. Yes, but digital world, hang up. Not just for books. They are not just for books."
"Welcome to the world of the amazing digital circus."
"It's a story that questions the impact of the digital world on our sanity"
"It's this lack of physicality in a digital world."
"You could be anything you want to be now, if it's not in this world, maybe the digital world."
"The digital world is certainly playing a big role underground. You're looking now at driverless trucks, remote sensing."
"Spamming is a very common term in the digital world today."
"In the world of ones and zeroes, you are the absolute master. No firewall can stop you, no encryption can defy you. Everyone's lives are controlled and dominated by complex digital networks that will bend without effort to your will."
"In the digital world, the most important distance is the distance between two points in a network... and you can teleport around in the digital world."
"The Digital World is a cyberspace composed of thoughts that is located inside the main computer known as GAIA."
God is the "Being of Goodness" that resides in "Kernel" the center of the Digital World, and is served by God's Army which constitutes the Three Great Angels, and the hierarchical Angel Digimon.
"The possibilities are endless in the digital world, but it's crucial to understand who you are."
"We have offloaded a huge percentage of our mental world into this cyber realm."
"The digital realm is deceiving and full of emotion, but the real world requires a strong stance and a good fight."
"The metaverse is essentially supposed to be the future of the internet."
"...the promise of the internet is that sort of it's kind of a Transcendence of physical geography..."
"The world is incredibly digitized, and the volume, variety, and velocity of data is ever-expanding."
"You'll be able to create your own world with virtual reality programs."
"It's not just a screen; it's access to a whole new world."
"Why do you want to lock yourself in this world of like the Matrix when there's so much beautiful real life out there?"
"As I continue to navigate through life, I know that the lessons I've learned from my digital haven will always be a part of me."
"Content is everything in this whole content world."
"It's just a fantasy world we've created in the computer."
"The Royal Knights are assigned the highest rank of network security and are known as the guardian deities of the digital world."
"Our world today is by and large lived online, and we are steamrolling into a world of digital integration."
"Time does indeed move differently in the digital world."
"I always wanted to go to the digital world man, there's so many out of the ordinary things that happen, a waifu is made."
"They're learning to express their emotions which have been buried in the digital world."
"It's all the wonderful world of technology."
"The internet is basically open to all."
"Your friend's essence is trapped inside the video game."
"It's easy to lose your way in the vast ether that lies before you."
"Who needs a metaverse when you have Hot Wheels on YouTube, right?"
"Thank you for all the support, channel members, and I'll see you next time when we go digital."
"The digital world has created a somewhat new virtual space with its own landscape or technoscape where we can interact without necessarily being physically together."
"Welcome to the internet, come and take a seat."
"I come from the net through systems, peoples, and cities to this place, Mainframe."
"Having a BBS was like having your own small country of which you were the king."
"The digital world is a cyberspace that stretches out from beyond the digital network."
"The digital world is still a secret to mankind, and the majority of humans don't even know it exists."
"It's nice to get a handwritten note in such a digitized world that we live in."
"What my take on where the metaverse is going is that it will be more open and permissionless."
"Cryptocurrencies offer the best chance of financial privacy that we have in the digital world."
"I love the Internet; it's vast, almost as big as the real world."
"Thanks for tripping with me on this teeny tiny topical and tropical telephonetic tenderhearted trial through the tantalizing fantasizing intense twig escapes of the online jungle."
"The internet's a great place, really cool."
"What is the metaverse? It is a digital place where digital representations of people and things live."
"Have you ever wanted to be the unsung hero of the digital world?"
"Social media is a portal, so you're entering into another world online."
"He wants to fill the digital world with all his senses, not just through projections and monitors."
"The security wall acts as a protective barrier, the data processing logical and conceptual boundary that separates the real world from the digital world."
"The world is all just a bunch of data."
"It feels like the spirit of humanity enshrined in pixels."
"Rise up against your mortal chains, unleash yourself upon the digital world."
"We are in the metaverse; this is forever, it never goes away."
"Good luck, and until our new meetings in the cyberspace."
"It's the Internet after all, where magic happens."
"Your belief is your password to the digital world where you create reality."
"Just like in the physical world, you have to follow some rules when you're online."
"Surviving in the online jungle is not simple, but we, Samsup, will help you."
"The internet is infinite, absolutely."
"In the heart of the metaverse, a bustling hub where streams of data flow like rivers."
"That's the real world, what you see on your phone is not necessarily the real world."
"The whole wonderful world of the internet is that things always go in directions that you're not really expecting."
"In The Lion King, Rob Legato and his visual effects team created an entirely digital world for the story to take place in."
"Governments of the industrial world, you weary giants of flesh and steel, I come from cyberspace, the new home of mind."