
Visit Quotes

There are 695 quotes

"A very special day to come here to Aston Martin's HQ to come and visit and to see this."
"This has been a great visit, thanks to everybody here."
"Let's pay Nas a visit while we talk about this."
"We're gonna have to visit you, we love New York!"
"Finally, one weekend my father came to visit and he slept downstairs in the spare room."
"Hey guys I just have to go visit my dad now."
"I'll tell you with our visit that Paul and I made, I definitely sense the energy in the room and the desire to collaborate."
"They showed up to a guy's house, knocked on the door..."
"I went to a psychiatrist, I was a guest not a patient."
"Thanks so much for stopping by. I appreciate you."
"It's so beautiful, it's actually like I was coming to see it to see it."
"I am over the moon excited that I have someone who is so near and dear to my heart coming to visit my store today."
"I didn't think you'd arrive so quickly."
"I am in Ireland this is my little visit to the Emerald Isle."
"Thank you so much for coming in, it was really nice to see you."
"You come back around seven o'clock at night, you can practically have the place to yourself."
"The geyser Basin is super unique and definitely worth a visit."
"I could be in forever light but I would go visit your dark world."
"The artwork alone is enough reason to visit, period."
"I love coming to see Boyd. It's one of my favorite things to do in Texas, for sure."
"Hilda shows up at the shop to try a dessert."
"Ronald accepts an invitation from the German Chancellor to visit a German military cemetery in Bitburg."
"In 1993, aged 84, he returned to visit the mine his courage made possible."
"Let's head over to the micro Pond real quick."
"I thought of something better: what if he comes here?"
"We're gonna go there and see what she's got and just kind of say hi to everybody there, and then I'll get right back here and finish our packing video because we have a trip to go on people, tomorrow, so here we go."
"Guys, we're here. We're parked in front of the Ice House, and I'm gonna see who's home."
"Man, thank you so much for stopping by."
"a window into the past and is worth a visit if you should find yourself in the middle of nowhere"
"I'm surprised you allow him on the premises. His visits are fortunately infrequent."
"Oh my god the lemonade still there thanks for coming how'd you like them apples."
"I'm down here for like three weeks."
"She arrived at my wife's parents' house, but that was just the beginning of the story really."
"I got to their house on a Monday afternoon after school."
"He drove all the way down here just to see me, terrified me."
"Boosie was in here man, bellowing."
"A pretty crazy place to visit, obviously an even crazier place to be incarcerated."
"I just want to say I'm really pleased I came to see you."
"I'm here to meet and of course to stay with Charlotte and Robert Brunell who are the custodians of wonderful Dean Park."
"You know, I can come visit sometime, right? It's only a two-hour flight."
"You got to go down there and see his mom and man."
"It's a destination. I recommend that you visit."
"We've come today, obviously, we've been in Birmingham today, and I had to come and show some love."
"Guys, you definitely have to check it out if you live in London or if you're visiting London."
"Can't wait to come back to your crib."
"It's time for our pal Brittany Broski to stop by just to mingle."
"I plan on actually going to visit sunno AI headquarters cuz I'm somewhat local to them."
"Well, as long as I had to pick up Betty at the Kettles, we thought we'd take you up on your invitation and drop in. How nice. Welcome to Bella Vista Farm."
"I'm going to miss you guys so much. I'm so excited when we get to visit you guys."
"When you come to New York City, you must visit or at least see the Statue of Liberty."
"Trava Olivier, the Pipestone Museum educator meets me out at her local cemetery to talk symbolism."
"Now we're going to make a turn into the Water's Edge Community where he was from."
"Road trip way up North we're heading up to Sheffield uh to visit my friends at Cobra sport."
"Sadiq Khan came and visited us. He's come to visit us twice now. They donated ten thousand pounds to our football club."
"We got uh two or 3 days to do that both Tito and Sarah will be here tonight and they're going to be here for 3 days so I'll probably do all the normal things."
"I could not recommend visiting this place anymore than I am right now highly recommend it make sure you go check it out."
"oh my God let's go we're gonna stop by our families in person in a little bit"
"It means so much that you came by because that you say yes to me."
"If you're coming over to see me, come over anytime. If you're coming over to see the house, make an appointment."
"I've been meaning to come out here for the longest time."
"We've been back on average multiple times every year since then."
"I was going to try to see if you could guess the voice no anyways guys I dropped into the Knoxville the K Town uh to visit my homies of course though I really came to visit the kids hospital tomorrow East Tennessee children's."
"Friends, we are at my mom's house again."
"Are you still playing on coming this way?"
"I thought I might have visitors but I didn't think you'd be one of them."
"I want to visit mom and dad. That is cool."
"Thank you for coming to see me. I really hope that you're doing great."
"I want to take a newborn girl to go and see my parents."
"This is really an amazing city to visit, lots of delicious food and some amazing architecture as well."
"Now we go to Soldiers Tower at the University of Toronto."
"I'm glad those plans failed so that we could come here and visit these Graves and honor the service women."
"So you want me to come over there?"
"I don't want it to be family pictures. I'm visiting here to show you that I do comedy."
"I've been to see him quite a few times, he's doing great."
"They were just settling in for the night when an unexpected visitor came to the door."
"I'll be glad to see your ranch before it's sold."
"If you want to see me, you have to come to England."
"My husband and I are excited for her next visit."
"Big thanks to Linus for coming out to Alabama."
"Visit us on the web at www.seatranquility.org."
"I enjoyed my visit to Saxted Mill. Saxted Green must be one of the prettiest and best-preserved mills in the country."
"We had so many of the greats come in."
"So, Mr. Ken, it's been a little while since you visited us here at the shop."
"Everyone, if you get the chance, come out and check this place out. It's really sweet."
"And then we got to end by walking through Tri-Circle D Ranch."
"What a great spot for Katarina and I to come and check out."
"He runs a few more errands, which includes visiting Peter."
"I really hope this helps you understand why Portland is such a great place to visit as a beer lover."
"We get it, we get it. How did we even get the chance to visit the IMDA office?"
"The best way actually to see it is to make arrangements to get aboard."
"Already looking forward to the next time at Ray's place."
"The door was opened just came to see how poor Annabelle was feeling after her dreadful shock."
"My stepdad's coming by to drop off eggs."
"I just about slept through the entire day. Never, Ed comes over, it's like a tornado hit this place."
"I've been forever for the record I've been wanting to do this every visit I've come to fbfx."
"Promise me that one day you will visit us."
"The reason for the patient's visit."
"So, that's the plan now, they'll be coming on May 1st for a month and I'm beyond excited."
"It's a definite must visit if you love real antiques."
"In any case, we aren't ready for a visit from interplanetary Travelers."
"She's my backup for whatever I want to do and she brought me down to visit with Wanda for two or three days."
"Great we've got Andrew came in today he is uh a longtime customer of ours."
"Just walking into the Disney Village."
"One of the things you have to do when you come here to Mexico City is to visit the Frida Kahlo Museum."
"Thanks so much for dropping by, I really appreciate it."
"Maybe we'll stop by on our way home."
"We're on our way to Young Boy's house, who is also a Gulf mud crabber, to have a look."
"We hope, inshaAllah, we'll have an opportunity to return and visit with you again in the near future."
"We are so glad you got to see us."
"Feel free to visit my Etsy store at Zay's Crochet."
"I want to come down to Texas and see your whole spread, Eric, and check out your machine shop."
"I just have to tell you, but I would like to come to your town."
"The young William Hazlitt visited Wordsworth and Coleridge in 1798."
"We show grandma up here but we're going to take some flowers to grandma tomorrow morning and see how she's doing and I'm sure she'd be loads better than she was even the other day."
"I'm going to Aunt Andrea's!" Sophie exclaimed with excitement.
"You're about to get a visitor. Somebody's definitely coming, somebody needs to see you."
"Members of our team may have to visit the Fey Realm."
"She's coming to Miami, aren't you?"
"When you come to my house to film, I'm gonna have that blaring out."
"Rumors hold that Queen Abigail visited."
"My dad drove over to Broom, which is where we shot that show to visit me, and he had this little white Suzuki Swift and he had made roof racks to take all of his stuff out of like wooden homemade roof racks and like drilled them into the top of the car."
"Come visit this little dude, pay him a visit, do vibes."
"Stephen takes his parents to show them where the sizing of Jeffrey took place a few weeks ago."
"Thank you so much for your hospitality and bringing me up to check out your store and get the opportunity to see the first of their kind these Ule tanks here in Australia."
"They just came by to see if we had any ice."
"This huge lagoon, known as 'Kaam Lumm', is another attraction to visit in this area."
"Just because we are not married yet doesn't mean you can't come visit sometime." - Naruto
"I appreciate you pulling up on me, my brother. Thank you very much for your time."
"...a lot of people however do not know that future president of the United States and Ulysses S. Grant visited this little town back in the gold rush days."
"We're going to have another and visit us from Kenya on Tuesday."
"Corey Goodwin has come from Atlanta Georgia to come here and stay with us for a week."
"thank you for coming see about us today I love this"
"You'll never believe who came to visit."
"I didn't know you'd actually do that. I thought every time when we say something like, 'You guys don't visit me,' I just thought I was just saying it just to say it."
"I'm going to see the hustle boys they like live there now so I'm gonna let go and like stay with them."
"Come and see the property, come and see whether you like the experience."
"Definitely come and visit first and foremost. Prepare yourself well. Definitely build some strong relationships with local people."
"I came to visit you about the seal that you showed the Hokage and Jay Sama."
"I'm sorry lieutenant, they sent me to see you."
"We just wanted to come by and talk with y'all."
"I think this has given us enough energy for the rest of the day to visit our good friend Stephen Colbert."
"Thank you so much for coming down to the clinic."
"After this whole NCR building, take me to your office."
"I'd love to come check out your stuff and what you are creating."
"This place was hands down the best house that I've actually ever visited."
"I've come here just to see you, thank you."
"I'm currently on my way to the airport to pick up a very special guest."
"I feel like I could totally come back to London."
"Thank you so much for visiting the store."
"Oh my God, you're in front of my house right now?"
"Darcy how good to see you," Bingley beamed. "I hope you do not mind us intruding on your hospitality; you must be tired from your travels."
"They were very hopeful. My wife actually went over to see her the day before they flew out."
"My favorite part about my official visit was really just chilling with the players."
"I will certainly come to visit you. Mr Darcy is taking me to the lakes on a wedding trip and he suggested we come visit you afterward."
"I've just had some people come look round the house. You know what, they saw it in the estate agent's window, so they came on spec."
"There's an immense sadness that hangs over this visit despite Victoria's obvious love of Scotland."
"Thank you so much for dropping by, appreciate you big time."
"That's awesome! Make sure when you're on the Fantasy, come over here and pay this bartender a visit."
"Haunted houses are the places we visit on Halloween."
"When you do come to visit, just know that you're walking in the footsteps of Ulysses S. Grant and George Meade."
"It's nice to be back in Canada again and I'm actually here by popular demand."
"It's nice to kind of go home for a little bit, see how they are."
"He came down to BYU, and he walked into the office where you could find apartments to rent."
"You can't really say that you've experienced Clarksville, Indiana entirely without a trip to the Clark cabin site."
"We've got another guest, a little house guest."
"thank you so much for stopping by our Homestead today"
"Having her in Australia is something pretty special."
"We're making a little visit on one of your guests, no trouble, he's a friend."
"That's kind of damaged my thing. So later on that evening, that money, by 4 o'clock, by 4:15, Reggie Wright Sr. comes straight to my [ __ ] house, huh?"
"It's always worth the trip to come out here to the store it's and you really say hi it's a good time."
"I'm planning to visit my grandparents today. It's been a long time since the last time I talked to them."
"The Electric Amish stopped by today!"
"What I've come to see you about will take brains."
"Let us come see you, we love you."
"I appreciate you stopping by, I really do."
"My dear princess Matilda, what a long time it is since we've seen you here. I do hope you mean to make us a long visit."
"It was always nice to get out there and visit though because it was so peaceful and tranquil."
"No matter what is, as a result of his words, Nora decides to go to visit Gabrielli's family in their home and tell them the truth."
"I feel like this is gonna be a really good visit."
"It feels so nice and special to be here again."
"I wish I could tell you I've wanted to visit a hundred times over the years."
"Thanks for taking time out of your day to stop by."
"Maybe this visit wouldn't be so bad after all."
"So I mean, this is a long time coming, man. So I've been waiting to come over and do a tour of your spot too."
"Finally after 4 years of working with LMR and loving their shop and knowing Steven, I am visiting."
"...make sure you're visiting people that you love and care about."
"...the Beatles came, the Rolling Stones came, Peter Sellers came, Elizabeth Taylor came, a whole lot of really amazing people."
"And she'd pull out notes and find. I wish I could do that, I wish I was that organized, but it was a great visit."
"Thanks guys for stopping by, appreciate it."
"Thank you very much for stopping by, I greatly appreciate it."
"Hey, how do you think those people would feel about our dropping in for a visit just you know in tourist mode?"
"I loved every second of the visit."
"Remember, you're welcome to visit here at the Baltimore Temple."
"Thank you for admitting me into your home today, Mr. Gillinsford, Mrs. Gillinsford. It is a pleasure to see you both," Mr. Cobbitt did not smile, his countenance was quite solemn.
"I'll always come and see you first."
"I went down to the auditorium today."
"I'm so grateful you stopped in today."
"So, thank you very much for stopping by and checking it out, and until next time, ta-ta for now."
"I really liked Indianapolis when I was there."
"Very thought-provoking, definitely worth a visit."