
Filtration Quotes

There are 185 quotes

"The oceans are the kidneys of the earth; they recycle material and filter it out."
"We absolutely love our Berkey water filter system."
"Bypass filter by catching those smaller particles between 2 microns and 20 microns, you extend the life of the oil and reduce engine wear."
"We're in the process of digging out the wetland filtration system."
"What good is a filter when like 20 percent of the air is bypassing around the edges?"
"Net filtration pressure drives glomerular filtration rate."
"The glomerular filtration barrier is supposed to be very very important and being able to regulate what leaves the blood and enters into this space here The Bowman space."
"Does this process of information filtration compromise the authenticity of my videos? No."
"This is a great system, it removes even the irony taste from water when you're in the bushes."
"I picked up this BPA free filtered water dispenser that is the only pour-through filter certified by the NSF to reduce lead, chromium, and other compounds."
"My protections are designed to keep out certain things and to let in everything else."
"Of all the glucose that gets filtered here, 100% needs to be thrown back into the body at the proximal convoluted tubule. If too much glucose gets filtered, we won't have enough time to throw it all back, and it will come out in the urine."
"It's almost like a funnel... I'm literally filtering out the real from the fake, yeah."
"We will filter the vodka through 500 million-year-old diamonds."
"I'm going to put in a layer of Twigs that will act as a filter"
"...a clean air scrubber with new filters went from 176,000 particles down to 2,400 particles which is 99.999 percent."
"There's no one size fits all solution for filtration... it really depends on what your needs are."
"Chemical filtration... can pull out things like medications, tannins, and other impurities from the water."
"The sponge filter is a very reliable cost-effective method of filtration."
"Biological filtration... actually consume and eat the nitrogen compounds and then purify the water making it safe for your fish to live in."
"Highly recommend the inline water filter."
"I think any, yeah, it's so hard to know right because the filter that we have, we have a sentivia filter and that like alkalizes the water."
"...the customization...you've got sponge for the mechanical filtration then bio rings for the biological filtration and then activated carbon for chemical filtration..."
"If our well water comes back safe for drinking meaning no bacteria, we could take one of those big things like you buy at Walmart or Big Box store that you can put on the dispenser for the water to come out."
"You can't stop thoughts, but they can be filtered. And the only filter is the Word of God."
"It's like filter sand. You probably drink that stuff."
"Meet the LifeStraw Flex, a versatile and reliable water filtration system designed for outdoor enthusiasts."
"For me a sieve is a mathematical concept, something that lets only certain types of numbers through."
"A powerful filter like this also adds materials for an added microbial protection layer."
"Build this after disaster from materials that you can gather or build a dry filter and put it in your prep so it's ready when you need it."
"This is what my clean water looks like it's not terribly cloudy but not fully clean either it'll be fine for this though."
"You're actually limited by the amount of biofiltration you have."
"four minutes of spot-free water quality out of one filter"
"It's really good to have good filters."
"The primary filter takes the most crud."
"I think stepping down to a 10 micron with a larger filter in this dual system will be a much better much better deal"
"Most sponge filters will work great for shrimp, just make sure that whatever filter you use that the baby shrimp can't enter your filter."
"That little redneck filter right there, it did the job. 36 hours, crystal clear pool."
"The pre-filter does a great job at trapping all waste, meaning the internals of the main canister don't need cleaning for many months."
"Rosa from Chicago killing it with the filtration game. Oh my goodness, I have an FX4 on my 75 and that thing kicks butt and FX6, you are set for life. That is literally an amazing filter."
"Wetlands prevent flooding of drainage systems; they act as filters for pollutants."
"If you put 500 corals into a system like this in many ways the corals themselves are the filtration."
"Your work acts as both a magnet to draw people in and a filter to keep certain people out."
"As you can see as we're draining it out you'll start to see that the true cone and then the hot filter plate will start to show as well um you'll see that that filter is great."
"If these guys can get the science right, then everybody should be like, 'We just don't need that stuff.' The HEPA filtration is really the thing that you need."
"You need a filter in order to separate seeds from the husk, air from dust, and water from harmful particles. We use filters. The simplest kind of filter is a metal netting."
"Adding plants to your freshwater aquarium not only enhances its beauty but also acts as a natural filter by utilizing toxic nutrients and providing surface area for beneficial bacteria."
"Live plants act as a natural filter for your aquarium by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, which keeps your fish healthy and active."
"Filtration is critically important."
"Your substrate can actually be the biggest part of your filtration."
"You can go without a filter and just use substrate."
"Active substrate versus inactive substrate."
"Boundaries are about keeping the right things in and the wrong things out."
"These bean-shaped organs filter waste, regulate hormones, and maintain balance in your body."
"Reverse osmosis is one of the most popular home filtration Technologies."
"We use this thing all the time it removes so much bad stuff from the water you could pour creek water in here and it would come out and it would be safe to drink."
"Air conditioning includes warming, moistening, and filtering of air."
"If water quality is really a problem to you and you're really worried about the water you're putting in your mouth be worried about the same water you bathe in and think about a whole house water filtration system."
"You can drink filtered water from every single tap in here. That's amazing!"
"We at our place when we transfer honey from our warming room into our processing tanks we run it through an 800 micron filter."
"So, the idea here is that when using it as an air filter, I would have some cheaper air filters on the outside that act as a pre-filter for the big dust particles and then more expensive high-performance filters on the inside."
"I really like the water filter system because the tanks can taste a little funny at times. So it has it onboard. All the water's filtered before it's used."
"This pickup here... goes all the way down to the bottom of the tank. It has a little funnel on the bottom, so this can pick up everything off the bottom of the tank and be filtered through the system."
"I totally recommend you get this filter if you're looking for a budget filter."
"The fact that it's made of sand and sand in itself is made of spherical shapes means that that leads to a very very big surface area in a small space which is exactly what you want in a filter."
"I actually think I might install that on the 360 to act as like a big Sponge Filter"
"the FX series of filters are without a doubt the best canister filters on the market"
"The purpose of filtration is the removal of particulates, impurities such as flock, organic matter, fine silted clays, and most importantly pathogenic microorganisms from the water being treated."
"If you've ever watched waves crash on the shore and create a dirty foam, you've already witnessed foam fractionation or the fundamentals of how a skimmer works."
"I would describe the skimmer as a preventative filter, one that addresses issues before it becomes a problem rather than reacting to it after."
"If you can achieve the perfect balance purely through biological filtration, there's more benefits than any of the other methodologies."
"The best water on earth are filtered by the plants."
"The kidneys are essential organs; their job is to filter our blood and create urine."
"We want to keep our fish happy and healthy, and we want the filtration that's going to allow that to happen."
"I love sponge filters because of the large amount of biological filtration capabilities."
"That beneficial bacteria is in that filter media and that bacteria will actually break down the ammonia and the nitrate."
"Positive pressure in the clean room should be maintained and should be supplied with filtered air to maintain a positive pressure as compared to the background."
"A revolutionary air filtration system to filter out harmful fumes."
"If we're filtering a lot, that's a good indication that the kidneys are working very diligently to keep your blood clean."
"People use filters to clean water for drinking. No bad stuff can get through this last line of defense."
"Soil is a really important water filtration system... the spaces in the soil, the pore spaces, will actually trap pollutants so that clean water can pass through and recharge groundwater sources and aquifers."
"Supporting ecosystem services... include water filtration and pollinator habitats."
"The glomerulus is where the process of filtration starts."
"Sponges are so cool, they're able to filter hundreds of gallons of water every single day."
"The most important reason that I use Nexus filtration is because it works, as simple as that."
"The charcoal filter... for a process called adsorption, not absorption, the actual chemical sticks to the charcoal and the clean air comes out the back of the filter."
"...the size of these filters is about 2.2 microns... we use these to sterilize fluids; the viruses will go through them, and the bacteria are remained behind."
"If water quality is really a problem, put in a whole house water filtration system."
"Charred barrels on the inside basically look black, becoming sort of an activated carbon filter which can help remove sulfur compounds from a whiskey and make a smoother drink."
"Activated carbon filtration is a chemical filtration process; activated carbon is very absorbent."
"We need to use nature to filter the pollutants out of the runoff water."
"What we're doing in the headworks is we are taking out the big stuff, all of the things that are actually heavy enough or large enough to settle on their own."
"The filter tank... has sand, shredded microfiber door mats, and crushed booy booy nuts in it, which is surprisingly effective."
"The kidneys are such smart organs; they filter the blood and get rid of waste products and the extra fluid that's in our body."
"A professional fume extractor has multi-layered filters that the vapors and smoke goes through."
"Clean air by Ronco can filter all the air in a 15 by 20 foot room in 33 minutes."
"The flow rate on this thing is pretty fast because it's got just a bunch of hollow fiber membranes exposed inside of it."
"These plants are much more than just decoration; they are the ultimate biological filters."
"The filter separates the solids, any uneaten fish food, fish feces, any waste from the fish tank."
"It's a fantastic setup, the tank itself and the filtration is going to be more than enough to handle this bio load."
"An all-in-one system is a rear filtration chamber, which allows for a lot more filtration options."
"The millions and millions of particles of sand in the tank might actually be more of a filtration than just a rock."
"The sand just does absolutely play a beneficial role in filtering your tank."
"The HEPA filtration and the activated carbon will still function in the exact same way and for the exact same amount of time as one of these filters would."
"The kidneys filter waste and surplus water from the blood, regulate electrolytes, and assist in managing your blood pressure and even your blood sugars."
"Plants will help filter your aquarium, turning ammonium into nitrates which the plants eat."
"Sponge filters are great, they're one of the best forms of filtration in this hobby."
"The one micron bag filters seem to work really well."
"The thicker filter means that there's more material inside that filter that can catch more particles."
"Healthy kidneys remove and clean blood 24 hours a day, seven days a week."
"Grail's filtering system eliminates harmful bacteria and heavy metals in seconds."
"This is a purification stepping water, this is filtration."
"The bag is the main filter and it really does a good job."
"It's something you really want to get into. Filtration is one of my favorite, if not the favorite, aspect of the Aquarium Hobby."
"An all-in-one filter does both mechanical and biological filtration on its own."
"This aquarium is filtered by an echo wheel which is an algae-based system."
"The kidneys are basically a filtering mechanism; they filter the blood, they take out the bad stuff, they get rid of it through your urine, and the good stuff you keep."
"The Rapid Pure uses a multi-stage filter element; it uses UltraCeram electro-adsorptive technology for the biologicals and an active carbon stage for taste and odor."
"Filtration is the only way to absolutely ensure you're going to have a healthier home."
"If you put a net in front of the fan, the net will catch everything that is in the air and let the air pass through."
"Your nose filters the air for sensitive throats and lungs."
"The next thing I built was the modular sock box which was an idea to run a seven inch filter sock inside the sump that's removable."
"Moss is one of the great filtration systems of the forest floor."
"If you've got allergies or anybody in your family suffers from any dust related allergy, then the Miele is fairly good at filtering out all that dust."
"The coconut tree is a water filtration system... it's pulling up the water and it filters it and puts it in a nice package."
"The coolest thing about these SOE baskets is the fact that they give you basically the same results as if you used a bottom paper filter."
"Every drop of water in this hot tub can be filtered through pressurized filtration in 45 minutes."
"If you can filter a koi pond or the water for koi, you can filter for almost anything."
"That's the beauty of what plants and natural filtration and deep substrate can do for you."
"I bought a Brita so that I can filter my water."
"Your kidneys filter and clean 200 liters of blood."
"If you suffer from allergies, we offer a couple of different filters to aid people that actually have a lot of allergies."
"Your kidneys process enormous amounts of fluid."
"It's a very interesting and a very precise filter."
"Filtration can be defined as the removal of solid particles from a fluid by passing the fluid through a filtering media on which solids are deposited."
"The filter media should retain solids to be filtered and give a reasonably clean filtrate."
"The kidneys play an important role in filtration, reabsorption, and secretion."
"Filters that are properly selected, installed, and maintained will keep a fluid clean enough for extended use."
"The design of the gating system should be such that it filters impurities like dross, slag, and other impurities which are lighter in weight and floating over the surface."
"One of the biggest additions to the 6K Pro is a motor-driven ND system which provides two, four, and six stops of IR ND filtration."
"Filtration is very important because you're breathing in all that stuff that's getting spat out the vacuum."
"With these HEPA bags, they are excellent filtration for the price."
"We have a whole house filter, this is the same filter you have in your residential home."
"A HEPA post motor filter can remove up to 99.97 percent of particles 0.3 microns or larger from the air that travels through the vacuum."
"You can drink and refill all day with tap water, fountain water, not have to worry about that funky taste because it just filters it all out."
"Most bottled water comes from domestic drinking water systems... The bottled water purveyor typically will filter the water with microfiltration and replace the minerals with a specific concentration in order to control the consistency of the taste."