
Oceans Quotes

There are 183 quotes

"The oceans are the kidneys of the earth; they recycle material and filter it out."
"The world's oceans, covering a vast 70% of planet Earth, hold such incredible mysteries in their dark depths."
"Each year, millions of tons of plastic debris ends up in the oceans, much of it from rivers."
"Plastic bottles and loads of plastic bags... are genuinely clogging up our oceans and the ecosphere."
"An overwhelming amount of plastic waste is littering the world's oceans every year, while gradually turning them into giant landfills."
"Our oceans are integral to human existence. It's a simple fact."
"We have the equivalent of one dump truck every minute of plastic waste being dumped into our oceans. We might have more plastics in our oceans than fish by 2050, by weight."
"This photo serves as an allegory for the current and future state of our oceans, pushing endangered species to the brink." - Justin Hoffman
"The biggest environmental issue that's facing us isn't global warming, it's overfishing in the oceans."
"True explorers who shared a distinct Spirit of Adventure, a deep passion for exploring and protecting the world's oceans."
"We're using way too much single use plastic and much of it's ending up in our oceans."
"Great Pacific Garbage Patch: a vortex of circulating currents."
"Strange creatures were recently found throughout Siberia, many of these unknown creatures were found deceased and frozen in huge blocks of ice."
"The world’s oceans make up the vastest yet least understood region of the Earth."
"Preserving our oceans and maintaining livelihoods is not something that's mutually exclusive. In fact, it is part of a virtuous cycle."
"The least explored spot on the planet: two-thirds of its ocean."
"I'm pretty well convinced they're here and they're living here like I said I've always believed they're in the water."
"Water terrifies me. This giant liquid that covers 70% of the Earth's mass."
"It is critical that we effectively take action on this issue and improve the health of our oceans."
"We know more about the surface of the Moon than what is happening within our very own oceans."
"Even to this day, the vast, empty oceans spread between our land masses remain one of the most terrifying natural forces on the planet."
"The oceans are changing faster than anticipated and increasingly becoming inhospitable to life."
"The vast stretches of oceans in our planet conceal secrets so strange yet fascinating."
"Oceans are level even though they exhibit curvature, and this is how all the water molecules sit as close to the center of the Earth as geometrically possible."
"Immense oceans have formed covering nearly half of the Martian surface."
"97% of Earth's water lies in the oceans so if we just remove the salt problems solved, right?"
"The depths of our oceans are a truly Wild Frontier with unknown beasts roaming free."
"One Piece takes place in a fictional world divided into two massive oceans."
"60% of the planet's surface is ocean."
"We have better maps of Mars than we do of our own seabeds."
"Some people really feel drawn to the nebulous and the cosmos but for me, my home has always been Earth, especially the oceans, the dolphins."
"17 discovered exoplanets could house subsurface oceans buried below thick sheets of ice."
"Oceans cover more than seventy per cent of the earth’s surface and impact your daily life in ways that probably never even occur to you."
"Our oceans are full of amazing creatures. It's not just about being good at hide-and-seek, these animals are also super colorful and have cool designs."
"During this ecological catastrophe, the oceans were the first to be affected."
"May harbor oceans beneath their surfaces."
"Other than a pool, all of the oceans are available for scuba diving."
"People don't realize that what we're doing is impacting the oceans in a very negative way."
"Seas are much more efficient at absorbing sunlight than continental crust."
"To prevent the end of the oceans as we know it."
"The Earth is shaped by its oceans, playing a vital role in supporting life. Without these oceans, life as we know it would not exist."
"Most of the pollution in our oceans comes from rivers."
"The sheer extent and expanse of our oceans on the face of the Earth are nearly Beyond Comprehension."
"Coral reefs are the cornerstones of a well-functioning ocean ecosystem."
"Earth's oceans still remain largely unexplored, a place that we really know very little about."
"Our oceans are running out of big fish. Find out what different fish you could try eating instead."
"We've only explored 10% of our oceans."
"Beneath the world's oceans is a rarely seen technological marvel, a global web of fiber optic telecommunications cables."
"The oceans are the world's best resource."
"Between 500,000 to a million tons of fishing gear are discarded or lost in the ocean every year."
"Every second breath we take comes from the oceans."
"The oceans have absorbed about 30 percent of human CO2 emissions; they act as a climate buffer, an important contribution against global warming."
"This isn't about money; this is about saving the oceans."
"Save the oceans, recycle me easily."
"It's all about sustainability and just, you know, helping the oceans."
"Our ancestors were already expert navigators, sailing across the different parts of the world from the Pacific Ocean to the Indian Ocean."
"The problem of oceans can only be solved by some kind of cooperated international action."
"We have contributed to global warming that has heated the oceans by the equivalent of dropping one atomic bomb into the ocean every second for the past 150 years."
"Like Canaries in a coal mine, they are key indicators of the health of our seas and oceans."
"Mercury levels have increased in the oceans because of mercury falling down from the smokestacks of coal mines."
"It's often said that we know more about the surface of the Moon than we do about our own oceans."
"It's important to bear in mind that our oceans have barely been explored."
"The vast expanse of our world's oceans has always been a channel for exploration, trade, and connection."
"The vast oceans that roro ships traverse are not just pathways for trade and transportation; they are delicate ecosystems that sustain life on our planet."
"It is our responsibility to ensure sustainable use and health of our oceans for the benefits of all."
"Before the deep freeze, life was primitive; single-celled organisms and algae were mostly confined to the oceans."
"I'm trying to protect the oceans a little bit more."
"Most of the world's oceans are still a mystery to us."
"It's estimated that the volume of plastics in our oceans is six times greater than the plankton population."
"If you care about this planet, it is time to declare a truce and stop commercial fishing."
"Once upon a time, our oceans were so full of life, but not so much anymore in comparison."
"After living on Earth for thousands of years, human beings still haven't completely explored the oceans."
"The greatness of the oceans inspires something in you."
"Humans have explored outer space more than they have the marine kingdom."
"Humans have only explored five percent of Earth's oceans; the rest is uncharted territory."
"In 2050, the plastic in the ocean will equal the weight of all fish."
"Our oceans are full of mystery and wonder."
"We're aiming to raise 30 million dollars to remove 30 million pounds of plastic and trash from the ocean."
"I've been trying to do a lot of work for the oceans."
"That is what people said about the oceans long ago."
"Evidence of ancient oceans right here."
"The oceans, rivers, and lakes of Earth have always been shrouded in a cloud of mysticism."
"He was a master mariner, licensed to captain vessels on any ocean."
"Its icy crust likely hides a deep liquid saltwater ocean with far more water than is even here on Earth."
"Colombia is the only South American nation with coastlines along both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans."
"More than 80 percent of the world's oceans remain unexplored."
"About 50% to 80% of all the oxygen on Earth comes from our oceans."
"Around 71% of our planet's surface is covered in water... there's plenty of space for weird things to wash up on shore."
"Oceans aren't flat; if they are, then like, it's not like a bad sign or tsunamis or something."
"The Earth is known as the blue planet because the oceans cover 3/4 of its surface."
"The oceans absorb heat from the Sun and help regulate the earth's temperature."
"Venus most likely used to be covered with oceans from 30 to 1,000 ft deep."
"Traveling is important to explore every ocean that you're near because they're honestly a lot different."
"There's a fixed amount of water on Earth, most of which, approximately 97%, is saltwater contained in the world's oceans."
"We as a planet are polluting the oceans, and it's a problem."
"The oceans play a crucial role in regulating the Earth's climate."
"Over 80% of our oceans remain uncharted territory."
"UNCLOS is now the most important treaty governing the uses of the oceans."
"We all know the world's oceans are rife with some of the world's biggest animals."
"In the future, there could be more plastic in the oceans than fish."
"The Panama Canal joins the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans."
"Instead of planting trees, they're trying to get trash out of the ocean."
"It's important to protect our oceans, our waterways, our ecosystems, the marine life, both the flora and the fauna."
"We are now on the hunting and gathering stage with regard to the oceans."
"Very soon after the oceans started to form on Earth, about 4 billion years ago, that was probably the beginning of life."
"We know more about the surface of Mars than we do about the bottom of our own oceans."
"Our oceans are precious and special."
"No one knows what the consequences for the world's oceans will be, only one thing is certain: if we want answers, then this is the place to look."
"The waters of the world's oceans hide many amazing creatures with fantastic appearances."
"The discovery of its oceans makes Enceladus one of the top candidates for finding life in the solar system."
"We've got to start taking the oceans much more seriously."
"It does the job really well and it does get rid of some of that plastic from our oceans."
"What is the largest body of water in the world? The ocean... Atlantic... Pacific Ocean."
"The hydrosphere is 97% in the ocean and three percent of it is locked up in freshwater."
"Oceans cover 72 percent of the Earth's surface."
"The world's five oceans are the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic, and Southern oceans."
"Healthy oceans means healthy shark populations; you can't have one without the other."
"Consider that Europa could serve as a model for the billions of moons in the universe with liquid oceans."
"The greatest environmental issue of this century is to protect the oceans; it defines everything."
"These ocean worlds of the outer solar system are really changing our framework for what it means for a world to be habitable."
"Venus at one point hosted vast shallow oceans on its surface, perhaps teeming with microbial life."
"The oceans can't be owned by any one country."
"The earth's oceans have only been five percent explored."
"There's so many great initiatives out there that are there to protect our oceans."
"We know more about the surface of the Moon and even Mars than we do about our own oceans."
"The oceans have over 97% of the water on Earth."
"Both Uranus and Neptune could have oceans of liquid diamonds."
"Every dollar that's raised is a pound of trash taken out of the oceans or the rivers."
"We can get people all around the world to fall in love with our oceans, and that's such an important thing to do."
"If you were a visitor from outer space, you'd be looking at a blue blueberry covered in oceans and clouds."
"I will pick up the garbage, we must keep the ocean clean."
"The dark waters to the very bottom is where we get the darkest side of the iceberg."
"We're the only planet that has oceans in all the known universe, we're the only one sitting in the perfect spot for them."
"We still don't know 90% of the oceans."
"18 billion pounds of plastic ends up in the ocean each year."
"You don't need to go far for them turquoise blue oceans."
"There are five major oceans in the world... the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the large Pacific Ocean, the Arctic Ocean, and the southern ocean also called Antarctic Ocean."
"You are the stewards of the oceans, but you have destroyed everything in them."
"This country protects one of the vastest expanses of the oceans of any country on earth."
"More than 70 percent of our planet is water."
"The crucial importance that healthy oceans play in the preservation of our interconnected world."
"Most of the oxygen on the planet is actually produced in the oceans."
"It's like a brand that donates a percentage of their profit to saving the oceans."
"The citizens of Earth will pay billions to save their oceans."