
Predator Quotes

There are 331 quotes

"With pointed fangs I sit and wait, with piercing force I dole out fate, grabbing victims, proclaiming might, physically joining with a single bite."
"He was a predator abducting girls and young women from their own front yards in broad daylight."
"It's our job and our objective to go capture the predator, sit him down, have a talk with him."
"The predator has more weapons to play with, he's come with more toys everyone knows who the predator is, but they don't necessarily know what this prototype can do."
"The Brute Shark is an aggressive predator that scours the depths with its ghostly white eyes."
"Can you imagine how scary it'd be for a deep sea diver to come face to face with one of these powerful Predators"
"Jermaine Lucier: 'Prey is as worthy and badass a Predator movie as we've seen since the original.'"
"The larval form which is the form they spend the vast vast majority of their time as is a brutally effective Predator build for any player who prefers the camping playstyle."
"Known throughout much of their range as river wolf, giant idlers are amongst the Amazon's top carnivores."
"Harpy eagle: with deadly talons that can exert several hundred pounds of pressure, crushing their prey's bones and killing victims instantly."
"How do you defend yourself against a predator who makes no sound? Start running and hope for the best, probably."
"Unclouded by conscience or delusions of morality, this is what it means to be an apex predator."
"The great horned owl is also known as the winged tiger or tiger owl and as you might imagine this is due to its reputation as a ferocious predator."
"Until we can accept the fact that they are the apex predatory in the ocean and have an extremely important function to fulfill there is still a lot of educating to be done."
"You are now becoming the supreme stalker of prey."
"Behind that cute black and white face is a highly intelligent and deadly predator."
"It could fly over 40 mph, it was a sight predator, and it had a huge appetite."
"I've never felt so scared like that, nor have I ever encountered anyone who looked at me like I was prey."
"Batman versus Predator is for me one of the best intercompany crossovers of all time."
"They should do Batman versus Predator because it would be a total palate cleanser."
"When the lion runs out of beasts to hunt, he comes for man."
"Every good Predator movie follows the formula perfectly."
"...it was because I was afraid afraid for my life afraid of whatever that strange monster of a man wanted to do with me and boys like me..."
"The wrist blades have been featured in almost every appearance the Predator has made."
"The Predator has been shown in comic books, novels, video games, and film, each one telling a different story of a specific hunter."
"The thanator is the most awesome land predator the universe has ever conceived."
"As an honorable warrior this predator follows a strict code."
"The predator then walks away and disappears taking another trophy from his many battles."
"Leon Jacob is a predator, he's scary."
"Lauren made it his life's goal to become the most terrifying predator the world had ever seen."
"the predator disappears and he gets to hunt another day."
"Funnily enough no one argued in defense of the predator."
"This movie is filled with scenes of animals and humans running with the Predator constantly chasing after them so that it can show who is the ultimate predator. They are the prey, and as the tagline says, they hunt to live, it lives to hunt. That's a badass tagline too."
"The Predator was absolutely nuts."
"A great white shark is top of the food chain hardly changed since the dinosaurs."
"A majestic tiger shark emerged from the depths, known as one of the ocean's apex predators."
"...visually I thought the Predators were superior in the third movie."
"A very hungry lion attacks the buffalo."
"I think Predators is one of the best Predator movies."
"This thing makes a perfect imitation and then hides inside the imitation until it's alone with its prey."
"This is a version of the predator that we've never seen before, and I hope grumpy fanboys can't pick it apart because it's just a whole new entry."
"Movies like Jurassic Park often show the Tyrannosaurus Rex as one of the most deadly predators destroying everything in its path."
"No emotion can compare to knowing you're being hunted by something you cannot reason or bargain with, something that will crunch your bones into a meal and not feel a goddamn thing about it."
"He was an accomplished predator, he knows exactly the things to say to people to bring them into his fold."
"A predator is going to prey on innocence, and it doesn't matter if you're a child or a college student."
"The lion don't go home thinking, 'What do I want, zebra? Do I want deer?'"
"Spinosaurus was likely a generalist opportunistic predator, hunting various small and medium-sized prey."
"The predator rises from the mud, takes aim with its spear gun."
"The presence of a Neurot Tyrant can be felt at considerable distances, creating distortions in the mind of prey."
"I love that idea I'm so on board for predator living in Star Wars."
"I mean, this and sort of like Predator, are kind of the two pillars of the sci-fi world because of the creatures they introduce."
"She's an extremely skilled predator assassin who understands the math."
"A snow leopard uses its uncanny camouflage to edge closer to an isolated Yak calf."
"Leopards hunt on their own, so the buffaloes do not need to be concerned about a lion pride's large number of animals."
"The snakehead is a super voracious ambush predator that can even crawl on land from one river to the next."
"The largest lizard in the world, big enough to take down a full-grown Buffalo with their venomous bite."
"I classified the DRZ 400 recently as my top apex predator beginner bike."
"Man, ruthless as that sounds, the Predator is actually an honorable fighter."
"A stark reminder of the fine line between protector and predator."
"This was a Predator, and these men were its prey."
"Predator society is based around one thing: hunting."
"The line doesn't have to eat every gazelle that's running past it. It's got to pick one, find one, and eat one."
"Throughout the duration of our stay, I remember seeing said entity outside that same window, not as charming anymore, but staring like a predator watching prey."
"Isn't it so awesome, another Predator?"
"It was the ultimate killing machine with four powerful flipper-like limbs to propel itself at high speed. It was the apex predator in the ocean."
"For predators, I hope to include a team of various spider species, centipedes, maybe a mantis, toads or frogs, geckoes, possibly native agamid or skink lizards, and of course, the ultimate stars of our ecosystem world and of this channel - ants!"
"The T-Rex was a master of the hunt, stalking its prey with keen eyesight and a heightened sense of smell."
"In tyrannosaur-dominated ecosystems, we have tyrannosaurs dominating multiple predator roles within their ecosystem, from mesopredator to apex predator."
"It was like looking into the eyes of a predator sizing up its prey."
"The bull shark... the aggressive animal can grow to be up to 13 feet long and 1,300 lbs."
"This thing is a monster, it is a predator, a super Predator."
"I want more cool predator stories. We will savage it if you guys mess it up."
"...looking for things like larger fish like tuna and mackerel seals sea lions rays dolphins other sharks perhaps."
"What killed them was not the British soldiers pursuing them but Mother Nature particularly one of her most dangerous predators the salty water crocodile."
"Humans are the apex predator, but also contradictually, they feel the guiltiest about it."
"a predator will get into an enclosure and just kill absolutely every chicken and it's so sad when that happens"
"I just encountered an alpha predator. It's life-changing."
"The face of a cunning predator fixated on its unsuspecting prey."
"Everything I do is like a predator. Like a crocodile."
"A bear is far more agile and well-equipped to kill a hog than the other way around."
"That bulletproof vest ain't gonna protect you from the that [__] the Predator. Thought you could contain this thing man, that's hilarious. That right there is why you never try to hunt the hunter."
"The Skull Crawlers aren't necessarily evil. They might be a foe, but they're just a twisted product of nature and a predator who doesn't discriminate."
"EDP is a predator, he's obviously a bad person."
"They also added some articulation so that's so awesome to see and he's definitely one of the most fun Predator figures to pick up and play with and pose around."
"Since they stalk their prey a mile beneath the surface, witnessing an actual kill is impossible."
"Was there a predator? A perpetrator, big enough and fierce enough to take down an armored tank like Borealopelta?"
"Acrocanthosaurus was a formidable predator."
"The Predator will become angry with the victim for escaping."
"The stories we have of Tasmanian tigers eating prey is that they were a particular eater, and they would often eat at the neck of an animal and eat the blood vessels through there."
"That death wasn't quick. Her death wasn't painless. There's no doubt Ian was a predator."
"Stoneheart is in my book one of the better Predators ever released if not one of the best."
"Tyrannosaurus rex, the king of the predators, armed with massive jaws and razor-sharp teeth."
"...Predator is basically a perfect action film featuring one of the most perfectly actualized and menacing monsters in the history of Cinema..."
"It was an apex predator, so it sits right at the top of the food chain."
"Animals weren't the only prey she knew. Strife between Therianthrope tribes was common, and hunting foes was something else she lived for."
"It turns out this modern day dinosaur uses a toxic venom that injects into its prey."
"Lions are the dominant nocturnal predator; we are the dominant diurnal predator."
"Predator was a legitimately good movie."
"He informed me that we were dealing with a very large upright bipedal canine and these things are alpha predators. They will kill."
"There is no apex predator like man."
"I just think that we are the real apex predator."
"The red forest scorpion is a nightstalker who enjoys the thrill of the chase."
"The giant otter, often referred to as the riverwolf, is one of the Amazon's top predators."
"What if in the park is another Predator, an apex predator beyond bears and wolves, a hidden predator kept secret?"
"The speed of the mud I strike is so fast it leaves the prey no time to react."
"They're top predators in this ecosystem, the landsharks of the environment."
"Allosaurus: one of the most dominant predators of its time."
"Kelenken was a terrifying predator that stood up to 10 feet tall and weighed in at least 400 pounds."
"He is a predator who's stalking his prey; he's very organized and that makes him incredibly dangerous."
"It's late at night and the jungle cat has spotted something."
"Crocodiles are a dangerous animal to deal with because they're an ambush predator."
"They rely on their eyeballs a lot to catch prey, so they're one of the top predators in the Amazon."
"I love the look of the Predator, badass as hell, one of my favorite character designs I think ever."
"I fooled this incredible predator... that's satisfaction to me."
"A little more power, they say the red wolf only leaves its den to hunt, must be feeding time."
"You know that saying about most predators that hunters will tell you, they can smell your fear? Yeah, he could smell it all right."
"When it comes to the chase, the great white is capable of propelling its two-ton body at 40 km/h before launching clear out of the water."
"A primal sense of fear started to form inside me, the kind where you know you are being watched by a predator."
"One of the absolute predators of the reef."
"Never underestimate the lynx because it is a ferocious predator."
"The great white shark is an ancient killing machine that has hardly evolved in millions of years."
"It was a creature born of nightmares, an apex predator that had adapted to the extreme depths."
"Ziphactinus was a dangerous sea monster that could change color like a chameleon."
"It could swallow prey half its size and surpass nearly everything in the ocean in terms of speed."
"Paleophis was a formidable predator that feasted on a variety of ocean prey, including fish, turtles, and surprisingly, even whales."
"Deer and other large game are strangely absent, hinting at the presence of an unnaturally hungry predator."
"It was known as a top predator that would eat almost anything it could catch, including whales, dolphins, giant turtles, and even other sharks."
"The Megalodon was one of the largest and most powerful predators to have ever existed on Earth."
"The Dunkleosteus reigned supreme as the most formidable predator of its era."
"Jason's out there watching, always on the prowl for intruders, waiting to kill, waiting to devour, thirsty for young blood."
"Megalodon was likely an apex predator, eating whatever it could bite into."
"The mouth of the saltwater crocodile is filled with an impressive array of teeth specially designed for its carnivorous lifestyle."
"I do believe this is the best one of the very best Predator figures ever made."
"It really is on par with the best hot toys Predator figure."
"The T-Rex was one of the biggest predators."
"You definitely got a predator around here."
"That's what they do. The big crocodiles, that's how they catch their man."
"The Predator is actually an honorable fighter."
"They are the prey, and I am the hunter."
"They have different alarm calls for different types of predators."
"I like the T-Rex because it was one of the biggest predators."
"Megalodon was clearly a massive predatory shark the likes of which has never been seen before or after its time."
"Perfect Defense is nothing to the perfect predator."
"I think you are a bit confused about who is eating who."
"High in the blue, a hawk slid silently, its wings motionless, its head searching the ground for prey."
"Megalodon proves again that she was the ultimate predator."
"The leopard relies on its power and stealth; this is a predator that can strike fear into any victim, including mankind."
"What's really interesting about this particular predator is this is the same predator that's featured at the very end of Predator 2."
"This figure, the other Predator, was one of the coolest looking Predators I've seen in the movies."
"A fully mature jaguar can capture any crocodilian."
"They'll eat anything, it is an unbelievably magical predator."
"The sperm whale is the largest tooth predator that ever lived on planet Earth."
"How do you turn your eyes into the eye of a predator?"
"Anteosaurus was one of the most impressive; this proto mammal was not only the largest predator of its time but the largest terrestrial predator the world had yet seen."
"Tiger was no longer viewing Copper as a friend but instead started looking at him as a meal."
"On land and at sea, alpha predators watch over the balance of the cycle of life."
"With these kind of predators, it's from meal to meal, a struggle for survival."
"When they want to hunt, they hunt. They'll surface feed, they'll bottom feed, they'll hunt things down. They're not a slow fish at all. They're a hunter and a predator."
"He's like a great white, he smells a little bit of blood in the water, he is going to eat you alive."
"It's evident this creature doesn't belong here, and if we truly are dealing with an alpha predator, God help us all."
"The tale of the Beast of Gudan in Europe stirs the imagination with notions of a surviving predator."
"This must be how rabbits feel when they see hawks swooping towards them, claws outstretched."
"King of the seas, taking in what I assume is like a piranha or snack."
"It's a totally awesome killing machine."
"I am perfect, the culmination of thousands of years of evolution into the ultimate hunter, the apex predator."
"Predator was a product of its time, some might even say a masterpiece."
"Lack of human ambiguity is what has and always will make us the deadliest predator alive."
"They're awesome nocturnal predators."
"You ever seen a wild lion take down a gazelle?"
"Orca whales are the epitome of an aquatic predator."
"Some are just born mean, the bloodthirsty bat was born deep in the caves of the rainforest, emerging after years of gorging on unsuspecting forest dwellers."
"Spider wasp, an enemy that preys and feeds upon spiders."
"Although the cheetah is the fastest animal in the world and can catch any animal on the plains, it will wait until it is absolutely sure it can catch its prey."
"It's a brilliant predator that's evolved to be an incredible eating machine."
"I knew that the forest would never be the same again, that the echoes of the unknown predator would haunt us for years to come."
"Among the largest carnivores to have ever stalked the planet, Tyrannosaurus was one fearsome dinosaur."
"The mantis stalks the cicada, while the oriole follows behind."
"Just like any other predator across the savannah, they are a crucial part of the ecosystem."
"The Predator's advanced technology with a shoulder cannon, cloaking device, and just his appearance is scary enough as is."
"The Tarbosaurus was a highly active predator that efficiently turned its ecosystem into its very own dominion."
"Predator does stand the test of time."
"Tigers are powerful, intense personalities and they're predators."
"The idea of adding more killers than just Buffalo Bill and the Tooth Fairy is to imply that Hannibal isn't just a killer, he's an apex predator among predators."
"I think Prey, the new Predator film, is as good as the original."
"They're ambush predators; they're low light conditions fish."
"I liken them to a half-sleeping cat, ever the predator."
"In the tropics, there isn't a bigger or badder predator than the tiger shark."
"It was the largest predator in its environment."
"Tyrannosaurus easily had one of the widest, most barrel-shaped torsos of any terrestrial predator to ever live."
"T. rex is considered to be the largest terrestrial predator to ever exist."
"The radiodons will always be able to claim the title of the first super predator."
"Anglers underestimate walleyes as a predator."
"A bold new chapter in The Predator Universe."
"Get yourself a Predator, 'cause this piece is awesome."
"I instantly think the original Predator movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger."
"This is iconic in the sense that this is how we see Predators for the most part of the movies."
"There's always that reveal where the Predator will remove his helmet."
"If you can find this piece, I definitely would say add them to your collection."
"Larger than a human and about the size of a crocodile, the 390 million year old sea scorpion was the top predator of its day."
"115 million years ago, there was a creature feared above all others, the raptor Dinonicus."