
Troubleshooting Quotes

There are 2258 quotes

"Finally, all the Kinks worked out, exhaust leak plugged up, distributor in the only spot that works."
"The worst thing that can happen is it doesn't work the first time. With soldering, you can always unsolder, re-solder, try again until you get it right."
"It looks like it's hanging, so that's definitely working."
"It's always good to head on in, get into the game to make sure it's really working because some things can go wrong."
"The journey of coding is filled with errors and fixes, and each one teaches us something new."
"After some further testing, I think I might have figured out why there is more noise when using that profile."
"Jupyter Notebooks let you run your code a single line at a time, or altogether. That flexibility makes it easier to understand your code and when things go wrong to troubleshoot it."
"If you're strugling for an hour and a half to get the engine in, maybe go back and make sure that the motor you got wasn't from a manual transmission truck."
"This is not professional advice, but if your airsoft gun does not work, just drop it and it'll start working. I cannot believe that."
"Almost always if you don't see anything go wrong, that means everything went right."
"The most important takeaway is that no matter how many errors you seem to have, always scroll up to the top of the output and address the first error first."
"I finally decided to relaunch my game and figure out what was causing my health to not regenerate, and I solved it."
"If you ever find yourself struggling with selecting things, you might be in the wrong mode."
"Employee wellness: it's not just your body, it's also your mind."
"Actually, it didn't really work that well. You have to freeze the thing like the night before, and I didn't. So it's kind of like weird."
"When in doubt about how these things are working, about what query selector is returning, the JavaScript console can be a very powerful tool."
"That ain't working, chat. That is not working."
"Beth.ini... automates it... and saves a back-up in case it causes problems. Prevent some future crashes or instability issues or problems that you're just not going to face down the line."
"Eventually, feeling out of options, I just restarted OBS and yeah, that solved pretty much everything."
"Otherwise, we'll tell the user there's an issue."
"If certain functions on your screen is grayed out...that's probably it."
"In most cases, the reason is very simple. Some values might already be present in the spill range of a dynamic array function. This will create a conflict and Excel will alert you with a spill error."
"Otherwise we're gonna be updating something and this is not gonna show up over here so we're gonna run the ad of balance I'm sorry show the balance that we had before."
"It's hopefully going through the restart cycle."
"Oh, what is that? Anyways, this hack did not work, on to the next one."
"If you hear any issues with your Samsung Galaxy S8, there are a couple of reset levels that you can initiate."
"As long as you have the basic hardware... there's no real problems with it."
"But then my luck started to run out. While finalizing my overclock, my PC crashed and it did not turn back on."
"I'm really confused about why it's separating like that. I probably should just toss it."
"When you see this 'get password' or when you have this password exactly like that and you don't see it, now you know the reason why."
"iOS 15 was just an absolute nightmare for handing off to a HomePod."
"It's not a normal customer troubleshooting experience, it's like a saboteur experience."
"I can personally guarantee you we're gonna figure out whatever the heck is wrong with this."
"We were successfully able to diagnose the issue at hand."
"So what is your weirdest troubleshooting computer gremlin... because this whole 3700 X and gigabyte motherboard one... it's one of the most aggravating problems that I've ever had."
"If everything else seems to check out, start looking at exhaust smoke or other things like this."
"I've seen clear CMOS buttons fix the strangest of problems."
"So guys there you go I mean look I've showed you the other side hopefully today you guys um hopefully this will save a few people's builds."
"My inclination is off and that's why I haven't been able to get in. Oh, I got it! I got the encounter! Oh, beautiful."
"So, big picture stuff here. Don't just stop at the refrigerant leak. Start looking: why is there a crack in the line? What caused the crack?"
"And hopefully, now we'll be able to see our Facebook Pixel purchase code firing correctly."
"And there are stories where people as last minute have a nightmare that they put something together wrong, actually go back in, and discover that, oh, I inserted this wire backwards or that one."
"The goal should be figuring out the steps of troubleshooting it, limiting the variables you're changing to one at a time, and narrowing down each setting one at a time—just being patient with it."
"Talking through your problems with code is a wonderfully valuable thing."
"One week of troubleshooting and building and repairing later, Lazarus, he's finally here and I've learned a lot."
"Restarting your iPhone closes down all of your apps, it also removes any data caches that might have been created."
"I think they're just an idiot. I don't know, we'd have to unplug to be able to tell."
"I figure we should kick off this devlog by talking about it and see what went wrong."
"Okay, I fixed it. So now it's like... Wait, volume is too high, making my weight downtown [__]."
"The fabric spray paint might be reacting to the actual water."
"So the defaults are broken yet so if I play with fire here and let's go to tool settings and switch here and don't put that here oh."
"Simple, remember the five things: LAN, NAT, DNS, route, way to get out."
"Tech problems that have no solution are always so weird. And then you find out what's actually happening, it's like, what?"
"Throwback Thursday: that time my teacher's computer wasn't working, so she plugged the projector into one of the student's computers."
"Welcome to Fix or Flop! In this playlist, we attempt to fix viewer systems that are, well, they have to be broken to be fixed, right?"
"Most of the time, unless the gun's really egregiously bad, that'll be the limiting factor."
"At the moment, it looks like all the pulleys are aligned quite well."
"I think I'm blaming our issue on thermal. We've added too much, exponential. That's us, yeah."
"As you can see, we can get a lot of awesome data to do things such as get to the root cause analysis of what could be going wrong in your app, check how your microservices are performing, and so, so much more."
"Distributed tracing helps pinpoint where failures occur."
"And there we go, we have a working PC, all the fans are spinning, we are good to go."
"Should we be concerned that it takes like a whole like what three seconds three or four seconds for the system to power on?"
"The scariest thing when building a PC is when you're about to press the power button... You ready? Hey, it's turned on!"
"Debug led is really good for motherboards when you're using it as a test system."
"It's the metaphorical equivalent of jiggling the cord to see if that'll help somehow."
"Remember the motherboard manual is actually a really, really good resource to go to."
"If you notice they're starting to decline that means that they're probably not getting enough light and probably getting over watered."
"If not for that v bios change, this card would have been dead on arrival against the $300 2060."
"Knock on wood, pray to Jesus, do something, because if your IOMMU, if your graphic card isn't in its own IOMMU space, you're fucked."
"In the case of desync, it does have that so we're gonna check it out."
"Are foreign cars really shooting steam out because of a battery issue?"
"If we want to return the index value of the start of a string, we could do something like print long string find and if the word we're looking for is 'floor', type that in."
"If there's a big red X by one of your pieces of hardware, well, there may be a physical problem with the hardware or a needed driver."
"I managed to surprisingly get Bluetooth to pick up."
"This laptop finally works perfectly sort of, always sort of."
"When the network doesn't perform the way you anticipate if you've built up a little bit of a relationship with what those weights and biases actually mean you have a starting place for experimenting with how to change the structure to improve."
"If it's like six or lower there is a button in the upper right hand corner over the computer that you need to hit like seven eight nine ten is good."
"If something goes wrong, we want to know as a developer what is happening."
"As long as your computer still works, you can restore your computer way back all the way to the factory default."
"Oh my God, an overwhelming amount of people have had their entire systems bricked. It takes a lot for that to happen. I think there has to be something already wrong with the PC for that to happen."
"Remember, patience is key with this glitch. It might take some time to get it right, but you'll get there eventually."
"Diagnose car issues with Zion in the background."
"If your Pi is throttled, it's running too hot. That's all you really need to know."
"A simple way to protect the amazing vibe your speaker is creating for you from this irritating buzzing noise is just to move your phone away from your speaker or vice versa."
"They just made them too short. If you see anywhere it's close to rubbing, check that first, and then you'll see probably the white black wires come apart. It was a design flaw."
"No sense in throwing in the towel just because the computer didn't immediately start spewing confetti."
"First of all, we need to connect you to the secure server, then only we can find out why you have received this pop-up and accordingly why your computer is running slow."
"Clearly we have some kind of error going on."
"It's a month or two after release, so we'll definitely be looking into that, and if it's still a problem, then that is going to be a big problem for 12th gen."
"Keep in mind, a lot of times when people are unhappy with the performance of a computer, the actual issue is a Windows install."
"Reset Windows or do a clean install and suddenly it's like it's a brand new computer."
"If we jump start the car it might have a failed battery but it might just be enough to get us back to self-growth. That's the theory, but why I think the exchange rate is really important is because in the end that's like a nation's stock price."
"If you try to play the play disc, that won't work."
"Now we're just going to make sure our installation is working."
"The battery was completely dead, and come to find out, we just needed a new battery."
"The struggle of Twitch Plays Pokemon: trolls, glitches, and unexpected challenges."
"If your phone won't charge, it's not necessarily the charger's fault. The problem can be about the adapter or the USB ports."
"So, let's take care of that. To do that, we'll go back to our views and we want to copy everything from this if statement all the way to the context."
"Does your tattoo shade look red angry and patchy? Well if it does guys this is the video for you."
"There's probably a pretty simple explanation and a pretty fundamental fix to whatever might be going on here."
"I didn't even do anything special but it's working just fine now."
"This now works, it's pulling from our named configuration."
"So now that we've installed it, we can go ahead and see what our website looks like."
"Our RAM is only running at 2133 megahertz when it's rated for 3200 megahertz... let's go to Advanced Mode."
"You're not removing the program, all you're doing is preventing it from starting up."
"They decided to use Puppeteer because they would ship code every once in a while and the extension would just break, and we wanted to fix that."
"I always forget to catch something in the cache, which means somebody comes back to my page, and ultimately my entire app doesn't work offline."
"Tests are directly useful when they're failing."
"One of the main things that can make Facebook ads not work is your website."
"Chat GPT explains exactly what this error is and how we can potentially solve it."
"So while making this video, that actually happened to me. So if you do get errors where your product isn't showing, try switching the permalinks to default."
"Troubleshooting happens and a breath of fresh air swoops in."
"You guys know, uh, know why I can't, let me know. I'm just gonna drive it right now, then to go restock it. Oh, do I not have power?"
"Now, if I try to reload this while I'm not logged in, then we can see that we get an error."
"Just doing a quick visual check can really save you a lot of time if we find that maybe there's a loose ground or something like that."
"Now we should be able to start the vehicle up, bam we are back in business."
"Somehow you decided that cutting it at a half inch away from the plug was your best course of action."
"RAM overclocking is a lot of crashing guys, it's a lot of frustration."
"It actually did work... okay, so we're making progress now."
"If your computer crashes, it means it can kinda recover where it was up to."
"So now bootstrap should be enabled if we save and we go back reload and now you can see the fonts different and there's no padding on the sides and top here all right."
"You gotta find the why, you can't just start replacing parts."
"All we need to do for print is figure out the last row and set our print range dynamically and print it."
"Through the power of spectrum analysis and packet capture we're going to be digging deeper than ever into what causes Wi-Fi to randomly lose performance or drop out."
"There's definitely brightness because turning up the brightness control we see raster there."
"Let's turn this on, see what happens here. Alright, we're getting the static sound which is a good sign."
"Maybe I had the wrong settings or maybe there's a problem with the wheel."
"We've got bubbles for sure...we're actually picking up leaks on the other coil too."
"When you have good data about your applications, then you'll know if something doesn't work right, you can look to other causes for that problem and not a misapplication."
"Hopefully it works, hopefully it doesn't glitch out. I know a lot of people have had that issue where it just goes straight to the payment and then you get paid zero dollars for some people."
"Possibly one of the worst experiences ever is when you go to turn on your computer and it just won't boot up, no matter what you try and you have no idea why."
"Reset Windows back to its factory shipping configuration so it does a clean install when you turn it on."
"If for any reason, you're not sure if your sensors are working or not."
"If you replace that fuse you're gonna have a very bad day actually your power supply will probably stop you from turning the system on but if your power supply is crap you're going to have a really bad day."
"We were able to get the system up and running and not have to reinstall Windows which is going to be nice for him."
"I think we have resolved the issues by reinstalling the OS."
"Now it's the moment of truth 'cuz we're going to put a socket on the front crank PL and see if this motor actually spins."
"Version 12 seems to have fixed 90% plus of the issues people were having with v11."
"If place free, we're checking to see if there's anything under us. Well actually, if there's not anything under us."
"Make sure when you're editing, if you're on columns, you'll try to edit something and you won't be able to get into it. It's because of that."
"This load order makes everything work as it's supposed to."
"You have to fix whatever caused the overheat condition which is normally what causes this type of thing that we're going to see."
"I couldn't see the health values, I opened up my interface menu and started wrestling with options and throwing heels at this squishy monk."
"Bug fixes, bug fixes, bug fixes because they're focusing on getting the existing features out to launch as soon as they can."
"Depending on the scenario here, this could be considered an undervolt."
"Release it maybe an hour or two early, that way whenever you guys get out of school, all the bugs, if there are any, are fixed and smoothed out."
"Panetta finally has the break he's been looking for: the wrong FQI was installed on flight 1153."
"Fortunately, because these are Z-wave devices, we have the solution. We should, by the end of this video, be able to reconfigure these smart switches to..."
"The performance here is absolutely awesome. It really is. I also think I've managed to fix that nasty noise as well."
"Memory error detected, troubleshooting required."
"This fixed so many ghost misfire issues out there, it's just crazy."
"It's such the core of the thing I want to have access in case my the way I split it off from there gets weird."
"If you played a brand new game on launch, I guarantee you at some point you've turned it on and it just doesn't work."
"Should I stop at a bear like this that doesn't work exactly right?"
"Learning to read error messages is crucial in game development."
"In addition to this, we can go ahead and place one that's not in line with the belt's directionality, and it'll try and have to figure out what it wants to do by itself."
"Both of them worked no problem so long as you know you're on the newest versions."
"If you're ever troubleshooting a sequence and you can't figure out where things are going wrong, you can attach this debug node to the sequence and see what's contained in the message object passing through that node."
"So there you go, it pretty much worked out of the box once you have to do that little calibration thing to tweak the base of it."
"Everything from odd connectivity issues to just crashes and things like that."
"Why are all his screenings failing? Why are there technical difficulties?"
"Reading error messages is crucial for real-world learning."
"If you have a circuit that cannot be loaded, then you can't do a voltage drop test on it."
"Join a community group for your type of 3D printer and get learning about what might go wrong."
"Better safe than sorry, we're still working out a few kinks on the system after the fire."
"So it's working, let's see if control-a, I guess I should um bounce out of there and go back Pier number three."
"Now before proceeding I strongly recommend making sure that all the solder joints are solid by using a multimeter to confirm continuity."
"If you counted seven standoffs you've got to figure out where the missing standoff is."
"Everything I've done up to this point is done correctly, this is going to save you so much diagnostic time if things don't work."
"Let's power this thing up and see what happens."
"If your system happens to not boot up, definitely check the RAM."
"In Windows task manager, select the option that says always on top to ensure it appears in front of frozen windows."
"Good stuff right there if you're having trouble."
"Layer flavors at various stages in the cooking process... it gives you the ability to detect problems in the dish when they're still small."
"If it wasn't for having the good headset, I really wouldn't have been able to fault find this."
"Sorry about the wonky video, but you need to remove your finger from the forward key, then press the shift, then the forward key again, and then remove your thumb from the shift."
"It's been a crazy story, literally did lose sleep thinking, you know, once I got in there, wasn't going to be able to fix it because I really, I didn't know."
"Apparently the design I'm doing does not work in this version of Minecraft, which is severely, severely... where's my under test?"
"I didn't break the game like four times trying to build this thing... Gotta be honest, I'm glad that's over."
"And then from there switch spots as need to go up and down with it and again do a before and after and see if you're still getting those clicking popping or snapping sounds."
"Troubleshooting issues here is a big part of racing bikes."
"I've got my car my trucker my little old Kubota tractor stuck in the mud all right I go and I get this old standby chain."
"The first reason for a furnace to short cycle is the thermal limit tripping."
"My car's back in business, sometimes you just gotta turn it off and turn it back on again."
"If the fuel line is clogged, well, that's a problem. That doesn't matter how good everything else is, right?"
"Sometimes, you know when things don't go right in tech stuff, you gotta try turning it off and turn it back on again."
"To fix all your computer problems, it's an awesome tool. It really is."
"It's quite possible that one of those was already done when we had some connectivity back and forth."
"So if your game console is actually overheating, it's going to show a red light, it's going to beep three times oddly, and then it's going to turn itself off and give you an error."
"There's a weird little bug here; it's not reading that far down, so there's actually two ways to fix this."
"Man-on-machine-violence, fixing electronics since 1980."
"Pixel 6 owners out there has this OTA fixed things though? Well, we've spent a week with it so let's find out."
"But dad, those were not Christians, Jesus himself said, 'You'll know my disciples by their love.'"
"You never update your BIOS unless it's got something you need because inevitable you will always run into some kind of problem."
"Saying that they're all glitches is ridiculous. You're right. Thank you."
"If you've tried picks like this before but didn't see the results you were expecting it's because you're making just a few simple mistakes."
"If my internet is slow, is it throttling? How can I thwart the throttle?"
"So to solve this, we're actually going to use a feature called Track Widget Builds."
"That was too easy, plug it back in, oh there it is."
"You have to restart from the very beginning and hope to god you figured out what caused the glitch."