
Exams Quotes

There are 547 quotes

"Don't panic, guys; it's just another exam. You've done this many, many times. You've done mock exams at school, so treat it as just another exam."
"Don't stress out too hard on all those exams and assignments."
"To make your life easier in the exam, I strongly suggest that you get familiar with fractions."
"It is really important that you can use your calculator properly."
"I just took my biochemistry exam, so I am free. Oh, thank God."
"Answer all parts of the question to achieve task achievement."
"Remember: 'pick the best answer, not necessarily the right answer.'"
"Your exam is gonna think wow you are incredible."
"Watching your videos cheered me up after my exams; thank you."
"In the grand scheme of things, failing one exam is not the end of the world."
"Exams aren't there to measure self-worth, but your understanding of information."
"You have to play the exam game. If you don't play the exam game, you can have an amazing understanding of a subject but they won't reward you for it."
"It's not the end of the world if you fail... you can take the exam again a few days later."
"Last year when I graduated from my undergrad, I was feeling the Elle Woods vibes as well."
"Tomorrow is your last English Literature Exam. Congratulations! Because after tomorrow, a lot of you will never ever do English literature ever again. Go and smash it and don't let this one annoying exam ruin every other exam that we've done."
"Good luck for tomorrow, go and smash your exams. Three rounds and you want to make sure you leave victorious."
"Your previous scores will still be valid, no need to worry."
"Even if they increase the score requirement, it's still achievable."
"Prepare accordingly and you can still achieve your desired score."
"Stay focused on time management, especially in reading and listening sections."
"Cross out all the incorrect answers that you think and trust your gut."
"The result we get on this exam is not gonna define our worth as a human being."
"Get a good night's sleep. Never pull an all-nighter or try to study last minute for the CPA exams. It just does not work."
"Stay calm. Anything could happen during the exam. The first thing you need to do is to remember to stay calm and critically and logically analyze the situation."
"Good luck for A levels, you will be fine. I promise."
"Just try your hardest, you know, don't really slack... it will help you in the long run when you go to take your test."
"You will definitely pass the knight exam if you utilize those skills to their full potential."
"Best of luck for exams, if you're going to exam tomorrow, you've got this."
"My brain when I study. My brain during an exam: George Washing Machine."
"When you hear people discussing whether the answer to the physics final was 1.42 times 10 to the negative fourth power joules or 3.12 times 10 to the negative third power joules, but your answer was carbon dioxide."
"I'm wishing all of you guys the best in your finals and a happy holidays."
"My number one tip for year 10 going into year 11 in September is: start exam questions as early as possible."
"...my practice exams book for those of you that have not seen this before is a set of exams I wrote because I was really tired of seeing bad questions on the internet."
"Me almost finished with the math exam. The sheet has a backside."
"I challenge you to go either today, within the next day or so, get that study schedule locked down, get it together, and then start studying for it at least one month before the first week of your final exams."
"So with that, good luck, you guys. You got this. And come back and tell me when y'all kill them exams because I already know y'all about to be killing exams."
"Put in as much effort as you can into those end of topic tests because it will make it a lot easier when you're actually doing exams."
"Exams are all about getting the most marks."
"Ultimately, exams are all about getting the most marks."
"One of the most important things in this time period for your exams: build effective systems."
"It's just too difficult to go into that exam in May without practicing."
"Overlearning does help you do better on exams."
"I'm still receiving a lot of comments with people letting me know that they are passing their exams."
"Taking Security Plus this Friday I have A Plus and Network Plus."
"Exams are good. They are a good check along the way. They're a guidepost. They can tell you 'I got this far with my personal knowledge,' but they can also be very useful for your own personal understanding of this technology."
"Exams are stressful. You can't get rid of all the stress, but try to find a good way to work around those problems and be able to work through them."
"It's really important that you revise for those entrance exams."
"I am so sure that you'll be able to ace the exams."
"It's very important that I do well in these exams and I get very bad test anxiety so I'm really hoping that I can put myself through and get myself together to do these exams."
"You study for one of the exams, you go to take that exam, you pass that exam, then you can put that exam aside and move to the next one."
"The Student Code video series helped me prepare for exams and understand the material better."
"It's a big topic on both your CCNA exam and your ENCORE that's the core exam for your CCNP Enterprise certification."
"Taking practice exam questions like these early on in your study phase can help you identify holes in your understanding of important topics that are covered in the AWS exams."
"If you are not well prepared, you are not going to pass this exam."
"Always remember it's when you pass, not if you pass your certification exams."
"I call them experimental because they're trying them out for future exams. They're unscored, and there's no penalty for guessing, so it would be a sin to leave anything unmarked."
"I passed all my exams, I've been with the channel through my sie my seven of my 66 and so now I'm unsubscribing."
"Students are 86 percent more likely to pass their exams with the help of a teacher."
"It's real teamwork to keep students on track for their exams. We are so close now and Paris has almost no time left. Thank you."
"Just work through your exam, do the best you can."
"The goal is not to retake, you pass it the first time."
"Even if you don't pass the exam, it doesn't really matter because when you learn for an exam, you actually change your brain in a positive way."
"So if you take the 601 exam and you pass it, you don't need to take the 701 exam. It gains you nothing."
"When the exam paper seems easy, that's suspicious."
"Listen up, you two! These exams are no joke, and we could very well die in them."
"Exams: a few big tests instead of yearly exams."
"Practice exams are my favorite and I use them for all of my exams that I take. I find them so useful."
"I've had exams on like YouTube is very time consuming."
"Every single one of us is coming out of the exam on June the 5th finding structural devices for this question. Because as a minimum, I'm gonna give you eight devices that are bulletproof, untouchable."
"...these are the questions I've been learning in school and these are the ones that will actually come up in the GCSE."
"I feel so much anxiety about this situation. I spent more time worrying than getting ready for said exams."
"Keep calm. Take time for yourself and look after yourself throughout this period because that will honestly help you perform better in exams."
"Our religious studies exam teacher taught us the syllabus for the wrong exam board, so we had to learn an entire new syllabus during the Easter holidays."
"...U World gives you the kind of question practice that you will definitely need for solving questions."
"What's very important in Step 2 is that it's not important to memorize the algorithms. The algorithm by itself will not be useful during the exam. You will remember it once and then you'll forget it as soon as you're done with the questions."
"The Tune-In examinations will be commencing in less than two weeks here in the Leaf."
"I just hope we survived the exams."
"Practice, practice, practice. Past papers are really important."
"You absolutely 100 percent need practice exam questions."
"Motivate me to start revising for my exams."
"...you just can't listen to it once and expect to be able to incorporate that into your state exam experience, you literally have to practice them."
"I decided to not share my notes this time around before our Pediatrics final."
"It's better to have the scientific calculators instead of programmable calculators because during an exam you're allowed to bring scientific calculators but you're not allowed to bring programmable calculators for most of the engineering courses."
"The goal with your engineering classes is to obviously understand the concepts and score really high in your midterms and final exams."
"The questions on the exam tend to be very similar to the homework questions or the problems or questions that the professor has assigned and sometimes they can even be exactly the same."
"You need to make sure you are preparing for your exam early."
"Take care of your health during exam season."
"Your weakest topics are what are going to drop you down the most. That's why it's really important to increase your like baseline of knowledge so that within the exam you can get most marks for most of the questions."
"Promotions are based on results of exams and your chances of getting good grades are as good as anybody's."
"I keep checking a million gazillion times that my exam is in fact at 2:30 and not at 1:30."
"The more prepared you are, the better off you're going to be during the exam. Seems like a no-brainer."
"I did it! I was even number one in the exam!"
"The good pop-up is gonna say something along the lines of like you have recently registered for this exam so you can't re-register or something like that and that's a good sign that typically means that you passed."
"When God just so evidently shows up in my life it's almost the end of the year but I still have exams and stuff how can I still stay motivated?"
"You can go to your test feeling calm, confident. How would you want to feel?"
"I was so nervous I was doing so much last minute studying."
"I don't even know why I'm doing this because the exam tomorrow is."
"I just looked over what I had to review and it is four lectures 166 slides."
"Make sure you understand what to expect on the exam."
"The key to the exam is getting really good at being able to apply what you know."
"An argument against regular exams in school is that it moves the focus away from learning and onto preparing for exams. Exam-oriented education is often accused of teaching the test rather than providing students with a fulfilling learning experience."
"To pass all those exams on the first attempt is really unusual."
"If you finished your exams, well done congratulations we made it."
"Best of luck with your exam, happy new year, take care."
"...if you start to feel stuck on a question... just guess and move on. Mark it guess, move on. You can always come back and change it later if you have time."
"I hope you have found these tips useful. I wish you best success on your oral exam."
"You're not going to struggle. Understand the questions, understand the answers, no matter how they word it."
"It's never over till it's over, not until the last test."
"Arrive early to take the test, make sure you get there early, you plan it all out, and you're able to relax before you start."
"As soon as the test starts, write down key formulas and ideas on scratch paper."
"Read the directions very carefully, circling important ideas."
"It's so important to make sure you do practice exams written by the professors you're getting taught."
"Practice questions can increase your exam scores more than any other studying technique if used properly."
"Best of luck for your exam preparation."
"That one decision of redoing my exams separated me from the herd by 50 miles."
"I'm backing myself going into this exam, and that is unlike me."
"I wish you the best of luck on your exams and hopefully see you on the next video."
"When you're trying to study for an exam like this, you want to make sure that you try to keep things organized so that you do not get overwhelmed."
"It's going to reduce your test anxiety so when you sit for the real test, you'll know what to expect."
"Focus on the things that are going to be able to get you the most marks in the exam."
"Do not leave the exam room with any regrets."
"Clear of mind, I got this. I will see you after the exam."
"Learn the bottom part by heart so that on the day of your exam, all you're going to do is read your question and say, 'Okay, what are the four points that I want to make?'"
"Good luck on your national boards."
"Wishing you all the best of luck for your exams and take care."
"Time is of the essence for you in an exam; bold scanning will help you out."
"If you got a good solid foundation, then you're going to find it's better as you start preparing for the certification exam."
"When you're preparing for the exam, first you got to decide which exam you're going to take."
"Review the test blueprint; you need to know what that test blueprint looks like."
"Good luck on that state exam; good luck in your work."
"This shouldn't be your only revision; you should do as many past papers as possible to increase your coverage."
"Exams are actually a very rewarding experience, as long as you don't have breakdowns."
"I haven't had like a good exam like this in a while, so it just feels really nice to walk out feeling confident in my answers."
"The key to being good at any exam is being organized."
"Stay calm, it's just an exam, it's not the end of the world."
"Whatever happened in that station leave it behind, your marks are not determined by one station."
"Students who do well, really well in the exam, already know what they want to argue; it's already in their heads."
"Remember, all discussions and scenarios in the Plab 2 exams relate to best current clinical practice."
"There's a difference between having a good understanding of a topic and passing an exam; they're actually two very different things."
"I hope that you smash your exams and you do way better than you think you might do."
"We hope you do well on the exams, and if you can do the problems we talked about today, you will."
"Writing exams is not my favorite thing, and it's not the thing I'm best at."
"It's okay to fail an exam, and it happens to the best of us."
"If you got an exam, I suggest practicing this because you want to be well practiced."
"Good luck on your exam. You got this."
"On exam day, it felt like a breeze, and it's because I had done just so many that there was no way I could be unprepared."
"Make sure you rack up all the points you can on the super easy ones so that if you have one that you just are completely lost on, it's not going to be the end of the world."
"You can't really prep for that... you can. There are some things you can proactively do before going into the exam."
"You're going to do well on this exam."
"It is not too late to get your head in the right place before the exam."
"You are so close to this exam; you're going to do great."
"And most importantly, to build your confidence and help maximize your exam score."
"It's all coming to fruition and we're going to get you guys ready to take that AP exam."
"Only work the questions right away you can do readily; get that low hanging fruit."
"Label answers clearly; you do not need complete sentences, just complete thoughts."
"You strictly cannot memorize your way through this exam; you gotta understand the concept behind it."
"The main thing when you're confronted in an exam with questions with words that you don't know is not to panic."
"The people who get the best marks in the exam will be those who calmly and rationally work out the best answer and don't worry about it."
"Tell yourself you're going to pass your test."
"I took the test today and I passed, so I am so happy and so relieved."
"During exams, the Holy Spirit leaves you alone."
"I wish you all the best for those taking your psych shelf, or if you're studying for Step 2 CK, Step 3."
"You should party one day before the exam, you should have a good amount of sleep, and you should relax."
"I'm going to earn my chance to be in the exams and I will make it to the finals and show everyone who I really am."
"Even if I die tomorrow, you all still have to do your final exam."
"Practice exams, in my opinion, are the best way to study."
"Take deep breaths; you've written exams before, it's nothing new."
"Take care, Joe, and good luck with your exams. You will be fine."
"SDSU nursing students have a 98% pass rate on national board exams."
"Med school is not just about passing exams, it's also about making sure you climb these hurdles."
"TA office hours came in super handy... those would always show up on the midterms and the finals."
"The better you guys feel, the better you're going to perform during the exam."
"The more that you can have in mind what you want to say, the better exam you're going to get."
"Be on time, be early, and go to your exams."
"Be honest, state how you're feeling, what you're going on, bring as much information into your file as you can, think outside of the box, and go to your exams."
"Get yourself into that mindset, you're going to do absolutely fine during the exam."
"Remember, you only have to get like half the questions right to pass the test."
"I'm sending you all the loves, all the vibes to pass this exam."
"Be sure to also reserve an appropriate timeframe as your buffer zone between when you finish your entire curriculum and when your exam is."
"Experience makes a difference; expose yourself to as many practice exams as you can."
"I'm going to teach you all of those important concepts that have been seen on NCLEX, on ATI, on HESI, on those important midterms exams, finals."
"Best of luck on your test taking process."
"The best strategy in the exam is to answer the questions you can get the most marks on."
"Good luck on the midterm exam on Thursday, I'm pulling for you."
"Write your exam report while you're taking the exam."
"I never feel you perform as well in exams if you're not a bit nervous."
"It's terrifying. I'm a little bit scared because this is totally different to any other exam season I've ever done."
"I'm feeling very stressed. I never want this exam to happen, but equally, I want to do it like right now and just get it done."
"This is the most relaxed I've been during an exam period ever."
"Save your energy for the second exam."
"Staying organized is so important because when it came to an exam... you just need to practice."
"Wish you guys all the best on your upcoming exam."
"The more confident you're feeling yourself, the better you'll end up doing in the paper."
"I just really wanted to encourage anyone getting ready to take their exam like you can do it, because I did it."
"You got to plow through the material, then concentrate the material to what the test most likely will have, and then simulate the actual exam."
"When should you start taking exams once you've started the job? As soon as possible."
"You get a raise usually, or bonus, every time you pass an exam."
"College entrance exams can be a stressful step, but you can prepare for them just like the rest of the college process."
"It's funny that no matter what exam you take, it's always the most important one in life."
"I wish you the best of luck on your test, and take care."