
Cultural Origins Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"It's very possible that the younger dryas global catastrophe plays a part in why we still have a Halloween and a Day of the Dead."
"Every single hip-hop move can be traced back to West Africa."
"The mystery of where the Vikings came from and why they attacked has now been revealed."
"I thought dreamworks made up puss and boots but no he actually comes from an italian fairy tale from the 1600s."
"Brussels sprouts: everyone in Europe began calling them you guessed it Brussels sprouts."
"Wow thank you and you got the Brooklyn look at that see that knit that writing there that's closer to what the word Brooklyn it's Dutch it's a Dutch word it's actually it's small town in the Netherlands and that's where the word comes from."
"I thought that was like religious or something like that. I think it has its roots in religion, yes."
"The weight of historical evidence says that the middle finger gesture actually originates more than 2,500 years ago."
"The dragon did arise from a common conception across at least europe and asia."
"Knocking on wood also has its roots in the ancient world."
"The classic image of a fire-breathing dragon actually began as a tongue-lashing lizard."
"The mysterious tablets found in Glozel put into question the very origins of the written word and the paternity of European culture."
"The crowd, DJs, and main movers within the house music scene came from predominantly Afro-American gay clubs in Chicago."
"The city's ruins will forever bear the scars of ignorance and racism, but her true African origins and the greatness of her people can never again be denied."
"He was one of the very few players playing outside of Athletic Club who you could still buy because of his Basque origins."
"The origins of hip-hop are black, but hip-hop is the dominant culture throughout the world."
"Classical music comes directly out of the Moors."
"Would we have tattooing today if it wasn't for people tattooing themselves?"
"I just think it's absurd not to concede the fact that much of what we have in America, like Britain, Canada, is derived from Christian ethics."
"Hagoromo originally created the concept of ninjutsu and essentially founding shinobi culture."
"Could trade across the sea explain who these people were and why they were here?"
"I grew up in L.A., kind of the hood and yeah, all the homies from the hood were using words like lick finna back in the 90s way before TikTok."
"Halloween has its roots in the ancient Irish Festival of Samhain."
"So then what is the word for sword in the original language of the cultures that most predominantly use this type of sword?"
"Hip hop is really like originated from like the island stuff and like again, oh, that's crazy."
"Talking about the history, he's already wrong. He neglects to mention that Kiev and the Ukrainian sort of Hanseatic groups around there were founded 400 years before that."
"The hood didn't come up with snitching, we got that from the mob, white people."
"It could also be from continental Europe, so we didn't resolve that question."
"The origins of that art form are black."
"Many creation myths from the Bible to the Vikings in Scandinavia to the Vedic culture in India were all influenced from a single source: the Indo-European creation myth."
"Plenty of things have pagan origins, but it doesn't automatically mean they're wrong."
"Coptic Christianity has its beginnings in the first century of the Common Era in Egypt."
"Mukbangers are crazy, dude. They're so good at eating, that's why mukbang started in Korea."
"Music is powerful and it's gonna... it's important to know the source, it's important to know where it came from."
"Culture of a state is born before the state is born."
"...the story of Adam and Eve should be understood as a creation myth that emerged from ancient near Eastern cultures."
"There's quite a lot of debates about British identity, about the origins of the different identities within Britain."
"Rock and roll was invented by black people, dude."
"Before rock, before jazz, before R&B, there was blues."
"Trick-or-treating is supposedly derived from the Irish and Scottish traditions of mumming."
"Rock and roll has always incorporated a hybrid of styles, and it would be a mistake to claim that black people have no place in the Rock world because after all, they invented it."
"The art of stand-up comedy was created in the juke joints of Black America in the South."
"The tradition of trick-or-treat has evolved over time and has its origins in various cultural practices."
"He stands at the origins of Hebrew literature as well as Yiddish literature."
"Jazz, of course, born from an experience of the forced migration of slavery, which brought people from primarily from West Africa to the Americas and birthed all of the musics that are thought of as American musics."
"Belly dancing was created originally as a way to prepare for labor, so it really is good for you."
"Hip-hop wouldn't have even been born if it wasn't for battle rapping."
"There's so many things that are like so American, like whiskey, but they're actually Irish."