
Quality Control Quotes

There are 540 quotes

"Everything looks good on this now. With anything with building an engine, every time you put new parts in, you want to spin it and make sure that everything's still working like it was."
"The process of debugging is seen to be well within the UCL and LCL and shows little variation, thus the process can be seen to be stable at the moment."
"Six Sigma is a highly disciplined process that focuses on delivering near-perfect products and services consistently."
"Set and communicate standards. You're paying for quality."
"It is in an unacceptable state; it shouldn't even be allowed to be sold in the state that it's in on PC."
"There's nothing more important than finding a good supplier because they control your product raw material cost, product quality, packaging, shipping, communication—literally, they can make or break your business."
"It's probably extremely embarrassing and frustrating if something this simple makes it through manufacturing, but what's more embarrassing is when companies handle it poorly. Fix it, make it right."
"There's no way to teach a machine how to spot a defect in a piece of wood."
"Even just hitting those speeds at all, you're going to need good dies and hitting those speeds consistently across all those unique pieces of silicon is going to be a whole other matter entirely."
"What I've been saying all this time that Apple's quality control is gone."
"Accuracy of a watch... brands that clearly don't regulate their watches whatsoever."
"Quality control and safety are the dominant factors traditionally in the pharmaceutical industry."
"I strongly recommend some sort of inspection before the order ships."
"Bad sound, bad lighting, and bad visual effects... If you have bad visual effects, that will bring down the video as well."
"What's the best way to authenticate those though impossible defects?"
"The shortfalls of QC don't come close to the tech and drive experience of the car."
"Toyota's dedication to research, commitment to total quality control, and philosophy of Kaizen placed it in a position to enter the second stage of its development as a global company."
"A delayed game is eventually good, a rushed game is forever bad."
"The results of the product is irrelevant if the quality expected from the workers is the same."
"Checking your work is how you produce the most consistent results."
"Good enough is more measured and powerful than perfection."
"It is the worst thing in the world when you've done all this work on the inspection you you present this car to the customer and guess what the radio has problems because it needs an update."
"I jumped right on in there... I did my QC thing because I want to make sure I didn't miss one step I want to saw from the bottom."
"The issues are so severe and so frequent that people wonder if this stuff will be fixed."
"People are really shitty at unit testing, real talk."
"You know, make sure the sound is good, of course, make sure the video looks good."
"I always said this before, I will say it again: making a good guitar is not hard, making a lot of good guitars is hard, consistency is hard."
"Sega deserves blame for letting another game that could even be compared to Sonic '06 happen within the same 10-year period as that game. It's frankly embarrassing."
"I love the fact that this could be an improvement for quality control and for customer service."
"People have finally had enough of triple-A publishers releasing broken unfinished games."
"The customer wants a perfect vehicle so the trained eye of the quality controllers can't afford to miss the tiniest of imperfections."
"Quality control has been at an all-time low, and if you've been watching my channel for a while, then you know that."
"When reaching Six Sigma, we achieve the ultimate goal of producing only three point four defects per million opportunities."
"Tesla's quality control is insane. I use an app to get my service, it's night and day customer service versus every other auto company."
"Scaring off low-quality opportunities is a good thing."
"Rolex are now resting on their laurels...they're sending watches to market that probably shouldn't pass quality control."
"We're not going to release a movie until it's ready we're not going to rush VFX we're not going to release a product that we think is bad."
"To make sure the measurement is exactly right, Honma uses a robotic arm to test out their clubs."
"Our whole goal is to get the most high-quality product for the cheapest price possible because this is going to help us with getting good reviews as well as having a profitable product."
"If we develop something that doesn't give the right experience, we shouldn't just put it out there."
"Quality over quantity... I don't want my videos to become just mass-produced."
"We need quality goods and services that are reliable and perform correctly."
"Quality control with these guys is through the roof and very efficient."
"We should be utterly ashamed right now. We are, to like, an absolute minimum in terms of the quality of things that are being started."
"Six Sigma quality approach aims for only 3.4 defects per million opportunities."
"I think these cells were just re-wrapped... what an unprofessional battery build."
"Quality control in the crafts of medieval period reflected high levels of education."
"Six dollars for lemons here but the bags I've already touched have mold on them."
"Inspecting my results, I can see that all the sanding marks have been removed with ease."
"It's better to release something that is late for good than something that is on time but not really worth using."
"It's like it's only the best stuff makes it to the song."
"One this is not a 737 problem it's a Boeing problem."
"It's the little things man, it's always the little things and in this case it's kind of a big thing."
"Passengers around the world are safer, less likely to be on a plane that's fitted with bogus parts."
"We have to control supply, quality, cost. So that's why we are spending what we're spending to build our own pack facility."
"Quality issues... We feel very good about how it's performed commercially."
"We make sure the product is right and then goes out to the customer, and then other people can enjoy the fruits of our labor." - Bully Dog Corporate Philosophy
"The quality was pretty poor so I thought am I going to upload this to YouTube or shall I go into a side room and record just for you so you get a bit more of a better presentation? Let's take the latter, right? Let's do this."
"Young Living controls all the steps of oil production from seed to seal."
"Quality goes down? Every item, you can taste them made with care."
"Fulfillment's job is to look after the product, make sure the product quality is good, make sure that they're getting fast processing times and fast shipping times."
"Quality over quantity, that's why I don't rush my movies out."
"Just don't get any low-quality stuff for the customer."
"Dodgy cases, especially over-polished ones, can hide a multitude of flaws."
"Games shipping broken has become a common symptom for an industry-wide disease."
"The problem is that happens a lot because manufacturers mass produce their vehicles, but that wouldn't happen if you owned these."
"It's just the Wild West out here. I mean, they literally could be putting anything in there."
"This game should have been delayed for another year."
"The preservation of the Jewish Bible had incredible quality control."
"There has been a trend for a while now where games released either seemingly unfinished or just kind of bare-bones."
"The more equal the difference in thickness, the better job I've done at tackling the twist."
"China's inaccurate diagnostic kits, about 70% to 80% of these kits are non-functional and substandard protective gear. Many countries have rejected the masks and other equipment from China because it's found to be non-functional."
"Quality control is more than just how many flips you can do in a match."
"The other very important feature is that we're so picky about the Aesthetics of the wood..."
"It's time we change that. We don't want any more spiders in our soup!"
"It just goes to show, at least in my opinion, that every time the higher-ups at Ford bring up quality and how they're going to address it, it's just 100% pure corporate BS."
"Really an obsessive nature with respect to the quality of the product is very important."
"It's my favorite Windows laptop up to now, but Dell, if you're watching this, you need better quality control."
"It is super important for you to make sure you're going over the pieces... to catch imperfections like that."
"Do it right, even if it means slowing down a little."
"The problem is if you ignore the sanding steps, you wind up with an end product that doesn't look as good."
"Fear is quantity or quality - both 100 quality and quantity you gotta deliver on both otherwise you don't uh well if you have a product or something you have some food or oh you're uploading videos you gotta have both man quantity and quality."
"Maintaining quality control and ensuring credibility."
"Selective harvesting ensures that only fully ripe and high-quality grapes are harvested."
"I really hope Lego would kind of stand out for themselves and be like hey we need to delay this set and make it much better because we can."
"Volume matters. Quality suffers when volume overwhelms."
"Ensure consistent pH across the batches which could affect Flavor."
"I got Wendy's nuggets and they were pink, so I'm going to McDonald's."
"She's a continuity Quality Assurance editor."
"I just wanna make sure my music is accurate and potent."
"Tesla is a newer company and they still deliver cars with issues."
"You cannot let your standards slip... we're accepting a hell of a lot when we really should not be."
"Starbucks uses secret shoppers to test the quality of the service, the product, and everything at their stores."
"You need to have results to scale. You can't scale garbage."
"This is such a terrible bender oh my god Laurie just stuck on itself this is about to get gross out of the box the guide on the bender wasn't correctly aligned."
"So I'm at least glad they decided look we cannot launch halo busted we just can't do it it's halo we got to give it more time."
"Like any fool can reduce the cost of a car by making it worse."
"Winnebago has very high and very consistent quality control across their company."
"We've got to give a guest a zero defect room by all means, and it takes a huge amount of hard work and eye for detail to reach your zero defect. That's what the team's job is."
"We try to honestly blow them up, we try to break them, and then from there, that's how we know what we got to fix."
"Don't rush your reviews! Take your time to ensure quality assessments."
"When you start putting such a heavy emphasis on quantity of projects, doesn't that run the risk of having quality suffer?"
"There's more controls over how drugs are manufactured."
"I'm sure in different companies you faced quality issues and you reported it to the quality control department and they fixed it."
"The animation supervisor is essentially the quality controller of an episode."
"Stringent quality control measures were implemented to guarantee the integrity of the construction and ensure that it adhered to strict safety standards."
"Spot checks are carried out in the standards room to ensure consistent control of involute and lead."
"The test piece is found to be accurate to within thirty millionths of an inch, three times better than specification."
"The other thing I wanted to check was the central crank pins... it is perfectly fixed in place so at least from the factory we don't seem to have loose Central crank pins on this example."
"Quality control is a paramount aspect of tablet manufacturing in China, with a focus on achieving very low defect rates."
"Listening through all the tracks for any pops, clicks, dropouts..."
"Communication is key. If he's not doing his job, the person in final assembly is going to see it."
"now of course going forward more content doesn't always mean it's good for the franchise if Avatar Studios continue to put out garbage after garbage then yeah the franchise would tank."
"In a perfect world you're going to come back and you will find that this gauge has not dropped and that'd be indicating that you've got a properly sealed bag and you can get on with your process."
"Once they've secured the purest sources they can find, their strict manufacturing and extensive testing processes guarantee that AG1 is tested for over 9950 contaminants and impurities."
"One of the main issues plaguing these models was poor quality control."
"Nintendo knows exactly what state every game is in before and it still ships because it still sells."
"We don't push any product out this door unless it's a good print."
"Quality is not a function of where something is made but from what specs you specify to the factory and what processes you put into place to drive quality manufacturing."
"...they had already figured out pretty well how to make sure that these stay sealed and they don't leak over time."
"Each Crucible undergoes meticulous inspection by experienced quality control professionals."
"The culmination of the process entails cutting, surface preservation, meticulous quality control, and packaging for shipment."
"Farmers continue to inspect each grape cluster to determine ripeness and quality. They remove any damaged ones from the cluster to prevent them from affecting the others."
"Building quality is a prerequisite of lean and flow. Quality is not added later."
"We passed the audit with a hundred percent because little pig pieces clearly stated the name of the product such that anyone can identify it."
"Quality control also boosts Customer Loyalty; customers may come thanks to your marketing, but they'll stay for the Quality."
"For video noise, this is actually quite important for things like submitting to shutter stock, they do reject your footage if there is video noise."
"They're trying to get protections in place to stop them from getting [ __ ] fired because their quality of work is absolutely abysmal."
"If anything, it caused us to double and triple check our work."
"Y'all quality control just like fell asleep, how you let this pass through?"
"Maybe it failed quality control because maybe it was just barely hanging on."
"The more time and care that you put into it now, the higher quality rinse sate that you're going to get through your entire filter."
"Ultimately, if there was better regulation and better quality control, and lastly if it tasted good, I don't think anybody would give a [ __ ]."
"Oh check this out, they even have a quality control receipt and shows config parameters, capacity parameters, balance parameters, protection parameters, all passed."
"At this point, I just triple checked the fitment, so I know everything's good."
"...and the fact is that for me, as Ferrari attempts to sell even more cars, which is going to mean selling them to people that aren't so willing to put up with Ferrari-isms, they really, really need to sort this stuff out."
"So, the big key point here is it must remain on Ice. If it's not put on ice then we have to throw it out and start the test over."
"But there's no excuse for the quality control being this bad on something that people are paying for."
"Quality control plays a pivotal role in the process."
"What's not normal is to not catch it. What's not normal is to put out a page of text in a magazine with typos and I see it once in a while and it's like, 'Wow, was the editor asleep at the wheel here? What's going on?'"
"You're not going to have to worry about quality control issues, fit and finish, that sort of thing."
"As much as 95% of quality problems can be solved with seven fundamental tools."
"The goal of our six sigma process is for every time we perform it, the average result of our process should have at minimum six standard deviations away from the customer's high and low specification limits."
"The best system to see any defect in a barrel is the human eyes."
"Now the real reason why the Theta 2 Hyundai and Kia motors are failing is because when they were manufacturing these parts they didn't properly deburr them."
"There's many Caravans that come off the manufacturing line with a balance left to right."
"What fell below company standards is they wanted the great quality, they didn't get it quick enough."
"Lego bricks are so well made that one in every million bricks is off build, and they all get thrown away. That's how efficient their factories are."
"The friction differential that exists between the primer pocket and the primer cup is different per lot number, this is not a brand or make a model of primer thing, this is a per lot number per firing test that must be performed."
"Now that we made sure scaling is correct, let's bring an image into the project."
"They're always making sure that stuff opens and closes the way it's supposed to."
"...we never put something out that we know is gonna have a problem right, we don't do it."
"Everything is poured down to specs, every journal was plastic gauged and the rings didn't really need to be filed because they are within specs out of the box."
"We have confidence that we can keep the quality control on Cobra Kai going."
"Bera, based in China and recognized as the primary choice of 20 Fortune Global 500 Enterprises, stands out in the manufacturing of rolled steel balls with a rigorous quality control system."
"Once the products pass quality assurance checks, they are carefully packaged to prevent damage during Transit."
"Every wheel undergoes a meticulous inspection process to guarantee the accuracy of its components before leaving the production lines."
"We need to make sure there is no backlash within the axis."
"The main goal of this slide here is to kind of show you that you want to reduce the amount of variation in your joint and not add extra features where you don't need it, or just extra items that might cause you to have more variation."
"We wanna make sure that we're doing a hundred percent PDI on every unit that we build."
"Quality control pathways: safeguarding mRNA integrity."
"They're actively make sure that if there was a defect it's being fixed without ever being a damaged item in the first place."
"They live scale every unit as it's built coming out of the facility."
"You gotta make sure that can is not 38 degrees."
"Finding out your image is soft when you're home is not the situation you want to be in."
"Marvel is pulling way back and delaying stuff so they have time to fix what they need to fix."
"...we're gonna work with somebody to make sure that this is good enough for us to sell in our stores..."
"They have not just third party total blind taste test basically, where random units that are produced are pulled off the production line every day and sent to a totally independent third party for inspection and reviews and ratings and forester tracks that internally."
"I think they're all going to have to come down, all the terminations checked, to make sure that when we fix this fault, it stays fixed."
"Gumbo is a lifestyle brand, however, our cannabis has crazy quality control. Every time that you come in contact with real gumbo, you're going to have an amazing experience."
"Check someone else's work whenever possible."
"Editing means throw it away is a nice way of saying toss it in the trash. Get that stuff out of here."
"Every single one of our Billet parts goes through this guy off a machine, every edge is touched."
"...the VIN was not in the right font, didn't have the right number of characters."
"This is the way it should sound out of factory."
"Some of the customer returns, yeah, we have to check and make sure things are good to go. But, you know, some of this stuff is just shelf pulls."
"There will still be some of you who are like well metacom's QC is terrible."
"Seeing the factory and how they build them and how they produce them all the way to the final quality control inspection wrapping them up getting ready to ship them out it really has been truly special."
"So when you think about 15 20 people working on a line all replacing their gloves every 30 minutes 45 minutes hour hour and a half it's a lot of brand new freshly white gloves coming in to that region that is spreading lint all over the product not acceptable at all."
"...everyone here in this Warehouse has talked about like you know we check things two and three and four times like the rotation's right the colors are right the labeling's right so we appreciate the attention to detail because it really shows in the product."
"The best way to keep control of the quality of the product was to make sure that you had control over how it was manufactured and what went into the boats."
"We do a very stringent quality control check on all these vehicles... you sign off on it when it arrives at our facility."
"The last thing you want when you put so much time into making charms is for the resin to not cure properly because then you've ruined the whole piece and it's really frustrating."
"I'm just uh making sure none of this unravels when it gets thrown in the wash later."
"If nike is giving us these half-assed products where there's quality controls asked that's basically them saying we don't care about the customer so why are we so right see i'm exactly i tell these guys all the time i'm like i hate customs"
"The other thing about the yarn is it has been tested and approved against 350 harmful substances."
"...reusing models that shouldn't be reused because no one had a checklist for this stuff back then."
"Quality control checks sometimes are difficult to do on toys like this because they're trying to make them as cheap as possible."
"That's what we want to see, a tightly closed parting line."
"One QC issue I did have was that the faceplate did come scratched."
"The parts turned out pretty good. There were no issues with Extrusion or speed."
"Process performance indices include process performance (PP), process performance index (PPK), and process capability index (PPM or CPM)."
"Process capability analysis allows us to understand and quantify what portion of our product is not going to meet the customer's needs."
"Design your marketplace and workflow to onboard high-quality people and get low-quality people out."
"Six Sigma aims to reduce time and manufacturing defects and minimize the dispersion in manufacturing and business processes."
"We're going to put these parts to the test. We are your quality control. We are going to abuse these parts, torture test."
"If I notice it, it must be noticeable to quality inspectors as well, and I really would like to have it addressed."
"This is more of one of those checks and balance kinds of things."
"This is a police magazine so what I would want to do if I own these again I'm going to sell them as they came in but the proper magazine this is not proper this is a police magazine."
"The core tenet of hiring at Google is a manager should never make a hiring decision... it's important to take hiring authority away from the manager because the manager has all these incentives to compromise on quality."