
Fluid Dynamics Quotes

There are 258 quotes

"The water flow has to be consistent, and the channel geometry's got to remain the same, or wherever that whirlpool, that eddy, or Kolk is going to move around."
"Fluid mechanics teaches us: the fluid in contact with a surface will have the velocity of that surface."
"This is because the water and the oil have different densities."
"Flip Fluids... it's flip fluids everyone knows that flip fluids is like the best fluid simulation add-on."
"Running water wasn't frozen in time; it's called Laminar Flow."
"Relationships are fluid, don't have a clear beginning and end."
"While vortices do cause drag, they're also a useful tool to separate and seal in different areas of airflow."
"Whether it sinks or whether it floats, the buoyant force is always identical to the weight of the displaced fluid."
"The most important feature of the fluid: arguably that it flows."
"This cycles fluid like right now that's why you got to get a lot of fluid in it because it recycles it so fast."
"Check valves come in three basic types: swing, lift, and stop check."
"Nature's solved the fluid mechanics of traveling fast."
"Perfect gyres, which are after multiple pumps, allow for independent placement and adjustable direction of flow."
"This is like the superhero version of pi. Because pi is fixed. Pi has like one superpower, like circles and things. This is Reynolds number, this guy can morph and change to be whatever value it wants to be."
"There's a wonderful ebb and flow to that action."
"It's basically a magnetic fluid but because you never really see magnets in fluid form, it almost shows you magnetism in action in a way that's much more real than you've ever seen with solids."
"The lymphatic system isn't pumping as much due to inflammation, and the lipedema fat tissue is actually pushing the fluid down through the lymphatic system."
"Water wants to follow electrolytes; it wants to cling to them."
"In space, fluid flow is dominated by surface tension, leading to all sorts of cool effects with capillary action."
"This shape actually picks up flow over the stock valve."
"There's always a very deep connection between turbulent fluids and chaotic dynamical systems."
"So very excited to walk you through some of the progress in sparse nonlinear models of fluid dynamics."
"Ferrofluid is attracted to magnets, and because it's a liquid, it behaves in very interesting ways."
"'After printing the valve, I printed some nozzles and glued them to the valve to push fluid through."
"You might need to turn in that fluid just the hair to get a little bit less fluid going on a panel so that the air can atomize that fluid."
"If you're crossing oceans on a little boat, you are literally at the interface of two fluids, the ocean and the atmosphere, that are incredibly complex and dynamic."
"And using water, I mean obviously a liquid is easier to move around than a solid in some circumstances like damning a river..."
"Laminar flow between plates and laminar flow in a round pipe have parabolic velocity profiles, but the relationship between the maximum and the average velocity is different."
"What happens if we rotate that cell so that now the thin distance of the cell is facing the flow? Well, what you can see now is that that same flow is actually able to move all the way across the distance of that cell within a given time step."
"The point is that all inviscid solutions follow the body and may come together at once. That's what we call a stagnation point and then leave the body, another stagnation point. They all kind of hug the surface of the airfoil."
"At every possible instant, we are witnessing a magnet falling but met by perfect eddies in opposition."
"So I'll give them that but it is an opaque fluid there is solid particles in the fluid to make it opaque and naturally when that fluid is running through very small channels it's just going to build up over time."
"The pump is actually trying to move more fluid than this possible and it can actually start to create vibrations that will cause seal failure and bearing failure."
"The pump always needs to run in some kind of fluid you don't want to run it dry."
"I think sand moves as a fluid when added vibration to it."
"Inviscid flow means viscous forces are zero."
"If all the other factors stayed the same and the radius doubled you would see on the bottom left hand um of the screen there of this slide you're you would get a 16-fold increase in the milliliters per minute going through that tube."
"So tissues are wet and the fluids play an important role in allowing macromolecules gases and ions to be dissolved in it in order to bathe the cells and to nourish them as well."
"So suddenly, if we can write this down, this w, if we know this for a particular fluid setup, we actually just differentiate and suddenly we know the velocity field. Delightful!"
"The thinner oil became so thin it leaked right out of the oiler."
"DMD is extremely useful. It can be used for diagnostics, to understand more about the physics and the flow structures, and kind of what's driving your system of interest."
"The current number is giving us a quick and easy way to look at cells and tell us how far across the cell is the fluid moving in a given time step."
"Now we've successfully come up with the definition of the current number for an arbitrarily shaped cell."
"If the maximum current number in the field was too high and was greater than the limit we applied, then the CFD code would automatically reduce the time step to bring the current number down in the next iteration."
"If you can treat your fluid flow like an image sequence, you can leverage tons of powerful techniques for machine learning."
"That is a quite a profound theorem about mechanics: the incompressibility of the flow."
"The equations of fluid dynamics are the same for air molecules and for water molecules."
"Volume changes and pressure follows volume."
"What you see is the thermal dissipation of that resistor interpreted as fluid flow."
"Raising pressure will never increase your flow."
"Liquids and gases are considered to be fluids because they yield to shearing forces, whereas solids resist them."
"This discovery means if we can redesign riblets to suppress these flows, thereby making them more practicable, then we may see a positive impact one day."
"Water hammer is a special transient flow case concerned with dynamically changing flow velocities in a pipe."
"Bernoulli's equation is actually quite an easy concept once you realize where it comes from."
"The continuity equation is applied on each of these strips."
"If you take something in zero gravity, like a drop of water, it's going to form a sphere as it just floats there."
"It's the atmospheric pressure pushing down on the top of the fluid that's actually what's pushing it up the straw."
"Watching the tendrils of these viscous fluids dance and tangle on the facade of the building was really cool."
"A non-Newtonian fluid is just a special name for a fluid that doesn't follow the normal fluid rules."
"Pascal's law states that pressure applied anywhere to an enclosed body of fluid is transmitted equally to all parts of the fluid."
"The continuity equation is based on the fact that whatever volume comes in will go out."
"The most popular way of doing this is with the Boussinesq hypothesis."
"Because of the boundary effect, there was some effect transmitted to the fluid, and the fluid came into motion and assumed a certain kind of flow."
"The mass imbalance or the continuity error is treated differently to the other residuals in the CFD solution process."
"Viscosity is how thick the fluid is."
"The ability to capture scientific phenomena like fluid flow that is multi-scale, potentially chaotic, using good machine learning emulators that can transfer across resolutions that are much faster than what traditional methods can do, is very promising."
"Flow is an incredibly important distinguishing feature to pressure because flow is the amount of water going through at any given second."
"Ketchup is what we call a non-Newtonian fluid."
"Kepler's second law explains why even the most playful water spirals down the drain in a very strict manner."
"We can essentially think of traffic flowing as if it were liquid in a pipe."
"This might be some very high-dimensional system you might be solving, like a fluid flow problem or atmospheric advection and diffusion."
"If you increase V, you're going to decrease P. And that's the thrust of Bernoulli on a qualitative level."
"If you increase the height of the water tank, the speed at which water flows out of that tank will increase."
"If the height goes up and the speed goes up, the pressure has to go down."
"Cornstarch mud is a non-Newtonian fluid which means it behaves differently than you or Newtons would expect."
"The word of the day is viscosity."
"Normal flow is smooth and laminar."
"We've got this interesting oscillating ball of liquid."
"The nitrogen is what actually stabilizes a shock; it keeps the oil from cavitating."
"Utilizing vorticity and large vorticity properly can significantly change the effects you get."
"It's going to suck the liquid back out of that can, through the tube, no matter where it's going through the bike, and then suck it back into the cooling system."
"Hydraulics is one of those fields where there's always something new to learn."
"Flip Fluids add-on is a tool that helps you set up, run, and render fluid simulation effects."
"Microfluidics is the study of the behavior, control, and manipulation of fluids on a sub-millimeter scale."
"Laminar flow is whenever the water flows really smoothly."
"Always set your flow first; flow rates can change pressure readings."
"Water hammer is part of the larger subject of transient flow or surge analysis."
"I'm getting discharge coefficients in excess of 80 percent; most heads are high 60s low 70s."
"The difference in pressure is equal to density times gravity times height of the liquid."
"Buoyancy is the upwards force on a body that allows it to float or rise when it's submerged in a liquid."
"Kelvin's theorem tells us that the material derivative of the circulation around a material loop doesn't change with time."
"That stream has some viscosity to it, looks like warm honey."
"Whether the flow is rotational or irrotational has huge implications on your analysis strategy and the complexity of your problem in aerodynamics."
"If the vorticity vector is not zero everywhere, your flow is considered rotational; if it is zero everywhere, it is irrotational."
"Many flows in aerodynamics are considered irrotational, or at least mostly irrotational."
"The pressure at a particular location in a fluid would be equal to the atmospheric pressure above the container plus the additional pressure due to the weight of the fluid because of its depth."
"Bernoulli's theorem says that when a fluid reaches a narrow constriction, the velocity increases and the pressure decreases."
"The speed of the fluid coming out is related to the depth by V equals the square root of 2gh."
"Here is a high-resolution simulation of this effect: you get some really nice movements, really interesting shapes forming, very relaxing type of motion happening."
"The working of a centrifugal pump is very simple: the impeller rotates, creating a low pressure at the inlet, which helps suck the fluid in, and this fluid is pushed radially through the blades' passages of the impeller and then discharged to the outlet of the pump."
"You can also choose to create a monitor plane on the impeller inlet or extract the hydraulic torque values from the automatically generated rotating region file."
"Computational fluid dynamics is to solve these numerically if you can solve analytically then that would be wonderful."
"Implicit will help you converge the Navier-Stokes in a better way."
"I'm hoping that by the end of this talk, you're going to have a newfound confidence in assessing the convergence of your CFD cases."
"I'm really hoping that by the end of this part one, you'll have a good understanding of what checkerboard oscillations actually are."
"If you've ever wondered what Lagrangian particle tracking is, how it works, and how to use it, this is definitely the talk for you."
"This makes B just a property of the fluid."
"In a world of hydraulics and dynamic fluid systems, there's a little thing that's called the continuity equation."
"The deeper the water gets, the more pressure there is from the weight of the water pushing it down the drain and the faster it will flow out of the sink."
"The pressure applied to an enclosed fluid is transmitted undiminished to every portion of that fluid."
"Archimedes' principle: any fluid applies a buoyant force to an object that is partially or completely immersed in it."
"The upper surface pressure distribution and lower surface pressure distribution are different, but in fact, if you integrate the difference between them all the way down, it cancels out to zero."
"A current of molecules that circulates like so, and this current is known as convection current."
"The sphere is the natural shape that you get when you have a liquid in space."
"You also see similar toolpaths used for cylinder heads or any sort of a fluid transfer manifolds, things like that."
"A back pressure regulator controls upstream pressure by staying closed to raise the pressure, then opening to allow excess pressure to move downstream."
"The equation for Reynolds number is just the density times the velocity times the diameter over viscosity."
"The adhesive force is stronger than the cohesive force; that's why it's easier for the hydrocarbon to remove the bulk."
"Laminar flow is an unstable fixed point, and with feedback control, I can actually stabilize it."
"The total amount of water that flows out of it is the total amount of sources that you have in there - for sinks."
"Think of viscosity as a liquid's ability to resist flow."
"The Reynolds number is a famous comparison of the inertial force of the flow to the viscous force of the flow."
"Matching the Reynolds number and Mach number can be fairly difficult for an experimentalist."
"The deeper the water, the more pressure there is trying to push water through the valve, and so the faster Q Out will be, the larger Q Out will be."
"You start getting more vorticity, more vortices forming, and the flow becomes a lot more energetic and dynamic."
"We've got a really good look at some of the vortices coming off of this wing."
"If the problem is specified by the hot fluid on one side and cold fluid on the other, then we can find out the heat flux knowing only the hot fluid temperature and the cold fluid temperature."
"The macroscopic traffic flow theory assumes that the flow of vehicles or traffic is just like a fluid."
"The pressure at the bottom next to the plug is 800 Pascals."
"The key point here in the staggered grid method and why the staggered grid is able to avoid the checkerboard oscillations."
"Convection takes place through the movement of bulk fluid that carries heat with it."
"Divergence... is a measurement of how much fluid or flow enters a small neighborhood around the point compared to how much leaves it."
"If curl is positive... then the fluid or the flow would spin counterclockwise."
"We can create these flow trajectories by either clicking on faces or edges of the geometry or by drawing a sketch out in front and selecting that sketch as our starting point."
"Once the steady-state flow regime has converged, you could freeze the flow by disabling flow in the solve dialog and start a transient heat simulation."
"This is a bag of water, and we're getting to see in space what do liquids really really want to do."
"I want to provide a crash course in CFD... it's really important to understand the basics when tackling more complex problems."
"Most importantly, this can be integrated into the mechanical design process for almost anything that travels in a fluid or gas."
"CFD simulates the governing equations of fluid dynamics which, as I'll explain more later, is the Navier-Stokes equation."
"The Navier-Stokes equation is our governing equations and it is really the thing everyone has to understand really to do and understand CFD."
"That vortex that it's creating in your liquid is actually going to clean better than if it was just spinning the same way the entire time."
"The Darcy Weisbach equation is good because the viscosity and density of fluid are explicitly considered."
"Liquids and fluids in gases have the tendency to fill up a container and apply equal pressure to all the walls."
"So you see, flow really matters; it's a really important topic."
"Pascal's principle is the idea that if you apply a certain force to an incompressible fluid, this pressure will be applied to a different area of the fluid."
"Pressure is equal to density into gravity into height."
"Maps showing the direction and magnitude of winds or of a current in fluid flow are examples of vector fields you might have encountered previously."
"If it's steady state or steady flow, that means that the mass in is equal to the mass out."
"We're increasing the velocity at the expense of pressure."
"This increase in velocity is causing a drop in pressure, and we know that from Bernoulli's principle."
"Wake flows are extremely hard to predict and understand from a fluid dynamics standpoint."
"Viscosity is a property that we associate with fluids."
"The Coriolis effect deflects fluids to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere."
"We're always trying to find better ways to improve our flip surface."
"The radiation does in fact have a visual impact on the flow."
"A 2-fold increase in radius leads to a 16-fold reduction in resistance."
"A boundary layer that is very thin has more energy than a boundary layer that is very thick."
"We're getting some really nice fluid motion as it settles back to its initial state."
"Ferrofluids are colloidal suspensions of magnetic nanoparticles that behave like fluids even in the presence of magnetic fields."
"The rate of heat transfer from the plate to the fluid is being influenced by the flow of fluid."
"I hope it gives you an idea of what can be done with free surface and really how easy it is to set up."
"Flow rate can change because of the upstream pressure and because of the downstream pressure."
"If the pressure of A is more, then the manometric fluid will rise... because the fluid that is in A will push the manometric fluid with much more pressure."
"There is no sharp discontinuity; there is no infinitely sharp way to say this is a gas and this is a liquid."
"There's a nice way of writing this in terms of a fluid."
"The force of drag is equal to 1/2 times rho times V squared times D times A."
"Anytime you get in an airplane, throw a football, or almost anything you can think about fluid flows that are causing the forces, the drags, the moments, the lifts, it all comes back to the solutions of this partial differential equation."
"In nature, the pressure of the fluid is what keeps it divergence free."
"The separation of a boundary layer is an entirely laminar phenomenon."
"You never knew CFD was so simple, guys."
"In the laminar fluid regime, the system is stable."
"Disturbances might initially grow before they then decay."
"Flow through a porous medium is given by Darcy's law."
"Exact solutions of Navier-Stokes equation is possible if the flow is steady, incompressible, laminar, and fully developed."
"The interesting bit is that all these scales and all the fluid mechanics happening here can be described by the Navier-Stokes equations."
"The Boltzmann equation gives you more information than the Navier-Stokes equation but it gives you much, much less information than a full MD description of your system."
"The equilibrium distribution should only depend on the density, on the center of mass velocity of your molecules and the temperature of your fluid."
"By law of nature, water flows from high to low energy."
"This is an important flow, you know, in earthquakes and things like that."
"Water transports, transfers, transforms, transmits, stores, and transfers."
"The result of this, as you can see, we're getting these really nice wobbles on the surface."
"Laminar flow is smooth movement in a straight path, characteristic of a properly sized passage and bend radius."
"The ease with which the fluid can move inside the porous material characterizes the porous media."
"This is telling me is that my design idea of having this object kind of as a baffle to force the flow to go around allows me to make a much more efficient use of the tubes through the heat exchanger."
"In certain special cases of steady incompressible laminar fully developed flow, the Navier-Stokes equation is converted to ordinary linear differential equation."
"The atmosphere is fluid, that's kind of a weird thing to think about, but scientifically speaking that is the case."
"It solves the coupled equations of motion for an elastic incompressible structure that's within some type of viscous and incompressible fluid environment."
"Permeability is the capacity of the rock to transmit fluid."
"The onset of turbulence depends upon the growth of perturbations because of an instability."
"The aerial sweep efficiency is defined as the fraction of the total flood pattern that is contacted by the displacing fluid."
"The continuity equation for a flow through a nozzle is \( m = \rho A v \), where \( v \) is the velocity."
"The momentum equation for the flow of fluid inside a nozzle is \( C dC = -v dP - v \frac{dF}{A} \)."
"Potential flows are interesting just because they're mathematically elegant."
"Water is 800 times more dense than air, so if you want to swim fast, you got to decrease drag."
"F equals to Ma, really? Yeah, that's it in fluid mechanics, that's what F equal ma looks like."
"Convection is being fluid in motion from where the fluid's hot to where the fluid's cooler."
"The stretching of the vortex line intensifies the vorticity."
"In a certain range of speed, the drag of a sphere actually decreases while the speed increases."
"Our fluid simulation after about two hours is finished now, and you can see that we have a nice high-quality fluid."
"Fluid Dynamics deals with motions of gases and liquids and with how these motions are related to forces."