
Extraordinary Events Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"If you can maintain that modified state of mind and body your entire day, get ready, because weird things are going to begin to happen in your life."
"Pause, take a deep breath, because what comes next is not ordinary; it is certainly extraordinary."
"What we have witnessed today is nothing short of extraordinary."
"This is the most surreal thing that I've ever been a part of, and I've done some surreal [ __ ]."
"It's completely extraordinary that nature gives us this opportunity to turn off the lights." - Anjali Tripathi
"Sometimes people do have even extraordinary experiences of their guardian angel."
"Siberia has never failed to amuse us with unexpected events, be it peculiar Sky Mysteries or life Frozen in time."
"Regardless of whether I like the Beatles or not even before or after this experience got a hand of that like that is extraordinary."
"This is the most insane night we've ever had, dude."
"So surreal... I can't believe something like this could happen."
"The collision of the ordinary and the spectacular."
"I describe what I saw as being otherworldly."
"It's been an absolutely extraordinary 12 months."
"An extraordinary event occurred when dozens of unidentified flying objects flew in formation over Farmington."
"Some people get really lucky, but nobody's ever got that lucky except maybe for..."
"Absolutely incredible scenes, the like of which only seem to happen at Anfield."
"What they saw was something extraordinary and something that to this day has not been explained away or debunked in any any sort of way."
"It's like something out of a movie... crazy times out there for Luke Rockhold."
"Miracles people claimed to have caught on tape."
"To this day, I have no earthly idea how she survived."
"If there's anything that happens this year I hope it's aliens."
"Believe in the impossible, especially in the middle of eclipse season. This is like when the most impossible happens."
"I mean do you believe in miracles because this is it."
"2020 has so many insane things going on that the Pentagon just confirmed that UFOs are real..."
"This one's probably one of the craziest ones of them all."
"Travis Walton's alien abduction is one of the best documented and well-known cases in history."
"Oh no way, no way, look at that, that is insane!"
"This is possibly the craziest thing that's ever happened to us."
"When six crazy things happen, at that point, I'm like, 'I think we've won the lottery.'"
"Extraordinary events require extraordinary weapons."
"When you have things that are maneuvering at 300, 400, 600, 700 g forces, then you have something truly extraordinary."
"If the men did indeed survive, it would be a triumph for the ages."
"This is getting crazier by the minute. If I woke up and dreamed all this, I wouldn't believe it."
"You can't go bigger than that. That was massive."
"Wouldn't somebody go, 'Dude, there's a [ __ ] UFO here!' It'd be the greatest, most incredible thing."
"Extraordinary things happening to ordinary people."
"We deal with not only events in the past verified scripture but right now we're seeing things we've got stories today James that are literally mind-boggling that you literally can't make this stuff up."
"True story: some extraordinary people can still move even after losing consciousness and even after death."
"Impossible things are now happening every day."
"I honestly think that if that did come out and they admitted and showed like they paraded a slime saucer down whatever Pennsylvania Avenue to show everybody, I don't think people would care."
"The rapture...a wild idea, strange idea...Christ believers will be caught up, snatched up out of this world."
"Extraordinary things are going to happen, are you ready?"
"Maybe the amount of extraordinary things that happen in our lives depend only upon what we take the time to notice."
"Have you ever witnessed the catch so momentous?"
"The craziest thing of my entire life just happened."
"That was shocking to see, absolutely extraordinary."
"Official science should accept extraordinary events and deal with them, repeats the suggestion to form a foundation which will support financially furthering the research, I agree with that statement regardless of where you are in the world."
"This small community is experiencing these absolutely incredible miracles."
"Sometimes as a police officer, you get to witness things that regular people couldn't even imagine."
"Did you ever see a miracle before? You're going to see another one."
"The increasing accumulation of men in cities produces a craving for extraordinary incident."
"I can relate to the teacher who lives an ordinary life that has an extraordinary experience."
"The allure of witnessing something extraordinary in real time, coupled with the accessibility of live camera feeds, has made the space station a focal point for UFO enthusiasts."
"If we can verify that an event has occurred and that event was not possible given the laws of nature, well then we would say that is a supernatural event; it transcends the laws of nature."
"We've seen a lot of crazy things happen."
"It's miraculous, it's just unbelievable."
"It really is a most extraordinary mystery," said Daisy.
"I don't believe in miracles, but this is a miracle."
"This is the age of the incredible, the unimaginable, the unthinkable."
"For the strange effects and extraordinary combinations we must go to life itself, which is always far more daring than any effort of the imagination."