
Reluctance Quotes

There are 1151 quotes

"Engaging in something that you don't really want to do, and certainly not something that you're regularly engaging in already."
"This has been quite the adventure, man. I don't want to do this again. I'm not going to lie."
"I didn't think I had a chance. I didn't even want a chance."
"They resist moving on from you, not wanting to let go of the happiness they had."
"He did feel that he did not wish to traverse it."
"Feeling bored is like, ah I really can't be bothered to do this." - R
"It's so difficult to buy into companies that have already gone up. Our human brains hate it."
"If I fail, I have to do a massive forfeit. Oh no, I don't want to do this!"
"No, don't even try to make me play these music scales, it's not because I'm lazy."
"I'm no longer watching like I don't even want to say what I'm about to say because there's no way to say it nice."
"Honestly, I'm opposed to going to the floor of hell."
"I just knew in the moment like but I didn't want to do this this isn't what I wanted to do."
"Hassan went on Flagrant with Andrew Schultz, but is too afraid or busy to come onto Timcast."
"I've played the awful weird Game Boy Advance games that no one picked up like I did my time I I'm good no no I don't want to go to school I don't want to be a wizard I'm good thank you very much."
"Ironically, Freddie Mercury originally didn't want to take part in Live Aid."
"The only person who should be king or queen is the person who doesn't want to be king or queen."
"It's like being invited to a party that you'd rather not attend."
"It's funny as well because I didn't want to put the video out because I didn't have enough footage."
"Honestly, at this point, there's no way in hell I'm going to go back to test this."
"I don't know if it's just me, but I'd rather walk around the store a million times before I ask anybody for some help."
"You can't tell me you would take that trip." - You can't tell me you would take that trip.
"No it comes I mean I just I'm just really hesitant to put limits on things."
"Finding fraud is a non-starter at many institutions simply because they don't want to find it."
"The past is hard to let go of. It's comfortable. It's an old sweater that you just can't get rid of."
"I actually do think that James probably didn't want this adoption to begin with."
"No one wants to go to therapy to work on themselves."
"Sacrifice is hard, none of us really want to."
"Sigmas are reluctant leaders; they don't do things to get power."
"This is a story that I never want to relive."
"It's a tough thing... I need to speak about it. It's the truth, it's something that I want to talk about but I also don't... unless it's absolutely necessary."
"Anything to avoid doing work in Minecraft, I guess. I feel bad."
"As much as I don't want to take the ride with you guys, this sounds like something I'm probably gonna have to take the ride with."
"She's just times like this, I sometimes think it would better if we never had to leave."
"I'm not even helping out my overlord in terms of this."
"It's the only thing holding me back from going to therapy."
"The last thing your man wants to do is run the same gauntlet again for his wedding band."
"It was said, 'Do what you want, I'm not putting my name on it.'"
"Oh man, I kind of wanted this one to die. I guess it keeps going."
"I don't want to be the reason. I don't want to be the one."
"What's wrong with this quiz? It's just stupid. I don't want to do this."
"I don't think the glazes want to sell because if they do, let's be honest, they would have done it ages ago."
"That's too soon, in my young adult life I don't think I've ever wanted to try it."
"We've got to we're talking to once you really want it's a Smashing anything you're really dreading seeing on that wheel."
"This view right in front of me, I really don't feel like going from this place."
"Ultimately, we don't want to, but we still do."
"Angela Lansbury, the voice of Mrs. Potts, was originally reluctant to sing the classic song "Beauty and the Beast.""
"We signed 15,373 individual prints over the past six days and I don't ever want to sign anything again."
"I don't want to have to think about playing if I'm being completely honest."
"The stuff that's dark... they don't want to uncover."
"We got in there. We don't actually want this trade."
"No force on Earth or Heaven could get Dr. Grant on that island."
"No one wants to go back into the kind of lockdown we were in."
"I don't even like having to go out and defend somebody that I think might have done something wrong."
"It's fantastic, would I ever run for president fide? No, you guys, I would never run for president of fide."
"Taxes, investing, money - nobody wants to talk about that."
"I don't want to sell anything; I'm too attached to everything we got here."
"I'll tell you the truth, I didn't want to come here."
"I think the wars of 9/11 have really made Americans more reluctant to get involved in global conflicts."
"But it seems like a lot of upkeep." - Panelist
"I know erratic doesn't really like ghost hunting."
"There becomes a point where you don't even want to do what you don't want to do."
"I don't feel like filming my face up close. I'm insecure and I know what for."
"When you feel a need to do something, then it's not so free. Your heart's not all the way in it."
"She never wanted to be a part of this to begin with."
"I'm not touching that. I'm not touching the animal. It's cute, fuzzy, maybe later on if Billy decides to keep it, who's keeping it? I'm not keeping it, I want to bring it to the animal rescue."
"I feel obligated to... because I don't like doing livestreams... it's kind of lazy content."
"We're gonna keep teaching these people. They don't wanna learn, we're gonna teach them."
"I don't want to die, oh wait, we gotta do that?"
"The truly prophetic individuals are those who are in their positions without really having wanted them at all."
"I'm like the wife doesn't want to move into a van."
"He doesn't want to say that she cut off my finger."
"I actually kind of held off on putting any kind of gym content in my videos because I didn't want to seem like gym douchey."
"Believe it or not, this is my first update video I've done ever on this channel. I hate doing update videos because I feel like it takes away from the magic."
"I was reminded that it was time to go back... but the more I was there, the better I liked it."
"I cannot adequately express how little I'm looking forward to this job."
"I really don't wanna do all the interviews and talking, but I love you and I really respect you."
"I saw that it looked like a sail, so [Music] Oh, they can make me do parkour, not in front of my friends, please!"
"But also I really would rather not do all those things so please just make it so."
"Ready, set, go. Somebody's making a choice they have been reluctant to make."
"Hop, this is for your own good buddy. I know you don't want to dress up as a donut. Sprinkle loves trying to dress people up as donuts. I understand that it's a frustrating proposition, but penguin babies, focus on the goal, Hopper."
"Well, nobody wants it. None of these guys want any regulation for it because if it happens, it might be f***ing removed."
"They don't want you to move on though, they don't want you to leave, they don't want it to be over."
"I really want to tell you guys everything but I definitely don't want to say it all."
"I never planned on making this video, I never wanted to."
"It's like watching someone with an almost complete jigsaw puzzle who simply refuses to put the final piece into place because they don't like the picture that it forms."
"Don't even bother starting something new; the past hasn't left yet."
"Great. Agent Arthur, come to me. I don't want to. That's so badass."
"I hate being forced to do things, but I will."
"People will say, 'I really don't know, I don't want to talk about that, I'm here just to react to other things.'"
"I really don't want to have to make new kinds of food or more of the same kinds of food."
"Nobody wants to be the person who helps figure out the law at their own expense."
"I knew the path that I was gonna take... I just didn't want that path."
"What an experience here. I don't want to leave."
"At the end of it I was just done and the thought of going back... I just couldn't face it."
"It's not that it's a hard thing to do, I'm pretty sure most people can do it. It's that I don't feel like doing it."
"They want to know how he got to that level but he refuses to tell them."
"It was a nightmare, to be truth be told. I don't think I'd ever do anything like this again."
"For some reason, I felt hesitant to open it and leave, as if the museum didn't want me to go."
"It's like me versus the laundry and I just don't want to do it."
"We're doing it, I don't want to but they're peer pressuring me."
"She was resistant to both of those suggestions, very resistant, she really didn't want to go."
"I didn't want to move the robber. It's just got sheds and sheds of sheep. I didn't want to move."
"No one would consider selling their land; it was considered that they had given up, and no one wanted to give up."
"It's like my mind just gets quite happy and settled in a particular environment, and then I just kind of don't want to leave it."
"This is someone you don't want to let go of."
"Oh, I don't want to do orthodonture the game next time."
"I can't leave yet, couple bacon egg and cheeses."
"I can't do this, I'm not doing this."
"Something happened which I really don't want to talk about so I came back."
"I'm too embarrassed to go get a hat."
"I've been campaigning for many months to not do this show no more."
"No, I'm never doing this again. I'm never doing it again."
"Once people have power, they're loath to give it up."
"I want to never talk about this again, like [__]. I don't want to."
"I feel like Al Pacino in The Godfather films, 'I'm trying to get out, they keep pulling me back in.'"
"Don't want to is so strong. It honestly... what the [ __ ]. But don't want to is it, I guess it is stronger even than the dread."
"I'm not going to go in the pool by myself."
"He wasn't even super hot on being on superhero teams, and only reluctantly joined the X-Men during different periods in his life."
"I don't want to go home. I hate the end of holidays."
"I don't want to go, sir, please, please, I don't want to go."
"I'm sad when it comes to an end, I never want a good thing to end."
"Humans as a species are generally very reluctant to accept change."
"I'm actually going on a date. I tried to get Grace to go on a date, best believe I tried to drag Grace into this."
"You think I want to get trapped in a dollhouse for 24 hours?"
"I've literally been here less than 24 hours and I already don't want to go home."
"It's like once you turn it on, you just don't want to turn it off, do you?"
"But you could be like, I'm thinking of Paul Sorvino in 'Goodfellas,' where he wouldn't even get on the phone."
"I don't want to leave. I have to, but I don't want to."
"One of the astonishing qualities of being human is the measure of our reluctance to be here."
"I don't even want to talk about it."
"I'm so scared. If you ask me to be in another Among Us IRL video, I'm busy that day. Like, the roster is full."
"I feel really uncomfortable going to the back right now."
"He doesn't want to win, deep down he never wanted to be president to begin with."
"I'm not going to get involved with emptying the water out on this one."
"But that's what I don't want to do."
"I don't want no one to ask me none of that."
"If I go with you to the factory, will I ever see my family again? And I'm not going."
"...just when you think you're out they keep pulling you back in..."
"I don't want to touch, okay fine, I'll eliminate myself."
"Overall it has been the worst thing in the world. I can't really complain, but I just never really want to do it again."
"I honestly don't want to be up here."
"I almost hung up right then. It took all I had just to say yeah."
"I didn't want to write about COVID. I didn't want to write about my sister's aneurysm."
"I am not looking forward to this."
"I never want this to end. I don't want this ride to end."
"That's not me. I don't want to be the Batman anymore."
"This person isn't ready to just walk away from the connection or let you go or move on."
"I'm the king, I don't want to be the king."
"When things are this good, it's really hard to think about calling it quits."
"They don't want to communicate that."
"Ray told JB, 'No way that he's afraid or concerned about facing Abyss in Monster's Ball.' But I sense a little reluctance as we looked into the eyes with that close-up shot."
"It's not God who's reluctant to show mercy, it's you and I who are reluctant to believe."
"He didn't want to go out after that."
"...I have to think about it obviously I would never."
"Oh my God yes but I don't want to get demonetized"
"Guys, trust me, even in all the talks that we had beforehand, they kept on saying 'please, I don't want you guys to promote, this is the last thing I want.'"
"See yeah, no that's that right there is what will stop me from doing anything any type of puncturing of the walls."
"Honestly, a gynecologist? I don't want you to do that. That's right."
"Through all this wibbly wobbly tiny wimey rubbish there's one thing you never quite understood I'm the doctor and I don't want to go."
"There's no way I'm going out there."
"I scoured the internet to try to find it and it's about $1,100 and there's no way I'm paying that."
"You want to take the hand? No, I don't."
"I can't believe you're all making me watch this shit."
"I'm going to be sad to see this one go, I wish I could have even more time with the Lucid air."
"That was an interview I didn't even want to do at first."
"It's not what's offered, it's not what's sold, but then it's kind of expected. And number one, I don't wanna hurt anybody by not going through with this."
"Things are only getting worse. It feels like something wants me to go back there."
"I'm obsessed and I don't want to take them off."
"He sounded extremely nervous on the phone and begged me not to."
"I ain't gonna say it ain't even for me."
"I stay away but not because I want to."
"I'd have been going bro seriously ain't no way."
"I've tried not to write this story for 30 years."
"Everyone's outside and no one cares about the rain, and it's just muddy and dirty, blasto you bro. I've never done it, I don't want to, my guy."
"This person doesn't want you to go."
"I realized if I ever leave this world I am not leaving willingly."
"They don't want to let you go but they also don't want to make a decision."
"I hate this shot, I didn't want to do it."
"Sorry, you look adorable when you've just woken up," Sydney said, reluctantly disentangling herself from his arms.
"Be prepared to not want to leave."
"Ava, it's your turn to come up here and present. I don't want to."
"I refuse to log in because if I die before the raid I'm not going again."
"My friend, I have no desire to part with the captive."
"I can stay here forever, honestly I'm really sad I don't want to go."
"Alas, Clara Oswald just cannot do it. She can't let go and just wants a few more minutes in the dream."
"I just didn’t like the idea of doing reunions, period. I could only see it as I’d just be going over the same old ground. I’m only years older and fatter and I’ll just do an older, fatter version of me."
"You don't have to do this, Dolly."
"Her unwillingness to fully embrace the vtuber idol lifestyle."
"Elvis's reluctance... had the word obey removed."
"I don't want to do the rust repair,"
"The police were finding it hard to build a case against him, as nobody wanted to testify."
"I'm gonna kiss him on his mouth, no dude."
"It's just sunny, it's beautiful. I don't wanna go down. I want to keep going up."
"I want you to join up my team and he's like nah I don't want to do that I I I've served my country I've done my part I've been a superhero I really just want to like hang out and eat Cheetos and play World of Warcraft like I don't want to do this anymore."
"Honestly overall guys, I don't feel like I'm quite ready to leave just yet."
"Because you do not want to sacrifice."
"He is the reluctant hero in this."
"I don't want to leave. I don't want to leave this place, it's literally amazing."
"I would go to space if I could I actually and there are people in my on my team who do know that but um sadly I think that that that that there are those who would prefer that I would stay on Earth for the time."
"Why is it, whenever you're around, I end up doing things I don't want to do?"