
Emotional Focus Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"Whatever you're having emotion about is what you're thinking about."
"I feel like a lot of you are focused on getting your happiness back."
"Do we focus on fear or do we focus on love? We can't do both at the same time."
"Don't let yourself get so distracted by stress don't let all of your time be whittled away in worry and fear."
"He made you feel like you were the center of the world."
"Let the hate flow through you. It gives you focus."
"When you're in love, it's hard to think about anything else."
"The only thing that matters is love. This [__] don't even matter. Just let go and love. Conduct vibration."
"Concentrate on the people who give a f*** about you, that's the only people that matter."
"It's literally just me kind of like focusing on my emotional state... I'm gonna let my team take this one."
"The key to that hunger-driven life is a heart-centered life."
"We try to focus on positive energy and the good memories we've made here."
"Love is the heart of the matter, your heart is a center within your physical being attuned most to love."
"Describe the final goal and how it makes you feel. Focus on how it makes you feel."
"Forgive them and forgive yourself. That's the real focus."
"Focus on that focusing on negative emotions again is of course only going to bring you more negative emotions and more negative events in your life that will continue."
"You love love, and that is something that is often on your mind."
"How could I possibly have lost? That feeling is all that matters."
"I needed me, I missed me, and I refused to be ignored."
"Take stock of the people who do love you and focus."
"Think love and feel love, it can get us onto the highest timeline."
"Listening is the product of willful concentration and focus of the heart."
"It's all focused on the heart... he wants your heart."
"You're more powerful than you know, your state of being is important, focus on how you feel."
"You're going to be so focused on something that gives you strong emotional nourishment, Capricorn. Build something magnificent for yourself."
"Stop being so damn pessimistic and materialistic; focus on emotional abundance."
"It feels like the haze and the fog is gone. I think because my health was not compromising me so often in these last couple of months, it's been... I've been able to focus better emotionally and that's definitely helped too."
"In a relationship with a narcissist, everything is always about the narcissist."
"Life is too short to be regretting stuff or being angry or looking over your shoulder."
"Simply focus on what you want to be part of your future reality even in a feeling way."
"Focus on the love, focus on what is here right now, the rest will unfold."
"You're constantly paying attention to that and stuck in the grief or the loss or the denial or the anger of that."
"Focus on the emotions you're going to feel once you've achieved your goals."
"It's heart-centered and it's birthed from love."
"It's important right now to take a step back and to spend some time alone instead of placing your focus on another."
"If you dwell too much on the end of the world as we know it it robs you of your joy."
"Focus on mindset and emotions, as they're 70% of the formula for success."
"AI and CRISPR are tools...but the human touch won't go away."
"Forgiveness, stop focusing your energy on past events."
"Stop worrying about the past and focus on receiving the good things to come."
"Focus on love and emotions over materialistic goods."
"Good news is coming, try not to focus on regret, grief, anything from the past. Focus on you being protected."
"Trust your intuition, trust your gut at this time."
"This is somebody who found you very attractive, obviously focused on the passionate energy."
"Love is the overriding energy, focus on emotions."
"Love is the point, man. Love is the thing that's missing."
"The heart of the show was the relationship stuff."
"Focus on what is going to make you happy here, sun card energy."
"It is really the focus in the heart that creates coherence, removes panic, and you can make all the decisions you need."
"We've got to become more heart-centered. It's about finally starting to live it and do it. We've only been operating at about 45% of our heart's potential."
"The last thing on your mind is the first in mine."
"It's up to you what you prioritize, whatever feelings you want to prioritize."
"Why are you looking at the .000000001% to judge your happiness?"
"Let's not forget that it's about pure love especially on Valentine's Day."
"You're pouring that energy back into yourself, trying to focus on yourself rather than focus on this situation with this person."
"Life is so fleeting. Life is going to go by so fast and you will be so sad in the future that you fixated so much on these tiny tiny things that seem so so big right now but they're so so small."
"Think feelingly only of the state you desire to realize."
"Our job is to focus on the emotions and... release those emotions."
"Your contributions have the power to make a positive impact in the lives of others."
"They miss you, they're very focused on the past, I will say that because this person is focused on the three cups that have kind of fell over and there's two cups behind them."
"Being focused on you brings them some comfort, but it doesn't actually allow them to disconnect from the pain."
"It's always been about one heart."
"The only emotion you want to consume you, that's love."
"You can focus on your heart and just kind of broadcast that love energy out."