
Earth History Quotes

There are 136 quotes

"We're going to look at the structure of that whole Torrid system because that's the system and understanding that and its influence and role in the recent geological, archaeological, paleontological history of this planet is likely profound."
"Millions of years ago, Earth looked very different, all the continents were fused into one, teeming with life, both beautiful and terrifying."
"Scientists call this event the Great Dying, and it was the most catastrophic mass extinction event the Earth has ever seen."
"The history of the Earth begins 4.6 billion years ago. At that time, everything was different from what we know today."
"Dear Traveler, good morning. Through four videos, we embark on an exceptional journey, retracing the history of the earth since its birth."
"The planet is freeing itself from the snowball that was imprisoning it."
"Earth could have been purple before it turned blue and green."
"This is the first point in the four and a half billion year history of Earth that it has been possible... we need to seize the opportunity."
"This is the closest that life on Earth has come to complete eradication."
"Planets Earth may have been a synestia about 4.5 billion years ago."
"There is a greatly more interesting and extensively larger story to tell regarding the history of our planet."
"Some of these beings have been on planet Earth for much longer than we have."
"We are living through a time of continental dispersion, but another supercontinental age is on the horizon."
"We're so excited about that because the work that we've done in the Pilbara has shown that at 3.5 billion years ago, the same age as the crust on Mars, this ancient life on Earth was thriving in active hot springs."
"Earth has been genetically engineered with DNA from various beings."
"Early Earth might have been purple, not green."
"The earth has been bombarded by various cataclysms over the ages—everything from asteroid impact to solar events."
"The battle between good and evil is over every single soul on this planet."
"Alternate explanations like they were created there as fossils when God gave the Earth its history six thousand years ago."
"The end of the last ice age, about 12,000 years ago, was incredibly dramatic."
"Even more spectacular than the rise of the earth over a 300 million year period is what happened in the 4.3 billion years since our temperate watery earth formed life."
"I like the idea that there is ancient extraterrestrial power on Earth."
"Ichthyostega marks a crucial turning point in the history of the Earth by being the first four-legged vertebrate to set foot on land."
"The whole earth is an ancient place... some places on this Earth are more ancient than others."
"The Younger Dryas event is the Rosetta Stone of Earth in human history."
"An asteroid impact played a larger role in Earth's history."
"These things happen. You can look at the Earth and see the scars. They happen and they're going to happen again."
"Pangaea: one giant continuous landmass, a different and harsher world."
"The Grand Canyon is a testament to the awesome power of the continents in shaping our world."
"I really think that we owe the moon our existence today."
"The mysterious Hadean eon shows us that a very alien version of earth spawned life."
"This journey reminds us of how our planet is constantly changing, how it can adapt in remarkable ways."
"Earth has been a laboratory for tremendous numbers of genetic manipulations and creations of all kinds of life forms."
"These changes were facilitated by the split of Pangaea and the shift of continental plates."
"It's utterly shattering to the imagination to think of what has happened on this planet... organized complexity on a stupefying scale."
"Level one for Earth is probably the biological evolutionary process. It's like going from single cell organisms to early humans."
"Old Earth was a heaving, overcrowded mass bloated by proto-hive cities."
"Proofs of the sudden and violent change in the structure of the Earth's surface are to be found... a few thousand years ago. That's a hell of a statement. It completely defies the uniformitarian model."
"During the Permian, the global sea level continued to drop until it reached a level close to our oceans today."
"The akashic records are the great library of the earth, the great newspaper of the earth, the great history of the earth."
"I still prefer the notion that we're dealing with multiple bombardments from comet fragments."
"99% of all species that have ever lived on earth are extinct."
"When that carbon is in the ground, locked up in rocks or sediments, then the planet is cool."
"At the time, the dominant creatures of the earth were massive amphibians like tymnosponduli and large reptiles like phytosaurs."
"For example, we know that a few billion years ago, it's quite likely Earth was purple, or at least the oceans made it appear purple."
"After the complete transition of metallic iron from the mantle to the core about 600 million years ago, the main consumer of oxygen on Earth disappeared."
"Oxygen appeared in the atmosphere. This is the main factor that predetermined the prosperity of complex life forms on Earth."
"Geologists believe Pangaea started to break up about 200 million years ago."
"The Siberian traps represent the biggest style of volcanism that the Earth ever experiences or produces."
"Studying snowball earth is not only cool for reasons like life on other worlds but also because reconstructing earth history is important for projecting future climate conditions and climate changes."
"If Martian scientists had a telescope aimed at Earth and they were seeing what had happened in the last century they would be saying what on earth is going on."
"This current rate of carbon dioxide and temperature change is almost unprecedented in the entire history of Earth."
"We've been blessed with an extra long warm interglacial now."
"Thank you. Mason, 750 million years ago is when Australia and North America started to break apart from each other."
"If you have a stack of flat rock layers, the one at the bottom is the oldest, the one at the top is the youngest."
"These flat lying sedimentary rocks contain the record of Earth history and the Colorado Plateau has a fantastic section of rocks that helps us to interpret what the environments were in the past."
"The formation is a laterally continuous deposit of strata that can be followed for a long distance and each layer of strata represents a moment in time in Earth history."
"Magnetic signatures are useful for tracking Magnetic North Pole movement throughout Earth's history."
"The Earth's field has changed in sign or polarity lots of times in the past."
"It's so weird to think how different our world looked a few million years ago."
"We were once 800 ft below the ocean, and now we're at 800 ft above the ocean."
"Origin science... is the science that tries to figure out the history of the earth."
"Oxygen is one of those things that's like, just game changing to earth as a planet."
"The Moon tells us about the formation of the Earth."
"The Phanerozoic eons started, sometimes referred to as the period of visible life."
"The creature is old, it predates our civilization, hell it predates complex life forms on this planet as we know it."
"The planet going from the so-called Snowball Earth event to a tropical environment in a geological instant."
"Approximately 540 million years ago, we suddenly have vegetation, photosynthesis, a lot of oxygen being circulated on the planet, and the biosphere becomes active."
"It is possible that ancient astronauts went in search of life beyond their own world and found it on the planet Earth."
"These are one of the oldest forms of life on the planet."
"Incredible though it may seem, the Earth may have frozen over completely."
"The Precambrian probably marks the earliest time in Earth's history."
"The Precambrian was almost 90 percent of Earth's history."
"Even though it seems like the Precambrian was a very different Earth than today, it does represent what Earth has been like for most of its life."
"It's about as close as we've ever come to a complete resetting of life on Earth."
"It's hard to imagine that Earth is still in an ice age that stretches back almost three million years."
"Unfortunately, we no longer have these komatiitic lavas being erupted, because they would be quite cool if they were still being erupted, but alas, the Earth's mantle has cooled down."
"We can say with certainty that 3.8 billion years ago we have functioning plate tectonics."
"Understanding the time of the dinosaurs tells us about our remote past but it also explains how our world has changed."
"The whole course of human evolution can only be clearly understood if we gain more profound insight into the powers that intervene in the course of earth evolution."
"The planet Earth substantially changed; in fact, all of history as we know it is post-flood."
"If life began on Earth about 3.7 billion years ago and we faced three Supernova explosions that have impacted us in the last 20 million years, and life is still largely ticking along."
"It speaks to a time when the planet Earth had a universal climate very different."
"Fossils completely changed our understanding of the world and they are still doing so today."
"It wiped out 75 percent of all species on Earth."
"The majority of the dates corroborate typical ancient earth measurements."
"The strength of life which had survived two snowball Earth periods had changed the planet."
"Geologic time should not be considered as regular time, as it's not based on seconds, minutes, hours, etc."
"Life as we understand it actually began pretty quickly after the Earth was formed."
"This was the most significant event in Earth's evolution."
"Unconformities represent a buried erosional surface and can represent a break in the geologic record of millions of years."
"Look at that wall from the Mesa down to the bottom of the canyon, you are looking there at over 300 million years of rock formation."
"The clays of the primitive Earth may have been the forge of life."
"This is new earth, the earth of 4.2 billion years ago."
"There is no end to our expression, to our versatility, because we have 4.5 billion years of experience on this planet."
"It took just less than about a billion years for the first signs of life on the earth to appear."
"Greater Adria was once part of Pangaea, the supercontinent that spawned the modern earth."
"The debris and clouds of dust from the collision gathered around our planet and started circling it, eventually forming what we today know as the Moon."
"It's interesting to note that the first life on Earth was at 3.7 billion years ago, right at the end of this phase."
"What we think happened 66 million years ago, a 14-kilometer diameter asteroid hit the Yucatan."
"It took about 15 to 25 million years after the extinction to repopulate the planet."
"This type of low temperature, slow reaction may well be representative of some of the early Earth environments."
"We were seated by asteroids or comets that then put their organic materials onto the planet Earth."
"This is the first time we have a nice complete Wilson cycle visible in the rock record."
"Maybe the planet needed a disaster like a snowball Earth to let new forms of life take strides forward."
"There have actually been at least five major ice ages since Earth formed about four and a half billion years ago."
"If we crunched the numbers on this and take 4.6 billion years worth of time and make it equivalent to 365 days... that's our New Year's Eve party."
"It is a generally accepted theory that tectonic plates have been slowly moving for about 3.4 billion years."
"I have the pleasure of telling you a story of 4 billion years of Earth history in an hour."
"The earth had no oxygen when it started, and for several billion years, there was no oxygen."
"Earth is 4.6 billion years old; if we compressed all of geologic time into one calendar year, the Eocene epoch would have started on the fifth day before the end of the year."
"Microbes were the first life forms on earth."
"These proxies are incredibly important for our understanding of Earth's history and Earth's modern processes."
"The continents fit together like puzzle pieces to shape an earth that used to be mostly a single landmass."
"Two-thirds of the surface of the earth, the ocean basins, are less than 200 million years old."
"Life evolved here on Earth in the oceans."
"Evidence suggests that in the past, asteroids colliding with Earth played a fateful role in shaping the history of life on our planet."
"We now know that there were at least three different supercontinents."
"Here in Shark Bay, these strange forms bear the mark of a decisive moment in the history of our planet."
"The Earth became very nearly entirely covered by ice and it had really quite profound implications for life at that time."
"The most common [Earth history]... is a situation in which there are no large ice sheets anywhere."
"It's a small fragment about 30 miles wide by 245 miles long, and it basically broke off from the ancient continent Gondwana 80 million years ago."
"Millions of years ago, the Earth was blue, a barren landscape on the surface, but underneath it was teeming with life."
"...about 325 million years of Earth history can be seen in the exposed rock formations of the Colorado Plateau."
"Life has been on this Earth for approximately 4 billion years."
"The most reasonable conclusion is the one that geologists already know: most of the layers of the Grand Canyon were deep marine layers formed over hundreds of millions of years and uplifted by tectonic activity, then carved through by the Colorado River."
"This is how our world looked before the continental drift; it went by the name of Pangaea."
"In the annals of our planet's history, where time is measured not in years but in epochs, continents have embarked on timeless dances shaped by forces beyond human comprehension."