
Language Barrier Quotes

There are 177 quotes

"Despite her eyes beaming with joy, she claimed she couldn't understand their language and asked him to teach her."
"I moved to America when I was 12 with zero English."
"There's very little that we know about Islam, and I don't even understand the Quran because I don't speak or read the language."
"When I came to the US, I didn't speak any English."
"It's not about perfection but 80 of the world does not speak English while the majority of video content online is in English."
"Imagine if every English-speaking person and every Russian speaking person and every German speaking person, if literally everyone on the entire planet could communicate with each other in real time."
"Admittedly without the subtitles I wouldn't have a clue what she was singing about, but her voice is hauntingly beautiful."
"From Jason's point of view, everyone around him speaks French."
"Imagine a man and a tiger sweet-talking each other in Russian."
"Thank you so nice people I said hello do you speak English."
"When I met Ted in 1988, I had no word to describe him, but only because I didn’t speak German. Thank you Germans, for ‘Backpfiefengesicht‘."
"I am 100% sure, I wouldn’t be able to get to where I am in my career, if I didn’t speak this fluent or if I didn’t get rid of my own thick accent."
"Winning cures everything. If you brought in a guy who couldn't speak french and then he started winning, nobody would care."
"You don't have to understand Spanish you know and they start singing in his family yeah you know or mumbling most importantly you don't have to say you can feel it yeah you can feel that music you really can't."
"In many hospitals, many patients will ask for doctors that speak Spanish, not because they speak Spanish only, but because they tend to understand them better."
"I never actually got around playing it in English."
"So right, I don't know the English word for it. It just means so ridiculous that all you can do is laugh."
"Has a mix-up in English or a lack of understanding of nuance ever put you in a funny situation?"
"The fact that despite having a slight accent, she's still able to be in a really famous K-pop group as a non-native speaker is really amazing."
"You arrive in a country where nobody can speak your language, nobody knows your past."
"I don't know how you say his name, sorry I'm a degenerate."
"How you say hack... How you say it hack into."
"He said that the kids often made fun of his broken English and, he was self-conscious for years of the way he spoke."
"How can we form a community if people can't talk to each other in the national language of English?"
"And if you show your support, I will also put a sentence you can use, which would just be your country's name (in English is fine, or whatever language), and then say から応援しています!Which means, 'I'm supporting you from (this country)!'"
"Good thing I actually opened things and read it because I found it in English, thank you very much."
"Even though most of us listening to Nina didn't know a lick of German, the music lifted us with 99 Red Balloons."
"Sure not sure, takes in the summer. It brush the cash grants very secure training, Busan."
"Can I speak Spanish? Not really, what is Chick-fil-A? It's a chicken place."
"It's like this kind of memories that you can get from it but Avery you know this word maybe you don't sorry not not good in English you are obviously so yeah and this amazing feeling I can live it again and again after watching this movie." - Dendi
"What the [expletive] is this? There was Chinese. It was all Chinese. All... oh god."
"Without getting lost, without missing the jokes, and without subtitles."
"Have you ever bought an electrical device from eBay and it arrived with all the text menus and instruction manual in Chinese?"
"If it's a code, no one can break it. If it's a language, no one can understand."
"Most of the parents that come here who do not even speak English want their children to be better and to do better."
"Instantly I was paralyzed with fear I didn't know what to do he opened his mouth and spoke but it wasn't English it sounded to me to be Middle Eastern of some sort."
"They thought I was faking, but I do say walla millie."
"I am very often wrong and I am even more wrong in foreign countries where I don't speak the native language."
"When you don't speak the language, it can be a little terrifying to be put in survival mode, really, but it's also a little invigorating."
"Put yourself in their position; they're speaking their second language to you, doing well, and you're just abusing them for it."
"Leaving Brazil at just 15 years old, she came to High School in Tennessee; she didn't speak a word of English."
"Using a translation app has helped me understand instructions many times too."
"Use pictures and gestures to communicate with a resident who speaks a different language."
"...it's an ocean of uh you know just an ocean of uh study but one of the best ways to explain the literary miracle in a non-arabic setting is to remember some of the following contexts..."
"I think it's supposed to be like generally oh that's nice you know yeah usually but I don't know any Italian so thank you for coming in and hanging out with us today."
"It's very difficult to get that although it says pay in the car that's still in English."
"Apparently what pissed her off more was that they apparently hired the delivery driver that cannot speak Dutch."
"The painter also considers the language barrier to be the biggest problem of living with the British."
"That scene was real, the Czech extras didn't speak any English and so they didn't know that they were supposed to cheer after the speech."
"Excuse me, no English. He showed me his phone, and he had a translator app. It was awesome."
"I was sat there just like I I don't I don't understand I have no idea what you're saying and I'm trying to translate it back like it doesn't matter I'll sign it I don't I don't understand."
"I never let a Mexican who conviction I'm ditching the plastic you darling with."
"Old man wait, teller. Old man English is the second language. That ain't no disrespectful [__] right there."
"I had no job, I couldn't work in Germany. How do you get a job when you can't speak the language?"
"He's just going to town on her tummy. I don't know Russian, so I don't know what she's saying to him, but I've got to imagine it's something like, 'Hey, quit punching me in the stomach, right?'"
"I think one of those anglers that come over from different countries, don't speak the language, and then just figuring out what it took to get them there, I think that'd be beautiful."
"Some of them don't even speak English but they're still trying to like hello hello and the lord wasn't on me roland it was mad you know look it was mad."
"No one speaks English and I know like I shouldn't be so ignorant as to think people will."
"My only complaint, and this is is a nothing complaint, is that it's impossible for me to do what I do with a lot of stuff that I really love which is like do Impressions and quote lines because I don't speak Japanese you know."
"It was a tough, nerve-wracking experience because I was 12 years old with no English."
"You're with the French call is me."
"I cannot find an English Korean speaker that can edit my videos."
"Here I was in the middle of the night in the middle of the desert having a very, very agitated human with a loaded gun and press it to my forehead and scream at me in the language that I don't understand, and it was heavy."
"Imagine trying to build a house and your plumber speaks one language, your carpenter speaks another language, your electrician speaks another language... that's going to be a mess."
"After you left, the guy came up to the table with Google Translate."
"For decades Eurovision songwriters have known that one way to overcome the language barrier is to give people something simple to sing along with."
"It started with first grade. I didn't speak English."
"I hope that's not all in Chinese."
"If you don't know Danish, it's definitely possible to get a job in Denmark."
"This one was good though, um yeah, I didn't know what they were saying, why was this the one that I chose that I didn't know what they were saying, but I think for a song like that, I think she did as good as you possibly could do with it. That was good."
"But if you do the track in a wee bit you might get sort of clear woman apples doesn't work either believe me I'm trying."
"You are such I thought he was a lawyer this is dishonest is this you know just Dumber spoke English and kwaku also speaks English yeah I'm not I mean I'm not saying anything you know they're asking questions what's what's the term Brad you know all these terms it's"
"You can understand but not speak because you're still having some kind of doubt, and that's what stops you from speaking."
"It's hard because I love arguing and I can't win these arguments. If I knew the language, I could get my point across, but it's just like I wish I could have a conversation, there's frustrations I want to get out that I, I don't know if I'm ever going to be able to tackle it."
"Native English speakers may be at a disadvantage in Globish due to their use of sophisticated language."
"God's family is all around the world, and they might not be able to even talk to you because they speak Chinese and you speak English."
"Do you feel shy when you speak English? Sometimes yes, but I try to be brave."
"You just don't know what's going to happen, you can't really plan for dealing with a whole new culture and a whole new language."
"It's like mid-dinner and I'm, they speak English, they're all speaking Thai, and I'm just like in the middle of the dinner living in a foreign film."
"If you want to understand animals, you've got to get away from language."
"Wonder why they're speaking in English. So we can understand."
"I am a Korean immigrant and I didn't speak English when I came to this country at age six."
"It's a show based on her experience as a Mexican-American who isn't good at Spanish."
"It was very scary, years ago we know no language, not even say hello."
"I don't speak any Dutch, but when people speak Dutch to me... they just switch to English."
"I have been able to sail smoothly without knowing Dutch in Amsterdam."
"You've been an inspiration to around 75 kids who don't even speak English; it is truly amazing."
"The barrier between languages really doesn't change when you're fighting for the same cause."
"I like your bravery; you're very good because you don't speak English but come here and challenge."
"I'm gonna summon God so I can commune with Numi, she actually speaks a different language than me."
"I love that band, and I love that song, even though I have no idea what he's saying."
"The life as a non-native English speaker is difficult."
"She didn't know how to speak the language when she got here."
"Even though I don't understand every word as he's singing, I feel it, I feel the passion."
"It's very easy to use this even if you don't know Japanese."
"This one scheme has also had the ability and the advantage, in some cases, to even break down language barriers."
"Love is borderless and it doesn't have a language."
"Google Translate can really help you get over those language hurdles."
"Do you speak English? Okay, okay."
"I was so desperate that I cried while kneeling and talked to them using a translator."
"After traveling in China, you learn that just get your point across and it's okay."
"I'm sorry, I don't speak Czech very well."
"I'd love to move to Japan, but there's one big problem: I don't speak any Japanese!"
"It doesn't matter what language you speak, if you see a policeman there with a big German Shepherd, you're not going to approach him."
"Non-English speakers be like, 'Hi, sorry for my bad English.'"
"Montreal is an amazing city that has a lot to offer in terms of lifestyle and culture, but moving somewhere that speaks another language isn't something to take lightly."
"Even though we don't speak the same language, we speak the same language for food."
"The true marvel of 'Life Goes On' is this: a largely Korean language song debuted at number one on the Billboard Hot 100 with virtually no radio play."
"I learned that love transcends language."
"It's someone like if someone comes from a different country and they can't really speak the language, you can help them out."
"I was 18 years old and I couldn't speak English."
"I guess Fuji and Blackthorne gradually came to understand each other and built a relationship of trust beyond language."
"I loved meeting new people, I loved kind of getting uncomfortable in places that I didn't speak the language."
"It's a strange feeling to be walking in a country so far away from mine exploring its streets alone and knowing its people in a language that we hardly understand, even more strange to do it in the middle of a war."
"Feliz Navidad might be my favorite, and that might be because at one point I didn't understand half the words."
"Computers don't understand English or any other human language for that matter."
"I'm proud to be Korean, but the fact that I'm in Korea and I can't speak my own language, it's like I feel disconnected."
"I'm psyched and nervous. I'm going alone, I don't speak Spanish, never been to Peru."
"English isn't my first language, so that's why it is a bit difficult for me."
"As a teenager translating for my mother at the doctor's office, I advocated for someone who could not advocate for themselves."
"It's honestly perfect for people overseas, especially if you don't know Japanese."
"Words escape me; that's what happens when you're English and second language."
"Sorry sweetling, we don't speak your gibble gabble."
"The idea of living overseas in a place where they don't speak English is mind-bending."
"I subtitled myself... I would speak the word in English and the subtitles in Japanese would come up underneath it."
"It's like speaking a different language, so it's so illuminating."
"She's standing right in front of you, she doesn't speak very good English, she has a four-month-old baby girl in her arms and a three-year-old boy holding her hand standing next to her."
"I can't read Japanese, I'm trying to turn the air conditioning on."
"Everyone in Mexico was so kind; they understood that we didn't know Spanish that well but they would stay with us."
"How important it is to meet a local person, especially when one does not speak the language."
"If 'ouk hellenizdeis' – if you don't speak Greek – you'll probably have a bad time working with your new foreign overlords."
"There are a lot of people especially in the United States who are not used to speaking and working with people with different languages or from a different language and listening to people's accents can be very difficult for them."
"Nothing made me grow more than being plugged in the middle of a country which language I barely spoke."
"If you're racist and you meet someone who doesn't look like you, the fact that he can't speak like you reinforces your racist perceptions."
"Turbo won one of the hardest seasons in challenge history as a rookie, and then you add in the fact that English isn't even his first language."
"Interestingly, something goes wrong with Louise's magic, and Saito understands the language of another world."
"Most of the people there aren't going to really speak Korean... but through music, it's so interesting that we can all listen to the same music, same lyrics, and just cheer and have a good time."
"It's really nice to come to a completely new environment; we don't know anything, we don't know the language at all."
"We need to bring the German school into the English-speaking world."
"Medicine was a tool that they could go into a different country and despite whether they could really speak the same language, they were helping people."
"You've come to another country where you clearly don't speak the language, and you've built a business."
"He could hear everything, he could understand everything, no matter what language they spoke of."
"This just explodes the amount of content that's there and available and in terms of search, this means that there's a good answer that's available anywhere on the web regardless of what language it's written in, we can find it and help provide it to our users."
"Theo felt embarrassed speaking the dialect but Sejun reassured him that he would understand when the time came."
"My grandma spoke Chinese Mandarin and we speak Vietnamese, so I never really got to have a conversation with her, unfortunately. So we always talked and she showed her love through food."
"Sure her cabin didn't have a window, sure the ports of call were a bit rough, and sure her translator only understood about six of the 20 or more languages spoken by the passengers on the ship, but none of that was going to get her down."
"Trying to explain your issues while using English as a second language."
"They learn that they are in Japan and they speak a different language."
"Having moved to a country where I don't speak the language, I'm really getting this lived experience of what being in exile means."