
Combativeness Quotes

There are 390 quotes

"Just like a warrior getting ready for the war, you know?"
"I love that [expletive], and I would fight with him any day because he at least will [expletive] scrap."
"I am built for the fight, and there's just nothing I can do about it. My peace is found in the battle, my peace is found in the process."
"We will fight till the end...in the streets."
"Lasker was equally good in everything, but above all, he was a fighter."
"They want you to be in the fray, actually participating in the gunfight."
"I'll battle to the end and I will never surrender."
"We're fighting, we're going to fight like you never saw before."
"There are some people who just want to fight but don't want to win."
"We're lucky to be alive, we live because we fought to be alive."
"I'm violent, I'm down for a fight and whenever I see blood, I want to see more."
"When we meet the enemy we will rip their skulls from their spines."
"It's good that you have to be fundamentally delusional to get out there on the field of battle, and make it happen."
"Blisk: 'You kill me, you're better. I kill you, I'm better.'"
"We know how to fight and we know how to win."
"The Swiss: fiercely loyal, capable, and would fight to the death with honor."
"Fight with every fiber of your being. If you've been knocked down, get up."
"Make no mistake, we are ready to fight and win this battle."
"We're one team. The enemy better look out because we're going to be victorious."
"Fighting in order to live and living to fight."
"This is finally somebody fighting back against your cruelty on the internet."
"The human population has decided we don't like being hit. We like to fight back."
"Evil when I see it, another soldier, I was thought you fight that regardless of consequence."
"He fought like a guy who was ready to do anything to win."
"I love getting punched in the mouth. I love it, I love it, I love it, I love it."
"I absolutely love it. Elon is taking the fight to these horrible people."
"This fight's not over, move forward in faith."
"If someone wants to be Donald Trump... you've got to fight him and go at him and go hard and be relentless."
"If we fought back against the bad guys, bullies, bad leaders, con artists, criminals, a lot fewer bad things would happen."
"This recruit sees XCOM as his family and fought ferociously to ensure its survival."
"10-minute fight, that's nothing! Get out of here, dead!"
"Love the battle and own it with pride, its gains and losses. This is a shard of wisdom."
"I must warn you, my strikes are Swift and deadly."
"I'm gonna come with everything, I'm throwing everything on this guy or I'm gonna knock him out or I'm gonna finish him."
"This was a fight and you can't pick any holes in it, everything is crisp and executed with a little extra piss and vinegar."
"We all know I can get involved in the tear-up and I don't mind throwing all on the line and getting involved that's not a problem."
"It's not about tippy tappy football, it's a battle."
"We need to have this fighting spirit. I mean, we're supposed to be the Church Militant for a reason."
"Life is just not fair and when life's not fair you have to fight back."
"I want a warrior, I'm going to feed them red meat. I want them to have the blood lust necessary to kill someone."
"Declare all out war that you're going to get out of this rut."
"But you know what sometimes you just gotta say you fuck the odds and you gotta fight back no matter what."
"You'll stop fighting as a victim, you'll fight from victory."
"We have got the enemy down and my plan is to go on hitting him as hard as we possibly can."
"Stikid, the bug fighting type, fights back no matter the strength of its foe."
"Anybody can be sucker-punched, anybody can lose a fight to a bigger guy. All of those things are true." - Andrew Klavan
"Know who you are, whose you are, and who you're fighting against."
"Just keep hitting. They don't get back up, man."
"We've got to rise back up and we've got to get back in here and fight, fight, fight."
"We're kicking ass and taking names, that's the Raptorias way!"
"Live by the sword, Natalia, enjoy getting impaled on it."
"Fall in love with fighting and I guarantee, you'll never lose another battle."
"We are the party of fighters, we are the party of courageous people who will lay it all out on the field and fight for this nation because if we don't fight for it, who will?"
"I will fight till the end, I will bleed till the end."
"This is how you defeat giants, this is how you rise up and strike the enemy like you were always meant to."
"With the choreography of a crane in the snow, she defeats her foes in a dance of frost."
"Would you fight a ghost? Yes, if I have to. I'm throwing something. I'm beating this [__] up. I'm going full cast."
"If you go for the king, you got to kill the king."
"We all know what it means, but yeah, you know, I tell people this all the time, you're gonna have to drag me out of this fight feet first."
"This is gonna be a proper battle actually, this isn't gonna be one of your easy ones."
"No cares given attitude that he takes... he doesn't care so he's going to just go out there and fight."
"He doesn't flee from a fight; he stands firm and backs his abilities entirely."
"My mission is to go and destroy and not to let anything get involved. You get punched, you get hurt, I refuse to lose."
"Don't ever be scared to take a loss or to take a hill, cuz it's just one minute."
"Being both fairly shooty and fairly fighty is a real advantage for the Redemptor."
"If we stay and fight, we can win. It's more possible than you think."
"Size isn't the same as strength. I'll show you. Awesome! See, I used surprise, not size, and a little thing I call style."
"The church is an army, and God wants to use your praise and your shout as a ballistic home-seeking tracking missile to break down the gates of hell."
"You must engage and destroy. Never fear, never flee the enemy. Only the wicked flee when no one's pursuing them. But the righteous are as bold as a lion."
"Savage because if you're able to take down an enemy who has no curse energy."
"If you're in a fight and you don't know you're in a fight, you're not going to win. If you're in a fight and you don't know what you're fighting, you're not going to win."
"How will you fight without a weapon? My friends are my power."
"We take the fight to everybody, we don't let them take the fight to us."
"If we have to fight god, we're gonna fight god. I'm ready to throw hands."
"Serbia fought really well, they're also going to be an A."
"Fight every battle, everywhere. Always, in your mind."
"As long as the aggression is not only there but dialed up as it was... she might just be somebody at the end of the day who's the aggression mixed with everything else she has as that calling card."
"We fight better when our backs are against the wall."
"You don’t always win when you decide to fight these battles, but you definitely can’t win unless you do fight."
"If you know you're stronger, always look for the fight."
"I'm not going out without a fight, that's just how I'm wired."
"She's not afraid to show her teeth either. There's no losing that fight for her."
"I won't hesitate if an enemy appears in front of me. I will destroy it." - Chills.
"His style was tactical aggression, a relentless assault."
"By the time I kill my enemies, I am always smiling."
"We choose men who willingly chose the gift of celibacy."
"Pick up the weapons, fight the battle, don't give up."
"It's better to lose fighting than to lose giving up."
"It's still a force after that... and it's really is capable to continue to fight."
"No way in hell am I letting someone kill me. Alright, damn it, let's do this."
"There is nothing in el bear fierce, and even monsters that outmatch an owl bear in size and strength avoid tangling with it, for this creature cares nothing about a foe's superior strength as it attacks without provocation."
"Define your way of fighting and become unpredictable."
"Burning, torching, flaming your enemies—it doesn't get any better than that."
"Audi is a winner. She is a fighter. She is a warrior. She is a soldier."
"That fight is bananas because it's gonna be two absolute [ __ ] heavy heavy Heavy Hitters trying to take each other's head off."
"The fight is the will to kill, it's the will to die."
"Despite our constant attacks and disadvantages, we're fighting back."
"Decisions eventually turned to the greater good and that's what defines them as the heroes trying to do good."
"You could do whatever the [ __ ] you wanted, you could get struck by lightning and turn into a superhuman power and I'll still [ __ ] you up."
"Confidence is everything. Knowing you're going to win every fight you end up in."
"I no matter what you do to me no matter what you hit me with I no matter how much time is left I feel like I'm about to knock you out no matter what I feel."
"What a fighters do, they fight and they win."
"It's overwhelming how much how difficult it is to fight someone who doesn't give a [__]."
"War is war. You fire the green flare, I'm off for the races, baby."
"Saturday night, it's all business, we're gonna go to war."
"Talking doesn't win fights, fighting wins fights."
"Remember, wait doesn't win fights, fighting wins fights."
"I don't care about living or dying anymore. I just want to send as many of these Devils Back To Hell as I can. Amen."
"He doesn't care who you are and will fight absolutely anybody."
"We have to be wolves, like we have to fight and snarl and be mad, and that's what it's going to take to win this."
"It's amazing they both beat the [__] out of each other for real and managed to make everything fake at the same time. It's stunning."
"I had to fight my whole life, I could beat you up even if you had one thousand knives, even if you had infinity knives, I would punch you up into the air like a kite."
"No matter how bad it looks, the fight's never over till it's over."
"If it's about who I fight, come one, come all. Whoever wants it can get it."
"I'm passionate about fighting. I don't want to sit down and say, 'Oh well, this looks like the way to go because this is more strategic.' I just want to fight."
"He's a warrior, just like he faced every single battle of his entire life."
"We have to engage in all-out economic guerrilla warfare."
"I'm the greatest fighter in the world. I'm not looking to avoid anybody. I'm looking to beat everybody and anybody in the way."
"Humanity showed just how ready they were to fight a war."
"You're in a fight, so you better learn to fight." - Unnamed Speaker
"This is the way Democrats win, they differentiate themselves as fighters."
"It means if I took a hit I can just kind of shake it off and keep attacking."
"It's just my style. I've always fought this way. I'm not one to back off, you know, back down from a fight."
"No matter the challenge, every time you get knocked down you get up fighting."
"A complete reversal, just immediate knockdown, gets up, knocks him back down."
"The real question is if you're willing to fight. And Gygax fought."
"We're going to work, we're going to fight, and we're going to win, win, win."
"How many fifth graders could you be in a fight outside the school gates?"
"I never want to go through that, fear, but when my back's against the wall, I fight the best."
"Trump fights back and doesn't give a you-know-what what they think."
"Credit where it’s due, Billy staged an excellent counterattack."
"Real men are warriors and we're willing to engage in war and triumph in war in any arena."
"Fight's a fight. I'm just going to be me."
"It's not about the fear, it's about the fight."
"The American people are warriors and we will fight together to defeat the invisible enemy."
"I am assertive. I fight fearlessly."
"If anything, we would all unify because at our core, we are a fighting culture."
"I'm here for having a real fight, a good fight."
"I don't understand anything but I love to fight."
"I've never been KO'd, I'm here to kill or be killed."
"I'm a fighter. Here's $100. Jump around with me for an hour so I can punch things."
"You talk a lot of [__] for someone that doesn't even fight!"
"Conscious warriorship versus unconscious warriorhood."
"The Gauls were a tough lot who liked nothing better than a fight."
"It was a rough style and a stiffs that wasn't pretty and fancy and there wasn't a lot of you know like I said a lot of flying going on but it looked like a fight."
"Patience is key, but sometimes you've got to regroup and fight back."
"Backed into a corner, Radar fought like a wild animal."
"Every Christian is born a warrior."
"Fisher stood up quickly, fight it, fight!"
"Yeah, you got to take a hit, man, and absorb it and be like, 'That's one of the best battles ever.'"
"We're bringing the fight to the enemy."
"When you've overcome... you're ready for another battle."
"All of us must have a desperate desire and determination to close with the enemy and to destroy him."
"I want to be in that kind of fighter mode."
"He wants you dangerous against hell."
"Prepare for the battle so you preparing yourself."
"We were swarming like Locust. Every man was hungry for a fight."
"Those who can fight fiercely for their lives often manage to fight back and survive."
"I got a fighter mentality, I'll get back up and fight with it."
"What are the Pistons getting? They're gonna get a warrior."
"Raphael is hardheaded, he's our hotthead, he's the one that goes charging into battle."
"I'm not an ambassador. I'm a gladiator."
"She's just constantly up for a fight and it's just so loyal."
"Never brave, always fight, never quit, do it right."
"It's not the style, it's the fighter."
"We're gonna make it, break it, or make it, and we're taking no prisoners."
"Mars represents your energy, your active energy, your ability to combat, to fight, and to defend yourself."
"Dude is a fighter, he's ferocious."
"I'll never back off from a fight."
"What can the universe's strongest muster? I've still got plenty of fight left in me."
"We never fight to obtain Victory, we need to fight from a place of victory."
"It's an extraordinary way of fighting around here in India. I love it."
"You fight almost as well as a man. Funny, I was going to say the same thing about you."
"You can't just be defending, defending, defending; you have to keep attacking."
"I never cared about intimidating nobody. The only thing that matters is the fight."
"We're taking the fight to them, that's the whole premise."
"It is my responsibility, it's your responsibility, to actively fight against the devil."
"We have hardly yet begun to fight."
"I'm teaching you how to lead, how to survive. You do that, you're going to have to fight."
"Fight like someone unafraid of harm."
"I can't wrestle, but I could certainly fight."
"As long as my heart beats, I will fight and I will win."
"I think you got to have a self-belief because if you don't believe yourself, you lose the first battle."
"I ain't never lost no fight and if I do lose one, it's gonna be one hell of a fight."
"He sees no other joy than to just fight."
"I'm fighting for my legacy and I love the fight."
"He will never go down without a fight."
"As long as you can still grab a breath, you fight."
"I'll pick him apart; he's the guy that I'll definitely jab, pick apart, catch him, and then knock him out big."
"Hold on to your hats because we're going in for a fight. It's all or nothing."
"Boy, are you in luck! I happen to be an expert at kicking demon ass."
"Eager to fight all comers, he's not hiding behind outrageous demands."
"You can see a lot of tenacity; they're going to fight and make sure they give everything they've got."
"We were created to fight. I say we do so."
"I'm always fighting the evil power; I am a warrior."
"He's more confident and loves to fight when he's around Goku."
"He's never out of the fight and he's always never gonna back down."
"You need to put your past in the past and fight the fight you're in."
"You just have to decide to live a life of faith and live a life of faithfulness and get into the fight."