
Political Bias Quotes

There are 510 quotes

"It's one long liberal MSNBC lecture of fake news by a bunch of judges."
"Democrats only care about people who are not white, not American, and not from small town red America."
"Accounts were being debosted, Shadow Banning actually was a thing, accounts were being terminated for right-wing opinions."
"Politically motivated investigations are a betrayal of our bedrock democratic principles."
"The state rushed this case to indictment to appease the woke left mob."
"The feedback loop force feeds you on a diet of only political views you agree with and may unintentionally skew your worldview and limit your understanding of the world behind your bubble."
"Republicans also had and have had content removed, but the overwhelming majority of people who worked at Twitter leaned into one political direction, giving them the majority of control over what was censored."
"To pretend that anti-semitism is only coming from one side of the aisle means that you don't give a damn about anti-semitism."
"The data has repeatedly shown that moderates and conservatives consume media from the left and know the left-wing argument, but the left doesn't do the other."
"There is a bias on the left to support Public Health measures."
"The idea that all media is political is one of the most destructive ideas when it comes to media analysis and art creation."
"90% of what the FBI does right now is politically driven investigations and surveillance."
"For 15 years these social media companies were all owned by the left."
"But it didn't matter. These voters, these I guess they weren't Maga voters yet in 2016, they obviously evolved that are now supporting Mr. Walker may not care because as long as it's not a democrat in that seat that's good enough."
"Criminalizing Trump's speech and advocacy disputing the outcome while speech endorsing the election's outcome is viewed as unimpeachable, it's blatant viewpoint discrimination."
"This is just the start, the tip of the iceberg of the kind of financial Jihad they will act against average Americans who they think don't politically align with them."
"It can't be ignored because when you look at how the FBI handled that investigation in my opinion having done this it was a sham investigation it was politically motivated..."
"If you are blind to anti-semitism from one particular side of the aisle because it favors your political position, you are not in the fight against anti-semitism, you're part of the problem."
"The craziness extends across the aisle. I saw an entire democratic party look the other way or cheer while cities burn during the summer."
"If your range skews rightwards, your neutral positions will be sympathetic to the right."
"The ability to hold Trump accountable would actually be made very easy if the essentially entire Republican party didn't become complete Traders."
"It's economics: Buy low, sell high, and never listen to a Republican's advice on anything."
"If you're a youtuber or some other kind of content creator and you see racist activity in your audience, you have an obligation to take a stand against it."
"It's not the right to start this culture war; it is the left that started this culture war, and they target children."
"We've sadly seen that you are willing to use the enforcement power of the Department of Justice to target those who have political views different than you, even if it's a mom at a PTA meeting."
"The FBI investigation into the Trump campaign was falsely premised."
"The skewing of science for political purposes is extraordinarily dangerous stuff."
"Could there be a political bias? Yes, I think that's absolutely obvious."
"Twitter Executives did ban Trump, even though key staffers said Trump had not incited violence."
"Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal would later succeed Dorsey as CEO, suggesting that the company had become not an engineering company for free speech but instead had essentially become a left-wing outlet that ignored security concerns."
"Most of the hate that I get on this website comes from people who watch a few of my videos form a perception of my political opinion."
"Virtually nothing the liberal says is true, and the lies are so brazen, so aggressive and unending..."
"You can educate people on a topic with a political bias. It is the process of learning that enriches people's minds."
"I meet people on the left also... I have yet to meet anybody who doesn't like him."
"Assange is being imprisoned because his reporting hurt the Democratic Party."
"It's unclear if [Nancy Pelosi] was as concerned about keeping the peace as Meadows and the Trump White House were."
"If this were violence against Biden supporters by Trump supporters, it would be front-page news."
"The left's contention is that it's the right that has moved right. This is a lie."
"Did you guys remember when Joe Rogan was just an idiot and not also a partisan hack?"
"It's an eternal win for Democrats, it's a loser for the American people."
"The media treats Republicans unfairly, 100% that is true."
"There's a story about a Democrat that would be a front-page story if it were a Republican."
"If you're going to start calling every riot with a political intonation illegal insurrection and sedition, then there's going to be a lot of people on the left that are going to get arrested."
"We're seeing the rise of intellectual cowardice on the left."
"When you ask me what was the reason, yes we need to take ownership but there's nothing you can do when your country has 48 of the people believing in mainstream media which is a leftist propaganda machine."
"We need accountability because this media rigged the 2016 election... they're going to rig this election."
"Political bias will ultimately result in the downfall of many of these big platforms."
"There's a dearth of conservative voices in the social sciences and humanities, but approximately 25 percent of social scientists in the US identify themselves as Marxists."
"Voter fraud of this kind is very rare, but when we find it, it's almost always Republicans."
"America has to put up with your incompetence... how long will the rest of us have to put up with the destruction caused by wealthy conservative white men?"
"AI will always think the Republican running is a Hitler this time next time time after."
"I personally happen to think Tucker Carlson tends to do a much better job than the left in his segment."
"I'm not a fan of blocking off roads I'm not a fan of violating the law but that is not a principle for the democrats it only depends on what your cause is."
"This was like a lynch mob from people who have political inks and issues with people who have a little bit more conservative esque views."
"Big Tech is clearly infiltrated by, I mean, you look, Alan Bakari I think it was, got his hands on that Google video where they were crying that Trump won."
"The weaponization of federal law enforcement represents a mortal threat to a free Society... why so zealous in pursuing Trump it's so passive about Hillary or Hunter?"
"One of the most disturbing things we're seeing across the country and in colleges and universities is an extreme left-wing censorship."
"They're doing nothing. Trump is sitting around and people are kind of carefully going in and starting to suggest maybe you've lost."
"Every time we win a case on one of these solid legal arguments, the left is going to go out there and say they just want to kill bunnies."
"Mainstream media and social media have become safe spaces to protect far left ideology."
"It's not about how people are protesting as every conservative knows it's about who's protesting and what they're protesting for."
"If it favors the Republicans, they're going to call it election integrity."
"The complicity of our media, elected officials, and all of them are playing these dirty games together."
"If you were a left-wing comedian and you said exactly the same words about Christians... everything would be totally fine."
"It's about how if you're a politician with a purpose, it's very easy to absorb information that suits your case and reject information that doesn't."
"The very idea that six extremists on the Supreme Court think they can force their personal and religious views on the rest of America is ridiculous."
"Before we get into 'this is something completely different,' unless this thing was solely about getting Joe Biden and it was not at all about corruption, I'll show you another example in a second."
"Flood relief: They pork-barreled flood relief even the New South Wales Liberal Premier Dominic Perite publicly dressed them down for it."
"American Media is politically biased as well."
"It's all lies. They hate Trump so much that we can have 81 nights of rioting, 30 people dead, buildings being burned down, and Democratic politicians getting charged with felonies and it is still Trump's fault."
"Most of the anti-speech activities going on on campuses targeted towards conservatives and libertarians."
"There's something fishy... I don't trust the Democratic party."
"Now you're going to have many left as an activist using it as a left-wing activist hub. That's all it really is."
"If you did not have an association with Trump it's really obvious none of this would have happened to you."
"The New York Times seems to criticize left more and cherry-picks stats to make progressives look bad."
"The left likes canceled culture because it can be applied to people it disagrees with."
"Journalism died a long time ago. News organizations are just political advocacy groups."
"He didn't look into it before he posted it because he just took CNN's word for it, he took liberal media's word for it."
"Trump has been correct, and that's led me to a point where I'm like, I've always tried to view things rationally and fairly."
"The media and the Democratic establishment are doing everything in their power to try to make it seem inevitable that Joe Biden won."
"The ACLU is collapsing full-scale into the foolishness of the hard left."
"A judge shouldn't be looking at a person and saying because of your political affiliation I rule for or against you."
"You shouldn't trust any narrative they push. They're out-of-the-closet propagandists on behalf of the Democratic Party, just trying to push Joe Biden to a second term on a gurney. It's unreal, and they'll do it any way they can."
"If you are going to provide governmental dispensations for only left-wing corporations there will be and should be a response that says to corporations is now an even playing field."
"The media and Democrats never talk about these beautiful stories."
"Journalists are trying to lie, they're refusing to cover, they're arguing that people should stop covering an academic paper that disputes their personal political opinion."
"They hate Bernie Sanders... and no matter how well Bernie Sanders performs they're already cooking up narratives to spin it."
"I think that the story of how the media has overplayed its hand every single day of the Trump presidency is the fascinating one."
"The police have been shown in many instances to be working with the far-right groups."
"When you're talking about the lying and misinformation that could truly destroy our democracy, there is an asymmetric risk coming from the right."
"Do you feel as though if Joe Biden wasn't Joe Biden your allegations would be taken more seriously? Absolutely."
"No federal interference in social networks... we're with you."
"Anyone who challenges the establishment is going to be targeted with all of this stuff. It's everybody. I don't care if it's left or right, whatever."
"The media and Democratic Party leaders created the environment that made the January 6th violence all but inevitable."
"More analytic people were less likely to believe politically consistent fake news than less analytic people regardless of their political alignment."
"When it's done on the liberal side and people are so unhinged that they're trying to suggest that there's some even remote connection between Russia and white supremacy in the U.S."
"For the left, the entire, unearned moral superiority is based on the unsupportable, unsubstantiated belief that they're the sole representatives of minority interests in America."
"The exact opposite of what we see in right-wing media... that search for objective truth."
"The hatred of Donald Trump has completely obscured love of country."
"It's our position that the media should not be making decisions about their guidelines to us about social distancing based on political ideology."
"It's about taking control of my life, something worth noting is that the sampling of people from each party is ridiculously screwed towards Democrats."
"They are banning books within school libraries just because the books happen to hurt the right wing's feelings. That's it. That's all this is." - John
"It's kind of wild how much [ __ ] you can get away with when you are a right-wing reactionary and a virulent racist."
"Twitter is biased against conservatives period."
"I wish they would go at her and eviscerate her with the same energy they used to get rid of Harriet Myers."
"If a person is engaging in that strategy deliberately to promote right-leaning voices, I think that's bad."
"It's always the [__] the press that Hypes it up too... leftists are treated... demonstrations for Tamara Brasilia in 2016."
"Preferably just not for anyone with an R next to their name... Republicans are trashed right now."
"It's rioting for all seasons out here in the blue cities... But let's be real about this... The only people who are looking to rob stores and loot things, those are not Donald Trump voters."
"It's only because they opposed her on the basis of race which is why they also opposed Merrick Garland and literally did not give him an up or down vote."
"Conservatives keep complaining about social media. Look how they're working the refs."
"This is how all of this works: an attempt by the left to suppress narratives they do not like."
"You should never be a judge such that every time you have a political preference you always find that it is justified in the particular case in front of you."
"The reason why they bend towards that fascist thought isn't because they are genuinely fascist, it's because of all these stupid party politics, cognitive distortion, partisan biases they have."
"The attacks against Jeremy Corbyn were often politically motivated by people who did not want a socialist Labour government."
"Banning everyone from the right creates a huge opportunity for other platforms."
"Judge previously removed Fanny Willis from 2020 election case for political bias."
"Fanny Willis is going after Donald Trump for his tweets, seems like this could absolutely Boomerang and could potentially hit big."
"Let's just call it what it is here: the media has blatantly blacked out people like Tulsi Gabbard."
"If you don't do every single thing they say particularly on anything connected to their political goals and Donald Trump then you will be completely tossed aside."
"Could you imagine what would happen if CNN journalists' emails got leaked where they were mocking Trump supporters or making fun of this kid? It would destroy what little credibility CNN has."
"The systemic deplatforming and suppression of conservative, traditional, and constitutional-minded thought is a real thing."
"Liberal hatred of conservative ideas is repugnant."
"We have a two-tier justice system, one for the leftist elites."
"If you want to deny that you are denying it because it conflicts with your cultural or political principles."
"Leftism welcomes resentment, bitterness, envy, and rage with open arms."
"I dare say Mr. Speaker that if a republican did what Mr. Bowman did that every single member on the Democratic side would be down here calling for censure."
"Fox News is proving they are doing legit journalism... MSNBC has gone off the rails."
"ESPN realizing politics are bad... Fox News is dominating."
"The entire election frankly in all the swing states should be overturned, and the legislature should make sure that the electors are selected for Trump." - Sydney Powell
"I can't imagine a person who doesn't have biases right like how could anybody in the entire world not know Donald Trump not have an opinion one way or the other on his criminality or whatever like I just don't even understand how it's possible."
"CNN is MSNBC masquerading as the most trusted name in news."
"Trust in traditional media is at an all-time low... right-wing attacks on fake news... having done a lot of wilderness stuff... the first things they say... how much they hate the media." - Dan
"I actually think it's much more powerful as you touched on when you have PBS you know trying to quote unquote fact check Trump as he's speaking in a much more academic sounding way but Fox is out here apologizing for this."
"Listen to the scientists, listen to the experts... only if the experts back up their preconceived political notions."
"It would be shameful to draw these false equivalencies between Trump and Biden."
"I think that they don't care about that what they truly care about is pushing their view of America as innately flawed."
"The breaking news of the report is not that President Trump is a volatile human. The story was the media were proved to be what they are."
"I have come to the conclusion that there really is such a thing as Trump derangement syndrome... but I am now also convinced that the opposite exists."
"In America, if you hold particular views on particular subjects and you give your own charity to those views but in your business life you service all customers the same, that is not good enough for the left."
"There is some weird economic data that the media is not parsing through and it is telling a different story of reality than the politicians on either side want you to believe."
"It is a you know an institution that can serve goodness and can serve good things but unfortunately they have seemed to become Ultra political in a way that might be Beyond repair."
"Cancel culture is pervasive and Silent. It's behind closed doors where members of The Academy will essentially blackball potential candidates because of their political ideologies."
"Conservatives tend to hate the press until the press writes a good article."
"Case closed. There was no good faith basis for the raid on President Trump's home."
"Colleges have become leftist indoctrination centers."
"The very foundation of the case against former president Trump in Georgia was not just shaky, but potentially built on a bedrock of hidden agendas."
"The secretive nature of these meetings, the involvement of the January 6 committee, and the close ties with the Biden Administration paint a picture of a probe that's less about justice and more about political gamesmanship."
"It's the hijacking of an American institution that is required to be nonpartisan for partisan purposes."
"Joe Biden's getting as much hate as Barack Obama but those Republicans only hated Obama because he's black."
"Fox News was nothing more than an illegal Super PAC for the Trump campaign."
"Twitter specifically didn't use an algorithm that would crack down on white supremacy, because they knew Republican politicians would be affected by it."
"And while a study by MIT and Yale found that conservatives were more likely to be suspended from Twitter than liberals during 2020, it also found that conservatives were much more likely to share and promote misinformation."
"Here's the real dirty little secret she knows that but she's so beholden to the left that she's willing to provide them free cover."
"The left has decided, because they are our moral arbiters and the arbiters of our truth, that you can simply ban Donald Trump from the ballot."
"If the shoe was on the other foot, that it was clear that the Trump campaign had won the election, Democrats would want to know if there was foul play involved or not."
"You have to call out both sides... we need a media to do that... unfortunately that's being levied online."
"Trump corruption matters, Clinton corruption matters, Biden corruption matters most."
"I don't think people realize the extent to which journalists under 40 years old casually consider themselves Democratic Party operatives."
"Republicans look at Democrats and they say, 'These people have been getting away with, in the case of Ted Kennedy, actual murder for years.' Democrats have been getting away with this stuff in the face of the press without any serious blowback."
"Trump is not wrong about bias in the FBI, Comey, or the media."
"Stolen election after stolen election. Blue State, Red State, doesn't matter."
"I do think one of the biggest problems with all these platforms is that they keep catering to these whiny babies."
"We only need to keep a hundred thousand wealthy Democrats happy on Twitter but we have to keep a million Republicans happy to to get the same level of you know buying purchasing power so it's just it's obvious which which direction this goes."
"Hopefully more journalists across the board will start presenting based on facts rather than coloring cases with their political views."
"The left now believes that its point of view is the only acceptable one and that suppressing, censoring, and banning open dialogue and debate is virtuous and progressive."
"You're restricting access to public discourse for only one political faction, and that skews public discourse to the far left."
"But to brush off negative criticisms as coming from the extreme left, who are ignoring the quality of the movie, is absolutely not true."
"Democrats are more likely to overstate hospitalization risks for unvaccinated people, which may fuel efforts often led by Democratic Party leaders to enforce both mask and vaccine mandates."
"The great lie is that women all hate Judge Kavanaugh and think that no corroborate of evidence is necessary."
"Your membership helps keep our cameras on and it helps keep our microphones turned up even when the left pressure is our sponsors."
"For any sort of non-political maybe leans left middle American person who is like what would I."
"When the New York Times says the Republicans are wrong, Joe Biden's policies don't play a role, that's a lie."
"To assume that Trump and his administration are the root of all evil as the media would lead us to believe is not only ridiculous, it is downright dangerous."
"I always felt that Hillary Clinton would escape criminal charges for her dangerous and illegal behavior because I always knew and I always see that our system is in fact rigged."
"If your New York judges don't like your politics, they will destroy your business, the livelihood of your employees, and you personally. This commission cannot let this continue."
"If it is good for the left, they are for it. If it is bad for the left, they are against it."
"We see that when big tech decides to remove content for political purposes, it's mostly content which praises traditional values or praises conservatism and it is deleted under their 'hate speech' policy when it has no legal right to do so."
"Alarmism is not something I am very much in favor of on either side of the political aisle."
"Not a single defensive briefing was provided at any point to any member of the Trump campaign despite Russians, Russians, Russians all over the place." - Tony Schaeffer
"Researchers asked ChatGPT to impersonate supporters of various political parties and positions."
"History is used by the left selectively like blackmail."
"The economy will be a big topic heading into 2024 and like so many issues these days how well it is doing depends on who you ask and whether they have a D or an R next to their name."
"If you're a Democrat, you can say pretty much anything, and the media will let you get away with it."
"Censorship of my article rather than engaging with it was the path these Biden-supporting editors chose."
"I think we've been a little unfair towards conservatives and their concern that children would be ingesting harmful drugs."
"I do think though that coming out of this we should remember for the rest of our lives the people who actively encouraged people especially people who agree with them politically to die from covid. I don't want us to ever forget about that."
"Pool now postures as a rational centrist or disaffected liberal who grew loath, who supposedly capitulated to the agendas of Black Lives Matter, Antifa, Democrats, and big tech companies."
"It's amazing too because the media here in this country can make Antifa look like the friend and the guys on the right look like the enemies."
"Remember, the left hates the idea that there are other ideas. They want college to be a place where everyone looks different but thinks the same."
"When you have big tech favoring say Hillary Clinton and suppressing Donald Trump, that is an in-kind donation."
"So when I hear it described as sort of 'the left wing media,' which is actually what people like Sean Hannity would like everybody to believe, I don't really buy that."
"Tonight's so-called hearing is not in good faith, it is not an honest probe into the security breakdown on that fateful day."
"This is really a Soviet-style show trial because so much of the trial is not about the facts or the law."
"CNN shut down Trump's Town Hall 20 minutes early."
"I get madder at the left because I want them to be better and they should be better."
"This is why I'm asking those of you that have any faith in God, have any understanding of what's written in this book. Do you think God is sitting around, 'Well, Trump supporters, go to line three, Biden supporters, you go to line one'?"
"If you're somebody who says they're both true you might find out that you're going to believe that the orange man is bad because you just trust every single story that comes out."
"Joe Biden sides with China over America time and time again."
"This is a broad assault on the rule of law by the left that pretends to be in favor of anti-discrimination. In fact, they're actually promoting discrimination contrary to the law and the constitution."