
International Politics Quotes

There are 270 quotes

"When I look at Sri Lanka, who has a very checkered human rights record, in fact terrible in some ways, and the way that they ended the war against the Tamils, atrocious, I have to make a decision about is this something that I'm going to wade into or not."
"All of this stuff happened while America was distracted with Iraq, Afghanistan, and the larger Middle East issue."
"Donald Trump entertains authoritarian hustler Viktor Orban at Mar-a-Lago for the weekend, and Orban comes out to declare that if we indeed sleepwalk into another Trump presidency, Trump will not give a single penny to Ukraine."
"The barbaric venture of Vladimir Putin must end in failing."
"The game of international politics basically hinges on 'we don't want to go to war.'"
"The capitalist have been trying to overthrow Venezuela since Venezuela became Venezuela. That's what the capitalists are doing right now; they're overthrowing America."
"Ukraine's president gave another TV address: 'We cannot lose our Capital,' said Vladimir Zelensky."
"From out there on the moon, international politics look so petty."
"The entire world sees clearly what Putin and his Kremlin allies are really all about: naked aggression."
"It's the analog to using the leverage of the swift system to cut out you know foreign adversaries or to use that leverage to pressure them to do something we want it's an extension of the same basic principle and done for the same reasons."
"Should the West be helping Ukraine at this moment?"
"The system is incentivized to provide the Chinese Communist Party with everything they need."
"Someone’s always going to have it, and so the rare case that could force it to change hands is if there’s overwhelming international consensus that the US is using it improperly—that the US is meddling in global affairs thanks to dollar centrality."
"America is truly the Ronaldo of regime change."
"The US-China relationship is now into 40 plus years. It's never been smooth sailing." - Trey Grayson
"We don't blow up drug cartels. Instead, we launch missiles into Middle Eastern countries and blow up innocent families."
"France's historical relationship with Chad has been a topic of concern with allegations of exploitation."
"The world wants to see a strong United States, not a weak United States."
"The history of the 21st century turns on how fiercely we defend freedom in Ukraine."
"The Finnish and Swedish announcements to join NATO changed the geopolitical landscape irreparably."
"How far the president is prepared to go, but he has said that there should be a very stiff, very costly, very painful economic and really exclusion from the world community level sanctions against Vladimir Putin." - White House stance on sanctions
"Here's the headline Washington pressed Ottawa to shut down Freedom Convoy blockades testimony reveals that Biden Buddha judge and White House advisor Brian DC urged counterparts in Canada to resolve the crisis."
"You know the United Nations which is in the United States is foremost in legislating economic sanctions."
"The Chinese Communist Party works really hard to make foreign countries have a Beijing-friendly attitude."
"The US is attempting to spark an unthinkable conflict with China, but China's rise cannot be stopped."
"I think the CCP understands that the notice from the West is that in Japan and others, the world is not prepared to accept another Tiananmen Square."
"The majority of American Democrats support the brutal crackdown on political dissent in Canada on the Freedom Convoy."
"Vladimir Putin's last hope is seeing Donald Trump in office again."
"Putin is indeed in a stronger position than he has ever been."
"Taiwan has humiliated the Chinese Communist Party."
"The U.S. is targeting the Solomon Islands... to punish them, to reverse their decisions."
"Here comes China, Russia, India, Brazil of course, the UK, France are going to still be there."
"He must have taken seriously what he was hearing from Biden."
"So the rule is in our media and in our International Politics as it turns out that if you mirror the priorities of the left then you can pretty much do whatever you want so long as you're not caught on camera doing it."
"The United States had to be involved in the world but sometimes it would just be a long-term holding pattern. It wasn't going to be the transformation of Afghanistan into a thriving democracy or the transformation of Iraq into a thriving democracy."
"China is trying to achieve global domination."
"Russia and Vladimir Putin in particular have dealt maybe the biggest blow to NATO in its history."
"China is very clearly showing which side it stands on in this conflict."
"The rise of Trump would have been facilitated in other countries other than the U.S."
"We will hold Russia accountable for its actions. The West is united and resolved."
"Listen to my friends in Russia. Hear me now and believe me later. They are lying to you. Putin is bad man." - Zubin
"There's an alliance between Russia and China and you know the Biden Administration has led us down to this road of Ruin."
"Even when something is objectively right and wrong, I think it's wrong for Putin and Russia to invade sovereign territory like this. Am I too jaded to just accept what should be an obvious truth?"
"Putin is a very dangerous president and I think he's fighting the idea of democracy."
"Together, we're isolating Putin from the world more than ever before."
"We will not allow Iran to obtain a nuclear weapon." - Donald Trump
"Standing up to China has become a bipartisan issue."
"Putin is an aggressor, and Putin must pay the price."
"Vladimir Putin is really expressing what most countries around the world, most peoples around the world are feeling."
"The Kremlin is not besieged but the myth that Russia has the right to conquer could be moscow's undoing."
"Our goal with the Ukrainians has to be to make sure that he fails."
"Putin is not rational, and we shouldn't be giving as much money to Ukraine as we are."
"Now could be a good time to know where countries stand more China treats the rest of the world in the way they have been doing recently."
"China's reemergence in the world... is a process of change and change always generates friction and tension."
"It's like getting I don't know what were like the tiny islands that bush got in uh, you know, the invasion of Iraq and said like oh we have this massive Coalition of the willing."
"If the most influential American newspaper is doing such a sloppy job covering Falun Gong, there’s not much hope of that persecution being labeled a genocide."
"China and Iran are basically in bed with each other because, I mean, when Iran doesn't have any of its allies to go to, if it doesn't have the United States to go to, say, funnel them cash, they'll go to Russia and they'll go to China."
"This is a moment for Europe to stand united in the face of Putin's war."
"Security assistance to a country at war... it was much more alarming."
"The war on terror should be a cautionary tale for Israel, especially, and not a template."
"Amin’s role in facilitating the Palestinian hijacking of the Air France flight in the summer of 1976 was just one of the increasingly incendiary activities he was engaging in on the international stage in the second half of the 1970s."
"To stop supporting Ukraine now is to do Putin and by extension the tyrants of half the world the biggest favor in the world."
"United States should defund and withdraw from United Nations and reconstitute the movement to achieve world peace for all."
"At some point the West is going to have to stop Mr Putin."
"China has tightened its grip on the country and it's actually started going around the world trying to export their authoritarian model."
"Vladimir Zelenskiy, the president of Ukraine, he is saying that Russia currently holds 20 percent of the entire country."
"Lawfare has been a way of ensuring threats like Lula and Correa cannot be elected."
"Millions of dollars from the federal government's paycheck protection program are flowing to companies and organizations tied to the Chinese Communist Party."
"More and more people are becoming aware of the nature of the Chinese Communist Party or the CCP."
"Poland also cautions Russia with severe sanctions."
"It's a bad look for the world government. It might convince countries that the world government isn't an entity that they should be a part of."
"So, like, nothing enrages me more than when you know you're playing a game and you feel like it's not fair, like basically somebody's doing something to break the rules the system or they're not playing your game right."
"The reality is this president, I think more than any other global leader, has led the charge in the get tough on China strategy."
"It's tragic for everybody and it just seems to escape everybody in NATO, in Kiev, in Washington DC."
"World leaders who may absolutely hate each other's guts still had to suck it up, sit face to face, shake hands, and talk through issues to try and resolve something."
"They said they've asked for an international investigation by the U.N and they voted it down."
"We're playing checkers and Russia's playing 3D chess."
"He's also looking at China and hearing about the success of the cultural revolution."
"It's a different set of rules when he attacks a major leader of an allied country."
"There's never been a red line that any American president has enforced against Israel."
"If Ukraine becomes part of NATO, there won't be any more trouble with Russia invading Ukraine."
"Putin is in a panic over the expected Ukrainian counter-offensive."
"The Chinese regime is one of the world’s biggest cyber aggressors."
"President Biden just delivered his strongest criticism yet of Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu."
"American concerns about human rights are incredibly self-serving and selective."
"If we don't stop Putin's aggression, where does this lead?"
"We will make sure Putin's choice to make a totally unjustifiable war on Ukraine will have left Russia weaker and the rest of the world stronger."
"It's about the future of NATO and the security of Europe. War lines are now being drawn in a new Cold War."
"The only thing we offer is war, is violence, is death, is destruction, and the world's starting to reject that."
"China's about to play that card against Biden. If they do, buddy, this isn't about you and I anymore."
"The world totally underestimated the annexation of Crimea by Russia."
"Why would Russia have to Scuttle Nordstrom unless it's because it's about to Annex part of Ukraine and go completely crazy and start dropping thermobarics on civilian targets?"
"As the CCP's extensive surveillance expands globally, its monitoring systems are gradually entering democratic countries."
"The battle is not yours; the battle is the Lord's. However, he has placed a great expectation on us to fight."
"We're introducing legislation... to apply even more sanctions." - Highlighting efforts to sanction Russia and pressure Putin to end the war.
"Israel should have exploited the repression of the demonstrations in China when World attention focused on that country to carry out Mass expulsions among the Arabs of the territories."
"Putin describes the wars defending Russians in Ukraine and ties it to Russia's reputation."
"George Soros arrest warrant issued in Russia, and then also China called George Soros like an international terrorist. So at least someone's doing something. Maybe I hope they get this guy. I agree with those takes."
"Her political leadership um on the world stage was impressive I think in terms of marshaling our allies and that's kind of uniting the international front um on Russia and Ukraine that was a deeply impressive political performance."
"Who in the Lord's name told Putin he could send Russian tanks into a sovereign country and face nothing but useless half-measures and meaningless rhetoric? Because whoever it was, he sure knew what he was talking about." - President Biden
"It's the exact same thing in the Middle East; conflicts they cultivated and then they used these conflicts to hold all of these proxies hostage."
"We believe that the CCP has cheered too soon."
"Russia's president, Vladimir Putin, also seems to know this."
"China's development of commercial ports and outposts around the world has been described by us officials as a clear effort to develop footh holes for military access."
"The global South is rebelling against the Western order led by the United States."
"Why would they sacrifice relations with their largest trading partner on behalf of Washington?"
"Putin's subsequent moves have generated widespread consternation around the world."
"Aid, in its most basic form, moves the expected outcome of the war in Russia’s preferred direction."
"The top two contenders as on date, it is between Russians and it is between the French and the Americans are also there."
"We've become very accustomed to bullying people, either by the use of the financial system or with the use of American military power."
"Once again Vladimir Putin is sitting there with compromising material on the President of the United States that he could leverage."
"The CCP's overseas police stations were set up without permission, leading to unease and fear among those seeking safety in the UK."
"All Chinese Communist secret police stations in Canada have been shut down."
"Jerusalem, Israel's capital... Please don't think that was Trump's idea... God is up to something."
"China has no place in this world calling out other countries for their racism."
"The only genuine option is the West, principally the United States."
"So I mean, we’re kind of at the mercy here not of Trump but almost of Putin who I think has the ability to turn Trump against his own staff, against..."
"We failed to deter, now you're inviting conflict."
"Trump's commitment to Saudi Arabia as a key ally has not wavered this year despite the CIA concluding that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi."
"Accountability regarding Russia is of utmost importance."
"World governments creating sub-optimal circumstances for deals."
"Any attempt to save the population there from death by starvation by importing surpluses from the black soil Zone, that's Ukraine, would be at the expense of supplies to Europe."
"Why would you pour more weapons? Why would you tempt one Ukrainian now the leadership of Ukraine has changed but why would you attempt one or another Ukrainian leadership to broaden the war where you want above all to bring peace, correct?"
"The U.S is challenging China's claim to Taiwan as being an integral part of the Chinese State."
"This has resonated internationally, with statements from China, Iran, and Turkey condemning the external interference."
"We need Ukraine to win not just for Ukraine but for the global proposition that you cannot by force take another country's territory."
"This Tech cooperation will not be hindered by Us's decoupling."
"We must counter the Chinese Communist Party globally, as it seeks to establish more robust logistics and basing infrastructure around the world." - Congressman Michael McCaul
"China's goals are a little bit different than other countries. They don't want to be in your face saying hey we're the best thing since sliced bread they want to operate their nefarious purposes in the background."
"China is controlling America's weapons industry and dictating the pace at which the American Military can and will progress."
"Other nations are already jumping into this ugly situation."
"We're talking about this bill... essentially bringing about a lot of things over here that we've seen in another country over the last few years."
"France and Poland telling Ukraine, 'we'll protect your borders while you send the guys you previously had there to go fight Russia.'"
"This is exactly how you respond to Russian threats in blackmail. Do not negotiate, but instead Strike Back."
"If the Western countries don't believe that they have either the determination or the capability to hold other measures to force Iran, then well, an agreement hopefully a good agreement would be an achievement for those countries."
"When we're talking about Ukrainian corruption and Ukrainian collusion, that is the real story, yeah, that is where the corruption lies."
"Donald Trump is talking about cutting funds to the UN... we pay 22% of the operating budget and 28% of the peacekeeping budget."
"That's a huge chunk of money that we're just given away to this new world order force."
"Zelensky has absolutely outsmarted Putin." - Professor Neil Ferguson
"What is our relationship with China going to be?"
"There's a reason Trump is doing this and trying to bring Russia back is the G7 summit is pretty much useless without Russia in the long run."
"Data is the new oil, so China is the new Saudi Arabia."
"The admissions of one of the Russian officers seized by the Ukrainian Army shook the whole International agenda."
"This is just the iceberg. How about other countries? How about that secret server, right, that we don't know what's in there, what's going on with that secret server?"
"NATO has finally called them out as a threat."
"Putin, who has the strength to defend even their headquarters, continues to threaten every country that assists Ukraine."
"Putin is extremely unsuccessful in international politics as well as in state administration."
"China wants me to lose so badly, they all do."
"Where is the humanity here? If we ask President Biden, actually President Biden, please defend this genocide, defend it, defend, don't send these missiles, shields, rockets to Israel."
"The world has returned to a more fractured state and it’s worth remembering that prior to this conflict, Russia’s relationship with Europe and the US was not all that different from China’s today."
"Crimean annexation condemned by the United Nations."
"European leaders are raising doubts over the United States's proposal to waive intellectual property rights for COVID19 vaccines."
"Japan's move was viewed as China leveraging its market advantage to retaliate against the US."
"It's not even about sovereignty anymore. It's about people's lives."
"National sovereignty everywhere around the world is under attack by these amendments put forward by the USA."
"At least 13,000 migrants are at Turkey's border with Greece after Turkey declared its border open to those hoping to reach the European Union."
"Putin's actually a lot more truthful in this instance at least I can verify and certify that the Russian government is lying."
"Putin may have a non-life-threatening form of cancer but he's been a very rational actor."
"We'd be against Russians or Chinese we'd be you know we'd be all riled up if Russia said our our national policy is to achieve the Strategic feat of the United States."
"They've lost their trust in America as a protecting power."
"Turkey's opposition to NATO bids of Sweden and Finland raises diplomatic tensions."
"U.S. Secretary of State condemns CCP and Hong Kong government over arrest of student activists."
"Could these concerns about China’s nuclear deterrent readiness be what’s been causing trouble for high-ranking officials?"
"Russia has become the most sanctioned nation in the world."
"The PKK is listed as a terrorist organization by the US, the EU, and Turkey."
"It is very dangerous to pretend that these are intellectual people, that these are people acting in good faith, or that these are people who give a damn about democracy, because they don't."
"That would be a, you know, Trump going after China is in fact a, a smart, a smart play, it is also the morally correct play."
"I think Russia obviously has its interests with Ukraine so it's not fair to completely blame the U.S operations for provoking Russia."
"The recognition of Moroccan sovereignty over Western Sahara is a major boost..."
"U.S. President Joe Biden agrees the Chinese regime has committed genocide and crimes against humanity against Uighur Muslims."
"It's no secret that the U.S is trying to kill Huawei for a long time."
"To think that the big wigs of the world cannot agree to avoid mutually assured destruction sounds like madness on steroids."
"It's what Grant Shaps called a Cutting Edge weapon that he claims is years ahead of anything that anyone else in the International Community may have."
"If China figures out how to direct next steps in Europe, there's no way we're touching Taiwan or keeping Taiwan safe."
"Ever since last year's assassination of the president of Haiti, we've seen increased international attention on much of what's going on with Western intervention there." - Lance Gross
"Iceland has returned to the geopolitical chessboard fueled by a fresh conflict between the West and Russia."
"Stop supporting Ukraine means to just agree to let Russia destroy it."
"Russia will threaten escalation to deter us from protecting our own interests, but this is a smart way for the United States to make sure that Putin does not attack our allies."
"Now is the time for us to actually stand up against this oppressive regime that sanctions other countries and coups other countries and instigates War in other countries."
"Norway's evacuation of the Russian army shown to the entire world how powerless Putin has become."
"Providing F-16s to Ukraine, given what Joe Biden said a year ago, is a very, very dangerous escalation."
"A president or vice president making political moves around the world that coincide with their families making millions in the same places—it is not normal at all."
"Name me one world leader who changed places with Xi Jinping."
"Imagine the sanctions that would have been imposed if the Russians did it."
"Diwali is a festival of lights. We celebrate it in a really big way, so like Christmas, we light lamps, we share great food, especially sweets, and that is said to welcome the goddess Lakshmi, who is the goddess of wealth."
"Western powers, including the United States, were disappointed by the recent debate in the U.N. Security General Assembly over Ukraine."
"If American policy can't get them to stop building in that one identifiable sub of Jerusalem then there's no such thing as Bridge or purchase."
"We have our ethics and our morals, but maybe the governments of Russia and China don't follow the same rules."
"The BRICS is now a rival to the G20 but it is having an effect on the G20, it is making the G20 start to follow increasingly a BRICS agenda."
"Should Russia be sitting on the U.N. Human Rights Council, a country that routinely incarcerates journalists?"
"All friendship begins when we take down the mask and reveal our suffering."
"Putin's threats against those who recently supported Ukraine have brought the global Community to its knees."
"It's insane how China can persecute Muslims and Islamic countries don't care, continuing being allies with them for the sake of opposing us."
"The real existential threat is Communist China."
"United States has immense structural environment is because it principally is one of the originators of the international order and used it incredibly effectively against us allies."
"The West is no longer concerned with the norms of international law and now requires everyone to follow its rules and observe its order."
"Last week 141 countries nearly three-quarters of the entire membership of the United Nations voted to condemn Putin's war."
"China wants an American civil war. They want to be able to say to their people, 'Look how bad democracy is, look how bad America is. Don't do that, don't ever think about voting.'"
"Putin officially recognized breakaway areas in eastern Ukraine, controlled by pro-Russian separatists since 2014 with Russia's backing."
"We have to focus on the fact that it is Ukraine that was attacked."