
Critical Reception Quotes

There are 175 quotes

"Sonic 06 is one of the most infamous games of all time with poor reviews across the board."
"Sonic 2006, or just Sonic 06 for short, is a disaster. It's one of the biggest blunders in the history of AAA games."
"Critically, Halo 4 received glowing reviews."
"Not only was Wonder Woman a big financial success, but it was also the first DCEU film to be met with anything but groans, torches, and pitchforks from critics."
"The Mafia Definitive Edition was met with glowing praise from audiences."
"If Killzone had committed to its bleak aesthetic, it probably would have been more noteworthy going into the early to mid 2010s."
"This game did right what the first game did wrong."
"The Sonic series had finally crawled itself out of the hole it fell in back when Sonic '06 was released, both critical and fan opinion of the Sonic series was turning around."
"Greece 2 flopped at the box office and was trashed by critics. Maxwell Caulfield's career took a hit, but Michelle Pfeiffer's star continued to rise. Despite its failings, Greece 2 has developed a fan appreciation over time."
"Gamers and critics alike agree that while the premise of a war-torn America warranted praise, the story and accompanying guerrilla mechanics failed to stick the landing."
"Cyberpunk 2077 on both OpenCritic and Metacritic was receiving quite a few perfect scores."
"That's presented as balance and that's not balance at all."
"Toy Story 2 received universal critical acclaim."
"I'm not promising you that you'll love Days Gone, I'm not even promising you that you won't hate it, but if there's a chance that you might like it despite its issues, I really think it's worth your time and money."
"It's important that the game itself is able to accept criticism... and is able to do something with that feedback."
"We either get one that's dedicated just the fans in which case critters gonna on it because they don't get it right but the fans will love it"
"Mission Impossible 2 received generally positive reviews with critics praising the action scenes, stunts, and overall fast pace."
"Marshall Mathers LP Two: Overly critical at first, but now enjoying some of it."
"It's so bad that you are just left laughing at the incompetence of this movie."
"One of the biggest criticisms labeled at fanfallstick is that it's a bleak and joyless experience."
"Time has been too kind to him and he looks and sounds too boyish for critics to take him seriously in mature roles."
"The game was both a commercial hit and critically acclaimed."
"Oliver Stone is out with his new documentary and quite a few of his critics are now coming forward saying, 'you know what Oliver, you were right and we were wrong.'"
"In a moment of chaos and uncertainty when trust in the hero society must be at an all-time low, we all remember when Horikoshi was criticized for giving Endeavor a sort of redemption arc."
"Read Dugan for yourself, listen to the man in his own words."
"It seems almost strange now that 2K19 was met with mixed reviews from players and reviewers alike upon release, but is now widely heralded as one of the best of the 2K series."
"Thor: Love and Thunder hitting 69 on Rotten Tomatoes."
"Dead Space 3 needed an audience of about 5 million. Its target was only a million copies apart, but to critics, the difference between Dead Space 3 and its predecessors would feel like a million more eyes forward, Isaac. Pay attention."
"Howard the Duck's Legacy is one of the worst movies ever made."
"Marvel's midnight Sans is a great example of the fact you can still really enjoy a game if large parts of it suck."
"Terraria... has gone from a game which people mocked... to then winning those same critics over by proving that this game is something so uniquely different to everything else on the market."
"Fans and critics of the series have come to consider it the best out of the franchise."
"This game has been getting good to mixed reviews... I'm in the camp of really loving this game despite it definitely being rough."
"The Star Wars Holiday Special marked a lot of firsts for the franchise, one that should not be overlooked is that it was the first time fans were forced to confront the idea that they may not like every story told within the Star Wars universe."
"When you do something really well, people will say they're not a fan of it but acknowledge the skill."
"The vehicle that has gained a lot of critical success."
"It's just kind of crazy to see a game like this fall so hard from grace."
"There's so much weight on these movies... you're like 'this better be good,' and then it is." - Chris Ryan
"I never think that you should take reviews too seriously at the end of the day, it is just somebody's opinion that is it."
"It's not technically a good movie, but it's fun."
"That's where they failed here is the Game of Thrones."
"We're like it's go the whole film is gonna you know kind of be make or break on cole right it was yeah well was it john that's what it was that's what it was for you [ __ ] did not like i didn't like coal um unfortunately"
"But even through all of the pain and suffering, Persona finally came out to overwhelmingly positive praise."
"Critical reception wise the game's doing really well, I mean generally it's been received really positively among both critics and players alike."
"Franchises seem to be susceptible to the hate boner more so than anything else."
"Defied all that negative sentiment garnering near Universal critical Acclaim."
"All in all, I think Korra is a slight bit better than the reviews say."
"Final Fantasy 7 Remake is genius. You can argue whether it's good or bad genius, but that doesn't change the fact."
"Marvel's Eternals made history recently by not only becoming the lowest grossing MCU theater release in a decade but also the lowest rated MCU release of all time."
"She did the one thing that made no sense either in the moment or for her character."
"Remake is a tight back-to-basics take on the series that fires off some of the more over indulgent action bombast which had become more prominent in the sequels."
"Fans will find plenty to enjoy in this adaptation despite its flaws."
"My movie's out and by the time people hear this it's rave reviews."
"It'd be a lot easier to dismiss Hogwarts Legacy if it weren't so good."
"Kingdom Hearts re:coded received mainly positive reviews."
"Oscar Isaac is the best addition to the MCU since Robert Downey Jr."
"Abigail Shrier's book 'Irreversible Damage' actually has won an award for the world's worst book to ever be written."
"Critics don't like something the audience might like."
"Just because critics don't like it doesn't mean the audiences won't like it."
"While I understand the pacing issues people had, I believe the good heavily outweighed the bad."
"Red Dead Redemption 2 released in 2018 was the long-awaited... it's fed state went down well with a whopping 97 rating on Metacritic."
"I think it's been the best-reviewed of the games which, you know, thrills me, of course."
"It's such a shame because the later levels almost seemed like there was some effort put into them but it's just the development of the game that caused them to just end up making this horrible mess that's so beautifully miserable to play through."
"Cyberpunk 2077 has been through a rough patch and the visions, the hopes that a lot of us had... have kind of been blown up."
"An absolute travesty, gonna go down as one of the biggest F ups in gaming."
"I truly feel that some of you will be surprised with the end results and a couple of the placements here."
"Overall Metacritic across 118 different reviews it's sitting at a 93."
"Never before in my life have I seen something so hyped become so universally criticized and downright despised."
"That's why I think that the mixed scores are where it's really at."
"Is post grunge truly terrible or is it maybe better than the taste makers and gatekeepers would care to admit?"
"The movie was destroyed by the critics, yet the people who've seen the movie... wrote us our best review."
"A big thumbs up for Last Light's second shot at the AAA sector."
"Shark Tale is one of the most successful bad movies of all time."
"Hawkeye isn't perfect, it's got a litany of flaws, some major, some minor, but in spite of all these, I really had a good time revisiting it."
"After ten years of development, fans swore off the series altogether just because of those last two hours."
"I loved it, the reviews in my opinion are accurate, this is a great show."
"Mass Effect Andromeda was a disappointment... a black mark on Bioware's record and a failure in the eyes of many series fans."
"I hate myself for liking it because it's so bad yet I can't look away."
"Nobody making a bad review means that the next one's [ __ ] doomed."
"It sucks that it sucked because you can tell watching this movie that man seriously every frame of this movie screams best of intentions."
"In the end, it obviously wasn't the white man's fault that Oceans 8 got bad reviews; it was the movie's fault for being sucky." - Narrator
"Some people said the movie sucked cause it didn't feel like a Pixar movie."
"I welcome it. I think the more they speak, the better for the world because it's easier for us to realize what they are. So yeah, it's a badge of honor really."
"It's basically very well regarded amongst reviewers and it's very slick and very beautiful."
"The game was panned by both critics and fans alike."
"If they make a good new movie great, we've got another movie we can love. If they make a crappy movie, oh well, I'll never watch it again."
"Chrono Cross was well received at the time and a financial success."
"Transformers the movie didn't do super well when it came out critics didn't like it that much and it didn't make a lot of money but I love this movie so much."
"These included the instant classic Logan, the less-beloved The Wolverine, and the much-derided X-Men Origins: Wolverine."
"I know Jared Leto gets a lot of hate especially now for uh the Morbius stuff and uh the Joker role that he played but uh he does not let down in this movie I promise you it's a phenomenal movie."
"There's many good reasons Mad Max received such mixed reviews, but that doesn't cancel out the passion."
"Despite many unfavorable comparisons to its predecessor, it was still a critical darling with critics saying it finished Nolan's Trilogy in spectacular fashion."
"It represents the variety and spice of life and I can't even do this you're not into it uh Danny they set her up as crazy all the way back in season one where she walked into a fire that was crazy so really it was crazy."
"Despite lukewarm reviews and a mixed response from fans, the movie was a box office smash."
"As much as everybody poo poos Godfather Part three remember it was still nominated for Best Picture of the year."
"Consistently crank out quality content that the majority of the audiences and the critics enjoy and love."
"There is no denying that Attack on Titan chapter 139 has sparked a raging debate from all corners of the fandom."
"This album makes people look themselves in the mirror, that's why majority of people are downplaying it."
"Big mouth is a strange kiss because if you look at most places online you'll see nothing but pure hatred for the series yet on Rotten Tomatoes it sits at a 100 rating with critical Acclaim across the board."
"I wonder if the flop of Marvel's Avengers forced a hard pivot in the way that this game was being designed."
"The future is a super network of blockchains."
"Assassin's Creed had become popcorn fun at best, a guilty pleasure at worst."
"It's all about the violence and it was realistic violence." - Jeff Williams
"For all of the criticism, I still had fun watching the fight."
"Some games are just works of art despite their flaws."
"Critics were well aware that it's nothing like the Rudyard Kipling book but they still loved how it was a lot of fun and beautifully crafted."
"Venom... a bizarre totally uneven film... still strangely endearing... ton of fun to watch."
"How did Animal Crossing: New Horizons do? Did it make up for the failure of Amiibo Festival?"
"PGA Tour golf 2 launched two critical and Commercial Success so much so that it was one of the few titles considered for the heartbeat Catalyst."
"People are very much influenced by reviews... when you're in theater, you live with it with your child until it expires."
"Maybe it's my opinion and a whole host of other reviews because Blue Beetle has got the highest Rotten Tomato scores for DC this year."
"After the Pierce Brosnan era ended on such a humiliating note, the James Bond franchise came roaring back to life with Casino Royale."
"It's not particularly bad, it's not particularly good, but the idea that it is somehow an improvement upon the original Resident Evil 4 is laughably absurd in my opinion."
"Expect The Outer Worlds to pop up on a lot of Game of the Year lists because it's definitely a good one."
"The critical role after failing to win over the critics again with Foxfire."
"If this is not a classic, I think it's a failure."
"It's tough to say like if the reviews of these it's like the critical darling."
"Choi won the best actress award for it at the 14th Moscow International Film Festival and it also got surprisingly good reviews by International critics."
"You can't get it from the institutional critics."
"What I can say is, at least Maverick Hunter X was a fantastic game, regardless of how well it sold."
"You feel depressed, and maybe a little bit angry because you feel the reviewers didn't get it."
"I want him to read what I write and say that's it that's what I didn't like about this."
"Highest grossing movie that has a Rotten Tomatoes score less than 60: I mean there's a lot of like bad movies that made a lot of money."
"The film still achieved critical and financial success."
"It's shocking to hear but it's not surprising."
"Poor reviews and bad word of mouth were tough enough to deal with."
"Long story short, this video sucks, got very few views, and got justifiable backlash."
"Kind of hard to start with just how many ways this book was strong, just about every datasheet was pretty overtuned."
"Until we in the scientific community a do a better job of popularizing science and b begin to reward our best messengers to the public sphere, I think science is going to take heat from both the left and the right."
"I also suck at critics because it made a lot of cash."
"The general demonization and refusal to give an inch made the whole thing an unpleasant video to sit through."
"I thought it was really good... very concerning which I think was the point."
"It's a series that gets a lot of unnecessary and excessive hate in my opinion."
"It seems like a few years ago Nolan and Bale were praised for their Batman movies and now they're getting flack."
"First non-PG show I've watched in years, trying to find one positive, I laughed a lot, I guess probably not for the right reasons."
"Engage with the series as it is, not as you want it to be." - Nate
"While other games on this list may have had disappointing conclusions, at least they concluded. The same cannot be said of the original release version of No Man's Sky."
"They made this for the critics and not the fans."
"It says a lot that the bulk of criticism directed at the series has to do with the fact that the critics simply wanted more of it."
"I really think a lot of the usual complaints about this game are blown way out of proportion."
"If you're gonna lie, make sure no one else gets the book, because if other people get the book who are capable of being objective, they're gonna call you on your lies."
"Black Ops 4 is widely considered to be the worst release in the entire Black Ops Series."
"This movie has been getting critical praise."
"This game has been an absolute miracle of a success."
"The Clash did a 5.8 rating on TBS, and critics lauded the card as being superior to a sluggish WrestleMania 4."
"I still get nervous when we have a new album coming out, what people think. Yeah, I mean I try and pay no attention to critical response to it, to a record."
"I challenge those critics to watch that animated epic film. It was amazing!"
"Fans and critics considered it a return to the band’s thrash roots."
"If they stick the landing, maybe that'll erase the sins of part three."
"...but today I want to go over this movie and talk about why it did so terrible in the box office and why now it's considered one of the best movies ever."
"The movie got a standing ovation at the Venice Film Festival."
"Getting into the reviews really quickly before I get into the score: 7.6 out of 10 on IMDb and 94% on Rotten Tomatoes. So obviously, critics really love this movie, and audiences really like this movie."
"...but despite it falling flat with critics, in the end, audiences love the movie and Young Guns went on to make $56 million on an $1 million budget..."
The Shaggs' "Philosophy of the World": initially met with mixed reviews, but slowly gained praise and attention.
"Be critical in the way that we look at the information we receive."
"It feels like the artist actually tried the sound and doesn't care what the reviews will be."
"Upon its release, it has since received a generally positive critical reception and gross $151 million worldwide."
"Contemporary critics didn't always get it right."
"The ghost and the darkness has a 51% rating on Rotten Tomatoes."
"But the thing is, the critics didn't get behind it, and the people were the ones that kept it going."
"Knight of the Hunter, the only film made by Charles Laughton because it was poorly received critically, but this is a great film."
"The seventh volume needs to be good or else the fan base is going to start leaving en masse."