
Disease Impact Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"A disease with a relatively low mortality, if it affects very large numbers of people, can have a massive impact."
"Loss of population through disease changed native society."
"It makes perfect sense that COVID really looks for your weak spots."
"Disease is overwhelmingly the most important historical force."
"A mysterious disease devastated these coastal settlements."
"Around 80 percent of people who are infected with the coronavirus have mild cases."
"We know that children can be infected, we know that they tend to have mild disease but they can die from this infection so it's important that we protect them."
"So, basically, the reason they die from white nose is similar to why we die from viruses like MERS and Ebola."
"Pericles did not escape the plague. He died."
"Disease was, if not the decisive factor, a crucial determinant of Europe's dominance in the modern era."
"Imagine getting sick and every time you get sick, you could potentially [__] die."
"The disease has devastated the land and the banana economy."
"This is really important. RSV is a horrible disease."
"It's the deadliest plague ever, surpassing smallpox."
"Thousands of gorillas and chimpanzees are being lost due to ebola."
"One person infected, they can infect dozens."
"For someone who's less than 65 and has no underlying diseases, the risk is completely negligible."
"The disease is still circulating; it's still quite deadly."
"There's no romance or poetry or sentimentality that will prevent the [expletive] COVID from entering your lungs."
"Children have a generally more mild form of the disease."
"The number of people dying of resistant organisms could potentially even surpass cancer."
"They experienced intense pains in head and bones, and soon boils appeared all over the body."
"UK researchers are looking for clues as to why this disease affects people so differently."
"We've got to get the word out that women are the main sufferers of Alzheimer's disease."
"Long COVID is a frightening prospect when we’re facing an already frightening disease."
"Disease much like famine epidemic disease was a common fixture of 17th century life."
"This disease is bad, I get it, but it is not the end of the world."
"It’s been replicating and depleting her immune system."
"The diminutive blood-sucking bringer of disease kills, according to research done by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, as many as two million people a year."
"Some of the worst diseases of humankind...render you unconscious."
"Smallpox was a uniquely horrible disease for the suddenness and unpredictability of its attack, the grotesque torture of its victims, the brutality of its lethal or disfiguring outcome, and the terror that it inspired."
"Some people think the virus is mild, that's one side. It may be causing mild symptoms at this point but it doesn't mean that the virus is not causing significant disease which will present later down the line."
"If diabetes and hypertension and obesity were today at their year 2000 levels, we wouldn't have had a Covid crisis."
"I think that very specific age of Tsurugi being nine is to show us that at some point in Jojo lien he's going to either completely suffer from the rock disease or at least feel some of the effects."
"Without even knowing it you're helping justice, you're helping a victim's family get a little bit of peace not closure, but a little bit of peace."
"Antony abandoned his plans and returned to Actium, but even this would prove to be disastrous as disease began taking hold in his camp."
"Cancer is a horrible disease that will affect one in two people over their lifetimes."
"If you close the arteries to the eye, you get something called macular degeneration."
"Mental illness is a devastating disease."
"The extraordinary power infectious diseases have historically had to shape human history."
"Each year we see 9 million new cases and roughly 1.5 million people die."
"This disease strikes without regard for faith, creed, religion, or belief."
"The psychological burden of the disease may lead through obesity through a variety of mechanisms."
"Every patient has a story of how this disease can affect them."
"The impact of debilitating diseases such as HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis extends from individuals to families and into broader society."
"COVID-19 was the third leading cause of death in the US, only after heart disease and cancer."
"Cancer just has a tendency to cause weight loss just out of being cancer."