
Long-term Commitment Quotes

There are 371 quotes

"Would you enjoy spending 75 years with her in a jail cell? If the answer is yes, she's probably a great match for you."
"Learning a language is a marathon, not a sprint."
"If you want to get into such projects, at least 20 years there must be a commitment to create a stable situation."
"I know that I love this girl. I'm just so happy that I found her, and I can definitely picture being with her for the rest of my life."
"Being kind and being generous... it's going to be years of being kind, it's going to be years of being generous."
"It's not about jumping on a fad diet or onto the next health craze; it's really about making a long-term commitment to a lifestyle shift for yourself."
"I'd want to be like my father, who was married to the same woman for 51 years."
"Buy quality. I want you to write in chat what are the four companies that you're going to tie your portfolio to and hold on to Forever."
"Literally everyone is signed to a 15-year contract meaning they really can't leave."
"I've been doing this for so long, over 10 years, and for all the reasons that you are where you are today, I feel like one of the biggest ones is just that you didn't quit."
"I just hope we can continue doing this for the next 10 years."
"You can't have a two-year run, this is a Marathon run."
"I plan on being here forever so this is the start of that and yeah the pressure's on."
"They want to basically commit to you, engagement, partnership, commitment, eternity, completion, and a union."
"They trust you, they see longevity with you."
"You're making the wrong decision if you're getting into poker because you want to make a quick buck. It takes a lot of time."
"He could have sold Amazon... since then he just keeps on coming up with really good ideas" - Jeff Bezos's enduring commitment to innovation and growth.
"Real estate should ideally only be something you buy if you plan on keeping it at least seven to ten years with a fixed interest rate locked in for 30 years on a payment that you could reasonably afford."
"Success is often about doing the right thing but also doing that thing for a long period of time."
"You can stay the course. You can be consistent. You can live the victorious Christian life for the rest of your life."
"I don't have post-Forgotten Weapons plans because I have no plans to stop doing what I'm doing now."
"If YouTube is still around, if people are still watching my videos ten years from now, I will definitely still be making them. Ten, twenty, thirty years from now, if I'm still on the planet at that time."
"It's not a diet. It's a lifestyle. Kaboom! It's not a freakin diet. It's a lifestyle. It's for life, forever. Not till you get to summer. Not till you fit in a smaller dress. Nope. Forever is forever."
"If you just keep going, just do the same things for an uncommonly long period of time, you will get results in that thing you're seeking."
"He's been keeping pace with us since he was a baby."
"It's time for graduation from the graveyard shift after 19 years."
"I had the morals. I held it together for 10 years."
"Happy anniversary, love. Here's to another 30 years."
"I believe in it, and I've been buying gold and silver every two weeks for almost 34 years."
"Don't expect results overnight. It's a long-term lifestyle. Just enjoy every step of the way."
"I truly had to commit to my vision and commit to doing the thing for a long time before people started to get it, before it finally started to become what I had envisioned in my mind."
"We all feel it, but never forget we're in this for the long run."
"2023, you will be married or in a long-term thing, a union."
"You want your bird to have a forever home. It's up to you."
"They are building wealth by making the right decisions and trusting and being consistent and determined over a longer period of time."
"This is about a marathon. I want to be here for the race."
"I'm in it for the long haul, I'm in it for the long term, and I believe Dogecoin has a chance to really do some spectacular things."
"Europe will be there for them, not only in the first days, but also in the weeks and months to come."
"Twenty-five years, that's going to be eight."
"You have the ability to be in this for a long while."
"There is union here and this person wants to be with you for the long haul."
"All this will not be finished in the first 100 days, nor will it be finished in the first 1,000 days, nor in the life of this administration, nor even perhaps in our lifetime on this planet but let us begin."
"This is a long-term cause. It's as much moral persuasion in America as political debate."
"You're gonna want to choose a partner who's gonna be around for the long haul."
"Choosing a diet is like choosing a spouse—you gotta live with it for the rest of your life or you're gonna deal with the repercussions."
"The Christian life is not a hundred-yard dash, it's a marathon."
"I've been in it for 30 plus years and I didn't know that stuff."
"It's why a lot of people quit on their diet, that's why it's so hard for people to stick to their diets in the long term."
"It's a long process, it's probably gonna take about half a year to a year if you're starting fresh."
"You work for the billion years that you dispatch."
"Our enthusiasm, determination, and commitment are our greatest strength, and we will continue our work for as long as it is needed."
"David Weatherly has been investigating paranormal subjects for more than 35 years."
"This person really really loves you, I see myself having kids with you or some kind of long-term home situation with you or just creating a lot of magic together."
"It's a special thing to spend four to six months out on a trail."
"Revival is nothing more or less than a new obedience to God and then it's long obedience and the same direction."
"I want to encourage the old-timers to please please keep doing the step work"
"The core of a permanent romantic relationship is companionate love."
"There's 10 years of work behind every overnight success story."
"Twenty-one years down, I think we should try to do another 21."
"Whatever you believe in, you should be willing to hold it for 10 years."
"A relationship is a marathon, a long journey filled with disagreements and arguments."
"Fitness is not something that is temporary, it's a part of your life."
"She's been in the trenches for a long time, fighting a good fight."
"You gotta be excited about working on that for 10 years... do something you're very passionate about."
"This is gonna be a long road to a million followers, holy crap!"
"In life you've got to find your reason to get up in the morning and do it and this has been mine for the last seven years now."
"I want this to be mine. I want to take care of it like a baby, cherish it, and hoddle this thing for a very long time."
"Bitcoin people come to bitcoin for the profits... but the people that really come and stay and find roots in bitcoin and purpose and meaning in devoting their lives to this space, they stay for the principles."
"We love all of you for watching and leaving nice comments, yeah, and when every car is still exactly the same, we'll still review them all, yeah, don't worry, we're doing this forever, exactly."
"You have to become who you are and maintain that frame long-term."
"I think it might get a little bit tough... but if you're here for the long run, it's awesome."
"I realized it's gonna be a bunch of hard work... I'm gonna suck at it for probably several years before I'm even remotely competent."
"We are making sure, and we will make sure as long as it takes, that we are protecting our people."
"You're gonna come back every day I don't care if you live in another state and do the dishes until I'm 87 years old because I paid this for you."
"We will continue to support Ukraine as long as it takes."
"She helped me walk the dog around the block and we were basically inseparable from that point on... married 16 years now."
"I want to show that I've beyond doubt I've always been natural so the longer I do this for the more that becomes again abundantly clear."
"Dividend Aristocrats have consistently increased their dividend payouts for more than 25 years."
"I think they've been working on these levels since mid-December."
"Richard has been on the forefront of biosafety and pushing back against this vast behemoth for decades."
"If you could guarantee me that Haaland would be United for the next 10 years, I'm down with that."
"It took me probably about four or five-month process to find the combination of things that I can see me doing forever."
"It's a recognition that NATO, America, and its allies are in it for the long game."
"Most individuals who work on a passion project for three years... they just enjoy doing that."
"I'm here long term. I'm not here to just get in, get my chips off the table, and go."
"We must and we will stand with Ukraine for as long as it takes."
"Day 100, a 60 plus hour Journey but one that I've had a blast with."
"It's not just about the views. We're making art after 16 years of doing mega64. It ain't about the views, it's about making art."
"To spend five years working on something and finally see it succeed."
"Compatibility is definitely a main ingredient to be with someone for the rest of your life."
"She did what she was supposed to do as a woman... stick with her husband long-term through thick and thin."
"You will be in a long-term, beautiful relationship."
"Just have patience... it's about how consistently you do it over time."
"We never lose. We never lose the war as long as the people who stay with me are in for the long haul."
"If you aren't willing to own a stock for 10 years, don't even think about owning it for 10 minutes."
"We have a couple right now that we matched that's been together about three and a half years."
"There's also a lot of healing in long-term homosexual relationships."
"Thanks so much for watching and that, ladies and gentlemen, was 6,000 days in Hardcore Minecraft."
"This is not a sprint, my friends. This is a marathon."
"So yes the first 30 years of my life I was born into raised in Scientology ended up joining signing a billion year contract at the age of 16..."
"I've been doing keto for close to 10 years now, probably one of the oldest veterans in that world."
"I think there's a good chance that you can probably do it for the rest of your life."
"These are skills not pills you can't dare passively you've got you've got to be active you've got to be brave you've got to be disciplined you've got to be committed and it's going to take time."
"The hard part of a relationship is being together for a long time. It's work to keep improving and staying fresh for each other."
"Please do not get a donkey that's going to live for 40 years and then make it somebody else's problem because you didn't do it the right way."
"Lifestyle is so, so important. If you don't enjoy the lifestyle that you live, you're not going to be able to stick to something long term."
"I've been on keto for about two and a half years."
"There's a certain deep knowledge that you only get through really grinding something out for a long period of time."
"I'm dedicated to the sport of disc golf and I'm not going anywhere."
"Karen has been the shining star in my world for over 13 years."
"We're here for the long haul, okay? Just because we're not doing it, we're not quitting. Everybody's like GG EZ is in here for a week. That's a star attitude, that is a star if I've ever seen one."
"Your person wants something long term with you."
"They better be in this for the long haul and anticipate that this is going to be a war that is not measured in days or months."
"It's not a Sprint, it's a marathon. We're not doing it the quick way, we're doing it the right way."
"This is a multi-year remembrance with us this isn't going to end anytime soon this is this is who we are now."
"If you're not willing to do it for the rest of your life, don't do it."
"We may have lost a soldier, but we haven't lost the war."
"I learned how to stay sober in the first 90 days of my sobriety and I've been practicing for the last 27 years."
"You're not just loving that person that you're marrying that day, you have to be willing to love the possibilities of a person."
"I came here 14 years ago, I do whatever it takes."
"Dogs are a commitment not a quick Instagram post then forgotten."
"Some people are willing to put in a crazy sacrifice for decades in their lives."
"I want to do this for as long as YouTube exists. I'll be around to make videos for you guys."
"It's that kind of attention and willingness to adjust that is gonna make you be able to be married for 20 and 30 and 40 and 50 years."
"The two had just celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary."
"What would happen if I did this for the rest of my life?"
"It's gonna be one of those things. It's gonna take a long time, okay? So I'm not gonna do it right now."
"It's a marathon not a sprint... recognizing that it is a marathon, like anything worth doing you're not necessarily going to have success right away."
"YouTube is something that I could literally see myself doing for the rest of my life."
"Here's to another decade of videos here through the Word on Fire show."
"Now's the Time to do it new year new you new body except this time lose the weight keep it off for the rest of your life."
"The reason why you hold an asset for a long time is because you love the long-term future."
"We have stood by our grandson's side every day since 2016."
"One of the key to get anything real done is sticking with it and Tim has certainly stuck with it over over the years."
"Happiness is what I desire, happiness is what I believe gets a marriage from one year to 10 years, from 10 years to 30 years, from 30 years to 50 years."
"The best thing that could happen is Pogba signs a four-year deal."
"Stay the course, it's worth it, I promise you."
"Stay connected to me. Abide in me. Be in this thing for the long haul with me."
"She's been doing it for over a year now so that everybody across the world knows what's going on with Starship."
"What I'm so excited about is growing old with my wife."
"I can show up every day and like my life regardless of whether people want to listen I can really enjoy this and that's how I can run this as a marathon."
"Johnson has been working on this movie for over a decade."
"A change of heart means that you're willing to hold out for the long term, that you're willing to wait and to show up and to try and try again because your heart wants it."
"Something long term... I'm looking for a sustainable relationship."
"To be honest, YouTube is a lifestyle Choice... making videos every week for the next several years of your life."
"I'm all in on Ryan Day. Short of him losing to Michigan again, I hope Ryan Day coaches here for the next 40 years."
"She knew it was going to be a long process, she knew that, you know, she was going to have to convince them that, you know, this is the man that she wants to marry."
"The fair weather people in all those cycles they get drowned out and the people who stay behind are the people who are here for the long term."
"It's not just a one-day March, it's our long-term ability to build a strong climate movement that we need to invest in."
"Enjoy your life before marriage. Marriage will be forever, you know?"
"We have to make sure that even when black isn't cool anymore, we're still invested in building infrastructure for black communities."
"Stability, celebration... a long-term commitment... or even marriage. Anything's possible!"
"Do you think that Coach Greg only had these meals now or do you think I've been eating this way for a long freaking time?" - Coach Greg
"What kind of an offensive takes months? We're doing an offensive. How long is it going to take? Maybe years, maybe our lifetime, maybe we'll never get finished."
"If you don't think you can follow it for the rest of your life it is not working."
"We've been doing these videos for over 10 years, and it's really hard to ever have a line or a product."
"They see you as someone they can put the work into and create something solid for the long term."
"You'll be choosing a partner and attracting a partner who is for you but for the long term."
"The first fast I did for 40 days but no food was in 2011. Ten years later I'm back at it again."
"This is going to be an Evo that... I'll keep it forever."
"I'm in it for the Long Haul. I look at what's happening in the public space, I look at what's happening with war conflict the culture War, and for me I'm like I think it's a good bet."
"Old School RuneScape is a long-term MMO filled with short-term things to do."
"Remember, it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle."
"I'm here for the long term, always want to provide perspectives."
"Both of you want this enduring love that will stand the test of time."
"Be consistent. Stay in the game. Persist longer than most people."
"Get the best out of this, or we're going to be here for the long haul."
"The journey is long, but the reward is always more appreciable."
"Be consistent with it... This needs to be a long process."
"Marriage or any long term relationship for that matter is a people growing machine."
"He seems to be a really good match for this, and also it's apparently he's in it for the long haul, so he's going to be here for a while till I drag him away."
"They see you as somebody that they could see in a long-term commitment."
"He's already given us the promise on that: I'll never leave you nor forsake you. He's in it for the long haul."
"You have to really take a good look in the mirror... understand that it's gonna take a long period of time to fix it."
"A relationship is day for day work every day. People want 30-40 years of marriage but they don't realize how much work goes into that."
"Lexus is giving a ten year 1 million kilometer warranty on the battery that'll be - a 70% capacity."
"Find something that you really enjoy doing, something that you're good at right and work hard for a long time don't quit."
"It's hard to put into words because I've been working with the organization since I was about 12 years old."
"He's in it for the long haul and I think it's fairly safe to say he'll win a championship at this point whether it's this year or not."
"This is really meant to be a lifestyle not just a temporary phase."
"This was going to be a marathon not a sprint."
"We must be prepared for this to last four years. We must not weaken in our support of Ukraine even if the costs are high." - NATO Chief Jens Stoltenberg
"Long-term holders now are going to be long-term holders pretty much forever."
"We started with trying to figure out when we could do this show, since 2012 believe it or not."
"This is a lifestyle change forever, not temporary."
"Think about what would you be so passionate about doing that you'd be happy doing it for 10 years even if you never made a dime from it."
"Do you see us being together forever? Absolutely."
"Long-term stable relationship with beautiful passion and fire."
"When he go the distance it's a marathon not a sprint."
"I feel even better about being 100% vegan today and for the last seven and a half years."
"This is not a quick process... it's going to take a significant amount of time... but it's incredibly rewarding."
"It's been an incredible privilege to serve this great football club for the past 16 years through highs and lows." - Richard Arnold
"It's cool to see, you know, not many people have been around as long as the three of us have been around in the sport and you know, those are I call us lifers."
"14 years is a long time. So all you who have stuck with me from day one in 2007, I want to say thank you."
"Pick a lift or two lifts or three lifts, and stick with that for months."
"I went into a tailspin of obsession for the next 21 years."
"I've been doing it a long time my most of my life and uh I don't plan on going anywhere anytime soon."
"Every single person who does this for a living did it for free as a hobby for a really long time before making any money from it."
"If you really believe in it, give yourself 10 years."
"Building a physique is a marathon, not a sprint."