
Political Advice Quotes

There are 182 quotes

"The best things politically for this country would be if people actually learn to live with nature."
"I'm not saying vote for Donald Trump. I'm just saying have a reason to vote for who you're voting for."
"Make every election a referendum on Democrats. That's how you win elections."
"Machiavelli gives some clear advice that is still beneficial today, especially for either a politician who may have to deal with state departments, committees and think tanks all pushing in different directions with varying agendas, or a person in business who has to deal with various divisions which have different strategic goals or takeovers in a company which have existing allegiances."
"It's such a good point... if you are a criminal doing crimey things, don't run for public office."
"I would love to grab Bill Barr by the arm and say, 'Dude, if you think Giuliani is full of it, tell that to the president.'"
"Stick to the issues of the day that are the most pressing for this country. Do not go to the gutter." - Advice to Donald Trump from a focus group participant
"Speaker McCarthy should pull this bad Bill down."
"He needs to have a spine, go out there and really more forcefully."
"My vote is stay and do your jobs. It's funny but it's just because Kevin McCarthy doesn't have the votes."
"I think people should not follow a man on a white horse. That's what the cardios do in authoritarian societies."
"If President Trump wants to win a second term I would suggest that we start talking in serious fashion about those deficits at some point that the burden comes due."
"My father always said, 'Vote for the person, not the party.' It's critical that we become less partisan and find common ground."
"If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog."
"The Republicans need to run a future-looking candidate, not a backwards-looking candidate in 2024."
"I think the party now needs to be guided by people who are going to respect the constitution... hawke should now look at his future... reflect on his actions."
"Let your voices be silenced. We must keep our seats in the Senate." - Melania Trump
"If Republicans and conservatives wish to win, they need to pick issues that are popular and then they need to run on those issues."
"If republicans want pointers on looking your best, I'm happy to share. Tip number one: drink water and don't be racist." - AOC
"Send a message to young people: if they don't want you to vote, what you gotta do is radically increase voter participation."
"Let's have a new generation of leadership... respect the old but be prepared for the new."
"If you refuse to speak up and defend your rights and stand up for your nation and the constitution, my advice to you is to get, you know, Rosetta Stone Mandarin right now."
"The Democratic party should not be complacent."
"The American people will hear you. Stick to the teleprompter, Mr. President. No exaggeration, just say what's true."
"Just because you can doesn't mean you should. That goes for Republicans. It goes for Democrats. It goes for all of us."
"Donald Trump must exercise self-control to continue enjoying the privilege of being a free man." - Jessica Denson
"Go all in on economic populism, deliver materially for the American people and Democrats will crush."
"Do not trust Putin - if you find out your compromise with Putin, Putin goes further."
"Democrats have to dance with the one who brung him."
"If you're a conservative, you live in San Francisco, I'm sorry."
"My advice to my Republican friends: nominate DeSantis."
"Stay on your course and insist on counting all the legal ballots."
"The tide has turned and so I would say to all elected officials you need to listen to the people."
"I keep telling everybody, ignore polls, ignore it. Ignored!"
"Don't rely on a judge to save your republic. Don't rely on a politician to do that." - David Clements
"Vote early and leave the opponent without enough votes to cheat on Election Day." - Life of Brian
"Win by a big enough margin that they can't steal it."
"If that sounds like a great bargain to you, keep voting for him." - Ben Shapiro
"Democrats, y'all should listen a bit to Andrew Yang."
"By commenting on the Medici’s tendency towards tyrannical government, Machiavelli was advising them to open up the government to everyone."
"Now more than ever, watch what they do, not what they say."
"Trump shouldn't concede... obviously. Obviously Trump shouldn't concede."
"It is never a good idea to publicize your efforts to steal an election."
"I don't know who the political strategist was who told Terry McAuliffe he should tell parents to shut up, but in my experience, telling suburban women to shut up doesn't generally end as good as you might think it would." - Jimmy Fayla
"Don't just challenge the status quo, dismantle it. Take things over." - Ed Markey
"If you don't exercise your freedom of speech, you're going to lose your freedom of speech."
"Lesson one: Don't listen to those people. Your vote matters."
"The libertarian party is on your side, that you know best what's best for you not the politicians and special interests in Washington."
"Stop the infighting in the U.S and start being competitive."
"If you want to stop the real estate interests, if you want to have a genuine progressive..."
"The answer here is not less democracy, it's more democracy."
"Trump supporters and conservatives should not be going out and engaging in this."
"So, after this election -- wait a week or two, because it's probably going to feel awful for one of you -- but wait a couple weeks, and then reach out and say you want to talk."
"Stop playing the victim. Be a president or get the [ __ ] out."
"The British spirit is still a very positive one."
"Prepare for the worst, hope for the best, and don't vote for the warmongers."
"He should start listening to the scientists before he speaks."
"Some words of advice to my successor, whoever he or she may be: number one, stay close to the Americans; stick up for the Ukrainians; stick up for freedom and democracy everywhere. Hasta la vista, baby."
"Anybody telling you to engage in violence is leading you astray."
"I want Trump off of the election fraud stuff."
"Trump needs to get off this and he could have done a better job."
"Trump needs to get off of this and he could have done a better job."
"If you're innocent, you welcome our investigation... or at least you're not afraid of it." - Paul Butler on Trump's reaction to being investigated.
"Foreign policy starts at home. Fix your home first before you tell others. You need to have your house in order."
"Believe the autocrat. He means what he says."
"The more you tell your activist base to piss off, the more successful you're gonna be electorally."
"Be yourself, don't pander. The focus group said that over and over. They can tell when you're being fake."
"If you want a strong economy and that's what's going to determine your vote then in every election you're statistically speaking much better off voting Democrat."
"Listen to me folks, for anybody that briefs the president of the United States."
"I think people in Washington need to put their obsessions aside, start thinking rationally, start making some sensible decisions."
"Get a hobby, that's what I just want to say to every conservative."
"If Trump would just moderate his rhetoric a little, he'd win by 10 points."
"Shrink your armies, build more buildings, that's all I have to say about that."
"History teaches that authoritarian leaders never learn from the experiences of their cronies, but nevertheless, I would like to address Azerbaijani authorities to learn from the destiny of Maduro and Lukashenko."
"If Republicans could just stop being so racist, they would actually have so many allies in like the Islamic communities and in the black communities."
"Ignore Pretty Patel, get out on the streets, and make your voice heard."
"The war in Ukraine is an unwinnable one... Washington needs an end game."
"If you like America, you're basically on the conservative side of things, and you must vote out the Marxists and the leftists."
"In a world of Liz Cheneys, be a Georgia Maloney."
"Telling Joe Biden to just do something is like telling someone with clinical depression to just be happy or telling someone with an anxiety disorder to just calm down."
"The president ain't going to be there for you next time."
"Personally if you really view this as existential, maybe you should be focusing on the issues that people are telling you they really care about."
"Don't allow politicians to be idolized, that's for sure."
"You can't win an election based upon hating the other candidate, you have to love something, you have to stand for something, okay?"
"We need to follow the science, we need to follow the experts." - Democratic candidates like Jon Ossoff and Joe Biden
"Get out of Africa, get out of the Caribbean, attend to your own problems."
"Republicans should get on board with this, this is actually just classic politics."
"It's time to get folks off the Trump bandwagon."
"Don't put your faith or obsession into politics."
"Washington cautioned the nation against the formation of political parties."
"President Obama told me... that's your biggest problem... I wish it was handled earlier."
"That's kind of what real leadership looks like Boris, just in case you want to take any notes."
"Mitch McConnell urges GOP senators not to object to Electoral College vote."
"It is not enough for you all to want to run for office. You got to have a plan."
"There is no reason... for you as a moderate Republican to not vote for the Democratic party."
"Vote for representatives who will lead us in the right direction, not offer candy for dinner."
"You cannot appease a dictator; you cannot continue to feed the crocodile in the vain hope that he will eat you last."
"The Biden administration needs to take a page from Moshe Dayan who said to the Egyptians decades ago that the road that leads from Cairo to Tel Aviv leads from Tel Aviv to Cairo."
"You will win if you get back and just start going back and preaching the populism and the economic nationalism that you have been preaching since you first came on this."
"Arrogance is a trap a lot of us fall into, Senator."
"Politics should not be what drives you. They should not be the all-encompassing factor in your life."
"The only way to stop a health or Skelter all the way to hell for Pakistan is to hold a free and fair election."
"The only poll that matters is the poll on Election Day."
"I believe in the system that we have set up here. If your leaders are not working for you, the only way that you can get them out is to vote them out. There are other ways, but I don't condone that."
"We should not be taking our direction from the Communist Party of China."
"I suggest Megan tells her husband to not keep antagonizing the Taliban when he is on TV or in his books."
"Democrats better wake up and learn how to actually present strength at the debates."
"Read a lot, know much more, consider all of their views, and figure out why they're wrong or if they're right and adopt those views." - Advice on political confidence
"Democrats need to wake up to political reality and focus on inflation and economic anxiety."
"Trump should not invoke the Insurrection Act. That would be a declaration of civil war."
"When you're the hand of the Queen, maybe you shouldn't be scared to approach her."
"Listen to the people. Focus on those kitchen table issues."
"We don't need a voice to Canberra; we need accountability."
"To avoid a civil war, do the right thing now."
"It's time for Joe Biden to listen to his own past advice: 'The earlier we get this help, the better we'll all be.'"
"Bill Clinton lectures Donald Trump on how to behave in the Oval Office."
"Republicans think they have to be half democrat... just say something real and be creative about it."
"Scott told senators before the vote that if they don't like the bill they should make it better rather than just voting it down."
"If you're of conscience, you have to stop voting for this duopoly."
"If appealing to voters and getting them to support your ideas doesn't appeal to you, maybe electoral politics isn't your thing."
"In your negotiation, be fearless. Don't let Democrats punk you."
"People will not listen to you if they don't trust you. Why should anyone vote Liberal or National?"
"I'd say to Justin Trudeau what do you think he should do and whatever he said I'd say do the opposite."
"Do not elect that fool as your next governor."
"It's urgent to get out of this organization."
"We need to get political leaders more comfortable understanding that they can say this because it's not only true it's popular."
"The best way to spread democracy is to have a really good one yourself."
"If Republicans actually start giving Democrats a taste of their own medicine, this would stop."
"If you don't show up and vote, guess what? He loses."
"You can still take a clear position and be honest. Yeah, don't overstate what you don't know about what's not known."
"We need a little more trust in science in politics."
"Do the opposite of what the conservatives say."
"The Republican party got to grow some balls."
"You need to do a better job on this, Bernie. I love you guys, but you gotta get your [expletive] together."
"No and if Garland indicates the slightest willingness to cooperate in any way with those house committees the President should fire him on the spot and replace him with an attorney general who will abide by and apply the law."
"Factions, yeah, really. George Washington would say, 'Let's do the right thing, let's look at the law and follow the law.'"
"You guys gotta start a new party or burn this one down because you're not getting it back."
"The guy should not contest for another six years."
"If that picture is not on every single campaign ad from this point going forward, then every Republican candidate should be locked up for political malpractice."
"If you begin your prime ministership trying to appease the left, you will fail. Do what is right, act with courage and conviction, and then you'll be successful."
"Focus on one issue and one issue alone: the economy."
"If he wants to win the election, do you know what he could do? Actually deal with the pandemic."
"If you think Trump supporters, if you get cocky, you're out, you'll lose in two seconds."
"If you're voting Trump, wear red on Election Day."
"My advice to donald trump would be keep doing what you're doing."
"Stay the hell away from dictatorships. They'd never work out properly."
"Friends of Israel... should be saying to the Israelis that the blockade actually strengthens Hamas's grip on the economy and on Gaza."
"Don't worry about your Washington politics. Solve problems."
"It's called democracy, Mitch, you should look into it."
"If you could give Democrats one piece of advice heading into 2020, what would it be? Whether you call it safety, security, or law and order... there is a large swath of voters that care very much about having an orderly society."
"If we want to save our country, we should follow the advice good liberals have given for decades and learn from other countries."
"He told his party that they needed to be much more liberal on social matters and to focus much less on Europe."
"Don't get involved in political parties; that's going to be the downfall of the United States."
"I think that he needs to take note and listen to the folks of Michigan who are voting uncommitted."