
Generational Identity Quotes

There are 107 quotes

"As someone who grew up on the butt end of the millennial generation and the front end of Gen Z, like some weird technologically advanced human centipede, I know firsthand how annoying it can be to hear someone older than you try to push their moral code and societal expectations onto you."
"I've had enough of it. Our generation is better than this. We need to create a movement for our generation."
"We are instead Generation GND, the generation of the Green New Deal."
"The Greatest Generation... were dubbed this due to all the hardships they faced and came out the other end."
"We're the middle children of history man. No purpose or place."
"Every generation has those cultural pinpoints that they need somebody who experienced the same thing to essentially go back and validate that experience for them."
"Our generation... kind of became cool, became a status symbol."
"Young people just like you following their passions, determined to meet the times on their own terms."
"We are the generation that uses our voices, and we are very proud of our voices."
"We can be an uncompromising on fire pure and bold generation that walks in signs and wonders that the devil can't touch."
"The Greatest Generation fought not for fame and recognition but because it was the right thing to do."
"When you're old and telling your grandkids at how you spent your life... do you want to be in the generation who fought in the world wars or who lived in the 80s?"
"We did it as a generation... kicked their [ __ ] ass."
"Mass Effect, my favorite game franchise of all time."
"My generation is all kind of feisty, and we're, like, ready to get things rolling."
"I think that's what sets Gen Z apart from any other generation is finding humor in [__] situations."
"Knowing the name and supposed cultural characteristics of your generation is fast becoming a baseline expectation of cultural literacy."
"We are a generation that strives to be unique and as different as possible."
"We are proud to be part of the Artemis generation."
"You are not going to be the generation of those that compromise."
"I feel like my generation was the generation where we popularized 'cool' as the go-to."
"My generation is Gen X. We elected the first black president."
"Especially with our generation some people that are like oh it's quirky like TikTok users, oh my god depression is a personality now."
"Gen Z is a generation that is rejecting traditional labels."
"Pluto in Aquarius generation, they'll be revolutionary freedom and right fighters."
"Big boomer energy, that's essentially the outfit Gates is wearing. Okay, oh my god, I'm so excited."
"Our generation will be marked by its ability to hold others accountable."
"I thought TYT were boomer look I'm as shocked as anyone to find out that I am officially a millennial according to the definition it's a mom all in the edge not at the very edge but I'm close to the edge but I'm trying to keep up with things."
"You are either going to be the World War Two generation or you're going to be the people that capitulated to fascism and Nazi Germany."
"This is really Niche but anyone who's my age..."
"What a better way of summing up the Gen Z experience than finding joy in a crappy situation."
"We are the regeneration, that generation that can see themselves as part of a much larger group of human beings that can regenerate."
"The 90s and early 2000s were a golden age to be alive."
"We're the seventh generation, we're not here to change the world, we're here to ignite the flame."
"It's no secret that this generation is... kind of a stereotype and it's also based in reality."
"Generation Z is becoming one of the most free-thinking generations."
"Oh my gosh, as an elder millennial apparently I don't know, I was reading that apparently millennials are obsessed with soup."
"Zoomers are the new absurdists; they are trying to find meaning in the absence of meaning."
"We are a restoration generation, a Davidic generation."
"This generation is a generation of dreamers."
"It's like this generation, we don't get to be our real selves."
"I am a millennial, and I can be cringe. So if you are cringy, you can own it."
"I think my generation is unique. We're the most overqualified generation ever, yet we face unique employment struggles."
"If you're not a 90s kid, I am so sorry, but don't feel too left out because honestly the 90s is back."
"We're the 'loveless' generation, messing with lovers' heads, fearing love itself."
"9/11 was in many ways the defining moment of my generation."
"We were the ones that everyone's been waiting for."
"We are the Pluto generation... we are here to help the collective ascend... do not forget your roots... you are very powerful."
"In my mind, the Elder Millennial is kind of like Peter Pan."
"The people of my generation, the Millennials, have been enjoying quite the toasty bath in the warm water of our own nostalgia lately."
"I'm part of the early Pluto generation because I was born in late 1984."
"Every person, regardless of upbringing or background, has those specific collective memories, shared experiences, that are powerful enough to define a whole generation."
"Generational identity is arguably the most important dividing line in the Democratic Party, more than class, race, or education."
"If you are under the age of 30, you are not a 90s kid. There, I said it."
"We are not a depressed generation, we are a revival generation."
"I was born in the wrong goddamn generation!"
"...each generation has the Stonehenge it deserves or desires."
"That's cool, but these times I'm 13, drum and bass, garage. And we've just gone through that period of where they're starting to remember all the tunes that had vocals on them."
"I'm not a boomer, I'm a millennial... an elder Millennial."
"Feels good being an elder Millennial."
"Rap about being in your 30s when I grew up with the 90s."
"Nirvana was the first time where I was like, this is ours. This is our time down here."
"I thought for like the first year and a half, Friends was really close to figuring out how to explain an entire generation of people."
"The spirit animal of gen xers is snark."
"The quest for meaningful work is a hallmark of who we are as a generation."
"It's interesting too because like me and Mish are like on the cusp of Gen Z too."
"Gen Z is the most progressive generation ever."
"This generation is the generation of victory."
"I'm a millennial, bro. I was born in '95."
"We are children of the 60s; who needs convention? We are just elderly hippies."
"I think that it was more excitement, I don't necessarily feel like we were like trying to be them, we're our own generation."
"Deep resets... a defining characteristic of the Millennials in their 30s and early 40s."
"I think it's really important that the younger generation identify and self-reflect on where we come from and reconnect back to the land."
"Authenticity and normalcy... is almost tangible to an entire generation."
"Let's embrace it, let's smile, let's go for it, and believe me, we are going to be a different kind of generation in the nursing profession."
"Do you believe you were born in the wrong generation?"
"I was really depressed when I found out that I was a millennial."
"Uncertainty is what defines our generation."
"I'm that weird middle ground between like Gen Z and then millennials."
"I truly think if you were born between the years probably '95 to dare I say the year 2000, we are a part of our own generation."
"Zelenski is a product of the Civic Nation he was born into... he is the man he is today because he is part of that Independence generation."
"This is our time, this is our story, this is our generation."
"Millennials, we do things differently."
"I'm a baby boomer... no wait, I'm generation 'Okay Boomer, shut up Boomer'."
"This is our generation. Like, I'm not alive in the 1920s, I'm alive in the 2000s 20s. These are my people."