
Ideological Shift Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"It's so weird because I've seen right-leaning communities turn into left-leaning communities when it comes to being all criticism."
"Once they were out of power, once they were not in the mainstream, they posed as liberals to be given a fair hearing, to have their speech heard, to have themselves included. But the moment they were included, they changed their stripes, they showed their true colors, you might say, and they became the illiberals, the intolerant people that, at bottom, they always were."
"The brand of the red pill has been borrowed and redefined too many times."
"The libertarian ideology has been pulling mainstream politics to the right."
"The political right had ceded culture to the left, and the left went full speed ahead."
"Religion wasn't kicked out of science; it was just changed to a different religion: naturalism, humanism became the new dominant religion."
"We need a whole ideology shift in this country."
"I became a better human being when I left the left."
"I love the stories of people waking up and getting red pilled."
"This is just one more example of a Marxist takeover of another institution it's another nail in the coffin of the Canadian military."
"Over time Democrats tack more and more right-wing politics onto their agenda."
"Maybe the west was wrong, maybe these guys are the right ones."
"The collective loss of the Christian faith in the West contributes to the embrace of leftist ideals."
"The Chinese Communist Party is trying to bring back the days of Mao Zedong."
"I'm kind of in an interesting place here, just considering the fact that, kind of like what I told you in DMs, I used to be, um, a fan of your content, you know, I used to follow you really closely when I used to be pretty right-wing."
"The man of ideological faith has started to realize that the CCP is not worth saving."
"The Republican party is getting more right-wing... or more racist."
"She's acknowledging bias that she has she's not moving to the right or anything like that but she's trying to commit to a more honest political conversation."
"Women will see that actually they need to move right because what the right argues for is women's empowerment."
"Even people on the left... beginning to turn."
"In the end one way of life prevailed over another the ideals of one society gave way to the imagination of the other one system collapsed the other endured the Berlin wall at last was down and the people were reunited."
"This is not a technical innovation, this is an ideological pivot."
"I was an anglophile and a royalist all my life. I am now a staunch republican. I hope they abolish the monarchy."
"So conservative that she's now to the left of Bill Maher on many issues."
"This appointment of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court represents a large shift in ideology on the Court."
"The war inside the Democratic Party is over, and the mainstream Left lost."
"I am part of that new generation, the new right if you will that's rising up or you know we tend to trend a little bit younger than previous politicians."
"Hollywood keeps moving left, politics keeps moving to the right."
"The truth is based on what makes logical sense to you when using your critical thinking skills."
"I don't think the left left them I do think that both the right have become more left and the left has become increasingly left."
"The left adopts the principles of its enemies..."
"This is my coming out video. I'm leaving the left."
"Shift your efforts from trying to argue with leftists to moving the moderate right over to the winning right."
"Linker's argument pivots on the idea that Haley's potential collaboration with Biden isn't about ideological allegiance but rather a strategic move to safeguard against the reemergence of Trumpian politics."
"Apparently folks, we're all centrist now, right? We can own the center." - Joshua Phillip
"It's considered a badge of honor if you could turn a right winger into being a lefty."
"The left used to be in favor of freedom opposing authoritarianism and corporatism, that's the left I want back."
"The left is rapidly becoming a caricature of itself."
"Our belief in freedom is a great advantage that we have over them. Our systems are the vision, and unfortunately, we're moving away from that."
"I see more and more that the left has gone off the rails."
"M's Victory is a symbol of a global shift away from leftist ideologies and a return to principles that prioritize individual freedom and economic stability."
"Melting down and transforming into something else entirely... that is the leftist project."
"The Republican party as we knew it is no more, it is dead."
"There are a lot of people out there who do feel like there's an Orthodoxy that needs to come to an end."
"If you start the argument with the compromise or even less than the compromise, then all you're gonna do is pull everybody else to your right-wing position."
"The left has turned Pride from one of the seven deadly sins to one of its four cardinal virtues."
"2024 election is a transition point. It marks the rise of BJP and the end of old ideologies."
"The left is demonizing populists for pushing what the left once believed."
"The left is becoming irrelevant as more people realize the conversation is on the right."
"The conservative movement... has completely fractured into something that I don't think conservatives would recognize."
"How did we get here to the point where you've got a large swath of people in America who are revolutionizing in the name of communism in a way that is violent?" - Questioning the rise of violent leftist ideologies.
"Everyone now sees as a good thing to be leftist."
"Some of the people around Joe Biden want to move him so far to the left that it is unrecognizable."
"You know what, at the end of it all, after spending a good 15 or 20 years on the left, now it's too much for me."
"Some on the left are waking up, and I think it's more than you might think."
"Disappointed by what he sees as Democrats lurched to the left: free spending and empty promises."
"The intellectual dark web is mostly a collection of disillusioned liberals looking for a place to have honest conversation."
"Is a greater danger to conservatism the left or the pendulum in political thought swinging so violently back the other way that it goes straight past conservatism into genuine far-right ideology?"
"There needs to be a replacement ideology that people want to buy into that gives people hope."
"Mayor switches from Democrat to Republican, citing party's leftward shift."
"It's a movement based on people that have said I'm gonna leave this ideology and I'm gonna find a different ideology that I do believe in."
"The ultimate goal of the left is to impose Marxism in our country."
"You have people moving to the right, you have people moving further and further to the right."
"The Democratic party was supposed to be a left party."
"There's always a growing tendency to react against the dominant forms of writing, dominant ideology, or even any form of dominant political thought."