
Nuclear Weapons Quotes

There are 265 quotes

"The president would then review the attack options with the secretary of defense and decide on a plan."
"The president does have sole authorization to release nuclear weapons."
"We are closer to nuclear annihilation than any time in the history of nuclear weapons."
"The most dangerous period of time because of Weaponry, because of nuclear."
"Having witnessed one thermonuclear explosion, I hope that no humans ever have to witness another."
"The Prime Minister at the time famously declared that Pakistan would have its nuclear weapons even if it meant the people had 'to eat grass'."
"Nuclear weapons are so powerful that you almost can't use them."
"The question of the dropping of the nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki is much debated; the wisdom of doing it, the morality of doing it, is much debated."
"As it turns out, nuclear weapons are one of those things you can't just undo."
"Iran's nuclear ambitions could spark a major conflict, with perhaps only Israel standing in the way of a nuclear-armed Tehran."
"We must always remember the greatest danger facing our world is the marriage of militant Islam with nuclear weapons."
"So we got a big problem here. There has been a powerful explosion at a factory in Russia that produces nuclear weapons deployment systems."
"Governments have grown much smarter...they don't want people talking about war; they want people worried about nuclear weapons because that makes you support your own government."
"Nuclear weapons, unlike climate change, which involves a lot of different forces that are influenced by humans, we created these weapons, and we control these weapons."
"For humanity, the situation doesn't look good. All countries that have nuclear weapons either increase their supply or leave it as it is."
"The use of nuclear weapons in armed conflict represents a scenario of unparalleled devastation and far-reaching consequences."
"The United States was the only major power to avoid economic ruin during the war and it was the sole country equipped with atomic weapons."
"The only real existential threat... is nuclear weapons."
"Once the American people realize that we are on this automatic course towards nuclear Annihilation, they'd be in the streets demanding that this not happen."
"The nuclear age really began with the bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the demonstration of how powerful these weapons could be, and how terrifying they could be."
"But the point I would make is that once nuclear weapons are used, it will become clear, I think, I hope, to all the policymakers in the West, that we have crossed a dangerous threshold."
"Let's not start dropping nukes, let's just all be friends here."
"What Austin calls America's edge over China is more like a chasm. The United States has nearly 20 times the number of nuclear warheads as China."
"Does this end up making more nations want to become nuclear armed?"
"Sooner or later these weapons are going to be used if you don't get rid of them."
"The fact that an advisor for nuclear weapons thought this was a good idea to get the gravitas across shows you the insanity of the situation that we find ourselves in."
"Maintaining a powerful and advanced nuclear arsenal is critical for America's national security."
"The bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki ended a war they also made it holy clear that we must never have another War there is no other choice."
"American nuclear weapons are the bedrock of our defenses."
"There are only downsides, there are zero upsides for them to use a nuclear weapon."
"It is dangerous in the extreme for one country to have hundreds of nuclear weapons."
"Never before in all of our past times with nuclear weapons are we going to come closer, far closer than the Cuban Missile Crisis to an accidental or a sudden unexpected unleashing of nuclear weapons in our time."
"The world is less safe with nuclear weapons."
"Resolve is what matters, because nobody is scared of America's nuclear arsenal if they don't fear its use."
"Iran was getting closer to its own nukes they declared well if that's the case and they're gonna need nukes as well they'll recognize what that means."
"Hey, if you use a nuclear weapon, it's basically a suicide weapon."
"We need to not just look at our country but theirs and how they are thinking about nuclear weapons."
"The single greatest problem the world has is nuclear armament, not global warming."
"The Doctor's character growth throughout the series is arguably the best out of the cast."
"I hope it's that we, too, have nuclear weapons, and we, too, are ready to defend ourselves, our allies, and our interests."
"Nuclear weapons do not make the world secure, they are the greatest threat to security." - Dr. Ira Helfand
"It's not really something you want to be doing letting off nukes and stuff but um hey you know if you want to make an extremely large explosion out in the desert I'm not gonna stop you."
"So when people think of nuclear weapons non-specialists anyway they generally think of kind of apocalyptically gigantic Fireballs that vaporize cities in the blink of an eye."
"If they do put nuclear weapons in Finland, that means Saint Petersburg gone in a few seconds."
"These days any truly determined country, even a very poor one like North Korea, can develop nuclear weapons to deter attacks."
"But yeah, there has to be a concern that they could actually resort to nuclear weapons in some fashion."
"When asked if he would be willing to use force to make sure that Iran does not get a nuclear weapon, the president says yes but only as a last resort."
"If North Korea uses nuclear weapons, it would mark the end of the regime."
"Russia has moved nukes from the belgarad region in response to these cross-border incursions by saboteurs."
"We live in harmony and peace, but now that you've developed Atomic weapons, this now threatens the very Planet itself."
"The first atomic bomb named the gadget was dropped on July 16, 1945, in a desert in New Mexico."
"I think this constant harping about nuclear weapons... is actually not just irresponsible and Reckless but... it's going to start back firing before very long."
"Nuclear weapons are perfectly usable. Chio Chin in his speech talks about we have clean nuclear weapons, yeah, fusion bomb. If you air burst it, which most targets are going to be air bursted, there's no fallout."
"Tonight, we're going to talk about Belarus taking delivery of Russian tactical nuclear weapons." - Adam AK Marf
"I call upon the scientific community... to give us the means of rendering these nuclear weapons impotent and obsolete."
"President Trump ordering new ones. North Korea's nuclear weapons and missile development is a grave threat to peace and security in our world."
"Nuclear weapons are the most important, most powerful, most technologically advanced weapon available in the world today." - Dr. Peter Vincent Pry
"I would adopt the no first use of nuclear weapons policy because we should not be the first country to use nuclear weapons."
"This is the moment when we must renew the goal of a world without nuclear weapons."
"Oppenheimer was a security threat... opposing their desire to build more of these weapons."
"Oppenheimer understood... this was an extraordinary weapon."
"The use of lower yielded tactical weapons could quickly spiral out of control into Global destruction." - Joe Biden
"If every one of these Fusion bombs went off the explosion would lead to so much debris being injected into the atmosphere that it would trigger a nuclear winter."
"This punch is nothing compared to what the sun is packing right now our star emits over 70 million times more energy per second than all of our nuclear weapons combined."
"To me the most significant thing that has happened in the last two weeks is that a very slight threat of the use of nuclear weapons caused NATO to back off."
"We have created a monster with the atomic bomb."
"If Russia didn't have nuclear weapons, you could isolate them, but unfortunately, no."
"Mutually Assured Destruction made the world a safer place."
"From some 70,000 nuclear weapons worldwide, we are now down to less than 14,000."
"Nothing made by Humanity comes close to the destructive power of nuclear weapons."
"You're more likely to encounter higher doses of radiation in a nuclear weapon than you ever would in normal life."
"Every keyboard needs to be backlit, that should be a must-have feature in 2021."
"The importance of nuclear weapons for Russia has increased significantly since the start of the war in Ukraine. Tactical nuclear weapons are a particularly serious threat."
"Do you think Russia will ever actually use nuclear weapons?"
"Nuclear blasts are generally pretty powerful, with the largest nuke ever dropped in recorded history being equivalent to a massive 50 megatons of TNT."
"With a nuclear arsenal estimated to comprise more than 4,500 weapons, Russia is one of the world’s most formidable nuclear powers."
"Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds." - Oppenheimer
"The Trinity test showcased the terrifying power of the nuclear bomb."
"Everybody thinks nuclear bombs are like the most evil thing ever."
"This grassroots movement just couldn't compete with the ongoing creation and testing of these massively destructive weapons."
"There are many bombs in this world but nothing quite like the nuke."
"North Korea with nukes is incredibly dangerous."
"Some people would say that nuclear weapons are one of the reasons why we've established so much peace in the modern world."
"Davy Crockett: One of the smallest nuclear weapon systems, designed for defense during the Cold War."
"The destructive power of an atomic bomb is something that's almost difficult to even comprehend, an explosion that can destroy an entire city."
"Sashka has shown the world his willingness to use nuclear weapons." - Unknown Speaker
"Each warhead has around 40 times the destructive power of the bombs dropped on Japan in 1945."
"They didn't want a black nation having nukes. It was racism."
"It's not a certain thing; it's a lot like nuclear weapons."
"The Soviet Union was one of the five recognized nuclear weapons States. It had weapons of mass destruction."
"Truman's administration massacred over one hundred thousand with atomic bombs at Hiroshima Nagasaki."
"This is a thousand times more significant than the nukes."
"It is the atom bomb plus other factors that changed things, not the strategic bomber."
"Within one second of the explosion, the fireball of the US's first fusion bomb was almost five miles wide and hotter than the sun."
"Putin has continued to make threatening references to Russia's nuclear Arsenal."
"Since it's surrounded by a bunch of yellow radioactive symbols, I interpret this to mean that these are the locations of the still active nuclear warheads buried in the divide."
"Baker would reveal the weapon's true destructive potential and yield some of the most iconic and enduring images of the nuclear age."
"Nuclear bombs really are the ultimate weapons... it makes sense that there have been calls to limit their usage as much as possible."
"America had to be on this list somewhere. The US has enough nukes to kill everyone on earth several times over."
"Godzilla is a monster and not a living thing; as long as nuclear weapons exist in the world, it won't die."
"I am become death, the destroyer of worlds."
"We have nuclear weapons pointed at each other's capitals, capable of inflicting so much damage in one blast that they would wildly throw off wartime deaths statistics for an entire generation."
"The best way to shoot down a nuclear bomber was with a nuclear weapon."
"When did your strong moral convictions develop with respect to the hydrogen bomb? The instant the A-bomb detonated, when we killed 100,000 people in an instant."
"It's wrong to drop nuclear weapons on people"
"Nuclear weapons have been a great deterrent."
"There was something about the nuclear weapons that had the effect of undercutting the entire utopian science project of modernity."
"Oppenheimer and Einstein's conversation ends with the former questioning whether his invention has destroyed the world anyway, because its very existence and the bigger bombs that were going to be built, could result in complete annihilation."
"A country should not be judged by the number of nuclear weapons it has but by how it treats its most vulnerable."
"The real risk of nuclear weapons is some freak accident. So far, humanity has been lucky, but how long until our luck runs out?"
"I feel like we don't take the nukes as serious because everybody could just [ __ ] die right now."
"Fortunately for most of humanity, nuclear weapons have only ever been used in warfare twice."
"While nobody on Earth wants the conflict to escalate to this point for the sake of all human life, we'd be remiss to not return to the fact that China and India are both nuclear nations."
"Every single one of them [China's nuclear weapons] is in working order."
"There are ways to end the threat of nuclear weapons. It's all in our hands."
"These aren't mere transactions but an arms race, world powers and their proliferation of nuclear weapons."
"Props to South Africa for being the only country in the world to develop nuclear weapons and later dismantle all of them."
"while it's impossible to prove a negative, it is likely that the advent of nuclear weapons has had a significant role in preventing major interstate war"
"I'd rather him be talking to North Korea than us being this close to launching missiles or actually launching missiles."
"We're living in a tinderbox of 30 50 thousand nuclear weapons. If someone gets one and uses it, that whole tinderbox is likely to go up."
"Robert Oppenheimer thought for a time that his terrible gadget might end all war. He was wrong."
"Putin's making it very clear that the only way you get to push your weight around on the international stage is to have a nuclear weapon."
"Russia still has enough nukes pointed at the United States to make every major city... radioactive rubble."
"Nuclear weapons are some of the most safest munitions that we got."
"The fear of global annihilation grows, so does the scale and range of the planes designed to drop the bomb."
"There is a clear and present danger of devastating escalation to the use of nuclear weapons."
"I do believe we're not properly concerned about the threat of nuclear weapons currently."
"The hydrogen bomb carries us into dimensions which have never before confronted practical human thought."
"...a non-weapon non-nuclear weapons world is still a nuclear world..."
"...I have always wondered what people think anyone including a terrorist group would do with one nuclear weapon..."
"We must end the race to create new nuclear weapons by signing a truly comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty this year."
"It's like that line from the movie peacemaker: 'I'm not concerned about the guy who wants 10 nukes, I'm concerned about the guy who only wants one.'"
"It's exceedingly unlikely that Kim Jong-un will ever give up nuclear weapons."
"We affirm that a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought."
"The power projection made by the regime is to use nuclear weapons either as blackmail or as extortion."
"The arms race has an escalation curve to it. Now when you move from the A-bomb to the H-bomb and you move to the H-bomb with multiple people having the H-bomb, you enter into mutually assured destruction."
"Once we realized what we had done by arming ourselves nuclearly, I think that might have ended the worst parts of war."
"Even nuclear weapons are only about 1% efficient."
"If people didn't know about the existence of nuclear weapons, we would all be running around dumb."
"Policies such as no first use and negotiating tactics of gradual reciprocation and reductions might get us to zero nuclear weapons."
"Thank you for Terminator 2. It is the most correct visual representation of the effects of a nuclear weapon ever put on film."
"This is the story of Exercise Sky Shield, when Britain nuked its closest ally."
"The two should not be compared and balance with each other I agree with that but I I I would like to to add one more dimension to this discussion and that is what we are what we want to do is reduce the danger not only of nuclear weapons."
"This museum tells the story of the nuclear weapons testing program in the greater Las Vegas area throughout the state of Nevada and the country as a whole."
"If we want a world without nuclear weapons in the end let us not accept violations of international rules."
"However, the world cannot accept attempts by any states to produce nuclear weapons."
"There still exists a nuclear stockpile capable of destroying the entire world many times over."
"Russia actually detonated the Tsar Bomba, the largest nuke in the history of the world."
"A 50-megaton nuke that is detonated over a city would cause more death and destruction in a few seconds than conventional weapons could cause in hours."
"The problem i have with it not only morally of course is there is no such thing in my humble opinion as the use of tactical nuclear weapons."
"Amidst the Cold War, people lived in constant fear and paranoia about the intercontinental ballistic missiles equipped with nuclear warheads."
"Some third-rate lunatic with only one or two nukes in their possession could level the playing field against us."
"I will do everything in my power to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons."
"Oppenheimer was uh getting sloppenheimer and he was so good for making the atom bomb. We do not deserve to live on this planet any longer."
"Nuclear weapons make it impossible to believe that any adversary could fight the United States and achieve objectives without incurring significant damage."
"The shadow of nuclear weapons in the Asia-Pacific region was initially cast by the United States a decade before China first tested. After the 1953 Korean Armistice, the US made nuclear guarantees to South Korea to deter an invasion by the North."
"Nuclear weapons were a gamechanger because they involved the total destruction of a society."
"During the Cold War, Truman and Eisenhower used nuclear weapons to bargain, compel, deter, and assure with mixed results."
"The humans were clearly prepared for a fight, armed with nuclear weapons."
"Any accident involving nuclear weapons would naturally be investigated in every detail."
"The potential for nuclear annihilation."
"A consensus emerged to assure against unauthorized use, the never concept of nuclear weapons, a Presidential Directive was issued in June 1962 calling for Pals to be installed on all nuclear weapons dispersed to NATO command."
"A nuke's not honorless is it? I guess then your enemy is killing you but so painless."
"These visitors had interfered with US and Soviet nuclear weapons according to a UFO researcher Robert Hastings."
"North Korea is a different issue altogether. The nuclear Genie got out of the bottle in 1945."
"...unless you know, that'll never end 'cause nuclear weapons, unless the electricity goes out and then we go fight. I don't know, I'm not smart enough to know but like, so that's an interesting part."
"It's very hard to deploy nuclear weapons tactically."
"As long as there are any nuclear weapons remaining the future of humanity is not safe."
"Oppenheimer distanced himself from the development of nuclear weapons."
"The reasoning was simple: a single Warhead of significant tonnage should be enough to wipe out an entire fleet of Soviet aircraft flying in bombing forms."
"The age of mutually assured destruction was here."
"Literally no one, even to this day, it's divided. They got hella nukes and [__]. Looks so crazy."
"Just a single push of a button separated the world from a nuclear apocalypse."
"...it's a riveting story and a great commentary on the use of nuclear weapons and the monsters it could end up creating for mankind."
"The hydrogen bomb led to a device hundreds of times more powerful than any atomic bomb."
"When you're dealing with nuclear weapons, there's always a risk involved."
"The reason why India and Pakistan are nuclear powers is because of Kashmir. They felt the need to build these weapons so that they can defend themselves against each other."
"Military action would be far less effective than this deal in preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon."
"Kazakhstan abandoned all of its nuclear weapons, also it had the fourth biggest nuclear arsenal in the world. I wish all countries behave the same way."
"Over 75 years later, it remains the most recent deployment of a nuclear weapon in wartime."
"It's a disaster if Iran gets a nuclear weapon."
"Nuclear weapons are totally irrational, totally inhumane, good for nothing but killing."
"The history of the individuals involved in this massive endeavor to build the test and field nuclear weapons provides a glimpse of the intense effort and patriotic mindset of the Cold War workers to create a lasting peace."
"No nuclear weaponry is ever to be used against SCP 001."
"We can't accept North Korea with nuclear weapons."
"The reality is that around 70% of the 1800 nuclear warheads currently deployed by the United States aren't aimed at large cities but instead at enemy countries' nuclear forces."
"But as I look back on the Cold War there is a certain irony to it both sides have developed the capability to destroy themselves and the world many times over."
"I think the intelligence community has to grapple with on a host of different issues if we're hearing things about a 's nuclear weapons program, why are scientists telling us these things?"
"Is it crazy that Russia has, and in America we have enough atomic weapons to destroy the world three times over?"
"Shout out to when they do finally start using nukes. That one, when they rocket-launch the nuke into the cave and it comes out, it's like these cascading explosions. That's like a tight explosion, man."
"The Manhattan Project scientists didn't identify any bomb that could feasibly lead to the end of the world."
"Oppenheimer is about the atomic bomb and living with the consequences."
"They have nuclear weapons including relatively low-yield tactical weapons that they could use on the battlefield to try to achieve a tactical goal but they haven't."
"there were so many weapons and placements and he just said I knew at that point that those atomic bombs saved hundreds of thousands of Americans that would have had to go in there and fight until the end"
"Every nuclear weapon matters; there is no such thing as a tactical nuclear weapon."
"We had to have an atom bomb to remain amongst the great powers."
"America itself was the first nation ever to use nuclear weapons."
"The nuclear weapons history I think is quite fascinating."