
Precautions Quotes

There are 270 quotes

"Being safe is the number one thing, or else you could end up in a place you don't want to end up."
"The same cannot be said for live ammunition, so these are things that should never be next to each other."
"Safety first: I have some kids who bolt, and if they bolt in front of a car, they usually don't get a second chance."
"To protect yourself, we must all make adjustments and we must look after each other as well. That's crucial."
"Always stay close to an exit, keep your wallet, your purse, and everything out of reach because if there's one moment that you turn your back, something can happen."
"Important things to do, to be pretty secure pretty fast, is to enable two-factor or multi-factor authentication wherever that’s an option."
"They'll take your phone and money? They'll try, yeah. Yeah."
"Alicia and Josh should not be drinking if there are any children or homes that come from alcoholism."
"Keep taking precautions in public places: wearing a mask, six feet distancing, avoiding crowds, poorly ventilated spaces."
"It sucks so bad that, like, the basic precautions, like, he refuses to even acknowledge that it would help. Doesn't wear it himself. Like, it's just... it, like, it's sucks, man. It really does."
"Never loan money to a friend unless there's a contract."
"You should never have multiple pieces of antivirus software on your computer."
"Think about security software like condoms: one is good, more than one is just a bad thing."
"Please remember to stay safe, wash your hands, keep your distance and wear your mask when you are out in public."
"Maybe just maybe I'm wearing the mask because I just don't want to be that dude who's making the employees come up to yell at me."
"Taking precautions for personal safety is important in online content creation."
"They put everyone at a safe distance in case there is a rapid unscheduled disassembly."
"The dark web doesn't have to be a super scary place as long as you take the proper precautions."
"Depending on where you're storing your food, you want to do everything in your power to make that food or store that food in something that is rodent-proof."
"You can't live your life that way, you can only check the precautions you can take and at the end of the day the person is responsible for the crime they've committed."
"Safety first, always. I have another challenge."
"I'm sleeping with all my lights on tonight and I hope that it doesn't come back."
"A dependence on the people is no doubt the primary control on the government but experience has taught mankind the necessity of auxiliary precautions."
"Disney just released some new information here in February that even if you have the vaccine, the mask rule will continue."
"Wrap it up, sweetie. Every time, because even then you could still get pregnant."
"As soon as that's over, masks everywhere, plexiglass like you're bubble boy around town."
"Keeping your distance and being precautious is a good idea."
"It's very important that you're safe in any vehicle, so the first thing you should always do is put your seat belt on."
"Never keep Electronics in your car for longer periods of time."
"We have to take every possible precaution. Four out of five people who have the coronavirus don't have symptoms."
"Be careful with your sexual activities. It may lead to more than just a one-off thing."
"Take the extra half second. Put the gun down first."
"The next real danger is bugs, like actual bugs that can bite you in the wild and also stomach bugs."
"Successful reopening will depend on safety first."
"There should be safety precautions and measures for the babies."
"I think it's very prudent to take precautions over the next couple of months while this delta variant moves its way through the population."
"Do not go to an abandoned place alone and without proper equipment because you don't know what or who is there."
"Just don't try to cover a lot of ground when you're by yourself."
"Always keep safety as your top priority. Always make sure someone knows where you're going to be in case of emergency so they can come and help you."
"Rule four: the most basic - always fasten your seat belts."
"Safety is always the most important part of repair and this stuff is pretty strong as you can see it just like you know melted the adhesive in the battery so you should definitely wear your safety gear."
"If there is oil spill, you kind of don't want it happening in your kitchen."
"Do not touch anything plugged into a wall while you are wet."
"Woodcraft by Siman... illustrating how dangerous just making that one cut can be without PPE."
"I think it's important especially with everyone who's going to be holding the baby and things like that to wash your clothes as well and some sort of natural detergent."
"Once it spreads enough, even killing the infected without burning them will make things worse for the immediate area, spores in the air your body will care."
"You have to listen to your body. Of course there are things we shouldn't do while pregnant."
"Better to be safe than sorry. Don't store it in your car during the summertime when it's hot outside because the cans can and will rupture."
"I felt very safe. My experience was a very positive one. I felt very safe. I felt it was being some great precautions were being taken and I felt good about it."
"The higher the compression ratio, the more we compress the mixture, And the more we compress the mixture, the closer we bring the air and fuel molecules together."
"It might be a good idea to do some of the jobs like taxi driver, paramedic, firefighter, police missions, before all the gangs become angry at you as well."
"Go get vaccinated, go get boosted, wash your hands, wear your mask."
"Just try and get a more verifiable professional opinion before you do something that could really damage your body."
"Disney is well underway and making their precautions for their reopening."
"Just take those safety precautions, wear a PFD, check the water release, listen for that alarm."
"Leave your really, really valuables safely at home."
"Unsafe tires can lead to a lot of problems like accidents, damage to your RV, and injury to you, your family, and others on the road."
"Please stay home, please wash your hands, please stay safe."
"The salon that we go to has a lot of procedures in place."
"If somebody stole my iPad... the first thing they would do, I guarantee, is they would swipe down to your Control Center and put it in Airplane mode."
"And yet, they still failed to take adequate precautions."
"Laptop on your lap? Yeah, please take precautions and look where the intakes are and get a lap bar or a lap board, something that gives you a little bit of extra ventilation there."
"Bring your water, bring your sunscreen, bring your hat, alright. Hide Your Kids, how'd your husband too because they're giving towards everybody out here."
"In a perfect world you're going to come back and you will find that this gauge has not dropped and that'd be indicating that you've got a properly sealed bag and you can get on with your process."
"So if you know you've got a leak do fix it before you proceed."
"Safety first. I've had drill bits break before and things go flying so always wear your glasses."
"...just keep them clean to begin with, open the box with gloves on, keep those fingerprints off your ammo."
"Ladies and guys always take some safety precautions before leaving, and if you live alone let someone know where you're going, what you're wearing, and when to expect a reply from them. Better safe than in the trunk of some guy's car."
"You took all the precautions necessary to pad the damage from a situation like this and I don't think you've done anything wrong here."
"And when cutting a lot of Steel I do wear a negative pressure respirator rated for organic vapors."
"Prepare but don't hoard. Hang out with your friends online. Stay home and play games. Stay strong. Don't touch your face. Wash your hands. Cough or sneeze into your elbow."
"Why else do you have a security product like this if you're not going to keep it locked?"
"I just made sure to wash and sanitize all of these."
"Always put your safety on whenever you're moving positions, it's always a good practice, it's is honestly it's the only practice you should be practicing."
"We just gone with knives with covers because kids open drawers and stick their hands in."
"If you have to stay at a hotel for some reason, just disinfect. If you've got to get into a stranger's car, an Uber or rental, spray that down."
"Take care of yourself, please take the right precautions, look after your family, eat your vitamins, keep your diet strong, stay safe, and I'll see you in the next one."
"What sort of precautions do we need?"
"This prevents some common absent-minded mistakes that could potentially damage your meter and endanger the operator."
"Safety first: 'Resin affects different people in different ways.'"
"Take precautions and treat resin with respect."
"You want to make sure you're not next to anything flammable."
"Before making any electrical connections, I'm first going to verify that the power is off to the Circuit in which I'm working on."
"Be safe this Halloween: wear light-colored costumes, be extra careful crossing streets, and check your treats."
"You must have backups, audit trails, and segregation of duty for data security."
"Safety measures are of paramount importance in base jumping with a wingsuit."
"Always choose a reputable and licensed hot air balloon operator to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. Crucial information so you can navigate an outdoor disaster."
"Ground it before you do anything, we've got serious voltages here."
"That's a safer way to arm wrestle."
"if this is disconnected and it's not connected to the panel in any way, then you can safely work on the rest of your system knowing that there's not going to be any accidental situations where the breaker is going to get turned on because the wire is not even in the panel yet."
"I absolutely need to remain clear of clouds."
"Security was fine, just being careful. Disc lock and covered were the two big things for me."
"But guys, thank you so much for watching, please stay safe, maintain your social distancing, wash your hands, wear a mask, you know, and everything like that."
"You can't do unprotected. Do they do it? Can't do that. We not doing. Can't do that."
"We avoid having secrets in code, we try and avoid having secrets in the first place."
"Follow the safety precautions any time you do this."
"Locking up hatches prevented dust ingress - a small precaution with big benefits."
"If there's a risk of people like this being in your home then no amount of money would ever warrant that stress and potential disaster."
"Lock your cars lock your doors put a camera up just maybe just one in the driveway y even if you live in the in the safest neighborhood you just you never know."
"If you're an artist, your best bet is to make sure you have security, especially when you're going to your events and any big public places."
"There's always safety guidelines."
"First thing I do is I put it into airplane mode um that way uh it cannot be remotely wiped um so once we put it in Airplane mode um it's basically again a preservation um to prevent the destruction of information on that phone."
"Safety is pretty dang important, especially when you're working on cars."
"We've got a carbon monoxide detector and smoke detector in case, you know, stuff goes wrong."
"Just make sure you do this in a safe environment."
"It's very important that the plants and other things that you're using are safe if ingested."
"If you can't afford to have proper safety precautions on your set, then you shouldn't be making movies with guns."
"They've taken exceptional steps to make sure that everyone's safe, so social distancing, hand sanitizers everywhere."
"Let's just talk briefly about safety. Make sure you have fire extinguishers, make sure you have smoke and carbon monoxide alarms."
"This is why Airlines don't allow scissors in hand baggage."
"It's very important that you double check to make sure that the saw is unplugged while you're making adjustments."
"It's usually from something else, like I'm working on a computer and my hand slips and I get sliced."
"So that's the car, it's got a roll cage in it, you know what I mean, like the car's the safest place you're going to be."
"I have a lot of things I want to tell you about safety and how you can really almost guarantee yourself that you're going to be safe."
"If you follow all the right steps, you will not get eaten by a crocodile. It's as simple as that."
"Make sure you wear headphones and eye protection."
"Knowing where the sharks are at all times is the only way to prevent an accidental attack, which is also the most frequent kind of attack that occurs in these situations."
"It's very important for electrical safety that the earth is properly connected."
"You might accidentally like, remove your entire hard drive and that seems bad."
"Watch for SIDS with infants, poisoning and choking with toddlers and preschoolers, sports safety in adolescents. Stress-related disorders and chronic diseases with adults. Falls, sensory and cognitive changes with older adults."
"Use rubber mats instead of rugs that can slip."
"Put frequently used items in Easy reach places and use handrails when available."
"Be sure to read your manual, do your homework, and just use good common sense so you'll be safe in your shop."
"Please stay safe. Wear your masks, social distance, wash your hands, all that good stuff."
"Safety precautions and use PPE recommended by the Safety Data Sheet."
"This prevents you from being on maybe a different network than the one that you think or having say your mail app or some other app automatically start doing things on the internet even if you're someplace like a cafe where you didn't actually intend to log into the network."
"You can be as safe as you possibly can, wearing your mask, using your hand sanitizer, washing your hands, staying away from people."
"...wear eye protection and ear protection when using the wet saw."
"Safety is paramount whenever you're getting on a roof."
"We've seen the stampede happen before in that close space right so what do you do when that many people are there y'all think you're these little metal barricades are going to do something nobody says yo if everybody starts pushing then what."
"All of your precautions are basically included in basic care and comfort."
"I wipe it completely free of Google, turn tracking off, I do everything I can to shut it down because I don't want them following me everywhere."
"It's all about protecting the car and the radiator so you can drive home because if you're out touring if you have any animal strikes and the radiator's cracked you're you can't go anywhere."
"The precautions exist to ensure that even in the most dire circumstances people can and will survive."
"If you live like in Texas in Florida Arizona anywhere which like constantly hot and sunny hot glue's gonna melt."
"Using chalks is crucial when parking a trailer without spring brakes."
"But most importantly, have a good and suitable backstop, like a nice soft surface like a sandbank or a nice big mound of soil."
"Please take care out there in this crazy world. Wash your hands, wear your masks."
"Direct the sparks in an area where there's minimal risk of causing a fire or any damage."
"When working with acid, it's extremely important to wear rubber gloves, extra protective clothing with no skin exposed, safety glasses, a respirator, and work in a well-ventilated environment."
"There are precautions and things that you can do to survive."
"Make sure you're sure you're wearing the proper protection when you're handling resin."
"The lower your bone or your t score, the lighter weights you have to use to prevent fracture."
"Special precautions must be taken to protect uranium miners from exposure to excessive radioactivity."
"Remember that's why backup knots are really important because you want to be safe."
"I walk the streets by myself. Do I take precautions? Yes, but you can't rely on what you read in the news."
"There's no longer any excuse for not wearing safety glasses."
"You can be really secure and make a few steps to secure yourself while you're out there."
"Electricity is very, very dangerous, so make sure that you always turn off the power from your circuit breaker before working with any type of electricity."
"If you're doing live imaging, you need to worry about issues like photo bleaching, photo toxicity."
"If you are working on a live circuit in your home, make sure you follow the proper safety precautions."
"You have to take them seriously and stay safe."
"Wear your masks and sanitize, guys. Please, please, please stay safe."
"Never use resin without using the correct PPE because if not, you will get health problems."
"If I have a split receptacle from two different breakers and they're sharing the neutral coming back, they need to be tied together so when I turn the power off to that box, everything needs to be turned off."
"When you ride your bike, rule number one: Safety first at all times."
"If you catch your nail on something, you want the nail to break, not the tip of your finger."
"Don't eat cucumbers or drink beer before you dive."
"Follow your precautions and you'll be fine."
"Anytime you're messing with propane or isobutane or even butane or any other explosive or flammable gas, you need to take the appropriate safety precautions."
"It's very important that you continue with the precautions that you were taught during your hospital stay."
"First things first is safety: make sure you got gloves on, make sure you've got a respirator if you're doing this indoors, and safety glasses as well."
"Avoid walking them on pavement when it's really hot."
"Always wear gloves and safety glasses when handling disinfectants."
"The beaches are open in my state, and I can actually go. I just have to make sure that I maintain six-foot distance and not be in large groups, but other than that, the beaches are open, and I'm planning to go to the beach at least once this year."
"It's important to wear gloves and eye protection when you're using UV resin and a UV lamp."
"Make sure that you are seeking shelter away from windows and on the lowest floor possible."
"In South Africa, it's normal to have high brick walls with electric gates, electric fences, alarms, etc. The crime here is hectic."
"Craft Man usually will use some clay that's sulfur-free because sulfur will keep your silicon from curing."
"If you're going up on your roof, anything above six foot, make sure you look up the proper safety rules, regulations, be safe."
"Things to avoid for under eye treatments at home: dermaroller pins and microneedling under the eyes."
"Don't forget always wear your seatbelt, test your smoke alarms every week, don't play with matches, call 999 in an emergency."
"Overall, tuning is a fantastic way to increase your engine's performance, but there are a lot of precautions you have to take before doing it."
"Safety is a huge priority and they do a lot of really fun and good and important safety measurements."
"Safety is paramount; you don't want a freshly mounted scope to go out on a rifle range at 500 yards and start shooting."
"Handheld computer, they're awesome, great piece of communications, but again, it can be tracked by it and they're always recording everything unless you're taking precautions."
"Make sure that you lock out the pump and the motor, no electricity to it whatsoever."
"Before we cut anything, a word about shop safety: be sure to read, understand, and follow all the safety rules that come with your power tools."
"The development of AI is unavoidable and so must have strict regulations and precautions."
"It's absolutely okay to not want kids and to take precautions to make sure that doesn't happen."
"Make sure you're safe, especially in an enclosed area, make sure you have your respirators on."
"More important than life itself is safety; you have to be safe when using resin."
"Every American should know that their entire government is taking the utmost precautions and preparations."
"Ensuring safety while working with high voltage electricity."
"You have some expensive equipment there, and you want to take as much precautions as possible to ensure that that equipment is protected."
"Any root vegetable should be peeled before being canned to reduce the risk of botulism."
"Work in a well-ventilated area and make sure that you're not in direct sunlight while you're crafting."
"Make sure that a friend knows where you're going."
"Do not breathe the resin dust; you should wear a mask."
"Always make sure the circuits are turned off."
"Thankfully now we've got these warnings so we can take the required precautions."
"Limits on liability, you know, acts of God, injury, illness, what happens if you get sick?"
"You're not gonna have any plates flying into the crowd."
"I just wish things would go back to normal, taking the proper precautions to make sure your friend is healthy, your family is healthy."
"Always look at the safety data sheets for chemicals before you work with them, especially the first time."
"Lab safety is important because labs can be kind of dangerous, and you don't want students to get hurt."
"Many who cave argue that if you take the right precautions, it can be safe."
"You must turn on your headlights any time conditions prevent you from seeing other vehicles."
"Always use a fiberglass ladder when working around electricity."
"The most important thing, absolutely critical here, is for us to talk about the precautions you need to take when you're cleaning an engine bay."