
Societal Contributions Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Generations of immigrants have strengthened the foundation of our country by making positive contributions today, and we expect that to continue in the future."
"Our society is man-made, and I think we have to give credit where credit is due."
"All of the good things that are around you—democracy, liberalism, free speech, prosperity, science—all of these things are the outgrowth of a civilization in which you live and whose values you have embedded in your system, whether you like it or not."
"PA's story is not just a tale of a forgotten black inventor, it is a narrative that speaks volumes about the erasure of black contributions to society."
"There's nothing in this room that was not invented, built, or maintained by a man."
"It's incredible what's happening with the sporting world, where so many of the great sports that we've gotten so used to at this time of the year, they're not going to be meaning and they've done it a great service actually."
"I care more about how many Einsteins we're losing in the sweatshops that we can't get to."
"The disposition to do justice and to be charitable, these are not technical skills, they're virtues."
"It's so crazy how the future Humanity is so dependent on so many people taking responsible career paths and doing like literally the [__] God's work."
"Our music, our food, our dress, our speech, our innovations."
"If we had truly equal chances and if we deliberated about what social contributions really were worthy, then the greatest rewards and honor should flow to the people who make those most valuable contributions to the common good."
"The individual is like one strand of a much larger web of relationship, and that community sense, that community spirit, certainly was responsible for what would be today called magnificent feats of architecture and planning."
"America owes a lot to our seniors... They're wonderful fountains of knowledge that live among us."
"We want to pay our portion. It's not asking for too much."
"The goal of men is to continue to make sure this world spins."
"His contributions to society such as the air brake or alternating current changed the world."
"Success is not a sign of mental illness, it's making society better."
"Black people make up 13% of the population and look at what we have done."
"We've solved major societal problems in the last 50 or 60 years and those people should have some statues."
"If everybody got a skill set and everybody has something they're good at, they just do it."
"Steady progress: Acknowledge the contribution you're making to the world through your thoughts, feelings, and actions of love."
"The society that we're living in today was largely built by strong and rough men that were willing to go out and civilize the wilderness or were willing to fight and give up everything to keep the barbarians outside the city gates."
"Jews have become essential parts of nations."
"Why do we need musicians? Musicians can't build bridges. Musicians don't put people on the moon. What's the point of musicians? Well, I don't know. People like music."
"You can't count the amount of lives saved any amount of careers and people."
"There's a universe of individual and nuanced people who want to have a better life, who desire peace, who want working systems, and who want to partake and contribute in functioning economies." - Susan Hoe
"The truth is that immigrants in America commit crimes at a lower rate than those that were born in America."
"History is made by everybody and many of those everybody's we never hear those names those women and men who did this work."
"Engineers provide the tools for the world, the infrastructure for the world."
"This generation may be remembered as a great generation."
"We're living off the blessings of those that came before us."
"Native american societies were thriving and had set up in North America for centuries."
"We need nerds, we need kids that got bullied to then go on and cure cancer or fix things, the cool kids aren't doing that [ __ ]."
"We all make this world go round, whether you're a business owner, a truck driver, or a nine-to-five worker."
"The world has benefited from all Jews, Muslims, Christians, and other people."
"We recognize that Jews have done a lot for the advancement of the world, that Christians have done a lot of very beautiful acts of goodness."
"Sometimes what a person can't do for their own children they do for the world."
"Companies are one of the most incredible inventions of human society."
"The knowledge hidden will eventually come to light. Thank you for doing your part."
"My ideas and drive are too important for civilization to be kept locked away."
"Nobody does it by themselves... we all sit in the shade of trees that were planted by others."
"I mean if you have four kids double the replacement rate you are in fact doing your societal job and you should be doing that but that can only exist functional children children who are going to propagate good values require a father in the home."
"Men built the world for women to just lean on."
"Mr. Rogers is like one of those kind of special one-of-a-kind people."
"These words have nothing to do with ethnicity, nationality, or region. They actually have to do with contribution."
"Why didn't y'all have a problem with this child coming on to the Grammys and saying that immigrant this country was built by dreamers?"
"I think we do have a high IQ; some of our greatest minds prove that."
"We build some of the best bridges of mankind: the bridges of democracy, freedom of speech, and expressions."
"Immigrants commit crime at a much lower rate than comparable U.S. citizens."
"There are a lot of contributions that Black Americans have made to this country."