
Addiction Awareness Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"I'm not having a drink because I'm addicted to alcohol; I'm having a drink because I can't tolerate being in conflict with those two competing parts of me."
"If anyone wants to see the face of what opioid addiction does, you're looking at it, this is a horrible, horrible disease."
"It's like smoking, don't start because it's gonna get really bad and it's gonna be hard to get out."
"Perry's candidness about his battles with addiction was well known, and Hertz's post alluded to the challenges they faced together, concluding her tribute. She expressed her solace in Perry's newfound peace. Tributes to Matthew Perry."
"My guest today is an entrepreneur CEO running a successful business, and one day he decides to go talk about his porn addiction."
"By definition, that is an addiction. And I know it is because I'm gonna say unquestionably I'm a food addict."
"Just because someone is battling the illness of addiction does not make them any less of a human or a person."
"His story serves as a sobering reminder for young stars about the dangers of untreated addiction issues and the importance of seeking help in times of difficulty."
"I don't think you should ban gambling simply because people are gambling and they might get somebody addicted to it because a lot of those addictions become the choice of the person that's watching."
"Acknowledge the impact of social media addiction."
"Addiction will destroy your life, kill your dreams, and ruin the lives of people around you."
"Knowing that sugar is addictive might be helpful for people to know."
"The apex of addiction is not overusing YouTube; it's about understanding what you truly want."
"Most addictions thrive in secrecy. It's the secret that's the killer."
"Gambling will kill you man, it killed Iverson, it's an addiction."
"Acknowledging addiction as something that exists in this world isn't an offensive label to wear."
"Together we can break down the stigma of addiction."
"You can't really tell what an addict looks like, and speculating either way is just really harmful."
"One of the first rules is if somebody thinks you have a problem with alcohol, you probably do."
"Don't get addicted to it, it is addictive and it will start showing on you."
"It kind of pisses me off that all of these artists have died from drug overdoses and nobody really bothered to take the time to look at the toxicology reports."
"The average person does not understand addiction. There is physiological, psychological, and emotional addiction."
"I hated myself, but like an addict, like when you're in your disease and when you're into your addiction you blame everything and everybody here except for yourself."
"Alcoholism and other addictions are no joke folks."
"It's deeper than just a thought. You have to know that these foods that you were eating, you're literally getting addicted to."
"The first step in recovery is admitting you have a problem. It's okay, I'm here for you."
"Sugar is actually more addictive than heroin or cocaine."
"Balance is a must in day trading... it can be very addictive and it's very, very fun to do."
"Just saying, moral of the story: don't get addicted to things, it's bad."
"Not working on recovery is working towards relapse."
"If you're watching this right now and you've been questioning or have any thought that you might have an addiction issue to any substance of any kind I encourage you to embrace it and follow through with it."
"To me, the alcohol is what led to my addiction."
"We can't raise our children to be junkies, hoes, addicted to somebody else's power."
"I don't like depositing i feel like i feel that's very uh that's a sign of like addiction when you deposit it oh yeah yeah it's same with that crypto if it's in there i'll mess around with it"
"If you're addicted to porn, you need deliverance."
"We need to start with education teaching what addiction does to our brain."
"Anything that gets in the way of your life that you can't stop doing is an addiction."
"Chris Nolan is one of the few directors who gets to go out and make these really unique really original IPs."
"Gambling's an addiction, let's look at another addiction like alcohol for example."
"You can never run from an addiction. It's always gonna catch up to you."
"Some addictions can be harmful, but addicted to niacinamide it is only gonna give you good vibes, good results kind of like weed."
"If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it's probably a duck... those behaviors are exactly like any other addiction."
"I know what addiction feels like, and I know what loving the feeling of taking care of my body feels like."
"Sexual addiction is very toxic, especially pornography at a young age."
"It's easier to get off of a meth addiction than it is to break a sugar addiction."
"An in-depth exposé about Chris struggling with addiction and anger. A lot of his friends piped up without gas in the loire magazine with allegations saying that he's dancing with death."
"Sugar is a highly addictive drug, yet we normalize it."
"Sugar addiction is real, my food addiction is real."
"It's a deep addiction. I think that phone and social media, it's going to be like cigarettes were for the generation before us."
"More people are turning to crack than to Christ."
"If you can't tell the truth about your addiction, you're never going to beat it."
"Addiction knows no bounds. Addiction doesn't discriminate."
"Addictions, stay away from women that have addictions... Anything that's abused that owns them is going to be an addiction."
"He was an alcoholic until I was four years old, and he just did a good job of educating me about what addiction can be like."
"Food addiction is one of the hardest addictions."
"Food addiction is probably one of the worst addictions because you have to eat in order to live."
"You never really think this is gonna happen to you, you know? And it's not like you just wake up one day and know that you're addicted. You know it's slow."
"I really think makeup addiction is more intense than we like to call it."
"If my openness and candor about addiction is helping people, then I'm kind of a dick if I don't do another interview, right?"
"The fat addiction is real. People healing with compassion on TikTok protect their addictions and keep them sick, absolutely right."
"Addiction lives in secrecy and darkness. It doesn't live in the light. And if you turn the light on it, that contains it. It just doesn't live. It's not the right conditions for it to thrive and survive. So talk to someone about it."
"His untimely death serves as a sobering reminder of the importance of seeking help and support when struggling with addiction."
"Imagine this, doing something for two to three hours per day, every single day, and never being able to not have that thing with you. How is that not an addiction?"
"If I could eliminate addiction for everybody, I would definitely use one of my wishes on that."
"Social media addiction is real and triggers dopamine just like any other addiction."
"We don't have compassion, we don't have empathy for one another, and I think now more so than ever before because addiction does not discriminate, it touches everybody."
"We've got to get our heads out of the sand and understand that fundamentally this is about a carbohydrate addiction problem."
"The thing about addiction is it never really goes away."
"Phone addiction is getting seriously out of hand."
"I was very addicted to Xanax as a kid, and I like to spread addiction awareness now because I am 100% clean."
"It's like I don't even normally like sugar, I'm not like a sugar person, have a sweet tooth, but when you cut it completely out of your diet, you start to crave it because it's an addiction."