
Internet Security Quotes

There are 261 quotes

"Every day your privacy is being invaded... It may feel impossible to regain your privacy and security on the internet, but that's ridiculous. It is possible."
"HTTP/3 is always encrypted, is that right? - Yes, absolutely."
"Connection ID is going to do is gonna deeply integrate with TLS. TLS is no longer an optional protocol."
"You expose your IP address to hackers, to Wi-Fi people, to governments, to exchangers; you don't want to be that guy that got hacked."
"We are open sourcing Pingora to help build a better and more secure internet beyond our own infrastructure."
"My biggest fear is not that the internet will be down, my biggest fear is that the internet will be up but controlled by the adversary."
"Don't get carried away by internet security threats, use NordVPN."
"A VPN is a great tool for protecting your online privacy and security by masking your IP address and encrypting your internet traffic."
"You can't get stabbed over tcp/ip." - Andreas Antonopoulos
"Using a VPN is something that everybody should be doing."
"Using the internet without expressvpn it's like going to the bathroom and not closing the door you [ __ ] perv."
"The DNS system is this thing that we all use every single day... and these people who meet every three months and have sandwiches together in a secure facility they basically keep the internet safe."
"You're logging in or if you're literally giving away your information, nobody's going to use the internet if nobody knows if it's secure like that's just a core part of it."
"HTTPS means that they have a private key, so it means you can be sure that when you access this website, it's the real website."
"So what they came up with was this thing called public key cryptography."
"Internet security and browsing anonymously is more important now more than ever."
"It's important to be safe online, it just is, and in 2022 it's never been easier."
"Protonmail celebrates a swiss court victory exempting it from telco data retention laws."
"In my opinion, there's no better VPN out there than Surfshark VPN."
"ExpressVPN secures, analyzes, minimizes, and anonymizes your internet browsing... Protect your online activity today and find out how you can get three months of free protection at expressvpn."
"A new internet where you can log in only on one side only with ID."
"If it's one thing that should be a subject we all agree with is how to keep ourselves safe online."
"How ethereum can actually solve the internet's big bad identity problem."
"A VPN is a method of connecting to the internet in a secure manner where your traffic is encrypted."
"If privacy is your priority, losing speed may be worth it."
"Adding a VPN masks your IP and encrypts traffic to and from your devices. It's just one of the tools that should be part of any privacy enthusiast's toolkit."
"I truly believe if you are not using a VPN you should be."
"Using the internet without expressvpn it's like driving without car insurance. Why would you take that risk when you don't have to?"
"Optimistic vs. pessimistic locking: know when to use each in database transactions."
"HTTP and TLS: secure communication between client and server."
"Securing your internet traffic and browsing data is essential to ensuring your privacy is respected."
"Everyone absolutely needs a VPN to protect them. If you're using the internet without one, you're being needlessly reckless."
"The potential threat of quantum computers to the internet."
"Atlas VPN protects you from spying public Wi-Fi dangers and it hides your IP address."
"Using the internet without expressvpn is like walking your dog in public without securing them on a leash."
"Before getting into the rest of today's video, I do want to give a big, big forehead kiss to the sponsor of today's video: NordVPN."
"NordVPN is honestly such a great service and it's super fast and it's totally risk-free because of their 30-day money-back guarantee."
"ExpressVPN provides security and peace of mind."
"We're here today to talk to you about why HTTPS matters."
"Being someone who uses the internet for almost everything in life, it feels good to have that extra level of security that 2 Liam provides."
"A VPN is basically a condom for the internet at this point, you should always be using one."
"Nord VPN helps protect all of your personal data."
"NordVPN...encrypts your data...giving you more privacy and security when using the internet."
"Wouldn't it be great to know that you're protected on the internet and that your privacy is secured? Well, thankfully, Daddy Nord is here to look after you."
"Sending data over an unencrypted internet connection is kind of like sending a postcard."
"Using a VPN can give you greater freedom, security, and peace of mind."
"Protect your IP address from the bad guys with a virtual private network."
"Using the internet without a VPN is like taking a phone call on speakerphone in the middle of a crowded bus for everyone to hear."
"That's why I'm so excited that today's video is sponsored by Private Internet Access."
"Never install any of those shopping extensions, trust me."
"The main point is to encrypt your web traffic so that nobody but you knows about the data you're sending or accessing online."
"Aura is an all-in-one Internet safety tool that includes VPN, password management, real-time credit and identity theft monitoring."
"Do you ever feel like you're being watched online? You are."
"Surfshark encrypts your data and reroutes it through one of their 3,000 servers in over 65 countries to keep prying eyes off of your browsing history and personal data."
"Private Internet Access has over 3000 bare-metal servers in 44 locations across 28 countries."
"NordVPN isn't just a great VPN, it's a wonderful cybersecurity tool too."
"One of the many important things that Aura does is submit opt-out requests to those websites that have your information on them. And when they do that, those sites are legally obligated to remove your information."
"All of this has fundamentally changed the way I use the internet for full-time online security."
"Nordvpn is a virtual private Network and it just allows you to access content and data of any kind on the internet securely."
"Protect your online activity today... ExpressVPN secures and anonymizes your internet browsing."
"We all have the right to some privacy in our lives, and that includes our internet usage."
"SurfsharkVPN: Browse the internet safely and keep your peace of mind intact."
"ExpressVPN utilizes the best-in-class encryption standard whenever you're connected to it. Every piece of data going in and out of your devices goes through a secure encrypted tunnel and cannot be seen."
"Taking safety and security on the internet seriously is nothing to shake a stick at."
"Allows you to surf the web safely without being tracked, blocks malicious links, ads, and trackers, and grants you access to Regional content on Netflix."
"A VPN such as Noor VPN... keeps your connection entirely secure by channeling you through an encrypted tunnel."
"Your online activity shouldn't be public. It belongs to you."
"It actually blows my mind that some people don't even know what a VPN is."
"Because governments and your internet service provider may be watching you."
"Using the internet without ExpressVPN is like driving without car insurance."
"Leaked documents expose the secretive market for your web browsing data."
"Internet anonymity and privacy and security is super important especially in this day and age where a lot of people's identities and lives are tied to their internet activity."
"Right now, NordVPN is offering a fantastic deal – Sign up for the two year plan, and you’ll get four bonus months on top."
"Life without a VPN is like mailing a postcard and everybody at the post office can see what you wrote."
"I feel like this is the web 10 years ago, hopefully we'll have a lot more hardware and radio security."
"Going on the internet without a VPN is like walking into a gunfight with a knife. You will get shot."
"Google says it will keep less browser history and location data by default."
"Blockchain trademarks are crucial for securing ownership in the evolving internet landscape."
"Without being ultra paranoid here we really need to limit the exposure of human body fluids between people."
"A virtual private network makes all your internet traffic travel through an encrypted tunnel, protecting you from spying and public wi-fi dangers."
"ExpressVPN's whole thing is putting a stop to that by rerouting 100% of your network traffic through their secure encrypted servers, protecting you from Big Man Charlie the sausage boss."
"If you use Tor browser as your daily browser, you are probably relatively safe." - Research study
"You just got to get a VPN and the VPN you're going to get is Surfshark. Simple as that, no-brainer."
"Private Internet Access is exactly what it sounds like: a world-leading VPN."
"Now that is obviously insanely sketchy during an election year in the US and also terrifying for a bunch of other internet-related reasons."
"Using SurfsharkVPN it's not a one-click solution that instantly solves all internet security problems but it does make it a lot harder for Bad actors like this to mess with you."
"If you care about internet security, this here, it's not gonna Focus, this is the Titan key, it's the best form of two-factor authentication."
"Private Internet Access (PIA) hides your true IP address and your geographic location."
"Using a virtual private network is like putting card sleeves on your internet signal."
"Install HTTPS Everywhere, for the love of God."
"All these components communicate over the internet not with openssl but with the rust replacement rust TLS and are built with no extra moving Parts by rust macros and the cargo build system"
"Using the internet without ExpressVPN is kinda like lining up in the backfield without pads on."
"This video is sponsored by safing - take back control of your internet connection!"
"Private Internet Access is a VPN which means that your internet traffic is sent through an encrypted tunnel."
"TORN networks the information is packaged and protected by several layers of encryption."
"HTTPS is kind of one of the fundamental things in cybersecurity nowadays."
"Connect to NordVPN with just the click of a button."
"A VPN creates a secure tunnel between your device and the internet, putting an envelope around your postcards so no one can sneak a peek at your private information."
"With NordVPN you can safely and privately browse the internet by rerouting your IP address so it appears as if you're in another location, this way your ISP sees a stream of encrypted traffic and everyone else sees you connecting from, say, Sweden."
"If you don't use a VPN, you're inviting companies to collect your data and sell it to [ __ ]."
"Your internet service provider can still see every site you visited."
"Hedera aims to be the trust layer of the internet, providing trust where there is none."
"Everyone should use caution when linking devices to the internet."
"Using a VPN is essential if you are using the internet in the modern day. This is essentially virus protection."
"There's no reason to not have your VPN on all the time, and this is something that everyone should be worried about that your activities are all being monitored."
"That was a combination of customers making smart decisions behind the keyboard not engaging in dangerous activities online."
"Making the most of free Wi-Fi on the road, but staying secure with Surfshark."
"Other governments are wary, Taiwan which has an internet infrastructure that could be vulnerable in the event of a..."
"Sort of like an online firewall." - They keep you and your browsing history safe.
"Surfshark comes equipped with a whole bunch of useful tools. The Clean Web feature can block ads and protect you from malicious sites while you browse the internet."
"The features don't stop, you've got a built-in VPN and ad blocker."
"Firefox's total cookie protection aims to stop tracking between multiple sites."
"You can hide from other people where you're going on the internet because it's completely private. That's why it's a virtual private network, the private in there is very key."
"Nord protects you and your data on the internet by keeping it safe behind a wall of next generation encryption."
"There is no such thing as secure on the internet. Nowhere."
"NordVPN prevents your ISP and potentially other Bad actors from accessing and profiting from this data."
"Don't leave yourself with 1999 levels of Internet security. Browse safely and securely by going to totallyv.com/deadmeatjames."
"NordVPN really is the best way to protect your internet browsing. I've personally gone through a few VPN services before Nord came to me and I can say without even a shred of bias that Nord is the best VPN provider that I have used."
"Using the internet without a VPN is like surfing without waxing your board; you're gonna rip your little nipples off."
"ExpressVPN: it's super easy to use, just tap one button to turn it on, baby."
"I can't tell you how happy I am guys because I have not played very well on like an 18 hole round in a long time."
"A virtual private network is designed to encrypt all the data sent via the Internet."
"The internet should have been designed with security built in from the start."
"Just use NordVPN. It's the best one."
"You gotta protect yourself in a VPN it's a virtual private Network."
"Atlas VPN allows you to change your digital location with just a click of a button."
"Transport Layer Security, the protocol that encrypts HTTPS traffic, is one of the most basic ways to ensure that API requests and responses are protected when being passed across a network."
"Consider protecting your internet experience today with 77% off a 3-year plan."
"Maximizes processor power, unleashes internet speed, increases drive speed, and protects against all kinds of invasions and social sites and criminals alike."
"What a VPN is, is a virtual private network and what Surfshark VPN does is that it secures and encrypts your personal information before it goes over the internet."
"NordVPN is incredibly easy to use and with over 5500 servers in 60 countries, NordVPN is the fastest VPN on the market."
"A VPN is your own private Network that you can use to protect your information while streaming, shopping, or just casually browsing the internet."
"I think everything should be HTTPS."
"We interrupt our program to bring you this important message. Today's video is sponsored by NordVPN."
"Before we start this video, I want to say a huge thank you to the sponsor of today's video, private internet access."
"NordVPN does the stuff that you and I don't really understand in the background, hiding your IP address and locking everything down."
"I've checked out quite a few VPNs in the past and this is my preferred VPN because Nord's just trying to make the internet a better and safe place for everybody."
"If you really are going to get off that couch and do some traveling, you will come across things you just can't access in other countries, so you will need Surfshark. Trust me."
"So if you want a clean and secure browsing experience, again, visit Guard.io/ThioJoe, link in the description, and also check out their affordable premium plan for full protection."
"ExpressVPN is the number one VPN service rated by TechRadar."
"Nordvpn's mission is to make the internet a safe place against malware phishing scams and people trying to steal your information."
"The Internet should be SSL. Your site should be secure."
"I appreciate your candor and your concern, but I don't need a protective boyfriend, okay? Because I'm already protected by NordVPN. Didn't you know that already?"
"Nordvpn... basically hides your IP address, it means you can access content from anywhere around the world."
"The internet's a scary place okay there are internet criminals out to get you and they're out to get me too because I'm so adorable and talented but thanks to surf shark they keep my information safe those criminals aren't getting anything."
"Surfshark is incredibly good value. I really recommend checking it out just to see because it might surprise you."
"Atlas VPN can give you peace of mind as you scour the internet seeking hidden knowledge."
"There's literally no risk to use NordVPN with their 30 day money back guarantee."
"If you guys don't want your personal information released on the internet, then use NordVPN."
"Use HTTPS everywhere, even for static sites."
"HTTPS ensures privacy and data integrity between computer applications."
"In this day and age, it is absolutely insane to be doing this, putting our YouTube channel passwords, social media account passwords in over the open internet. It's just a silly thing."
"It masks your IP address and it just makes your internet browsing and your access online much, much safer."
"HTTPS was invented to encrypt the communication between two parties: client and server."
"...you're not every time you go on the internet your personal information can be exposed."
"You know by now that you need a VPN, but beyond that, Surfshark also allows you to maximize all the streaming services that you're paying for."
"OAuth workflow is very very common on the internet these days."
"OAuth commonly used as a way for internet users to grant website or application access to information on other websites without giving them the password."
"If this oauth is so standard, why does the vulnerability arise?"
"You can easily conduct a CSRF using the OAuth workflow."
"You cannot revoke this access token. They will be able to access all the resources until this token expires."
"I'm also planning to go into deep dive into JWT Json web tokens because nowadays a lot of authentication works with the Json web tokens."
"... it's never been easier to have secure connections on the internet."
"Practically everyone should be using a VPN."
"Expressvpn encrypts and reroutes all of your internet traffic."
"It's HTTPS which I love, I don't have to deal with any type of SSL certificate."
"NordVPN is internet like it was meant to be, free from surveillance, threats, and censorship."
"This prevents you from being on maybe a different network than the one that you think or having say your mail app or some other app automatically start doing things on the internet even if you're someplace like a cafe where you didn't actually intend to log into the network."
"SSL is an encryption-based internet security protocol."
"A significant portion of today's internet is encrypted using secret encryption keys and for good reason."
"Going online without using ExpressVPN is kind of like being naked in front of a floor to ceiling window."
"Nor VPN protects you. Stop your mommy from seeing all your dirty researches. Right, Nor VPN does that now."
"You know me by now, so keeping my private life private is extremely important to me. So if you want to protect your Digital Life with private internet access, now it is time to subscribe."
"The security of the internet depends on encryption."
"You can set up your own safe, secure internet connection no matter where you happen to be."
"If you believe your internet data belongs to you and not to greedy corporations, then ExpressVPN is the answer."
"These are true stories from the dark side of the internet. I’m Jack Rhysider. This is Darknet Diaries."
"VPN stands for Virtual Private Network, and it keeps your data safe online by masking your IP."
"Wireshark... a great way to capture, visualize, and then dissect whatever is being sent between these devices on an internet connection."
"Proxy server can block certain websites from being accessed and it's also used to monitor network or internet traffic."
"I really hope to see most DNS traffic encrypted within the next two years."
"This is secure, non-secure; 443 is secured and 80 is non-secure."
"Being on the internet without ExpressVPN is like racing without a seat belt."
"We know what TLS is, we know what all this is, this is the handshake for TLS."
"Py Hole is a network-level ad blocker that can improve your internet browsing at your home."
"That works out to be just two dollars ninety-nine per month, which in my opinion is a very small price to pay for your internet security."
"The firewall... is the barrier that is keeping the public internet out and your private network in."
"The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is the most commonly used block cipher on the internet today."
"It's really important to use a VPN service."
"If you're using Tor, your communication is encrypted between you and the website."
"It has to be an onion website for the traffic to be encrypted between you and them."
"I've gone through the main steps to download, verify, and install and use the Tor browser."
"Tor has a verification process in place."
"It's a very efficient way to lock something down because you know that service will not be able to dial up into the internet."
"We've created something even better than the password that we believe will completely replace passwords across the internet."
"Worry no more, you can protect yourself from internet criminals."
"It's the easiest way to protect your privacy and security on the internet."
"I will teach you a privacy technique that uses multiple browsers and this technique will handle the threats that I will explain shortly."
"It's a win for privacy and private browsing."
"So using Quad 9 as a middle man helps with speed, and also the privacy of your queries sent to the authoritative servers."