
Safety Measures Quotes

There are 516 quotes

"I have to be very careful; I'm definitely wearing a helmet next time."
"By putting seat belts in cars, we're enabling people to get into more car accidents? Car accidents happen regardless of whether or not the safety belt is available, but we have it there to reduce the number of people killed during car accidents."
"Theme parks may consider reopening with limited capacity, strict social distancing, and proper measures to clean and disinfect."
"Restricting access to lethal means has been identified as an effective approach to suicide prevention."
"The coffin was lined with lead to prevent radioactive contamination of the pallbearers."
"Yes, the proof of vaccination program has been an annoyance, but it has saved hundreds of lives and allowed us to keep all these businesses and organizations open and operating safely."
"The government will only ease border restrictions when it is appropriate and when it is not a risk to the health and safety of Canadians."
"Norfolk Southern started what's called a controlled burn in order to prevent a possible explosion."
"The concept is that you want to be able to turn off all the power very quickly in a separate building, so having a main gives you one spot to do that."
"Being cautious and shutting things down is the smart thing to do."
"Even if we can save one life, it would be worth it."
"Wear a mask for the next 99 days to get a strategy going."
"The most tragic facts about the Titanic is that there weren’t enough lifeboats for all the people on board."
"Way stricter gun laws would deal with the crazies."
"I wonder how many people are still going to actually keep their masks on."
"The real issue is how do we protect ourselves from the next pandemic."
"With this virus, you can do many things now as long as you're smart about it."
"We literally have been doing everything that we can to be as safe as possible... we thought we were doing everything right and we still got it."
"We still have a voluntary contact tracing system in place. To date, we've had no outbreaks linked to the facility."
"Our strategic bombers here, we might want to tell them to only operate at night; they're very, very, very unlikely to get intercepted at all."
"Rosie wasn't even released from the hospital until she was safe to go out."
"When you're in public and you're within six feet of another person, wear a mask. That is a requirement."
"Cut the branches of trees so it's not possible to climb them and get into any of the windows."
"After being hit by cars twice in two years, I glued these small blink lights on the heels of my cycling shoes."
"I meant that in two different components. The first of all that we are a very large country and we have different dynamics in the country."
"Buried alive: once a reality, prompting the practice of placing a bell in the grave in case the person was buried alive."
"The safety and health of the American public is our priority."
"The President wants us to go back to school safely."
"The risk of infections for Americans remains low."
"It's like a seat belt, just put it on yours."
"We just want to make sure that we're safe. So Chris Ron and crease coms use me is going to build that High Barnet."
"Protected by seat belts, the two deputies suffered only minor injuries."
"I encourage all of you to set this up just in case just to be safe."
"CDC recommends that people wear cloth face coverings in public settings."
"Wearing a mask which is patriotic like social distancing."
"Now is not the time to relax the critical safeguards that we know can stop the spread of COVID-19 in our communities."
"We should use the public health effort as a vehicle and a pathway to get to safe reopening."
"We know what we need to do, we know how to stay safe, we know that we need to wear the mask."
"The health and safety of every Ontarian must come first, and that's why we're taking these important steps."
"Any form of two-factor authentication is better than passwords alone."
"Make yourself as unattractive a target as possible."
"Please wear a mask. Not wearing a mask is not making the political statement."
"It's critical to continue the medical war while reopening the economy in a safe and responsible fashion."
"Please remember to stay safe, wash your hands, keep your distance and wear your mask when you are out in public."
"We've done everything in our power to keep our truckers safe, fueled, fed, and on the road."
"Safety first, let's verify that this parachute will be enough."
"Safety first, always, and I guess I applaud them for the inclusion of both the cheap eyewear and the very tactical reminder there."
"I firmly believe that most table saw injuries could be prevented if a suitable blade guard is used."
"Taking precautions for personal safety is important in online content creation."
"There are definitely things that can be done to make them safer."
"They put everyone at a safe distance in case there is a rapid unscheduled disassembly."
"There's really no reason to panic, just make sure you have multiple ways to receive alerts and have a tornado action plan in place."
"So that’s probably the safest roadmap to coexisting with AI, you are careful making them to begin with and when you make something that’s going to parallel or exceed the human, you try to treat it like one."
"They're not going to try to hijack planes again and jam them into buildings and have another 9/11 like we did 20 years ago."
"The most important thing that we can do is to self quarantine."
"Have a safe word and a de-escalation plan. Establishing communication protocols helps prevent misunderstandings and reduces tension."
"Wearing a mask in public areas can help protect you."
"The ancient Egyptians became aware that an abundance of caution was necessary when building with corbels."
"Little things like make sure you're not listening to music, make sure your headset's plugged in all the way, checking that volume, and just doing basic things to ensure you have clear communication among you and all the other pilots."
"Changes brought on by new government safety regulations... big ugly bumpers are one example of this."
"I think one of the most striking things is that nothing has ever caught on fire, and if it does, it never spreads."
"I mean think about that too, imagine if it was like someone wanted me to come to their event and I was like 'yeah everything will be fine' and don't tell them that these things happen. No, you need security assessments. I'll leave it there."
"I managed to avoid not dying in a deep sea submersible by doing uh one simple trick: staying the [__] on land."
"Be in the most secure structure that you can be during the storm."
"Firearms training for teachers, a step in the right direction."
"We need to reopen our schools, we can do this safely." - Dr. Pierce
"Alright, and there we go, the lava moat is complete. Now, it's pretty safe. Let's do the zombie test again."
"We have the tools to reopen our schools safely."
"Nuclear waste is stored in solid concrete and steel casks."
"The biggest thing that people... can do is to stay at home."
"Avoidance, shielding, editing, and a mantra: 'I put down the phone, I turned down the radio, and I looked at the speedometer.'"
"We aired in the right direction... in the careful direction from the beginning."
"The president supports a ban on sale of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines and expanded background checks."
"90% of gun owners support universal background checks."
"Be very careful who you open your doors to... Always take extra precaution."
"We found this virus, a vaccine for most of us, and we stay safe by masking right now."
"We cannot live in a world that's built on fear. We have to do what we can to make sure that we provide the greatest safety measures we can for our kids."
"Protective measures are in place, remain brave."
"Life is just what it is, and you know, I keep a med kit, a trauma kit in my vehicle, I keep one in my back, my go-bag, you know, it's just one of those things."
"Masks have been mandatory in Canada for some time now."
"It's a two-layer fabric mask with a PM 2.5 filter inside of it."
"This one was coming down very slowly which allowed for the leg deploy and allowed to land on legs without crushing them."
"Screen Machine was actually one of the safest roller coasters."
"You have to wear a mask the entire time when you're in a courtroom"
"Nothing that has even a point zero zero zero zero zero one percent chance of causing a paradox can happen."
"We're gonna make it so that we lose as few a lives as possible."
"The main reason to wear masks is to protect others."
"Seat belts automatically tighten and airbags align in pre-collision situations."
"The wooden fence in the middle, known as the Tilt, prevented horses from crossing paths and ensured fair competition."
"What's dangerous? Stay the hell away from it."
"Safety first: the rule's the rule for a reason."
"Dragon then autonomously safes any pyrotechnics that are still present on the vehicle."
"This is all about opening smart, which means what? Which means you are tracking the virus."
"The spacecraft knows precisely where it is in space... and can make a determination early before the explosion were to happen to execute the launch abort capability."
"Ensuring health and safety is a priority will always drive our reopening efforts."
"As soon as that's over, masks everywhere, plexiglass like you're bubble boy around town."
"I think our response protocol is gonna have to be tightened up, tweaked a little bit."
"Accuracy is advised. We need to institute Operation Eagle-Free into more institutes of America."
"They might be expecting that to be very, very quick because, you know, it's common practice. So I'm not sure they're gonna be taking more time for any shielding."
"I'm the seatbelt in your car you probably don't need this impact but wouldn't you rather be wearing the seatbelt."
"You don't just build something and hope it works. You study to see what the threats are, the environment is, and then you say how thick do I have to make the metal on the spacecraft?"
"I'm happy that everyone's taking this seriously."
"Keeping your distance and being precautious is a good idea."
"This accident would force NASCAR to implement restrictor plates at all future Super Speedway races."
"Firing the flare was definitely the right decision to make."
"Efforts shouldn't lag in trying to find ways to build safer track walls, reliable ways to prevent stuck throttles, dependable helmets, and harnesses."
"Watch out now for health and safety, anything dangerous must be taken away."
"The fatigue length was not enough time to let survivors make the maneuvers that we want to see them do."
"Adjust yourself and prepare accordingly so that you don't experience the loss of more lives unnecessarily."
"Masks are not theater. Masks are protective."
"Stay safe, wear your mask, and help save a life."
"With proper use of protective equipment, SCP-811 is practically incapable of harming an employee."
"We work closely with the Coast Guard to ensure safety."
"Stay safe, stay home, stay indoors. We're gonna have a much bigger impact in this scenario if we stay safe, stay home, stay home, stay safe."
"Don't forget to stay safe, stay healthy, keep that mask on while you're out in public, stay happy, and most importantly please stay well."
"Every small mistake while on this dive could cause serious problems and most likely death."
"You stay home and you don't catch it... It wouldn't be acceptable... We've done it right."
"We made it spawn-proof. We went around to every snow block and added two snow layers on top."
"There should be safety precautions and measures for the babies."
"Walmart announced this week that masks will be mandatory in all of their stores nationwide starting on Monday."
"Stay at home, follow the rules to make a difference to this disease."
"But without a doubt, using that kind of code to alert the authorities was 100 percent the right thing for her to do,"
"We have this tiny platform, and I'd love it to be wider. But we're staying away from each other and taking precautions."
"I have never ever read an account of anyone who disappeared who is carrying a firearm and a personal locator beacon."
"Safety is paramount, and the e-collar is the only sure-fire way."
"I am announcing a mandatory evacuation. Come to my home, and you will have my solemn oath to protect you until my dying breath."
"Take proactive steps to create a kit that you can take with you in times of emergency."
"Seal off areas with plastic sheeting and duct tape to create a controlled environment."
"Did you hear any alarms? Did you get any kind of warning? No alarms, no warning, nothing."
"A relatively sensible and effective air gap to stop the spread of the contagion."
"Remember, no contact is still the way to go."
"So monitoring ground temperature using satellite data could become a new predictive tool and help get more people out of harm’s way."
"The challenge is who has control of it and what are our safeguards."
"Wash your hands, wear a mask, social distance, keep the community safe."
"There's real people involved on both sides... please wear a mask, be safe, take care of each other."
"Imagine a plane making an emergency landing in the open sea... passengers hold on to this cable like a railing and don't fall."
"You just gotta let them put that mask on you and then go on with your day grateful that you came out of it relatively unscathed."
"Humans must stay indoors with doors and windows locked, or the devil will come to brutally slaughter people."
"That's going to help clear the way again to keep us nice and safe."
"Any one of these safety measures might have prevented this death."
"Let's all stay safe, let's stay smart, let's take care."
"Send your medical ID to emergency services... vital information that could quite literally save your life."
"The sooner we discover an asteroid heading our way, the safer we'll be."
"The traditional criterion of clear and present danger seems no longer adequate to a stage where the whole society is in the situation of the theater audience when somebody cries fire."
"Our country has to get opened and it will get open and it'll get open safely and hopefully quickly."
"So, these are just kind of some of the typical natural gases that we see where they're doing a release. And so, they put a TFR in the area as they bleed the pipelines or something to get air out of the system or something, I guess."
"It's like doing a stunt in the circus where they have a net right there are a few people that will still do the same stunt without the net I like doing it with the net right."
"Being out in the sun, if things are laid out in the sun like you get a package or something and you leave it out there for long enough, the ultraviolet rays will kill it."
"You gotta stay safe, you gotta wear a mask when you're around people, you gotta keep distance."
"Ultimately the use of all of these weapons should be a last resort."
"A very dangerous storm that is developing very similar to what we just had."
"Masks matter. It saves lives. It prevents the spread of the disease."
"This right here is going to keep me safe in there later tonight."
"They barred the front doors and ushered everybody out the back; they've been closed ever since."
"We do not need to have an Apollo one type event in order to get us in gear."
"The tank's turret wasn't blown off because all its ammunition was stored in its separate compartments."
"I'm not sure that we can prevent subtle incapacitation, but we should at least try to eliminate all the possibilities that are the human factor because human factors are still the majority of most of the accidents."
"If there is an event where fallout is coming over you uh you don't want to breathe it in so you want some sort of a respirator."
"More cameras, the better when it comes to true crime."
"Mindful of the importance of the samples that were found and the fate of poor Mac Brazel, who was the farmer in the Roswell Incident, they set in motion a scheme to ensure the complete safety of the Welsh crash fragments."
"The President's focus is on the schools reopening safely and them staying open."
"I'm glad that they aired on the side of security."
"Face masks are going to be made mandatory in schools and colleges in England."
"The actions of Mr. Murphy and Mr. Graham averting further disaster."
"There are really many things we don't know about earthquakes, but we do know one thing: the way to avoid disasters is to be prepared."
"Industrial accidents can be prevented. Every industrial accident that's ever happened in the country can be prevented."
"We will do whatever it takes to keep you all safe."
"You got to clear away all the debris away from the wellhead and protect that wellhead at all times, 'cause that's what you want to work on."
"I want to see America feeling comfortable, the best way to get there is to say look, we're only letting you in if you're vaccinated."
"You've got a lid that's locked and secure so that you don't have to worry about the lid popping off."
"As long as they check bags and no one gets severely injured, I'm gonna call it a success."
"Please, please, please get vaccinated and wear your mask. Be careful."
"It's not just something that's magically gonna kill you through a wall it will very clearly dictate where the damage is gonna be and leaves it up to you to exit that space."
"Do you believe that wearing masks in public is saving lives from a deadly pandemic?"
"A wonderful comeback from BIG, and they will stay alive."
"It is now inevitable deadliest creatures... safe evacuation routes have been established."
"More robust detection and don't... take the human out of the line of fire as much as you can."
"High alert: every home, every neighborhood is being searched for any clue."
"Making people feel safe means we have to have a smaller case count, have to have adequate testing, have the ability to track and trace."
"Rule four: the most basic - always fasten your seat belts."
"CPR breathing barriers are used to protect the rescuer when giving rescue breaths."
"I'll be strongly pushing comprehensive background checks."
"Stay inside, wash your hands, if you go outside wear a mask, be kind to the people, animals, and I'll see you back here again for more full attacks."
"Wash your hands and put on a face mask, because we are the world's last, best hope to stop a pandemic."
"We need to have a real serious conversation about gun reform which includes the passage of red flag laws and includes gun safety storage laws."
"One foot in the lake as a quick check for snakes."
"One of the strangest things about this door was that it had an air vent on it, as if it had been made to keep someone trapped inside."
"Life is not without risk, and so we just do our best to try and make sure people are safe."
"We're going to find you, we're going to bring you home, and if you ever get an opportunity, find a phone, find a safe adult, call 911."
"They're taking extra precautions to figure out what exactly caused this shift in case it was some sort of mundane source."
"For safety reasons, all Personnel entering SCP-452's cell are required to wear a sealed protective suit."
"Absolutely not a bad idea, but just in case, we're actually gonna put it here in the control room."
"Let's make sure we protect this child, whatever that takes, whatever that looks like."
"If you're wearing a mask, you're minimizing contact."
"Try to stay home as much as you can, and if you absolutely have to go out, definitely do wear your face masks."
"Finding out what caused the crash is the first step to preventing another one."
"Keep safe during this mad time in the world."
"That's why we have to have seat belts, that's why we have to have warning labels on things, that's why we have waivers so people can actually know what they're getting into."
"Neighbors should be listening and watching for red flags such as constant chaos at the home, fighting, domestic violence, etc."
"Nothing in a blank itself should be capable of firing out and killing someone."