
Hauntings Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Your house is only haunted if you believe in ghosts."
"Full-bodied apparitions, physical attacks, demonic voice recordings, electronic malfunctions, possessions, and thousands more of documented cases."
"Everything and I mean, everything, people have documented. Doors being slammed so close to them where absolutely there's no other explanation."
"Reports have actually become more frequent over the past few years, with eerie figures spotted down long, dark hallways and disembodied whispers almost a daily occurrence."
"Could we be looking at ghost or some other spectral presence haunting this area."
"As the hauntings were not stopping, they were not slowing down, they just continuously ramped up."
"The thing that was spoken of the most and seen the most - was the children."
"That green mist is apparently the souls that still linger here."
"High school horror stories are back. Kids simply can't leave one another alone, or maybe schools are just crazy haunted. Either way..."
"I personally think there's a spirit attached to me and every time I go to haunted places everyone always says 'oh this is the most activity we've gone in so long.'"
"Not all hauntings are attached to a property, land, or object."
"And hauntings from those lost in the abyss. These are deep sea horror stories."
"Hauntings of Mammoth Cave... have captivated the imaginations of visitors for Generations."
"I would like to remind you here of that idea of mine that certain forms of so-called hauntings may have their cause in the attractive vibrations."
"History, hauntings, and the unimaginable lurk beneath the leafy canopy."
"While castles may be large and beautiful, many are rumored to be haunted."
"On world's scariest hauntings, anything can happen because you never know who's watching when the lights go out."
"Although many have questioned the validity of this story, there's no doubt that Borley has seen its fair share of hauntings and paranormal sightings."
"Some believe that the town's violent past, which includes numerous killings and deaths, has left behind a lingering spiritual energy that continues to haunt the town today."
"Legends and stories abound of hauntings, spirit happenings, utopian communities, ancient ruins, inexplicable phenomena, extraterrestrial visits, and the occasional glimpse of even Sasquatch."
"There are many unanswered questions when it comes to hauntings; beliefs and theories rather than conclusive facts."
"I truly believe that Gettysburg is one of those locations that no one will truly know the extent of the haunting."
"Prepare to hear tales of restless Spirits lurking in forgotten cemeteries, haunted bridges that test the courage of those who dare to cross, and abandoned Minds harboring more than just coal."
"It's one of the spookiest hotels in the country and world famous for guests that don't check in but rather haunt the hall."
"Over the years, a slew of supernaturally charged legends surrounding this weathered chapel site have surfaced with activity a suspected result of all those who were connected to it in life since past."
"...widely renowned amongst the paranormal community for its wild assortment of supernatural phenomena ranging from hauntings to curses, cryptid sightings, and more."
"Taking its extensive and surprisingly dark history into account and coupling it with such a formidable range of purported hauntings and Associated claims of encounters with the supernatural."
"Taking into account its fascinating history long list of purported hauntings and range of chilling ghost stories in urban legends, we felt the C&O Canal towpath was an easy pick in our books as the most haunted hike in the United States."
"That's something I never really thought about, when you consider how many people died there I guess it would make sense that it would be so haunted."
"Given their history, it is perhaps of little surprise that America's southern states are home to a wealth of allegedly haunted locations."
"Not only can they be seen, but their ghostly chants can be heard over and over again, but only in the dead of night."
"Leap Castle is known in the country as home to several murders and bloody rampages."
"It's been a place of death and destruction, he's got a good history of hauntings."
"...the actual hauntings that parapsychologists investigate are not at all like what happens in horror movies."
"The shadow figures and noises never stopped just because it was daylight."
"Throughout history, every culture and age has told stories of hauntings, visitations from beyond the grave."
"Nearly 100,000 visitors per year come to the Whaley House to experience the rich history and terrifying ghost stories within it."
"You don't need to believe in ghosts to believe in hauntings. People can be haunted, but places too, I think."
"This is a story about people who have hauntings from their past."
"Oh wicked phantoms, mystery and poltergeists await."
"There is said to be a lot of poltergeist activity throughout the house."
"I've loved anything to do with ghosts and hauntings."
"This hotel has become quite famous for its hauntings."
"One in ten people in Britain claims to have seen a ghost, making this the most haunted place on earth."
"Tonight we investigate hauntings at the Wellington Hotel, but what could be the cause of all of the activity?"
"Leap Castle has been in existence for centuries and during these long and tumultuous years, it's been the scene of many hauntings."
"The unique history of the Mineral Springs Hotel has led to claims of hauntings unlike any other hotel in existence."
"Ghost sightings, really? Every place is haunted depending on who you ask."
"History to connect hauntings and hauntings to history as a form of entertainment."