
Egyptian Mythology Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"The Duat has 12 hours of its own, and in the deepest darkest part of the Duat, the Sun is reborn."
"For the ancient Egyptians, [the act of creation] was the most sacred part of their cycle of death and rebirth."
"This is a temple to the Goddess Isis, one of the most famous Egyptian goddesses, wife of the god-king Osiris, mother to the Falcon god Horus."
"Thoth, the Egyptian Ibis-headed God credited with the creation of writing, magic, and wisdom, and the keeper of divine records."
"Obelisk the Tormentor... attack your Egyptian God's line."
"Golden tongues in mummies: Enabling communication with Osiris, the god of the underworld."
"Moon Knight's ability to control moon rock trumps Mjolnir's enchantment."
"Moon Knight is an American mercenary who's an avatar for the Egyptian moon God konshu."
"Anubis upon his shrine or mountain and mountain and shrine are really kind of in the same context here and the determinative they tell you how to look at the previous cliff or how to read something in total context."
"They're on a ship because in Egyptian mythology there was a funerary boat that would transport the dead along the Nile to be judged."
"Anubis is the famous jackal-headed Egyptian god connected with afterlife and funeral rights."
"Isis is the most important goddess in Egyptian mythology, personified the faithful wife and loving mother."
"Thoth is the god of wisdom in Egyptian mythology, attributed with the invention of writing."
"Osiris represents the essence of order, morality, and civilization."
"Horus embodies power, protection, and renewal."
"Horus represents order, stability, and legitimacy."
"It was said that in the moment just after waking, some of them would meet the goddess Hathor herself."
"There were 42 State gods and goddesses in total in the ancient Egyptian religion, the most important of which was Amun ra, the Sun God creator, who was later seen as king of the Gods."
"The heart had to be as light as the feather."
"The cult of Sokar and the myths associated with death and rebirth were prominent right across the Memphis region since the earliest times of dynastic history."
"...the ruins of an ancient Temple this Temple is believed to be one of the four Lost Sun temples from Egyptian Legend."
"Yet Hathor is only one of a multitude of gods and goddesses, the Egyptians just couldn't get enough of them."
"Ra, the high lord of the Egyptian Pantheon, is often considered the most powerful among the gods of the pantheon, safe perhaps for the aloof Tah, the elder creator of the cosmos."
"Isis, the sister of Nephthys and the wife of Osiris, is often considered the greatest among the goddesses of the pantheon."
"Sekhmet is the eldest daughter of Ra and the sister of Hathor, Mat, and Bastet. Sekhmet is a goddess of war and vengeance, but she has another side as well. She is also a goddess of healing who wards off plagues and pestilence."
"Bastet was a popular deity in ancient Assyrian worshiped as a goddess of cats and a deity of celebration, pleasure, and secrets."
"Bastet was the cat-headed Egyptian goddess, originally a ferocious lioness; her image softened over time, although she retained her fierce protectiveness."
"The sun god Ray was clearly central to the beliefs of these pharaohs."
"Isis became the goddess of resurrection, which became one of the most important facets in Egyptian society."
"The Egyptians believed that when you died, you could be resurrected."
"The Egyptians believed that their creator god, Ra Amun Ra, created on Earth this experience: the heavens, the Earth, the Nile River, all of it."
"O Unas, you have not gone dead, you have gone alive to sit on the throne of Osiris."
"He is depicted as a black canine, a jackal-dog hybrid with pointed ears, or as a muscular man with the head of a jackal."
"Anubis, greeter of the Dead, but he has another name - the opener of the ways."
"The Egyptians associated the Eye of Horus with the sun, which they believed was God's eye because it chased away the darkness and illuminated the world."
"I think they did such a good job with the Eye of Horus."
"...the principle of harmonious balance of Ma'at was at the heart of all Egyptian mythology."
"...Hecka was the magical power which enabled the gods to perform their duties and sustained all life."
"...Anubis, the Egyptian god of mummification and the afterlife, as well as the patron god of lost souls and the helpless."
"...cats were thought by the Egyptians to possess divine energy and were the most revered of their domestic animals."
"Horus was the protector and patron of the Pharaohs, the god of kingship."
"Thoth is said to have been the creator of magic, inventor of writing, messenger of the gods."
"The Nile River was the very bloodstream of the god Osiris."
"Don't you know, Asclepius, that Egypt is the copy of heaven?"
"Herodotus says that all Greek religion comes from Egypt... certain specific ideas came from there."
"In the Book of the Dead, absolutely anyone could become Osiris."
"Stephen talks about how the Egyptians believe that a person's heart was weighed in the afterlife to see if they'd been good or not."
"You are definitely protected by the Egyptian god Horus."
"Moon Knight showed just how powerful someone could be if they chose to be an avatar of an Egyptian deity."